psocksxx ======== A C++ wrapper for POSIX sockets ### Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2013 Uditha Atukorala. This software library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the [GNU Lesser General Public License]( for more details. ### The Concept This project was started to add to the features provided by the simple [socket-library]( project, specially socket timeouts. But rather than sticking to the same class structure it was decided to use [stream buffers]( in C++ standard library. The inspiration to derive from std::streambuf came from the [socket++]( library initially developed by Gnanasekaran Swaminathan. While the socket++ library seems to be stable and feature rich, the coding style and the lack of API documentation makes it a little difficult for the beginners. psocksxx library attempts to borrow the concepts from socket++ and socket-library, but not the code, and create a well documented (and hopefully easy to understand) POSIX socket communication wrapper in C++. To keep the code simple and clean this project will only support POSIX sockets. ### Downloads You can download the source distributions from #### Debian/Ubuntu packages First you should add the repository key to avoid warnings. $ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - Then add the following to your `/etc/apt/sources.list`; $ deb [release] main where the `[release]` being wheezy, jessie, sid etc. Finally update your package list and install psocksxx; $ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude install libpsocksxx-dev ### Dependencies * CppUnit >= 1.12.1 (for unit tests) * Doxygen (for doxygen documentation, of course) ### Bugs and Feature Requests Please report all bugs and feature requests in [bugzilla]( under the [psocksxx]( project. Known issues can be found [here]( ### Version history __0.0.5__ - _29th June 2014_ * Fixing inconsistent timeout behaviour on different systems __0.0.4__ - _10th November 2013_ * bug fix - member functions should not be throwing exceptions if the signature does not specify it. __0.0.3__ - _31st October 2013_ * Suppress SIGPIPE signals * Code cleanup work __0.0.2__ - _29th September 2013_ * Added timeout support for socket communications * New base socket stream I/O class to reduce redundant code * Added install targets for doxygen generated docs __0.0.1__ - _19th September 2013_ * Initial release ### Compiling from source If you are using the github source then first you need to initialise autotools. $ libtoolize (glibtoolize in OS X) $ aclocal $ autoheader $ autoconf $ automake --add-missing (you will need automake >= 1.13) Or you can grab the latest snapshot tar from [CI artifacts]( After that you can use the usual `./configure && make` ### Notes #### Continuous Integration There is a continuous integration Jenkins job hosted [here]( which contains the latest artifacts, unit test results and documentation etc. #### Doxygen documentation The latest doxygen documentation can be found at