path: root/raphodo/
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-01-04 08:57:25 +0100
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2018-01-04 08:57:25 +0100
commit8ce494b17065c724187dd3f9faec1e419496f871 (patch)
treefa0c7fb1296f30bfd0cdc241c7556cec8d1e8ba1 /raphodo/
parent18afe3e2ebdb10bbc542d79280344d9adf923d2f (diff)
parenteba0a9bd6f142cdb299cc070060723d00e81205f (diff)
Merge branch 'feature/upstream' into develop
Diffstat (limited to 'raphodo/')
1 files changed, 2226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/raphodo/ b/raphodo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a3f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raphodo/
@@ -0,0 +1,2226 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Damon Lynch <>
+# This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not,
+# see <>.
+__author__ = 'Damon Lynch'
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017, Damon Lynch"
+import pickle
+import os
+import sys
+import datetime
+from collections import (namedtuple, defaultdict, deque)
+from operator import attrgetter
+import subprocess
+import shlex
+import logging
+from timeit import timeit
+from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Sequence
+import locale
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import arrow.arrow
+from import tzlocal
+from colour import Color
+from PyQt5.QtCore import (
+ QAbstractListModel, QModelIndex, Qt, pyqtSignal, QSize, QRect, QEvent, QPoint,
+ QItemSelectionModel, QAbstractItemModel, pyqtSlot, QItemSelection, QTimeLine,
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
+ QListView, QStyledItemDelegate, QStyleOptionViewItem, QApplication, QStyle, QStyleOptionButton,
+ QMenu, QWidget, QAbstractItemView,
+from PyQt5.QtGui import (
+ QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, QColor, QBrush, QFontMetrics, QGuiApplication, QPen, QMouseEvent,
+ QFont,
+from raphodo.rpdfile import RPDFile, FileTypeCounter, ALL_USER_VISIBLE_EXTENSIONS, MUST_CACHE_VIDEOS
+from raphodo.interprocess import GenerateThumbnailsArguments, Device, GenerateThumbnailsResults
+from raphodo.constants import (
+ DownloadStatus, Downloaded, FileType, DownloadingFileTypes, ThumbnailSize,
+ ThumbnailCacheStatus, Roles, DeviceType, CustomColors, Show, Sort, ThumbnailBackgroundName,
+ Desktop, DeviceState, extensionColor, FadeSteps, FadeMilliseconds, PaleGray, DarkGray,
+ DoubleDarkGray, Plural, manually_marked_previously_downloaded, thumbnail_margin
+from import (
+ get_program_cache_directory, get_desktop, validate_download_folder, open_in_file_manager
+from raphodo.utilities import (
+ CacheDirs, make_internationalized_list, format_size_for_user, runs, arrow_locale
+from raphodo.thumbnailer import Thumbnailer
+from raphodo.rpdsql import ThumbnailRowsSQL, ThumbnailRow
+from raphodo.viewutils import ThumbnailDataForProximity
+from raphodo.proximity import TemporalProximityState
+from raphodo.rpdsql import DownloadedSQL
+DownloadFiles = namedtuple(
+ 'DownloadFiles', 'files, download_types, download_stats, camera_access_needed'
+MarkedSummary = namedtuple('MarkedSummary', 'marked size_photos_marked size_videos_marked')
+class DownloadStats:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.no_photos = 0
+ self.no_videos = 0
+ self.photos_size_in_bytes = 0
+ self.videos_size_in_bytes = 0
+ self.post_download_thumb_generation = 0
+class AddBuffer:
+ """
+ Buffers thumbnail rows for display.
+ Add thumbnail rows to the listview is a relatively expensive operation, as the
+ model must be reset. Buffer the rows here, and then when big enough, flush it.
