Oniguruma API Version 6.0.0 2016/05/06 #include # int onig_initialize(OnigEncoding use_encodings[], int num_encodings) Initialize library. You have to call it explicitly. * onig_init() is deprecated. arguments 1 use_encodings: array of encodings used in application. 2 num_encodings: number of encodings. # int onig_error_code_to_str(UChar* err_buf, int err_code, ...) Get error message string. If this function is used for onig_new(), don't call this after the pattern argument of onig_new() is freed. normal return: error message string length arguments 1 err_buf: error message string buffer. (required size: ONIG_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN) 2 err_code: error code returned by other API functions. 3 err_info (optional): error info returned by onig_new(). # void onig_set_warn_func(OnigWarnFunc func) Set warning function. WARNING: '[', '-', ']' in character class without escape. ']' in pattern without escape. arguments 1 func: function pointer. void (*func)(char* warning_message) # void onig_set_verb_warn_func(OnigWarnFunc func) Set verbose warning function. WARNING: redundant nested repeat operator. arguments 1 func: function pointer. void (*func)(char* warning_message) # int onig_new(regex_t** reg, const UChar* pattern, const UChar* pattern_end, OnigOptionType option, OnigEncoding enc, OnigSyntaxType* syntax, OnigErrorInfo* err_info) Create a regex object. normal return: ONIG_NORMAL arguments 1 reg: return regex object's address. 2 pattern: regex pattern string. 3 pattern_end: terminate address of pattern. (pattern + pattern length) 4 option: compile time options. ONIG_OPTION_NONE no option ONIG_OPTION_SINGLELINE '^' -> '\A', '$' -> '\Z' ONIG_OPTION_MULTILINE '.' match with newline ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE ambiguity match on ONIG_OPTION_EXTEND extended pattern form ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST find longest match ONIG_OPTION_FIND_NOT_EMPTY ignore empty match ONIG_OPTION_NEGATE_SINGLELINE clear ONIG_OPTION_SINGLELINE which is enabled on ONIG_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC, ONIG_SYNTAX_POSIX_EXTENDED, ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL, ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL_NG, ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA ONIG_OPTION_DONT_CAPTURE_GROUP only named group captured. ONIG_OPTION_CAPTURE_GROUP named and no-named group captured. 5 enc: character encoding. ONIG_ENCODING_ASCII ASCII ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ISO 8859-1 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_2 ISO 8859-2 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_3 ISO 8859-3 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_4 ISO 8859-4 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_5 ISO 8859-5 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_6 ISO 8859-6 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_7 ISO 8859-7 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_8 ISO 8859-8 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_9 ISO 8859-9 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_10 ISO 8859-10 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_11 ISO 8859-11 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_13 ISO 8859-13 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_14 ISO 8859-14 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_15 ISO 8859-15 ONIG_ENCODING_ISO_8859_16 ISO 8859-16 ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8 UTF-8 ONIG_ENCODING_UTF16_BE UTF-16BE ONIG_ENCODING_UTF16_LE UTF-16LE ONIG_ENCODING_UTF32_BE UTF-32BE ONIG_ENCODING_UTF32_LE UTF-32LE ONIG_ENCODING_EUC_JP EUC-JP ONIG_ENCODING_EUC_TW EUC-TW ONIG_ENCODING_EUC_KR EUC-KR ONIG_ENCODING_EUC_CN EUC-CN ONIG_ENCODING_SJIS Shift_JIS ONIG_ENCODING_KOI8_R KOI8-R ONIG_ENCODING_CP1251 CP1251 ONIG_ENCODING_BIG5 Big5 ONIG_ENCODING_GB18030 GB18030 or any OnigEncodingType data address defined by user. 6 syntax: address of pattern syntax definition. ONIG_SYNTAX_ASIS plain text