path: root/
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-07-06 22:55:18 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-07-06 22:55:18 +0200
commit14f84dc139317de4cfc02ff36c2ad799b060dbaf (patch)
tree5163e8e596302e570a2e39c62d7a9df0e1490e28 /
parent18afe3e2ebdb10bbc542d79280344d9adf923d2f (diff)
parent083849161f075878e4175cd03cb7afa83d64e7f5 (diff)
Updated version 0.9.0 from 'upstream/0.9.0'
with Debian dir 04f2bb3e026e2a983dcac5cdcc35c9dd8f6b91ab
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..32d7eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Damon Lynch <>
+# This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not,
+# see <>.
+Install script for Rapid Photo Downloader.
+Do not run as root - it will refuse to run if you try.
+The primary purpose of this installation script is to install packages that are required
+for Rapid Photo Downloader to run. Specifically, these packages are:
+1. Non-python programs, e.g. exiv2, ExifTool.
+2. Python packages that are unavailable on Python's PyPi service, namely
+ python3 gobject introspection modules.
+3. Although PyQt 5.6 and above is available on PyPi, bundled with Qt 5.6, it's easier
+ to use the Linux distro's PyQt packages, particularly in the case of Ubuntu, whose
+ custom scrollbar implementation does not work with stock Qt without a special environment
+ variable being set that disables the custom scrollbars.
+Once these dependencies are satisfied, Python's pip is used to install Rapid Photo Downloader
+itself, along with several Python packages from PyPi, found in requirements.txt.
+The secondary purpose of this install script is to give the option to the user of installing man
+pages in the system's standard man page location, and for Debian/Ubuntu/openSUSE distros,
+to create a link in ~/bin to the rapid-photo-downloader executable.
+__author__ = 'Damon Lynch'
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2017, Damon Lynch"
+import tarfile
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import argparse
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+import shutil
+from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+from enum import Enum
+ import apt
+ have_apt = True
+except ImportError:
+ have_apt = False
+ import dnf
+ have_dnf = True
+except ImportError:
+ have_dnf = False
+os_release = '/etc/os-release'
+class bcolors:
+ HEADER = '\033[95m'
+ OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+ OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+ WARNING = '\033[93m'
+ FAIL = '\033[91m'
+ ENDC = '\033[0m'
+ BOLD = '\033[1m'
+ UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+class Distro(Enum):
+ debian = 1
+ ubuntu = 2
+ fedora = 3
+ neon = 4
+ linuxmint = 5
+ korora = 6
+ arch = 7
+ opensuse = 8
+ manjaro = 9
+ galliumos = 10
+ unknown = 20
+debian_like = (Distro.debian, Distro.ubuntu, Distro.neon, Distro.linuxmint, Distro.galliumos)
+fedora_like = (Distro.fedora, Distro.korora)
+arch_like = (Distro.arch, Distro.manjaro)
+installer_cmds = {
+ Distro.fedora: 'dnf',
+ Distro.debian: 'apt-get',
+ Distro.opensuse: 'zypper',
+def check_packages_on_other_systems() -> None:
+ """
+ Check to see if some (but not all) application dependencies are
+ installed on systems that we are not explicitly analyzing.
+ """
+ import_msgs = []
+ try:
+ import PyQt5
+ except ImportError:
+ import_msgs.append('python3 variant of PyQt5')
+ try:
+ import gi
+ have_gi = True
+ except ImportError:
+ import_msgs.append('python3 variant of gobject introspection')
+ have_gi = False
+ if have_gi:
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('GUdev', '1.0')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('GUdev 1.0 from gi.repository')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('UDisks', '2.0')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('UDisks 2.0 from gi.repository')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('GLib', '2.0')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('GLib 2.0 from gi.repository')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('GExiv2', '0.10')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('GExiv2 0.10 from gi.repository')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('Gst 1.0 from gi.repository')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7')
+ except ValueError:
+ import_msgs.append('Notify 0.7 from gi.repository')
+ if shutil.which('exiftool') is None:
+ import_msgs.append('ExifTool')
+ if len(import_msgs):
+ install_error_message = "This program requires:\n{}\nPlease install them " \
+ "using your distribution's standard installation tools.\n"
+ sys.stderr.write(install_error_message.format('\n'.join(s for s in import_msgs)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+def get_distro_id(id_or_id_like: str) -> Distro:
+ try:
+ return Distro[id_or_id_like.strip()]
+ except KeyError:
+ return Distro.unknown
+def get_distro() -> Distro:
+ if os.path.isfile(os_release):
+ with open(os_release, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith('NAME=') and line.find('Korora') > 0:
+ return Distro.korora
+ if line.startswith('ID='):
+ return get_distro_id(line[3:])
+ if line.startswith('ID_LIKE='):
+ return get_distro_id(line[8:])
+ return Distro.unknown
+def get_distro_version(distro: Distro) -> float:
+ remove_quotemark = False
+ if distro == Distro.fedora:
+ elif distro in debian_like or distro == Distro.opensuse:
+ version_string = 'VERSION_ID="'
+ remove_quotemark = True
+ elif distro == Distro.korora:
+ version_string = 'VERSION_ID='
+ else:
+ return 0.0
+ with open(os_release, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith(version_string):
+ try:
+ if remove_quotemark:
+ v = line[len(version_string):-2]
+ else:
+ v = line[len(version_string):]
+ return float(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unexpected format while parsing {} version\n".format(
+ return 0.0
+ return 0.0
+def run_cmd(command_line: str, restart=False, exit_on_failure=True, shell=False) -> None:
+ print("The following command will be run:\n")
+ print(command_line)
+ if command_line.startswith('sudo'):
+ print("\nsudo may prompt you for the sudo password.")
+ print()
+ args = shlex.split(command_line)
+ answer = input('Would you like to run the command now? (If you do, type yes and hit enter): ')
+ if answer != 'yes':
+ print('Answer is not yes, exiting.')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ print()
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(args, shell=shell)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Command failed\n")
+ if exit_on_failure:
+ sys.stderr.write("Exiting\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if restart:
+ if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ # restart the script
+ os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)
+ else:
+ print("Rerun this script, passing the path to the tarfile\n")
+ sys.exit(0)
+def enable_universe():
+ try:
+ repos = subprocess.check_output(['apt-cache', 'policy'], universal_newlines=True)
+ version = subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release', '-sc'], universal_newlines=True).strip()
+ if not '{}/universe'.format(version) in repos and version not in (
+ 'sarah', 'serena', 'sonya'):
+ print("The Universe repository must be enabled. Do you want do that now?\n")
+ run_cmd(command_line='sudo add-apt-repository universe', restart=False)
+ run_cmd(command_line='sudo apt update', restart=True)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+def check_package_import_requirements(distro: Distro, version: float) -> None:
+ if distro in debian_like:
+ if not have_apt:
+ print('To continue, the package python3-apt must be installed.\n')
+ cmd = shutil.which('apt-get')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} install python3-apt'.format(cmd)
+ run_cmd(command_line, restart=True)
+ cache = apt.Cache()
+ missing_packages = []
+ packages = 'libimage-exiftool-perl python3-pyqt5 python3-dev ' \
+ 'intltool gir1.2-gexiv2-0.10 python3-gi gir1.2-gudev-1.0 ' \
+ 'gir1.2-udisks-2.0 gir1.2-notify-0.7 gir1.2-glib-2.0 gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 '\
+ 'libgphoto2-dev python3-arrow python3-psutil g++ libmediainfo0v5 '\
+ 'qt5-image-formats-plugins python3-zmq exiv2 python3-colorlog libraw-bin ' \
+ 'python3-easygui python3-sortedcontainers python3-wheel python3-requests'.split()
+ for package in packages:
+ try:
+ if not cache[package].is_installed:
+ missing_packages.append(package)
+ except KeyError:
+ print('The following package is unknown on your system: {}\n'.format(
+ package))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if missing_packages:
+ cmd = shutil.which('apt-get')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} install {}'.format(cmd, ' '.join(missing_packages))
+ print("To continue, some packages required to run the application will be "
+ "installed.\n")
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+ elif distro in fedora_like:
+ if not have_dnf:
+ print('To continue, the package python3-dnf must be installed.\n')
+ cmd = shutil.which('dnf')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} install python3-dnf'.format(cmd)
+ run_cmd(command_line, restart=True)
+ missing_packages = []
+ packages = 'python3-qt5 gobject-introspection python3-gobject ' \
+ 'libgphoto2-devel zeromq-devel exiv2 perl-Image-ExifTool LibRaw-devel gcc-c++ ' \
+ 'rpm-build python3-devel intltool ' \
+ 'python3-easygui qt5-qtimageformats python3-psutil libmediainfo ' \
+ 'python3-requests'.split()
+ if 0.0 < version <= 24.0:
+ packages.append('libgexiv2-python3')
+ else:
+ packages.append('python3-gexiv2')
+ print("Querying installed and available packages (this may take a while)")
+ with dnf.Base() as base:
+ # Code from
+ # Repositories serve as sources of information about packages.
+ base.read_all_repos()
+ # A sack is needed for querying.
