path: root/raphodo/
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-07-06 22:55:18 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2017-07-06 22:55:18 +0200
commit14f84dc139317de4cfc02ff36c2ad799b060dbaf (patch)
tree5163e8e596302e570a2e39c62d7a9df0e1490e28 /raphodo/
parent18afe3e2ebdb10bbc542d79280344d9adf923d2f (diff)
parent083849161f075878e4175cd03cb7afa83d64e7f5 (diff)
Updated version 0.9.0 from 'upstream/0.9.0'
with Debian dir 04f2bb3e026e2a983dcac5cdcc35c9dd8f6b91ab
Diffstat (limited to 'raphodo/')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/raphodo/ b/raphodo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b0a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raphodo/
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Damon Lynch <>
+# This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not,
+# see <>.
+Display download destination details
+__author__ = 'Damon Lynch'
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2017, Damon Lynch"
+import os
+import math
+from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple, Union, DefaultDict, Set
+import logging
+from collections import defaultdict
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from PyQt5.QtCore import (QSize, Qt, QStorageInfo, QRect, pyqtSlot, QPoint)
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QStyleOptionFrame, QStyle, QStylePainter, QWidget, QSplitter,
+ QSizePolicy, QAction, QMenu, QActionGroup)
+from PyQt5.QtGui import (QColor, QPixmap, QIcon, QPaintEvent, QPalette, QMouseEvent)
+from raphodo.devicedisplay import DeviceDisplay, BodyDetails, icon_size
+from import (StorageSpace, get_path_display_name, get_mount_size)
+from raphodo.constants import (CustomColors, DestinationDisplayType, DisplayingFilesOfType,
+ DestinationDisplayMousePos, PresetPrefType, NameGenerationType,
+ DestinationDisplayTooltipState, FileType)
+from raphodo.utilities import thousands, format_size_for_user
+from raphodo.rpdfile import FileTypeCounter, Photo, Video
+from raphodo.nameeditor import PrefDialog, make_subfolder_menu_entry
+import raphodo.generatenameconfig as gnc
+from raphodo.generatenameconfig import *
+def make_body_details(bytes_total: int,
+ bytes_free: int,
+ files_to_display: DisplayingFilesOfType,
+ marked: FileTypeCounter,
+ photos_size_to_download: int,
+ videos_size_to_download: int) -> BodyDetails:
+ """
+ Gather the details to render for destination storage usage
+ for photo and video downloads, and their backups.
+ :param bytes_total:
+ :param bytes_free:
+ :param files_to_display:
+ :param marked:
+ :param photos_size_to_download:
+ :param videos_size_to_download:
+ :return:
+ """
+ bytes_total_text = format_size_for_user(bytes_total, no_decimals=0)
+ existing_bytes = bytes_total - bytes_free
+ existing_size = format_size_for_user(existing_bytes)
+ photos = videos = photos_size = videos_size = ''
+ if files_to_display != DisplayingFilesOfType.videos:
+ photos = _('%(no_photos)s Photos') % {'no_photos':
+ thousands(marked[])}
+ photos_size = format_size_for_user(photos_size_to_download)
+ if files_to_display !=
+ videos = _('%(no_videos)s Videos') % {'no_videos':
+ thousands(marked[])}
+ videos_size = format_size_for_user(videos_size_to_download)
+ size_to_download = photos_size_to_download + videos_size_to_download
+ comp1_file_size_sum = photos_size_to_download
+ comp2_file_size_sum = videos_size_to_download
+ comp3_file_size_sum = existing_bytes
+ comp1_text = photos
+ comp2_text = videos
+ comp3_text = _('Used')
+ comp4_text = _('Excess')
+ comp1_size_text = photos_size
+ comp2_size_text = videos_size
+ comp3_size_text = existing_size
+ bytes_to_use = size_to_download + existing_bytes
+ percent_used = ''
+ if bytes_total == 0:
+ bytes_free_of_total = _('Device size unknown')
+ comp4_file_size_sum = 0
+ comp4_size_text = 0
+ comp3_size_text = 0
+ elif bytes_to_use > bytes_total:
+ bytes_total_ = bytes_total
+ bytes_total = bytes_to_use
+ excess_bytes = bytes_to_use - bytes_total_
+ comp4_file_size_sum = excess_bytes
+ comp4_size_text = format_size_for_user(excess_bytes)
+ bytes_free_of_total = _('No space free on %(size_total)s device') % dict(
+ size_total=bytes_total_text
+ )
+ else:
+ comp4_file_size_sum = 0
+ comp4_size_text = 0
+ bytes_free = bytes_total - bytes_to_use
+ bytes_free_of_total = _('%(size_free)s free of %(size_total)s') % dict(
+ size_free=format_size_for_user(bytes_free, no_decimals=1),
+ size_total=bytes_total_text
+ )
+ return BodyDetails(
+ bytes_total_text=bytes_total_text,
+ bytes_total=bytes_total,
+ percent_used_text=percent_used,
+ bytes_free_of_total=bytes_free_of_total,
+ comp1_file_size_sum=comp1_file_size_sum,
+ comp2_file_size_sum=comp2_file_size_sum,
+ comp3_file_size_sum=comp3_file_size_sum,
+ comp4_file_size_sum=comp4_file_size_sum,
+ comp1_text=comp1_text,
+ comp2_text=comp2_text,
+ comp3_text=comp3_text,
+ comp4_text=comp4_text,
+ comp1_size_text=comp1_size_text,
+ comp2_size_text=comp2_size_text,
+ comp3_size_text=comp3_size_text,
+ comp4_size_text=comp4_size_text,
+ color1=QColor(CustomColors.color1.value),
+ color2=QColor(CustomColors.color2.value),
+ color3=QColor(CustomColors.color3.value),
+ displaying_files_of_type=files_to_display
+ )
+def adjusted_download_size(photos_size_to_download: int,
+ videos_size_to_download: int,
+ os_stat_device: int,
+ downloading_to) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """
+ Adjust download size to account for situations where
+ photos and videos are being backed up to the same
+ partition (device) they're downloaded to.
+ :return: photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download
+ """
+ if os_stat_device in downloading_to:
+ file_types = downloading_to[os_stat_device]
+ if in file_types:
+ photos_size_to_download = photos_size_to_download * 2
+ if in file_types:
+ videos_size_to_download = videos_size_to_download * 2
+ return photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download
+class DestinationDisplay(QWidget):
+ """
+ Custom widget handling the display of download destinations, not including the file system
+ browsing component.
+ Serves a dual purpose, depending on whether photos and videos are being downloaded
+ to the same file system or not:
+ 1. Display how much storage space the checked files will use in addition
+ to the space used by existing files.
+ 2. Display the download destination (path), and a local menu to control subfolder
+ generation.
+ Where photos and videos are being downloaded to the same file system, the storage space display
+ is combined into one widget, which appears in its own panel above the photo and video
+ destination panels.
+ Where photos and videos are being downloaded to different file systems, the combined
+ display (above) is invisible, and photo and video panels have the own section in which
+ to display their storage space display
+ """
+ photos = _('Photos')
+ videos = _('Videos')
+ projected_space_msg = _('Projected storage use after download')
+ def __init__(self, menu: bool=False,
+ file_type: FileType=None,
+ parent=None) -> None:
+ """
+ :param menu: whether to render a drop down menu
+ :param file_type: whether for photos or videos. Relevant only for menu display.
+ """
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = parent
+ if parent is not None:
+ self.prefs = self.rapidApp.prefs
+ else:
+ self.prefs = None
+ self.storage_space = None # type: StorageSpace
+ self.map_action = dict() # type: Dict[int, QAction]
+ if menu:
+ menuIcon = QIcon(':/icons/settings.svg')
+ self.file_type = file_type
+ self.createActionsAndMenu()
+ self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal
+ self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path
+ else:
+ menuIcon = None
+ = None
+ self.mouse_pos = None
+ self.tooltip_display_state = None
+ self.deviceDisplay = DeviceDisplay(menuButtonIcon=menuIcon)
+ size = icon_size()
+ self.icon = QIcon(':/icons/folder.svg').pixmap(QSize(size, size)) # type: QPixmap
+ self.display_name = ''
+ self.photos_size_to_download = self.videos_size_to_download = 0
+ self.files_to_display = None # type: DisplayingFilesOfType
+ self.marked = FileTypeCounter()
+ self.display_type = None # type: DestinationDisplayType
+ self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ # default number of built-in subfolder generation defaults
+ self.no_builtin_defaults = 5
+ self.max_presets = 5
+ self.sample_rpd_file = None # type: Union[Photo, Video]
+ self.os_stat_device = 0 # type: int
+ self._downloading_to = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]]
+ @property
+ def downloading_to(self) -> DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]]:
+ return self._downloading_to
+ @downloading_to.setter
+ def downloading_to(self, downloading_to) -> None:
+ if downloading_to is not None:
+ self._downloading_to = downloading_to
+ # TODO determine if this is always needed here
+ self.update()
+ def createActionsAndMenu(self) -> None:
+ self.setMouseTracking(True)
+ = QMenu()
+ if self.file_type ==
+ else:
+ self.subfolder0Act = QAction(
+ make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[0]),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder0
+ )
+ self.subfolder1Act = QAction(
+ make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[1]),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder1
+ )
+ self.subfolder2Act = QAction(
+ make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[2]),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder2
+ )
+ self.subfolder3Act = QAction(
+ make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[3]),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder3
+ )
+ self.subfolder4Act = QAction(
+ make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[4]),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder4
+ )
+ self.subfolder5Act = QAction(
+ 'Preset 0',
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder5
+ )
+ self.subfolder6Act = QAction(
+ 'Preset 1',
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder6
+ )
+ self.subfolder7Act = QAction(
+ 'Preset 2',
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder7
+ )
+ self.subfolder8Act = QAction(
+ 'Preset 3',
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder8
+ )
+ self.subfolder9Act = QAction(
+ 'Preset 4',
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolder9
+ )
+ # Translators: Custom refers to the user choosing a non-default value that
+ # they customize themselves
+ self.subfolderCustomAct = QAction(
+ _('Custom...'),
+ self,
+ checkable=True,
+ triggered=self.doSubfolderCustom
+ )
+ self.subfolderGroup = QActionGroup(self)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder0Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder1Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder2Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder3Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder4Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder5Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder6Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder7Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder8Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder9Act)
+ self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolderCustomAct)
+ self.map_action[0] = self.subfolder0Act
+ self.map_action[1] = self.subfolder1Act
+ self.map_action[2] = self.subfolder2Act
+ self.map_action[3] = self.subfolder3Act
+ self.map_action[4] = self.subfolder4Act
+ self.map_action[5] = self.subfolder5Act
+ self.map_action[6] = self.subfolder6Act
+ self.map_action[7] = self.subfolder7Act
+ self.map_action[8] = self.subfolder8Act
+ self.map_action[9] = self.subfolder9Act
+ self.map_action[-1] = self.subfolderCustomAct
+ def setupMenuActions(self) -> None:
+ if self.file_type ==
+ preset_type = PresetPrefType.preset_photo_subfolder
+ else:
+ preset_type = PresetPrefType.preset_video_subfolder
+ self.preset_names, self.preset_pref_lists = self.prefs.get_preset(preset_type=preset_type)
+ if self.file_type ==
+ index = self.prefs.photo_subfolder_index(self.preset_pref_lists)
+ else:
+ index = self.prefs.video_subfolder_index(self.preset_pref_lists)
+ action = self.map_action[index] # type: QAction
+ action.setChecked(True)
+ # Set visibility of custom presets menu items to match how many we are displaying
+ for idx, text in enumerate(self.preset_names[:self.max_presets]):
+ action = self.map_action[self.no_builtin_defaults + idx]
+ action.setText(text)
+ action.setVisible(True)
+ for i in range(self.max_presets - min(len(self.preset_names), self.max_presets)):
+ idx = len(self.preset_names) + self.no_builtin_defaults + i
+ action = self.map_action[idx]
+ action.setVisible(False)
+ def doSubfolder0(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(0)
+ def doSubfolder1(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(1)
+ def doSubfolder2(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(2)
+ def doSubfolder3(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(3)
+ def doSubfolder4(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(4)
+ def doSubfolder5(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(5)
+ def doSubfolder6(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(6)
+ def doSubfolder7(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(7)
+ def doSubfolder8(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(8)
+ def doSubfolder9(self) -> None:
+ self.menuItemChosen(9)
+ def doSubfolderCustom(self):
+ self.menuItemChosen(-1)
+ def menuItemChosen(self, index: int) -> None:
+ self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal
+ self.update()
+ user_pref_list = None
+ if index == -1:
+ if self.file_type ==
+ pref_defn = DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0
+ pref_list = self.prefs.photo_subfolder
+ generation_type = NameGenerationType.photo_subfolder
+ else:
+ pref_list = self.prefs.video_subfolder
+ generation_type = NameGenerationType.video_subfolder
+ prefDialog = PrefDialog(pref_defn, pref_list, generation_type, self.prefs,
+ self.sample_rpd_file)
+ if prefDialog.exec():
+ user_pref_list = prefDialog.getPrefList()
+ if not user_pref_list:
+ user_pref_list = None
+ elif index >= self.no_builtin_defaults:
+ assert index < self.no_builtin_defaults + self.max_presets
+ user_pref_list = self.preset_pref_lists[index - self.no_builtin_defaults]
+ else:
+ if self.file_type ==
+ user_pref_list = gnc.PHOTO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS_CONV[index]
+ else:
+ user_pref_list = gnc.VIDEO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS_CONV[index]
+ if user_pref_list is not None:
+ logging.debug("Updating %s subfolder generation preference value",
+ if self.file_type ==
+ self.prefs.photo_subfolder = user_pref_list
+ else:
+ self.prefs.video_subfolder = user_pref_list
+ self.rapidApp.folder_preview_manager.change_subfolder_structure()
+ def setDestination(self, path: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Set the downloaded destination path
+ :param path: valid path
+ """
+ self.display_name, self.path = get_path_display_name(path)
+ try:
+ self.os_stat_device = os.stat(path).st_dev
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ logging.error('Cannot set download destination display: %s does not exist', path)
+ self.os_stat_device = 0
+ mount = QStorageInfo(path)
+ bytes_total, bytes_free = get_mount_size(mount=mount)
+ self.storage_space = StorageSpace(bytes_free=bytes_free, bytes_total=bytes_total, path=path)
+ def setDownloadAttributes(self, marked: FileTypeCounter,
+ photos_size: int,
+ videos_size: int,
+ files_to_display: DisplayingFilesOfType,
+ display_type: DestinationDisplayType,
+ merge: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Set the attributes used to generate the visual display of the
+ files marked to be downloaded
+ :param marked: number and type of files marked for download
+ :param photos_size: size in bytes of photos marked for download
+ :param videos_size: size in bytes of videos marked for download
+ :param files_to_display: whether displaying photos or videos or both
+ :param display_type: whether showing only the header (folder only),
+ usage only, or both
+ :param merge: whether to replace or add to the current values
+ """
+ if not merge:
+ self.marked = marked
+ self.photos_size_to_download = photos_size
+ self.videos_size_to_download = videos_size
+ else:
+ self.marked.update(marked)
+ self.photos_size_to_download += photos_size
+ self.videos_size_to_download += videos_size
+ self.files_to_display = files_to_display
+ self.display_type = display_type
+ if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only:
+ self.tool_tip = self.path
+ else:
+ self.tool_tip = self.projected_space_msg
+ self.setToolTip(self.tool_tip)
+ self.update()
+ self.updateGeometry()
+ def sufficientSpaceAvailable(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check to see that there is sufficient space with which to perform a download.
+ :return: True or False value if sufficient space. Will always return False if
+ the download destination is not yet set.
+ """
+ if self.storage_space is None:
+ return False
+ # allow for destinations that don't properly report their size
+ if self.storage_space.bytes_total == 0:
+ return True
+ photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download = adjusted_download_size(
+ photos_size_to_download=self.photos_size_to_download,
+ videos_size_to_download=self.videos_size_to_download,
+ os_stat_device=self.os_stat_device,
+ downloading_to=self._downloading_to)
+ return photos_size_to_download + videos_size_to_download < self.storage_space.bytes_free
+ def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent) -> None:
+ """
+ Render the custom widget
+ """
+ painter = QStylePainter()
+ painter.begin(self)
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ width = self.width()
+ rect = self.rect() # type: QRect
+ if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only and QSplitter().lineWidth():
+ # Draw a frame if that's what the style requires
+ option = QStyleOptionFrame()
+ option.initFrom(self)
+ painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_Frame, option)
+ w = QSplitter().lineWidth()
+ rect.adjust(w, w, -w, -w)
+ palette = QPalette()
+ backgroundColor = palette.base().color()
+ painter.fillRect(rect, backgroundColor)
+ if self.storage_space is None:
+ painter.end()
+ return
+ highlight_menu = self.mouse_pos ==
+ if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only:
+ # Render the folder icon, folder name, and the menu icon
+ self.deviceDisplay.paint_header(painter=painter, x=x, y=y, width=width,
+ display_name=self.display_name, icon=self.icon,
+ highlight_menu=highlight_menu)
+ y = y + self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height
+ if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.folder_only:
+ # Render the projected storage space
+ if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only:
+ y += self.deviceDisplay.padding
+ photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download = adjusted_download_size(
+ photos_size_to_download=self.photos_size_to_download,
+ videos_size_to_download=self.videos_size_to_download,
+ os_stat_device=self.os_stat_device,
+ downloading_to=self._downloading_to)
+ details = make_body_details(bytes_total=self.storage_space.bytes_total,
+ bytes_free=self.storage_space.bytes_free,
+ files_to_display=self.files_to_display,
+ marked=self.marked,
+ photos_size_to_download=photos_size_to_download,
+ videos_size_to_download=videos_size_to_download)
+ self.deviceDisplay.paint_body(painter=painter, x=x,
+ y=y,
+ width=width,
+ details=details)
+ painter.end()
+ def sizeHint(self) -> QSize:
+ if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only:
+ height = self.deviceDisplay.padding
+ else:
+ height = 0
+ if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only:
+ height += self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height
+ if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.folder_only:
+ height += self.deviceDisplay.storage_height
+ return QSize(self.deviceDisplay.view_width, height)
+ def minimumSize(self) -> QSize:
+ return self.sizeHint()
+ @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ if is None:
+ return
+ iconRect = self.deviceDisplay.menu_button_rect(0, 0, self.width())
+ if iconRect.contains(event.pos()):
+ if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
+ menuTopReal = iconRect.bottomLeft()
+ x = math.ceil(menuTopReal.x())
+ y = math.ceil(menuTopReal.y())
+ self.setupMenuActions()
+, y)))
+ @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent)
+ def mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ """
+ Sets the tooltip depending on the position of the mouse.
+ """
+ if is None:
+ # Relevant only for photo and video destination panels, not the combined
+ # storage space display.
+ return
+ if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.folders_and_usage:
+ # make tooltip different when hovering above storage space compared
+ # to when hovering above the destination folder
+ headerRect = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height)
+ if not headerRect.contains(event.pos()):
+ if self.tooltip_display_state != DestinationDisplayTooltipState.storage_space:
+ # Display tooltip for storage space
+ self.setToolTip(self.projected_space_msg)
+ self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.storage_space
+ self.update()
+ return
+ iconRect = self.deviceDisplay.menu_button_rect(0, 0, self.width())
+ if iconRect.contains(event.pos()):
+ if self.mouse_pos == DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal:
+ self.mouse_pos =
+ if self.file_type ==
+ self.setToolTip(_('Configure photo subfolder creation'))
+ else:
+ self.setToolTip(_('Configure video subfolder creation'))
+ self.tooltip_display_state =
+ self.update()
+ else:
+ if (self.mouse_pos == or
+ self.tooltip_display_state != DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path):
+ self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal
+ self.setToolTip(self.tool_tip)
+ self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path
+ self.update()