#!/usr/bin/perl -w # mailgraph -- an rrdtool frontend for mail statistics # copyright (c) 2000-2007 ETH Zurich # copyright (c) 2000-2007 David Schweikert # released under the GNU General Public License ######## Parse::Syslog 1.09 (automatically embedded) ######## package Parse::Syslog; use Carp; use Symbol; use Time::Local; use IO::File; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); my %months_map = ( 'Jan' => 0, 'Feb' => 1, 'Mar' => 2, 'Apr' => 3, 'May' => 4, 'Jun' => 5, 'Jul' => 6, 'Aug' => 7, 'Sep' => 8, 'Oct' => 9, 'Nov' =>10, 'Dec' =>11, 'jan' => 0, 'feb' => 1, 'mar' => 2, 'apr' => 3, 'may' => 4, 'jun' => 5, 'jul' => 6, 'aug' => 7, 'sep' => 8, 'oct' => 9, 'nov' =>10, 'dec' =>11, ); sub is_dst_switch($$$) { my ($self, $t, $time) = @_; # calculate the time in one hour and see if the difference is 3600 seconds. # if not, we are in a dst-switch hour # note that right now we only support 1-hour dst offsets # cache the result if(defined $self->{is_dst_switch_last_hour} and $self->{is_dst_switch_last_hour} == $t->[3]<<5+$t->[2]) { return @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}}; } # calculate a number out of the day and hour to identify the hour $self->{is_dst_switch_last_hour} = $t->[3]<<5+$t->[2]; # calculating hour+1 (below) is a problem if the hour is 23. as far as I # know, nobody does the DST switch at this time, so just assume it isn't # DST switch if the hour is 23. if($t->[2]==23) { @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}} = (0, undef); return @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}}; } # let's see the timestamp in one hour # 0: sec, 1: min, 2: h, 3: day, 4: month, 5: year my $time_plus_1h = timelocal($t->[0], $t->[1], $t->[2]+1, $t->[3], $t->[4], $t->[5]); if($time_plus_1h - $time > 4000) { @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}} = (3600, $time-$time%3600+3600); } else { @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}} = (0, undef); } return @{$self->{is_dst_switch_result}}; } # fast timelocal, cache minute's timestamp # don't cache more than minute because of daylight saving time switch # 0: sec, 1: min, 2: h, 3: day, 4: month, 5: year sub str2time($$$$$$$$) { my $self = shift @_; my $GMT = pop @_; my $lastmin = $self->{str2time_lastmin}; if(defined $lastmin and $lastmin->[0] == $_[1] and $lastmin->[1] == $_[2] and $lastmin->[2] == $_[3] and $lastmin->[3] == $_[4] and $lastmin->[4] == $_[5]) { $self->{last_time} = $self->{str2time_lastmin_time} + $_[0]; return $self->{last_time} + ($self->{dst_comp}||0); } my $time; if($GMT) { $time = timegm(@_); } else { $time = timelocal(@_); } # compensate for DST-switch # - if a timewarp is detected (1:00 -> 1:30 -> 1:00): # - test if we are in a DST-switch-hour # - compensate if yes # note that we assume that the DST-switch goes like this: # time 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # stamp 1 2 3 4 3 3 7 8 # comp. 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 # result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # old Time::Local versions behave differently (1 2 5 6 5 6 7 8) if(!$GMT and !defined $self->{dst_comp} and defined $self->{last_time} and $self->{last_time}-$time > 1200 and $self->{last_time}-$time < 3600) { my ($off, $until) = $self->is_dst_switch(\@_, $time); if($off) { $self->{dst_comp} = $off; $self->{dst_comp_until} = $until; } } if(defined $self->{dst_comp_until} and $time > $self->{dst_comp_until}) { delete $self->{dst_comp}; delete $self->{dst_comp_until}; } $self->{str2time_lastmin} = [ @_[1..5] ]; $self->{str2time_lastmin_time} = $time-$_[0]; $self->{last_time} = $time; return $time+($self->{dst_comp}||0); } sub _use_locale($) { use POSIX qw(locale_h strftime); my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME); for my $locale (@_) { croak "new(): wrong 'locale' value: '$locale'" unless setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); for my $month (0..11) { $months_map{strftime("%b", 0, 0, 0, 1, $month, 96)} = $month; } } setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale); } sub new($$;%) { my ($class, $file, %data) = @_; croak "new() requires one argument: file" unless defined $file; %data = () unless %data; if(not defined $data{year}) { $data{year} = (localtime(time))[5]+1900; } $data{type} = 'syslog' unless defined $data{type}; $data{_repeat}=0; if(UNIVERSAL::isa($file, 'IO::Handle')) { $data{file} = $file; } elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($file, 'File::Tail')) { $data{file} = $file; $data{filetail}=1; } elsif(! ref $file) { if($file eq '-') { my $io = new IO::Handle; $data{file} = $io->fdopen(fileno(STDIN),"r"); } else { $data{file} = new IO::File($file, "<"); defined $data{file} or croak "can't open $file: $!"; } } else { croak "argument must be either a file-name or an IO::Handle object."; } if(defined $data{locale}) { if(ref $data{locale} eq 'ARRAY') { _use_locale @{$data{locale}}; } elsif(ref $data{locale} eq '') { _use_locale $data{locale}; } else { croak "'locale' parameter must be scalar or array of scalars"; } } return bless \%data, $class; } sub _year_increment($$) { my ($self, $mon) = @_; # year change if($mon==0) { $self->{year}++ if defined $self->{_last_mon} and $self->{_last_mon} == 11; $self->{enable_year_decrement} = 1; } elsif($mon == 11) { if($self->{enable_year_decrement}) { $self->{year}-- if defined $self->{_last_mon} and $self->{_last_mon} != 11; } } else { $self->{enable_year_decrement} = 0; } $self->{_last_mon} = $mon; } sub _next_line($) { my $self = shift; my $f = $self->{file}; if(defined $self->{filetail}) { return $f->read; } else { return $f->getline; } } sub _next_syslog($) { my ($self) = @_; while($self->{_repeat}>0) { $self->{_repeat}--; return $self->{_repeat_data}; } my $file = $self->{file}; line: while(defined (my $str = $self->_next_line)) { # date, time and host $str =~ /^ (\S{3})\s+(\d+) # date -- 1, 2 \s (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) # time -- 3, 4, 5 (?:\s<\w+\.\w+>)? # FreeBSD's verbose-mode \s ([-\w\.\@:]+) # host -- 6 \s+ (?:\[LOG_[A-Z]+\]\s+)? # FreeBSD (.*) # text -- 7 $/x or do { warn "WARNING: line not in syslog format: $str"; next line; }; my $mon = $months_map{$1}; defined $mon or croak "unknown month $1\n"; $self->_year_increment($mon); # convert to unix time my $time = $self->str2time($5,$4,$3,$2,$mon,$self->{year}-1900,$self->{GMT}); if(not $self->{allow_future}) { # accept maximum one day in the present future if($time - time > 86400) { warn "WARNING: ignoring future date in syslog line: $str"; next line; } } my ($host, $text) = ($6, $7); # last message repeated ... times if($text =~ /^(?:last message repeated|above message repeats) (\d+) time/) { next line if defined $self->{repeat} and not $self->{repeat}; next line if not defined $self->{_last_data}{$host}; $1 > 0 or do { warn "WARNING: last message repeated 0 or less times??\n"; next line; }; $self->{_repeat}=$1-1; $self->{_repeat_data}=$self->{_last_data}{$host}; return $self->{_last_data}{$host}; } # marks next if $text eq '-- MARK --'; # some systems send over the network their # hostname prefixed to the text. strip that. $text =~ s/^$host\s+//; # discard ':' in HP-UX 'su' entries like this: # Apr 24 19:09:40 remedy : su : + tty?? root-oracle $text =~ s/^:\s+//; $text =~ /^ ([^:]+?) # program -- 1 (?:\[(\d+)\])? # PID -- 2 :\s+ (?:\[ID\ (\d+)\ ([a-z0-9]+)\.([a-z]+)\]\ )? # Solaris 8 "message id" -- 3, 4, 5 (.*) # text -- 6 $/x or do { warn "WARNING: line not in syslog format: $str"; next line; }; if($self->{arrayref}) { $self->{_last_data}{$host} = [ $time, # 0: timestamp $host, # 1: host $1, # 2: program $2, # 3: pid $6, # 4: text ]; } else { $self->{_last_data}{$host} = { timestamp => $time, host => $host, program => $1, pid => $2, msgid => $3, facility => $4, level => $5, text => $6, }; } return $self->{_last_data}{$host}; } return undef; } sub _next_metalog($) { my ($self) = @_; my $file = $self->{file}; line: while(my $str = $self->_next_line) { # date, time and host $str =~ /^ (\S{3})\s+(\d+) # date -- 1, 2 \s (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) # time -- 3, 4, 5 # host is not logged \s+ (.*) # text -- 6 $/x or do { warn "WARNING: line not in metalog format: $str"; next line; }; my $mon = $months_map{$1}; defined $mon or croak "unknown month $1\n"; $self->_year_increment($mon); # convert to unix time my $time = $self->str2time($5,$4,$3,$2,$mon,$self->{year}-1900,$self->{GMT}); my $text = $6; $text =~ /^ \[(.*?)\] # program -- 1 # no PID \s+ (.*) # text -- 2 $/x or do { warn "WARNING: text line not in metalog format: $text ($str)"; next line; }; if($self->{arrayref}) { return [ $time, # 0: timestamp 'localhost', # 1: host $1, # 2: program undef, # 3: (no) pid $2, # 4: text ]; } else { return { timestamp => $time, host => 'localhost', program => $1, text => $2, }; } } return undef; } sub next($) { my ($self) = @_; if($self->{type} eq 'syslog') { return $self->_next_syslog(); } elsif($self->{type} eq 'metalog') { return $self->_next_metalog(); } croak "Internal error: unknown type: $self->{type}"; } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### use RRDs; use strict; use File::Tail; use Getopt::Long; use POSIX 'setsid'; my $VERSION = "1.14"; # config my $rrdstep = 60; my $xpoints = 540; my $points_per_sample = 3; my $daemon_logfile = '/var/log/mailgraph.log'; my $daemon_pidfile = '/var/run/mailgraph.pid'; my $daemon_rrd_dir = '/var/log'; # global variables my $logfile; my $rrd = "mailgraph.rrd"; my $rrd_virus = "mailgraph_virus.rrd"; my $year; my $this_minute; my %sum = ( sent => 0, received => 0, bounced => 0, rejected => 0, virus => 0, spam => 0 ); my $rrd_inited=0; my %opt = (); # prototypes sub daemonize(); sub process_line($); sub event_sent($); sub event_received($); sub event_bounced($); sub event_rejected($); sub event_virus($); sub event_spam($); sub init_rrd($); sub update($); sub usage { print "usage: mailgraph [*options*]\n\n"; print " -h, --help display this help and exit\n"; print " -v, --verbose be verbose about what you do\n"; print " -V, --version output version information and exit\n"; print " -c, --cat causes the logfile to be only read and not monitored\n"; print " -l, --logfile f monitor logfile f instead of /var/log/syslog\n"; print " -t, --logtype t set logfile's type (default: syslog)\n"; print " -y, --year starting year of the log file (default: current year)\n"; print " --host=HOST use only entries for HOST (regexp) in syslog\n"; print " -d, --daemon start in the background\n"; print " --daemon-pid=FILE write PID to FILE instead of /var/run/mailgraph.pid\n"; print " --daemon-rrd=DIR write RRDs to DIR instead of /var/log\n"; print " --daemon-log=FILE write verbose-log to FILE instead of /var/log/mailgraph.log\n"; print " --ignore-localhost ignore mail to/from localhost (used for virus scanner)\n"; print " --ignore-host=HOST ignore mail to/from HOST regexp (used for virus scanner)\n"; print " --only-mail-rrd update only the mail rrd\n"; print " --only-virus-rrd update only the virus rrd\n"; print " --rrd-name=NAME use NAME.rrd and NAME_virus.rrd for the rrd files\n"; print " --rbl-is-spam count rbl rejects as spam\n"; print " --virbl-is-virus count virbl rejects as viruses\n"; exit; } sub main { Getopt::Long::Configure('no_ignore_case'); GetOptions(\%opt, 'help|h', 'cat|c', 'logfile|l=s', 'logtype|t=s', 'version|V', 'year|y=i', 'host=s', 'verbose|v', 'daemon|d!', 'daemon_pid|daemon-pid=s', 'daemon_rrd|daemon-rrd=s', 'daemon_log|daemon-log=s', 'ignore-localhost!', 'ignore-host=s@', 'only-mail-rrd', 'only-virus-rrd', 'rrd_name|rrd-name=s', 'rbl-is-spam', 'virbl-is-virus' ) or exit(1); usage if $opt{help}; if($opt{version}) { print "mailgraph $VERSION by david\@schweikert.ch\n"; exit; } $daemon_pidfile = $opt{daemon_pid} if defined $opt{daemon_pid}; $daemon_logfile = $opt{daemon_log} if defined $opt{daemon_log}; $daemon_rrd_dir = $opt{daemon_rrd} if defined $opt{daemon_rrd}; $rrd = $opt{rrd_name}.".rrd" if defined $opt{rrd_name}; $rrd_virus = $opt{rrd_name}."_virus.rrd" if defined $opt{rrd_name}; # compile --ignore-host regexps if(defined $opt{'ignore-host'}) { for my $ih (@{$opt{'ignore-host'}}) { push @{$opt{'ignore-host-re'}}, qr{\brelay=[^\s,]*$ih}i; } } if($opt{daemon} or $opt{daemon_rrd}) { chdir $daemon_rrd_dir or die "mailgraph: can't chdir to $daemon_rrd_dir: $!"; -w $daemon_rrd_dir or die "mailgraph: can't write to $daemon_rrd_dir\n"; } daemonize if $opt{daemon}; my $logfile = defined $opt{logfile} ? $opt{logfile} : '/var/log/syslog'; my $file; if($opt{cat}) { $file = $logfile; } else { $file = File::Tail->new(name=>$logfile, tail=>-1); } my $parser = new Parse::Syslog($file, year => $opt{year}, arrayref => 1, type => defined $opt{logtype} ? $opt{logtype} : 'syslog'); if(not defined $opt{host}) { while(my $sl = $parser->next) { process_line($sl); } } else { my $host = qr/^$opt{host}$/i; while(my $sl = $parser->next) { process_line($sl) if $sl->[1] =~ $host; } } } sub daemonize() { open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "mailgraph: can't read /dev/null: $!"; if($opt{verbose}) { open STDOUT, ">>$daemon_logfile" or die "mailgraph: can't write to $daemon_logfile: $!"; } else { open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "mailgraph: can't write to /dev/null: $!"; } defined(my $pid = fork) or die "mailgraph: can't fork: $!"; if($pid) { # parent open PIDFILE, ">$daemon_pidfile" or die "mailgraph: can't write to $daemon_pidfile: $!\n"; print PIDFILE "$pid\n"; close(PIDFILE); exit; } # child setsid or die "mailgraph: can't start a new session: $!"; open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "mailgraph: can't dup stdout: $!"; } sub init_rrd($) { my $m = shift; my $rows = $xpoints/$points_per_sample; my $realrows = int($rows*1.1); # ensure that the full range is covered my $day_steps = int(3600*24 / ($rrdstep*$rows)); # use multiples, otherwise rrdtool could choose the wrong RRA my $week_steps = $day_steps*7; my $month_steps = $week_steps*5; my $year_steps = $month_steps*12; # mail rrd if(! -f $rrd and ! $opt{'only-virus-rrd'}) { RRDs::create($rrd, '--start', $m, '--step', $rrdstep, 'DS:sent:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', 'DS:recv:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', 'DS:bounced:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', 'DS:rejected:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$day_steps:$realrows", # day "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$week_steps:$realrows", # week "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$month_steps:$realrows", # month "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$year_steps:$realrows", # year "RRA:MAX:0.5:$day_steps:$realrows", # day "RRA:MAX:0.5:$week_steps:$realrows", # week "RRA:MAX:0.5:$month_steps:$realrows", # month "RRA:MAX:0.5:$year_steps:$realrows", # year ); $this_minute = $m; } elsif(-f $rrd) { $this_minute = RRDs::last($rrd) + $rrdstep; } # virus rrd if(! -f $rrd_virus and ! $opt{'only-mail-rrd'}) { RRDs::create($rrd_virus, '--start', $m, '--step', $rrdstep, 'DS:virus:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', 'DS:spam:ABSOLUTE:'.($rrdstep*2).':0:U', "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$day_steps:$realrows", # day "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$week_steps:$realrows", # week "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$month_steps:$realrows", # month "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:$year_steps:$realrows", # year "RRA:MAX:0.5:$day_steps:$realrows", # day "RRA:MAX:0.5:$week_steps:$realrows", # week "RRA:MAX:0.5:$month_steps:$realrows", # month "RRA:MAX:0.5:$year_steps:$realrows", # year ); } elsif(-f $rrd_virus and ! defined $rrd_virus) { $this_minute = RRDs::last($rrd_virus) + $rrdstep; } $rrd_inited=1; } sub process_line($) { my $sl = shift; my $time = $sl->[0]; my $prog = $sl->[2]; my $text = $sl->[4]; if($prog =~ /^postfix\/(.*)/) { my $prog = $1; if($prog eq 'smtp') { if($text =~ /\bstatus=sent\b/) { return if $opt{'ignore-localhost'} and $text =~ /\brelay=[^\s\[]*\[127\.0\.0\.1\]/; if(defined $opt{'ignore-host-re'}) { for my $ih (@{$opt{'ignore-host-re'}}) { warn "MATCH! $text\n" if $text =~ $ih; return if $text =~ $ih; } } event($time, 'sent'); } elsif($text =~ /\bstatus=bounced\b/) { event($time, 'bounced'); } } elsif($prog eq 'local') { if($text =~ /\bstatus=bounced\b/) { event($time, 'bounced'); } } elsif($prog eq 'smtpd') { if($text =~ /^[0-9A-Z]+: client=(\S+)/) { my $client = $1; return if $opt{'ignore-localhost'} and $client =~ /\[127\.0\.0\.1\]$/; return if $opt{'ignore-host'} and $client =~ /$opt{'ignore-host'}/oi; event($time, 'received'); } elsif($opt{'virbl-is-virus'} and $text =~ /^(?:[0-9A-Z]+: |NOQUEUE: )?reject: .*: 554.* blocked using virbl.dnsbl.bit.nl/) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif($opt{'rbl-is-spam'} and $text =~ /^(?:[0-9A-Z]+: |NOQUEUE: )?reject: .*: 554.* blocked using/) { event($time, 'spam'); } elsif($text =~ /^(?:[0-9A-Z]+: |NOQUEUE: )?reject: /) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /^(?:[0-9A-Z]+: |NOQUEUE: )?milter-reject: /) { if($text =~ /Blocked by SpamAssassin/) { event($time, 'spam'); } else { event($time, 'rejected'); } } } elsif($prog eq 'error') { if($text =~ /\bstatus=bounced\b/) { event($time, 'bounced'); } } elsif($prog eq 'cleanup') { if($text =~ /^[0-9A-Z]+: (?:reject|discard): /) { event($time, 'rejected'); } } } elsif($prog eq 'sendmail' or $prog eq 'sm-mta') { if($text =~ /\bmailer=local\b/ ) { event($time, 'received'); } elsif($text =~ /\bmailer=relay\b/) { event($time, 'received'); } elsif($text =~ /\bstat=Sent\b/ ) { event($time, 'sent'); } elsif($text =~ /\bmailer=esmtp\b/ ) { event($time, 'sent'); } elsif($text =~ /\bruleset=check_XS4ALL\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\blost input channel\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\bruleset=check_rcpt\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\bstat=virus\b/ ) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif($text =~ /\bruleset=check_relay\b/ ) { if (($opt{'virbl-is-virus'}) and ($text =~ /\bivirbl\b/ )) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif ($opt{'rbl-is-spam'}) { event($time, 'spam'); } else { event($time, 'rejected'); } } elsif($text =~ /\bsender blocked\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\bsender denied\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\brecipient denied\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\brecipient unknown\b/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } elsif($text =~ /\bUser unknown$/i ) { event($time, 'bounced'); } elsif($text =~ /\bMilter:.*\breject=55/ ) { event($time, 'rejected'); } } elsif($prog eq 'exim') { if($text =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{2} <= \S+/) { event($time, 'received'); } elsif($text =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{6}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{2} => \S+/) { event($time, 'sent'); } elsif($text =~ / rejected because \S+ is in a black list at \S+/) { if($opt{'rbl-is-spam'}) { event($time, 'spam'); } else { event($time, 'rejected'); } } elsif($text =~ / rejected RCPT \S+: (Sender verify failed|Unknown user)/) { event($time, 'rejected'); } } elsif($prog eq 'amavis' || $prog eq 'amavisd') { if( $text =~ /^\([\w-]+\) (Passed|Blocked) SPAM(?:MY)?\b/) { if($text !~ /\btag2=/) { # ignore new per-recipient log entry (2.2.0) event($time, 'spam'); # since amavisd-new-2004xxxx } } elsif($text =~ /^\([\w-]+\) (Passed|Not-Delivered)\b.*\bquarantine spam/) { event($time, 'spam'); # amavisd-new-20030616 and earlier } elsif($text =~ /^\([\w-]+\) (Passed |Blocked )?INFECTED\b/) { if($text !~ /\btag2=/) { event($time, 'virus');# Passed|Blocked inserted since 2004xxxx } } elsif($text =~ /^\([\w-]+\) (Passed |Blocked )?BANNED\b/) { if($text !~ /\btag2=/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($text =~ /^Virus found\b/) { event($time, 'virus');# AMaViS 0.3.12 and amavisd-0.1 } # elsif($text =~ /^\([\w-]+\) Passed|Blocked BAD-HEADER\b/) { # event($time, 'badh'); # } } elsif($prog eq 'vagatefwd') { # Vexira antivirus (old) if($text =~ /^VIRUS/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'hook') { # Vexira antivirus if($text =~ /^\*+ Virus\b/) { event($time, 'virus'); } # Vexira antispam elsif($text =~ /\bcontains spam\b/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'avgatefwd' or $prog eq 'avmailgate.bin') { # AntiVir MailGate if($text =~ /^Alert!/) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif($text =~ /blocked\.$/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'avcheck') { # avcheck if($text =~ /^infected/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'spamd') { if($text =~ /^(?:spamd: )?identified spam/) { event($time, 'spam'); } # ClamAV SpamAssassin-plugin elsif($text =~ /(?:result: )?CLAMAV/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'dspam') { if($text =~ /spam detected from/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'spamproxyd' or $prog eq 'spampd') { if($text =~ /^\s*SPAM/ or $text =~ /^identified spam/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'drweb-postfix') { # DrWeb if($text =~ /infected/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'BlackHole') { if($text =~ /Virus/) { event($time, 'virus'); } if($text =~ /(?:RBL|Razor|Spam)/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'MailScanner') { if($text =~ /(Virus Scanning: Found)/ ) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif($text =~ /Bounce to/ ) { event($time, 'bounced'); } elsif($text =~ /^Spam Checks: Found ([0-9]+) spam messages/) { my $cnt = $1; for (my $i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) { event($time, 'spam'); } } } elsif($prog eq 'clamsmtpd') { if($text =~ /status=VIRUS/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'clamav-milter') { if($text =~ /Intercepted/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } # uncommment for clamassassin: #elsif($prog eq 'clamd') { # if($text =~ /^stream: .* FOUND$/) { # event($time, 'virus'); # } #} elsif ($prog eq 'smtp-vilter') { if ($text =~ /clamd: found/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'avmilter') { # AntiVir Milter if($text =~ /^Alert!/) { event($time, 'virus'); } elsif($text =~ /blocked\.$/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } elsif($prog eq 'bogofilter') { if($text =~ /Spam/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'filter-module') { if($text =~ /\bspam_status\=(?:yes|spam)/) { event($time, 'spam'); } } elsif($prog eq 'sta_scanner') { if($text =~ /^[0-9A-F]+: virus/) { event($time, 'virus'); } } } sub event($$) { my ($t, $type) = @_; update($t) and $sum{$type}++; } # returns 1 if $sum should be updated sub update($) { my $t = shift; my $m = $t - $t%$rrdstep; init_rrd($m) unless $rrd_inited; return 1 if $m == $this_minute; return 0 if $m < $this_minute; print "update $this_minute:$sum{sent}:$sum{received}:$sum{bounced}:$sum{rejected}:$sum{virus}:$sum{spam}\n" if $opt{verbose}; RRDs::update $rrd, "$this_minute:$sum{sent}:$sum{received}:$sum{bounced}:$sum{rejected}" unless $opt{'only-virus-rrd'}; RRDs::update $rrd_virus, "$this_minute:$sum{virus}:$sum{spam}" unless $opt{'only-mail-rrd'}; if($m > $this_minute+$rrdstep) { for(my $sm=$this_minute+$rrdstep;$sm<$m;$sm+=$rrdstep) { print "update $sm:0:0:0:0:0:0 (SKIP)\n" if $opt{verbose}; RRDs::update $rrd, "$sm:0:0:0:0" unless $opt{'only-virus-rrd'}; RRDs::update $rrd_virus, "$sm:0:0" unless $opt{'only-mail-rrd'}; } } $this_minute = $m; $sum{sent}=0; $sum{received}=0; $sum{bounced}=0; $sum{rejected}=0; $sum{virus}=0; $sum{spam}=0; return 1; } main; __END__ =head1 NAME mailgraph.pl - rrdtool frontend for mail statistics =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I...] --man show man-page and exit -h, --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --verbose be verbose about what you do -V, --version output version information and exit -c, --cat causes the logfile to be only read and not monitored -l, --logfile f monitor logfile f instead of /var/log/syslog -t, --logtype t set logfile's type (default: syslog) -y, --year starting year of the log file (default: current year) --host=HOST use only entries for HOST (regexp) in syslog -d, --daemon start in the background --daemon-pid=FILE write PID to FILE instead of /var/run/mailgraph.pid --daemon-rrd=DIR write RRDs to DIR instead of /var/log --daemon-log=FILE write verbose-log to FILE instead of /var/log/mailgraph.log --ignore-localhost ignore mail to/from localhost (used for virus scanner) --ignore-host=HOST ignore mail to/from HOST regexp (used for virus scanner) --only-mail-rrd update only the mail rrd --only-virus-rrd update only the virus rrd --rrd-name=NAME use NAME.rrd and NAME_virus.rrd for the rrd files --rbl-is-spam count rbl rejects as spam --virbl-is-virus count virbl rejects as viruses =head1 DESCRIPTION This script does parse syslog and updates the RRD database (mailgraph.rrd) in the current directory. =head2 Log-Types The following types can be given to --logtype: =over 10 =item syslog Traditional "syslog" (default) =item metalog Metalog (see http://metalog.sourceforge.net/) =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000-2007 by ETH Zurich Copyright (c) 2000-2007 by David Schweikert =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =head1 AUTHOR Sdavid@schweikert.chE> =cut # vi: sw=8