ONIG_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC POSIX Basic RE ONIG_SYNTAX_POSIX_EXTENDED POSIX Extended RE ONIG_SYNTAX_EMACS Emacs ONIG_SYNTAX_GREP grep ONIG_SYNTAX_GNU_REGEX GNU regex ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA Java (Sun java.util.regex) ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL Perl ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL_NG Perl + named group ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY Ruby ONIG_SYNTAX_DEFAULT default (== Ruby) onig_set_default_syntax() or any OnigSyntaxType data address defined by user. 7 err_info: address for return optional error info. Use this value as 3rd argument of onig_error_code_to_str(). # int onig_new_without_alloc(regex_t* reg, const UChar* pattern, const UChar* pattern_end, OnigOptionType option, OnigEncoding enc, OnigSyntaxType* syntax, OnigErrorInfo* err_info) Create a regex object. reg object area is not allocated in this function. normal return: ONIG_NORMAL # int onig_new_deluxe(regex_t** reg, const UChar* pattern, const UChar* pattern_end, OnigCompileInfo* ci, OnigErrorInfo* einfo) Create a regex object. This function is deluxe version of onig_new(). normal return: ONIG_NORMAL arguments 1 reg: return address of regex object. 2 pattern: regex pattern string. 3 pattern_end: terminate address of pattern. (pattern + pattern length) 4 ci: compile time info. ci->num_of_elements: number of elements in ci. (current version: 5) ci->pattern_enc: pattern string character encoding. ci->target_enc: target string character encoding. ci->syntax: address of pattern syntax definition. ci->option: compile time option. ci->case_fold_flag: character matching case fold bit flag for ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE mode. ONIGENC_CASE_FOLD_MIN: minimum ONIGENC_CASE_FOLD_DEFAULT: minimum onig_set_default_case_fold_flag() 5 err_info: address for return optional error info. Use this value as 3rd argument of onig_error_code_to_str(). Different character encoding combination is allowed for the following cases only. pattern_enc: ASCII, ISO_8859_1 target_enc: UTF16_BE, UTF16_LE, UTF32_BE, UTF32_LE pattern_enc: UTF16_BE/LE target_enc: UTF16_LE/BE pattern_enc: UTF32_BE/LE target_enc: UTF32_LE/BE # void onig_free(regex_t* reg) Free memory used by regex object. arguments 1 reg: regex object. # void onig_free_body(regex_t* reg) Free memory used by regex object. (Except reg oneself.) arguments 1 reg: regex object. # int onig_search(regex_t* reg, const UChar* str, const UChar* end, const UChar* start, const UChar* range, OnigRegion* region, OnigOptionType option) Search string and return search result and matching region. normal return: match position offset (i.e. p - str >= 0) not found: ONIG_MISMATCH (< 0) arguments 1 reg: regex object 2 str: target string 3 end: terminate address of target string 4 start: search start address of target string 5 range: search terminate address of target string in forward search (start <= searched string < range) in backward search (range <= searched string <= start) 6 region: address for return group match range info (NULL is allowed) 7 option: search time option ONIG_OPTION_NOTBOL string head(str) isn't considered as begin of line ONIG_OPTION_NOTEOL string end (end) isn't considered as end of line ONIG_OPTION_POSIX_REGION region argument is regmatch_t[] of POSIX API. # int onig_match(regex_t* reg, const UChar* str, const UChar* end, const UChar* at, OnigRegion* region, OnigOptionType option) Match string and return result and matching region. normal return: match length (>= 0) not match: ONIG_MISMATCH ( < 0) arguments 1 reg: regex object 2 str: target string 3 end: terminate address of target string 4 at: match address of target string 5 region: address for return group match range info (NULL is allowed) 6 option: search time option ONIG_OPTION_NOTBOL string head(str) isn't considered as begin of line ONIG_OPTION_NOTEOL string end (end) isn't considered as end of line ONIG_OPTION_POSIX_REGION region argument is