/* * Test for libHX's maps * Copyright Jan Engelhardt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the WTF Public License version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include #endif #include #include "internal.h" #include "map_int.h" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable" union HXpoly { struct HXmap *map; struct HXumap *hmap; struct HXrbtree *rbt; }; typedef struct HXmap *(*map_create4_fn_t)(unsigned int, const struct HXmap_ops *, size_t, size_t); static unsigned int tmap_indent = 0; static __inline__ void tmap_ipush(void) { ++tmap_indent; } static __inline__ void tmap_ipop(void) { if (tmap_indent > 0) --tmap_indent; } static void tmap_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { unsigned int i; va_list args; for (i = 0; i < tmap_indent; ++i) printf("\t"); va_start(args, fmt); vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } static void tmap_time(struct timespec *tv) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H struct rusage r; if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r) == 0) { tv->tv_sec = r.ru_utime.tv_sec; tv->tv_nsec = r.ru_utime.tv_usec * 1000; } #else memset(tv, 0, sizeof(*tv)); #endif } static unsigned int tmap_smart_rand(unsigned int *left, unsigned int *right) { unsigned int z = HX_irand(*left, *right); if (z == *left) ++*left; else if (z == *right - 1) --*right; return z; } /** * tmap_rword - create random word * @dest: char buffer * @length: size of buffer */ static __inline__ void tmap_rword(char *dest, unsigned int length) { while (--length > 0) *dest++ = HX_irand('a', 'z' + 1); *dest = '\0'; } static void tmap_add_rand(struct HXmap *map, unsigned int num) { char key[8], value[HXSIZEOF_Z32]; while (num-- > 0) { tmap_rword(key, sizeof(key)); snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%u", num); if (HXmap_add(map, key, value) == -EEXIST) ++num; } } static void tmap_flush(struct HXmap *map, bool verbose) { const struct HXmap_node *node; struct HXmap_trav *iter; tmap_printf("Flushing %u elements (with traversal)\n", map->items); tmap_ipush(); while (map->items != 0) { /* May need to reload traverser due to deletion */ if (verbose) tmap_printf("Restarting traverser\n"); if ((iter = HXmap_travinit(map, HXMAP_DTRAV)) == NULL) break; tmap_ipush(); while ((node = HXmap_traverse(iter)) != NULL) { if (verbose) tmap_printf("Destroying {%s, %s}\n", node->skey, node->sdata); HXmap_del(map, node->key); } tmap_ipop(); HXmap_travfree(iter); } tmap_ipop(); } static void tmap_add_speed(struct HXmap *map) { struct timespec start, stop, delta; unsigned int threshold; tmap_printf("MAP test 1: Timing add operation\n"); tmap_ipush(); tmap_time(&start); do { tmap_add_rand(map, 1); tmap_time(&stop); HX_timespec_sub(&delta, &stop, &start); } while (!(delta.tv_sec >= 1 || map->items >= 1000000)); tmap_printf("%u elements in " HX_TIMESPEC_FMT " (plus time measurement overhead)\n", map->items, HX_TIMESPEC_EXP(&delta)); threshold = map->items; tmap_flush(map, false); tmap_time(&start); tmap_add_rand(map, threshold); tmap_time(&stop); HX_timespec_sub(&delta, &stop, &start); tmap_printf("%u elements in " HX_TIMESPEC_FMT " (w/o overhead)\n", map->items, HX_TIMESPEC_EXP(&delta)); tmap_ipop(); } static bool tmap_each_fn(const struct HXmap_node *node, void *arg) { return true; } static void tmap_trav_speed(struct HXmap *map) { struct timespec start, stop, delta, delta2; const struct HXmap_node *node; struct HXmap_trav *iter; tmap_printf("MAP test 2: Timing traversal\n"); tmap_ipush(); iter = HXmap_travinit(map, HXMAP_NOFLAGS); tmap_time(&start); while ((node = HXmap_traverse(iter)) != NULL) ; tmap_time(&stop); HX_timespec_sub(&delta, &stop, &start); HXmap_travfree(iter); tmap_printf("Open traversal of %u nodes: " HX_TIMESPEC_FMT "s\n", map->items, HX_TIMESPEC_EXP(&delta)); tmap_time(&start); HXmap_qfe(map, tmap_each_fn, NULL); tmap_time(&stop); HX_timespec_sub(&delta, &stop, &start); tmap_printf("QFE traversal of %u nodes: " HX_TIMESPEC_FMT "s\n", map->items, HX_TIMESPEC_EXP(&delta)); tmap_ipop(); tmap_printf("MAP test 2a: Timing lookup\n"); tmap_ipush(); iter = HXmap_travinit(map, HXMAP_NOFLAGS); tmap_time(&start); while ((node = HXmap_traverse(iter)) != NULL) HXmap_find(map, node->key); tmap_time(&stop); HX_timespec_sub(&delta2, &stop, &start); HXmap_travfree(iter); /* delta2 includes traversal time */ start = delta; stop = delta2; HX_timespec_sub(&delta, &stop, &start); tmap_printf("Lookup of %u nodes: " HX_TIMESPEC_FMT "s\n", map->items, HX_TIMESPEC_EXP(&delta)); tmap_ipop(); } static void tmap_flat(const struct HXmap *map) { struct HXmap_node *nodes; unsigned int i; tmap_printf("Retrieving flattened list of %u elements:\n", map->items); tmap_ipush(); nodes = HXmap_keysvalues(map); if (nodes == NULL) { perror("HXmap_keysvalues"); abort(); } for (i = 0; i < map->items; ++i) tmap_printf("%u. %s -> %s\n", i, nodes[i].skey, nodes[i].sdata); tmap_ipop(); free(nodes); } static void tmap_trav(struct HXmap *map) { const struct HXmap_node *node; unsigned int i = ~(~0U >> 1); char key[8], value[HXSIZEOF_Z32]; struct HXmap_trav *iter; tmap_printf("Simple traversal:\n"); tmap_ipush(); iter = HXmap_travinit(map, HXMAP_NOFLAGS); while ((node = HXmap_traverse(iter)) != NULL) tmap_printf("%s -> %s\n", node->skey, node->sdata); tmap_ipop(); HXmap_travfree(iter); tmap_printf("Add modification during traversal:\n"); tmap_ipush(); iter = HXmap_travinit(map, HXMAP_NOFLAGS); while ((node = HXmap_traverse(iter)) != NULL) { tmap_printf("%s -> %s\n", node->skey, node->sdata); tmap_rword(key, sizeof(key)); snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%u", i++); HXmap_add(map, key, value); } tmap_ipop(); HXmap_travfree(iter); } static void tmap_generic_tests(enum HXmap_type type, unsigned long (*hash_fn)(const void *, size_t), const char *hash_name) { struct HXmap_ops ops = {.k_hash = hash_fn}; struct HXmap *map; tmap_printf("Using hash %s\n", hash_name); map = HXmap_init5(type, HXMAP_SCKEY | HXMAP_SCDATA | HXMAP_NOREPLACE, &ops, 0, 0); tmap_add_speed(map); tmap_trav_speed(map); tmap_flush(map, false); tmap_add_rand(map, 2); tmap_flat(map); tmap_trav(map); tmap_flush(map, true); HXmap_free(map); } static int tmap_strtolcmp(const void *a, const void *b, size_t z) { long p = strtol(static_cast(const char *, a), NULL, 0); long q = strtol(static_cast(const char *, b), NULL, 0); if (p < q) return -1; if (p > q) return 1; return 0; } static const struct HXmap_ops tmap_nstr_ops = { .k_compare = tmap_strtolcmp, .k_hash = HXhash_djb2, }; static const struct HXmap_ops tmap_nstr_l3_ops = { .k_compare = tmap_strtolcmp, .k_hash = HXhash_jlookup3s, }; static const struct HXmap_ops tmap_words_ops = { .k_hash = HXhash_djb2, }; static const struct HXmap_ops tmap_words_l3_ops = { .k_hash = HXhash_jlookup3s, }; /** * tmap_expect - compare two strings or warn * @result: result from previous operations * @expected: what we think should have happened */ static int tmap_expect(const char *result, const char *expected) { int ret = strcmp(result, expected); tmap_ipush(); tmap_printf("Expected: %s\n", expected); tmap_printf(" Result: %s\n", result); if (ret != 0) { tmap_ipush(); tmap_printf("...failed\n"); tmap_ipop(); } tmap_ipop(); return ret; } /** * tmap_new_perfect_tree - * Add elements in such a way that it does not cause an rbtree to rebalance and * thus deterministically attain a perfect binary tree. For hash maps, it only * serves to add some elements. */ static void tmap_new_perfect_tree(struct HXmap *map, unsigned int height, unsigned int mult) { unsigned int right = 1 << height; unsigned int incr = right; unsigned int left = incr / 2; unsigned int y, x; char buf[HXSIZEOF_Z32]; for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (x = left; x < right; x += incr) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", x * mult); HXmap_add(map, buf, NULL); } incr /= 2; left /= 2; } } /** * Compute an "agglomeration" index that models the lack of distributedness * in hash maps. Range is 0-100%. */ static double hmap_agg_index(const struct HXumap *hmap, bool verbose) { const struct HXumap_node *hnode; unsigned int i; int f = 0, j; if (hmap->super.items == 1) return 0; if (verbose) printf("{"); /* * HXumap is written such that the number of buckets is always equal or * greater than the element count. This is done because, in practice, * buckets will be populated with more than a few (two/three) entries * before elements/buckets >= grow_trigger_ratio. * * Therefore, one could distribute elements such that no bucket * contains more than one. This is the "ideal" situation. We now count * the sum of absolute differences from this ideal, abs(1-j). * */ for (i = 0; i < HXhash_primes[hmap->power]; ++i) { j = 0; HXlist_for_each_entry(hnode, &hmap->bk_array[i], anchor) ++j; if (verbose) printf("%u,", j); /* * The --j thing looks a little odd on review, but actually * just does j=abs(1-j), but unlike abs, can handle a range * nearly as large as unsigned int, were it to use something * like j==(unsigned int)-1 instead of j<0. * * j=0 => j=-1 => j=+1 * j=1 => j= 0 => j= 0 * j=2 => j=+1 => j=+1 */ --j; if (j < 0) j = -j; f += j; } if (verbose) printf("}\n"); /* Ignore buckets that must logically be empty (pigeonhole principle) */ f -= HXhash_primes[hmap->power] - hmap->super.items; /* * Since we counted both underpopulation (0 elements in a bucket) as * well as overpopulation (more than 1 element in a bucket), @f needs * to be divided by two, making it f/(2*(e-1)). */ /* Now return % */ return static_cast(double, 50 * f) / (hmap->super.items - 1); } /** * Test one hash function with different keys and check agglomeration index. */ static void tmap_hmap_test_1a(const char *map_type, unsigned long (*hash_fn)(const void *, size_t), unsigned int max_power) { struct HXmap_ops intstr_ops = { .k_compare = tmap_strtolcmp, .k_hash = hash_fn, }; struct HXmap_ops words_ops = { .k_hash = hash_fn, }; unsigned int power; union HXpoly u; for (power = 1; power <= max_power; ++power) { u.map = HXmap_init5(HXMAPT_HASH, HXMAP_SCKEY, &intstr_ops, 0, 0); tmap_new_perfect_tree(u.map, power, 2); tmap_printf("%s, intstr, %u items/%u buckets, " "agglomeration: %.2f%%\n", map_type, u.map->items, HXhash_primes[u.hmap->power], hmap_agg_index(u.hmap, false)); HXmap_free(u.map); } u.map = HXmap_init5(HXMAPT_HASH, HXMAP_SCKEY, &words_ops, 0, 0); while (u.map->items < 1 << max_power) { /* Fill up just right up to the maximum load */ tmap_add_rand(u.map, u.hmap->max_load - u.map->items); tmap_printf("%s, words, %u items/%u buckets, " "agglomeration: %.2f%%\n", map_type, u.map->items, HXhash_primes[u.hmap->power], hmap_agg_index(u.hmap, false)); /* trigger