Virtual Routing and Forwarding ------------------------------ Options in this section relates to configuration of virtual routing and forwarding in combination with the underlying operating system. As of today this is only supported on Linux, a kernel >= 4.9 is recommended. This could come in handy when for example the external network should be only used as a means to connect to some VPN endpoints and all regular traffic should only be routed through any tunnel(s). This could be achieved by setting up a VRF and configuring the interface connected to the external network to be part of the VRF. The examples below will cover this setup. Another option would be to put the tun/tap interface into a VRF. This could be done by an up-script which uses the :code:`ip link set` command shown below. VRF setup with iproute2 ``````````````````````` Create VRF :code:`vrf_external` and map it to routing table :code:`1023` :: ip link add vrf_external type vrf table 1023 Move :code:`eth0` into :code:`vrf_external` :: ip link set master vrf_external dev eth0 Any prefixes configured on :code:`eth0` will be moved from the :code`main` routing table into routing table `1023` VRF setup with ifupdown ``````````````````````` For Debian based Distributions :code:`ifupdown2` provides an almost drop-in replacement for :code:`ifupdown` including VRFs and other features. A configuration for an interface :code:`eth0` being part of VRF code:`vrf_external` could look like this: :: auto eth0 iface eth0 address address 2001:db8:08:15::42/64 gateway gateway 2001:db8:08:15::1 vrf vrf_external auto vrf_external iface vrf_external vrf-table 1023 OpenVPN configuration ````````````````````` The OpenVPN configuration needs to contain this line: :: bind-dev vrf_external Further reading ``````````````` Wikipedia has nice page one VRFs: This talk from the Network Track of FrOSCon 2018 provides an overview about advanced layer 2 and layer 3 features of Linux - Slides: - Video (german):\_l3\_fur\_fortgeschrittene\_-\_helle\_und\_dunkle\_magie\_im\_linux-netzwerkstack