regmatch_t[] type of POSIX API. # OnigRegion* onig_region_new(void) Create a region. # void onig_region_free(OnigRegion* region, int free_self) Free memory used by region. arguments 1 region: target region 2 free_self: [1: free all, 0: free memory used in region but not self] # void onig_region_copy(OnigRegion* to, OnigRegion* from) Copy contents of region. arguments 1 to: target region 2 from: source region # void onig_region_clear(OnigRegion* region) Clear contents of region. arguments 1 region: target region # int onig_region_resize(OnigRegion* region, int n) Resize group range area of region. normal return: ONIG_NORMAL arguments 1 region: target region 2 n: new size # int onig_name_to_group_numbers(regex_t* reg, const UChar* name, const UChar* name_end, int** num_list) Return the group number list of the name. Named subexp is defined by (?....). normal return: number of groups for the name. (ex. /(?..)(?..)/ ==> 2) name not found: -1 arguments 1 reg: regex object. 2 name: group name. 3 name_end: terminate address of group name. 4 num_list: return list of group number. # int onig_name_to_backref_number(regex_t* reg, const UChar* name, const UChar* name_end, OnigRegion *region) Return the group number corresponding to the named backref (\k). If two or more regions for the groups of the name are effective, the greatest number in it is obtained. normal return: group number. arguments 1 reg: regex object. 2 name: group name. 3 name_end: terminate address of group name. 4 region: search/match result region. # int onig_foreach_name(regex_t* reg, int (*func)(const UChar*, const UChar*, int,int*,regex_t*,void*), void* arg) Iterate function call for all names. normal return: 0 error: func's return value. arguments 1 reg: regex object. 2 func: callback function. func(name, name_end, , , reg, arg); if func does not return 0, then iteration is stopped. 3 arg: argument for func. # int onig_number_of_names(regex_t* reg) Return the number of names defined in the pattern. Multiple definitions of one name is counted as one. arguments 1 reg: regex object. # OnigEncoding onig_get_encoding(regex_t* reg) # OnigOptionType onig_get_options(regex_t* reg) # OnigCaseFoldType onig_get_case_fold_flag(regex_t* reg) # OnigSyntaxType* onig_get_syntax(regex_t* reg) Return a value of the regex object. arguments 1 reg: regex object. # int onig_number_of_captures(regex_t* reg) Return the number of capture group in the pattern. arguments 1 reg: regex object. # int onig_number_of_capture_histories(regex_t* reg) Return the number of capture history defined in the pattern. You can't use capture history if ONIG_SYN_OP2_ATMARK_CAPTURE_HISTORY is disabled in the pattern syntax.(disabled in the default syntax) arguments 1 reg: regex object. # OnigCaptureTreeNode* onig_get_capture_tree(OnigRegion* region) Return the root node of capture history data tree. This value is undefined if matching has faild. arguments 1 region: matching result. # int onig_capture_tree_traverse(OnigRegion* region, int at, int(*func)(int,int,int,int,int,void*), void* arg) Traverse and callback in capture history data tree. normal return: 0 error: callback func's return value. arguments 1 region: match region data. 2 at: callback position. ONIG_TRAVERSE_CALLBACK_AT_FIRST: callback first, then traverse childs. ONIG_TRAVERSE_CALLBACK_AT_LAST: traverse childs first, then callback. ONIG_TRAVERSE_CALLBACK_AT_BOTH: callback first, then traverse childs, and at last callback again. 3 func: callback function. if func does not return 0, then traverse is stopped. int func(int group, int beg, int end, int level, int at, void* arg) group: group number beg: capture start position end: capture end position level: nest level (from 0) at: callback position ONIG_TRAVERSE_CALLBACK_AT_FIRST ONIG_TRAVERSE_CALLBACK_AT_LAST arg: optional callback argument 4 arg; optional callback argument. # int onig_noname_group_capture_is_active(regex_t* reg) Return noname group capture activity. active: 1 inactive: 0 arguments 1 reg: regex object. if option ONIG_OPTION_DONT_CAPTURE_GROUP == ON --> inactive if the regex pattern have named group and syntax ONIG_SYN_CAPTURE_ONLY_NAMED_GROUP == ON and option ONIG_OPTION_CAPTURE_GROUP == OFF --> inactive else --> active # UChar* onigenc_get_prev_char_head(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* start, const UChar* s) Return previous character head address. arguments 1 enc: character encoding 2 start: string address 3 s: target address of string # UChar* onigenc_get_left_adjust_char_head(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* start, const UChar* s) Return left-adjusted head address of a character. arguments 1 enc: character encoding 2 start: string address 3 s: target address of string # UChar* onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* start, const UChar* s) Return right-adjusted head address of a character. arguments 1 enc: character encoding 2 start: string address 3 s: target address of string # int onigenc_strlen(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* s, const UChar* end) # int onigenc_strlen_null(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* s) Return number of characters in the string. # int onigenc_str_bytelen_null(OnigEncoding enc, const UChar* s) Return number of bytes in the string. # int onig_set_default_syntax(OnigSyntaxType* syntax) Set default syntax. arguments 1 syntax: address of pattern syntax definition. # void onig_copy_syntax(OnigSyntaxType* to, OnigSyntaxType* from) Copy syntax. arguments 1 to: destination address. 2 from: source address. # unsigned int onig_get_syntax_op(OnigSyntaxType* syntax) # unsigned int onig_get_syntax_op2(OnigSyntaxType* syntax) # unsigned int onig_get_syntax_behavior(OnigSyntaxType* syntax) # OnigOptionType onig_get_syntax_options(OnigSyntaxType* syntax) # void onig_set_syntax_op(OnigSyntaxType* syntax, unsigned int op) # void onig_set_syntax_op2(OnigSyntaxType* syntax, unsigned int op2) # void onig_set_syntax_behavior(OnigSyntaxType* syntax, unsigned int behavior) # void onig_set_syntax_options(OnigSyntaxType* syntax, OnigOptionType options) Get/Set elements of the syntax. arguments 1 syntax: syntax 2 op, op2, behavior, options: value of element. # void onig_copy_encoding(OnigEncoding to, OnigOnigEncoding from) Copy encoding. arguments 1 to: destination address. 2 from: source address. # int onig_set_meta_char(OnigSyntaxType* syntax, unsigned int what, OnigCodePoint code) Set a variable meta character to the code point value. Except for an escape character, this meta characters specification is not work, if ONIG_SYN_OP_VARIABLE_META_CHARACTERS is not effective by the syntax. (Build-in syntaxes are not effective.) normal return: ONIG_NORMAL arguments 1 syntax: target syntax 2 what: specifies which meta character it is. ONIG_META_CHAR_ESCAPE ONIG_META_CHAR_ANYCHAR ONIG_META_CHAR_ANYTIME ONIG_META_CHAR_ZERO_OR_ONE_TIME ONIG_META_CHAR_ONE_OR_MORE_TIME ONIG_META_CHAR_ANYCHAR_ANYTIME 3 code: meta character or ONIG_INEFFECTIVE_META_CHAR. # OnigCaseFoldType onig_get_default_case_fold_flag() Get default case fold flag. # int onig_set_default_case_fold_flag(OnigCaseFoldType case_fold_flag) Set default case fold flag. 1 case_fold_flag: case fold flag # unsigned int onig_get_match_stack_limit_size(void) Return the maximum number of stack size. (default: 0 == unlimited) # int onig_set_match_stack_limit_size(unsigned int size) Set the maximum number of stack size. (size = 0: unlimited) normal return: ONIG_NORMAL # int onig_unicode_define_user_property(const char* name, OnigCodePoint* ranges)) Define new Unicode property. (This function is not thread safe.) arguments 1 name: property name (ASCII only. character ' ', '-', '_' are ignored.) 2 ranges: property code point ranges (first element is number of ranges.) normal return: ONIG_NORMAL # int onig_end(void) The use of this library is finished. normal return: ONIG_NORMAL It is not allowed to use regex objects which created before onig_end() call. # const char* onig_version(void) Return version string. (ex. "5.0.3") // END