resize */ tmap_add_rand(u.map, 1); tmap_printf("%s, words, %u items/%u buckets, " "agglomeration: %.2f%%\n", map_type, u.map->items, HXhash_primes[u.hmap->power], hmap_agg_index(u.hmap, false)); } HXmap_free(u.map); } /** * tmap_hmap_test_1 - test distributedness of elements */ static void tmap_hmap_test_1(void) { static const unsigned int max_power = 15; tmap_printf("HMAP test 1A: Hashmap distribution\n"); tmap_ipush(); tmap_hmap_test_1a("DJB2", HXhash_djb2, max_power); tmap_hmap_test_1a("JL3", HXhash_jlookup3s, max_power); tmap_ipop(); } static void __rbt_walk_tree(const struct HXrbnode *node, char *buf, size_t s) { bool has_children = node->sub[0] != NULL || node->sub[1] != NULL; HX_strlcat(buf, node->skey, s); if (node->color == RBT_BLACK) HX_strlcat(buf, "%b", s); if (has_children) HX_strlcat(buf, "(" /* ) */, s); if (node->sub[0] != NULL) __rbt_walk_tree(node->sub[0], buf, s); if (node->sub[1] != NULL) { HX_strlcat(buf, ",", s); __rbt_walk_tree(node->sub[1], buf, s); } if (has_children) HX_strlcat(buf, /* ( */ ")", s); } /** * rbt_walk_tree - walk the tree and provide a string suitable for texitree * @node: node of an rbtree to start diving at * @buf: buffer for texitree representation * @size: size for @buf */ static void rbt_walk_tree(const struct HXrbnode *node, char *buf, size_t size) { *buf = '\0'; __rbt_walk_tree(node, buf, size); } /** * rbt_new_perfect_tree - generate a perfect binary tree * @height: height of the desired tree * @mult: multiplicator for node numbers * * Produces a tree of desired height with exactly 2^height-1 nodes. */ static struct HXmap *rbt_new_perfect_tree(unsigned int height, unsigned int mult) { struct HXmap *tree = HXmap_init5(HXMAPT_RBTREE, HXMAP_SCKEY, &tmap_nstr_ops, 0, 0); tmap_new_perfect_tree(tree, height, mult); return tree; } static unsigned int rbt_tree_height(const struct HXrbnode *node) { unsigned int a = 1, b = 1; if (node->sub[0] != NULL) a += rbt_tree_height(node->sub[0]); if (node->sub[1] != NULL) b += rbt_tree_height(node->sub[1]); return (a > b) ? a : b; } static void rbt_height_check(const struct HXrbtree *tree) { double min, max, avg; min = log(tree->super.items + 1) / log(2); max = 2 * log(tree->super.items + 1) / log(2); avg = log((pow(2, min) + pow(2, max)) / 2) / log(2); tmap_ipush(); tmap_printf("%u items; height %u; min/avg/max %.2f/%.2f/%.2f\n", tree->super.items, rbt_tree_height(tree->root), min, avg, max); tmap_ipop(); } /** * tmap_rbt_test_1 - basic rbt node layout tests */ static void tmap_rbt_test_1(void) { union HXpoly u; char buf[80]; tmap_printf("RBT test 1A: Creating tree with 7 nodes (height 3)\n"); u.map = rbt_new_perfect_tree(3, 2); tmap_printf("RBT test 1B: Manual traverse\n"); rbt_walk_tree(u.rbt->root, buf, sizeof(buf)); tmap_printf("RBT test 1C: Check for correct positions and colors\n"); tmap_expect(buf, "8%b(4%b(2,6),12%b(10,14))"); /* 8 * / \ * 4 12 * / \ / \ * 2 6 10 14 * / * 9 */ tmap_printf("RBT test 1D: Node insertion and test for positions/colors\n"); HXmap_add(u.map, "9", NULL); rbt_walk_tree(u.rbt->root, buf, sizeof(buf)); tmap_expect(buf, "8%b(4%b(2,6),12(10%b(9),14%b))"); tmap_printf("RBT test 1E: Height check\n"); rbt_height_check(u.rbt); tmap_printf("RBT test 1G: Node deletion\n"); HXmap_del(u.map, "8"); rbt_walk_tree(u.rbt->root, buf, sizeof(buf)); tmap_expect(buf, "9%b(4%b(2,6),12(10%b,14%b))"); /* 9 (8 replaced by its in-order successor 9) * / \ * 4 12 * / \ / \ * 2 6 10 14 */ HXmap_free(u.map); } /** * rbt_no_2red_children - verify rbtree rule * @node: subtree to verify * * Verify that there are no red nodes with red children. */ static bool rbt_no_2red_children(const struct HXrbnode *node) { if (node->sub[RBT_LEFT] != NULL) { if (node->color == RBT_RED && node->sub[RBT_LEFT]->color == RBT_RED) return false; if (!rbt_no_2red_children(node->sub[RBT_LEFT])) return false; } if (node->sub[RBT_RIGHT] != NULL) { if (node->color == RBT_RED && node->sub[RBT_RIGHT]->color == RBT_RED) return false; if (!rbt_no_2red_children(node->sub[RBT_RIGHT])) return false; } return true; } /** * rbt_black_height - calculate the black height of a tree * @node: subtree to find the black height for * * Returns the black height, or -1 if the black height is not consistent. */ static int rbt_black_height(const struct HXrbnode *node) { int lh = 0, rh = 0; if (node->sub[RBT_LEFT] != NULL) if ((lh = rbt_black_height(node->sub[RBT_LEFT])) == -1) return -1; if (node->sub[RBT_RIGHT] != NULL) if ((rh = rbt_black_height(node->sub[RBT_RIGHT])) == -1) return -1; if (node->sub[RBT_LEFT] != NULL && node->sub[RBT_RIGHT] != NULL) if (lh != rh) return -1; if (node->sub[RBT_LEFT] != NULL) return lh + (node->color == RBT_BLACK); else return rh + (node->color == RBT_BLACK); } static bool rbt_verify_tree(const struct HXrbnode *root) { /* Root is black */ if (root->color != RBT_BLACK) { tmap_printf("Root is not black\n"); return false; } /* A red node may not have any red children */ if (!rbt_no_2red_children(root)) { tmap_printf("Red node may not have red children violated\n"); return false; } /* Black height must be consistent */ if (rbt_black_height(root) < 0) { tmap_printf("Black height violated\n"); return false; } return true; } /** * rbt_peel_tree - slowly destroy tree and check characteristics * @tree: the object to disseminate * @range: original number of elements in the tree */ static void rbt_peel_tree(union HXpoly u, unsigned int range) { unsigned int left = 1; while (u.map->items != 0) { uintptr_t number = tmap_smart_rand(&left, &range); HXmap_del(u.map, reinterpret_cast(const void *, number)); if (errno == -ENOENT) continue; if (u.map->items == 0) break; if (!rbt_verify_tree(u.rbt->root)) return; } } static void tmap_rbt_test_7(void) { unsigned int i, elems, order, left, right; union HXpoly u; int ret; tmap_printf("RBT test 7: AMOV/DMOV\n"); tmap_ipush(); u.map = HXmap_init(HXMAPT_RBTREE, 0); for (order = 2; order <= 10; ++order) { elems = (1 << order) - 1; tmap_printf("Tree of order %u [e=%u]\n", order, elems); /* Build a random tree */ left = 1; right = elems + 1; for (i = 0; i < elems; ++i) { uintptr_t z = tmap_smart_rand(&left, &right); ret = HXmap_add(u.map, reinterpret_cast(const void *, z), NULL); if (ret == -EEXIST) --i; if (!rbt_verify_tree(u.rbt->root)) tmap_printf("Verification failed\n"); } /* Dismantle. */ rbt_height_check(u.rbt); rbt_peel_tree(u, elems + 1); } tmap_ipop(); HXmap_free(u.map); } static void tmap_zero(void) { struct HXmap *b; b = HXmap_init(HXMAPT_DEFAULT, HXMAP_CKEY | HXMAP_CDATA); if (b != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "eek!\n"); b = HXmap_init(HXMAPT_DEFAULT, HXMAP_CKEY); if (b != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "eek!\n"); } int main(void) { if (HX_init() <= 0) abort(); tmap_zero(); tmap_printf("* HXhashmap\n"); tmap_generic_tests(HXMAPT_HASH, HXhash_djb2, "DJB2"); tmap_generic_tests(HXMAPT_HASH, HXhash_jlookup3s, "JL3"); tmap_hmap_test_1(); tmap_printf("\n* RBtree\n"); tmap_generic_tests(HXMAPT_RBTREE, NULL, ""); tmap_rbt_test_1(); tmap_rbt_test_7(); HX_exit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }