openvpn (2.1~rc15-1) unstable; urgency=low The openvpn utility changed its handling of pkcs11 certificates when it switched from built-in code to the pkcs11-helper library (package libpkcs11-helper1 on Debian). This means that you will have to update your openvpn configuration files if you are using such certificates. For example, a stanza in a configuration file might previously have referred to a given pkcs11 certificate like this: pkcs11-providers /usr/lib/ pkcs11-slot-type id pkcs11-slot 0 pkcs11-id-type label pkcs11-id "YOUR_LABEL" This stanza has to be rewritten now in the following way: pkcs11-providers /usr/lib/ pkcs11-id 'YOUR_PKCS11_SERIALIZED_ID' The pkcs11-slot, pkcs11-slot-type, pkcs11-id-type options are obsolete; a long ID string that is unique for each certificate is now used as the only identifier. Note that YOUR_PKCS11_SERIALIZED_ID will almost certainly be different from YOUR_LABEL that you used previously with the pkcs11-id option. To find out the correct serialized ID(s) for your certificate(s), you have to query the pkcs11-provider library: $ openvpn --show-pkcs11-ids /usr/lib/ The following objects are available for use. Each object shown below may be used as parameter to --pkcs11-id option please remember to use single quote mark. Certificate DN: /CN=YOUR_USER Serial: SERIAL_NUMBER Serialized id: YOUR_PKCS11_SERIALIZED_ID You have to paste YOUR_PKCS11_SERIALIZED_ID as seen in this output into your openvpn configuration file and make sure that the string is enclosed in single quotation marks. The example above assumes that your cryptographic token can be accessed via the library from libopensc2. If you have to use another library, for example a proprietary driver from the vendor of your token, then you have to adapt both the stanza in the configuration file and the path given on the command line accordingly. Florian Kulzer -- Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:35:05 +0200 openvpn (2.1~rc9-3) unstable; urgency=low Calling of external commands/scripts Starting with version 2.1~rc9, openvpn has a new option to control the ability to execute external commands (--script-security). By default (script-security 1) it will only allow the execution of built-in commands (ip, ifconfig, route,...). If you require the execution of external commands, such as /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf, you'll have to include the following option in your configuration file: script-security 2 -- Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta Sat, 16 Aug 2008 13:34:24 +0200