+ base.fill_sack()
+ # A query matches all packages in sack
+ q = base.sack.query()
+ # Derived query matches only available packages
+ q_avail = q.available()
+ # Derived query matches only installed packages
+ q_inst = q.installed()
+ installed = [ for pkg in]
+ available = [ for pkg in]
+ for package in packages:
+ if package not in installed:
+ if package in available:
+ missing_packages.append(package)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ 'The following package is unavailable on your system: {}\n'.format(
+ package))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if missing_packages:
+ cmd = shutil.which('dnf')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} install {}'.format(cmd, ' '.join(missing_packages))
+ print("To continue, some packages required to run the application will be "
+ "installed.\n")
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+ elif distro == Distro.opensuse:
+ cmd = shutil.which('zypper')
+ packages = 'python3-qt5 girepository-1_0 python3-gobject ' \
+ 'zeromq-devel exiv2 exiftool python3-devel ' \
+ 'libgphoto2-devel libraw-devel gcc-c++ rpm-build intltool ' \
+ 'libqt5-qtimageformats python3-requests python3-psutil ' \
+ 'typelib-1_0-GExiv2-0_10 typelib-1_0-UDisks-2_0 typelib-1_0-Notify-0_7 ' \
+ 'typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0 typelib-1_0-GUdev-1_0'
+ command_line = 'sudo {} in {}'.format(cmd, packages)
+ print("To continue, some packages required to run the application will be checked or "
+ "installed.\n")
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+ #TODO libmediainfo - not a default openSUSE package, sadly
+ else:
+ check_packages_on_other_systems()
+def query_uninstall() -> bool:
+ return input('\nType yes and hit enter if you want to to uninstall the previous version of '
+ 'Rapid Photo Downloader: ') == 'yes'
+def uninstall_old_version(distro: Distro) -> None:
+ pkg_name = 'rapid-photo-downloader'
+ if distro in debian_like:
+ try:
+ cache = apt.Cache()
+ pkg = cache[pkg_name]
+ if pkg.is_installed and query_uninstall():
+ cmd = shutil.which('apt-get')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} remove {}'.format(cmd, pkg_name)
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ elif distro in fedora_like:
+ print("Querying package system to see if an older version of Rapid Photo Downloader is "
+ "installed (this may take a while)...")
+ with dnf.Base() as base:
+ base.read_all_repos()
+ try:
+ base.fill_sack()
+ except dnf.exceptions.RepoError as e:
+ print("Unable to query package system. Please check your internet connection and "
+ "try again")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ q = base.sack.query()
+ q_inst = q.installed()
+ i = q_inst.filter(name=pkg_name)
+ if len(list(i)) and query_uninstall():
+ cmd = shutil.which('dnf')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} remove {}'.format(cmd, pkg_name)
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+ elif distro == Distro.opensuse:
+ print("Querying package system to see if an older version of Rapid Photo Downloader is "
+ "installed (this may take a while)...")
+ zypper = shutil.which('zypper')
+ command_line = '{} se rapid-photo-downloader'.format(zypper)
+ args = shlex.split(command_line)
+ output = subprocess.check_output(args, universal_newlines=True)
+ if '\ni | rapid-photo-downloader' in output and query_uninstall():
+ command_line = 'sudo {} rm rapid-photo-downloader'.format(zypper)
+ run_cmd(command_line)
+def make_pip_command(args: str):
+ return shlex.split('{} -m pip {}'.format(sys.executable, args))
+def main(installer: str, distro: Distro, distro_version: float) -> None:
+ uninstall_old_version(distro)
+ check_package_import_requirements(distro, distro_version)
+ name = os.path.basename(installer)
+ name = name[:len('.tar.gz') * -1]
+ rpath = os.path.join(name, 'requirements.txt')
+ with as tar:
+ with tar.extractfile(rpath) as requirements:
+ reqbytes =
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_requirements:
+ temp_requirements.write(reqbytes)
+ temp_requirements_name =
+ print("\nInstalling application requirements...\n")
+ # Don't call pip directly - there is no API, and its developers say not to
+ cmd = make_pip_command('install --user -r {}'.format(
+ with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
+ for line in p.stdout:
+ print(line, end='')
+ p.wait()
+ i = p.returncode
+ os.remove(temp_requirements_name)
+ if i != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to install application requirements: exiting\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print("\nInstalling application...\n")
+ cmd = make_pip_command('install --user --upgrade --no-deps {}'.format(installer))
+ with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
+ for line in p.stdout:
+ print(line, end='')
+ p.wait()
+ i = p.returncode
+ if i != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to install application: exiting\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ path = os.getenv('PATH')
+ install_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.local', 'bin')
+ if install_path not in path.split(':'):
+ if distro in debian_like or distro == Distro.opensuse:
+ bin_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'bin')
+ if not os.path.isdir(bin_dir):
+ created_bin_dir = True
+ os.mkdir(bin_dir)
+ else:
+ created_bin_dir = False
+ for executable in ('rapid-photo-downloader', 'analyze-pv-structure'):
+ symlink = os.path.join(bin_dir, executable)
+ if not os.path.exists(symlink):
+ print('Creating symlink', symlink)
+ print("If you uninstall the application, remove this symlink yourself.")
+ os.symlink(os.path.join(install_path, executable), symlink)
+ if created_bin_dir:
+ print(bcolors.BOLD + "\nYou may have to restart the computer to be able to run the "
+ "program from the commmand line or application launcher" + bcolors.ENDC)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("\nThe application was installed in {}\n".format(install_path))
+ sys.stderr.write("Add {} to your PATH to be able to launch it.\n".format(install_path))
+ man_dir = '/usr/local/share/man/man1'
+ print("\nDo you want to install the application's man pages?")
+ print("They will be installed into {}".format(man_dir))
+ print("If you uninstall the application, remove these manpages yourself.")
+ print("sudo may prompt you for the sudo password.")
+ answer = input('Type yes and hit enter if you do want to install the man pages: ')
+ if answer == 'yes':
+ if not os.path.isdir(man_dir):
+ cmd = shutil.which('mkdir')
+ command_line = 'sudo {} -p {}'.format(cmd, man_dir)
+ print(command_line)
+ args = shlex.split(command_line)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(args)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to create man page directory: exiting\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ cmd = shutil.which('cp')
+ for manpage in ('rapid-photo-downloader.1', 'analyze-pv-structure.1'):
+ source = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.local/share/man/man1', manpage)
+ dest = os.path.join(man_dir, manpage)
+ command_line = 'sudo {} {} {}'.format(cmd, source, dest)
+ print(command_line)
+ args = shlex.split(command_line)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(args)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to copy man page: exiting\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if os.getuid() == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Do not run this installer script as sudo / root user.\nRun it using the "
+ "user who will run the program.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ distro = get_distro()
+ if distro != Distro.unknown:
+ distro_version = get_distro_version(distro)
+ else:
+ distro_version = 0.0
+ if distro == Distro.debian and distro_version <= 8.0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Sorry, Debian Jessie is too old to be able to run this version of Rapid "
+ "Photo Downloader.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif distro in fedora_like and 0.0 > distro_version <= 23.0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Sorry, Fedora 23 is no longer supported by Rapid Photo Downloader.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif distro in arch_like:
+ print('Users of Arch Linux or its derivatives should try the AUR package: '
+ '')
+ print("Exiting...")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if distro == Distro.ubuntu:
+ enable_universe()
+ if distro in debian_like:
+ distro_family = Distro.debian
+ elif distro in fedora_like:
+ distro_family = Distro.fedora
+ else:
+ distro_family = distro
+ packages = []
+ try:
+ import pip
+ except ImportError:
+ packages.append('python3-pip')
+ try:
+ import setuptools
+ except ImportError:
+ packages.append('python3-setuptools')
+ try:
+ import wheel
+ except:
+ packages.append('python3-wheel')
+ if packages:
+ packages = ' '.join(packages)
+ if distro_family not in (Distro.fedora, Distro.debian, Distro.opensuse):
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "Install the following packacges using your Linux distribution's standard package "
+ "manager, and then rerun this installer\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(packages + '\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print("To run this program, you must first install some programs to assist "
+ "Python 3 and its package management.\n")
+ installer = installer_cmds[distro_family]
+ command_line = 'sudo {} install '.format(installer) + packages
+ run_cmd(command_line, restart=True)
+ # Can now assume that both pip and wheel have been installed
+ if StrictVersion(pip.__version__) < StrictVersion('8.1'):
+ print("\nPython 3's pip and setuptools must be upgraded for your user.\n")
+ print("Caution: upgrading pip and setuptools for your user could potentially "
+ "negatively affect the installation of other, older Python packages by your user.\n")
+ print("However the risk is very small and is normally nothing to worry about.\n")
+ command_line = '{} -m pip install --user --upgrade pip setuptools'.format(sys.executable)
+ run_cmd(command_line, restart=True)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Install Rapid Photo Downloader')
+ parser.add_argument('tarfile', action='store', help="tar.gz Rapid Photo Downloader "
+ "installer archive")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ installer = args.tarfile # type: str
+ if not os.path.exists(installer):
+ print("Installer not found:", installer)
+ print("Include the name of the tar.gz Rapid Photo Downloader installer archive")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif not installer.endswith('.tar.gz'):
+ print("Installer not in tar.gz format:", installer)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ main(installer, distro, distro_version)