+ """
+ min_buffer_length = 10
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.initialize()
+ self.buffer_length = self.min_buffer_length
+ def initialize(self) -> None:
+ self.buffer = defaultdict(deque) # type: Dict[int, deque]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return sum(len(buffer) for buffer in self.buffer.values())
+ def __getitem__(self, scan_id: int) -> deque:
+ return self.buffer[scan_id]
+ def should_flush(self) -> bool:
+ return len(self) > self.buffer_length
+ def reset(self, buffer_length: int) -> None:
+ self.initialize()
+ self.buffer_length = buffer_length
+ def set_buffer_length(self, length: int) -> None:
+ self.buffer_length = max(self.min_buffer_length, length)
+ def extend(self, scan_id: int, thumbnail_rows: Sequence[ThumbnailRow]) -> None:
+ self.buffer[scan_id].extend(thumbnail_rows)
+ def purge(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ if scan_id in self.buffer:
+ logging.debug("Purging %s thumbnails from buffer", len(self.buffer[scan_id]))
+ del self.buffer[scan_id]
+class ThumbnailListModel(QAbstractListModel):
+ selectionReset = pyqtSignal()
+ def __init__(self, parent, logging_port: int, log_gphoto2: bool) -> None:
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = parent
+ self.prefs = self.rapidApp.prefs
+ self.thumbnailer_ready = False
+ self.thumbnailer_generation_queue = []
+ # track what devices are having thumbnails generated, by scan_id
+ # see also DeviceCollection.thumbnailing
+ #FIXME maybe this duplicated set is stupid
+ self.generating_thumbnails = set() # type: Set[int]
+ # Sorting and filtering GUI defaults
+ self.sort_by = Sort.modification_time
+ self.sort_order = Qt.AscendingOrder
+ = Show.all
+ self.initialize()
+ no_workers = parent.prefs.max_cpu_cores
+ self.thumbnailer = Thumbnailer(parent=parent, no_workers=no_workers,
+ logging_port=logging_port, log_gphoto2=log_gphoto2)
+ self.thumbnailer.frontend_port.connect(self.rapidApp.initStage4)
+ self.thumbnailer.thumbnailReceived.connect(self.thumbnailReceived)
+ self.thumbnailer.cacheDirs.connect(self.cacheDirsReceived)
+ self.thumbnailer.workerFinished.connect(self.thumbnailWorkerFinished)
+ # Connect to the signal that is emitted when a thumbnailing operation is
+ # terminated by us, not merely finished
+ self.thumbnailer.workerStopped.connect(self.thumbnailWorkerStopped)
+ self.arrow_locale = arrow_locale()
+ logging.debug("Setting arrow locale to %s", self.arrow_locale)
+ def initialize(self) -> None:
+ # uid: QPixmap
+ self.thumbnails = {} # type: Dict[bytes, QPixmap]
+ self.add_buffer = AddBuffer()
+ # Proximity filtering
+ self.proximity_col1 = [] # type: List[int, ...]
+ self.proximity_col2 = [] # type: List[int, ...]
+ # scan_id
+ self.removed_devices = set() # type: Set[int]
+ # Files are hidden when the combo box "Show" in the main window is set to
+ # "New" instead of the default "All".
+ # uid: RPDFile
+ self.rpd_files = {} # type: Dict[bytes, RPDFile]
+ # In memory database to hold all thumbnail rows
+ self.tsql = ThumbnailRowsSQL()
+ # Rows used to render the thumbnail view - contains query result of the DB
+ # Each list element corresponds to a row in the thumbnail view such that
+ # index 0 in the list is row 0 in the view
+ # [(uid, marked)]
+ self.rows = [] # type: List[Tuple[bytes, bool]]
+ # {uid: row}
+ self.uid_to_row = {} # type: Dict[bytes, int]
+ self.photo_icon = QPixmap(':/photo.png')
+ self.video_icon = QPixmap(':/video.png')
+ self.total_thumbs_to_generate = 0
+ self.thumbnails_generated = 0
+ self.no_thumbnails_by_scan = defaultdict(int)
+ # scan_id
+ self.ctimes_differ = [] # type: List[int]
+ # Highlight thumbnails when from particular device when there is more than one device
+ # Thumbnails to highlight by uid
+ self.currently_highlighting_scan_id = None # type: Optional[int]
+ self._resetHighlightingValues()
+ self.highlighting_timeline = QTimeLine(FadeMilliseconds // 2)
+ self.highlighting_timeline.setCurveShape(QTimeLine.SineCurve)
+ self.highlighting_timeline.frameChanged.connect(self.doHighlightDeviceThumbs)
+ self.highlighting_timeline.finished.connect(self.highlightPhaseFinished)
+ self.highlighting_timeline_max = FadeSteps
+ self.highlighting_timeline_mint = 0
+ self.highlighting_timeline.setFrameRange(self.highlighting_timeline_mint,
+ self.highlighting_timeline_max)
+ self.highlight_value = 0
+ self._resetRememberSelection()
+ def stopThumbnailer(self) -> None:
+ self.thumbnailer.stop()
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def thumbnailWorkerFinished(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ self.generating_thumbnails.remove(scan_id)
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def thumbnailWorkerStopped(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ self.generating_thumbnails.remove(scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.thumbnailGenerationStopped(scan_id=scan_id)
+ def logState(self) -> None:
+ logging.debug("-- Thumbnail Model --")
+ db_length = self.tsql.get_count()
+ db_length_and_buffer_length = db_length + len(self.add_buffer)
+ if (len(self.thumbnails) != db_length_and_buffer_length or
+ db_length_and_buffer_length != len(self.rpd_files)):
+ logging.error("Conflicting values: %s thumbnails; %s database rows; %s rpd_files",
+ len(self.thumbnails), db_length, len(self.rpd_files))
+ else:
+ logging.debug("%s thumbnails (%s marked)",
+ db_length, self.tsql.get_count(marked=True))
+ logging.debug("%s not downloaded; %s downloaded; %s previously downloaded",
+ self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=False),
+ self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=True),
+ self.tsql.get_count(previously_downloaded=True))
+ if self.total_thumbs_to_generate:
+ logging.debug("%s to be generated; %s generated", self.total_thumbs_to_generate,
+ self.thumbnails_generated)
+ scan_ids = self.tsql.get_all_devices()
+ active_devices = ', '.join(self.rapidApp.devices[scan_id].display_name
+ for scan_id in scan_ids
+ if scan_id not in self.removed_devices)
+ if len(self.removed_devices):
+ logging.debug("Active devices: %s (%s removed)",
+ active_devices, len(self.removed_devices))
+ else:
+ logging.debug("Active devices: %s", active_devices)
+ def validateModelConsistency(self):
+ logging.debug("Validating thumbnail model consistency...")
+ for idx, row in enumerate(self.rows):
+ uid = row[0]
+ if self.rpd_files.get(uid) is None:
+ raise KeyError('Missing key in rpd files at row {}'.format(idx))
+ if self.thumbnails.get(uid) is None:
+ raise KeyError('Missing key in thumbnails at row {}'.format(idx))
+ [self.tsql.validate_uid(uid=row[0]) for row in self.rows]
+ for uid, row in self.uid_to_row.items():
+ assert self.rows[row][0] == uid
+ for uid in self.tsql.get_uids():
+ assert uid in self.rpd_files
+ assert uid in self.thumbnails
+ logging.debug("...thumbnail model looks okay")
+ def refresh(self, suppress_signal=False, rememberSelection=False) -> None:
+ """
+ Refresh thumbnail view after files have been added, the proximity filters
+ are used, or the sort criteria is changed.
+ :param suppress_signal: if True don't emit signals that layout is changing
+ :param rememberSelection: remember which uids were selected before change,
+ and reselect them
+ """
+ if rememberSelection:
+ self.rememberSelection()
+ if not suppress_signal:
+ self.layoutAboutToBeChanged.emit()
+ self.rows = self.tsql.get_view(
+ sort_by=self.sort_by, sort_order=self.sort_order,
+, proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2
+ )
+ self.uid_to_row = {row[0]: idx for idx, row in enumerate(self.rows)}
+ if not suppress_signal:
+ self.layoutChanged.emit()
+ if rememberSelection:
+ self.reselect()
+ def _selectionModel(self) -> QItemSelectionModel:
+ return self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.selectionModel()
+ def rememberSelection(self):
+ selection = self._selectionModel()
+ selected = selection.selection() # type: QItemSelection
+ self.remember_selection_all_selected = len(selected) == len(self.rows)
+ if not self.remember_selection_all_selected:
+ self.remember_selection_selected_uids = [self.rows[index.row()][0]
+ for index in selected.indexes()]
+ selection.reset()
+ def reselect(self):
+ if not self.remember_selection_all_selected:
+ selection = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.selectionModel() # type: QItemSelectionModel
+ new_selection = QItemSelection() # type: QItemSelection
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in self.remember_selection_selected_uids
+ if uid in self.uid_to_row]
+ rows.sort()
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ def _resetRememberSelection(self):
+ self.remember_selection_all_selected = None # type: Optional[bool]
+ self.remember_selection_selected_uids = [] # type: List[bytes]
+ def rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex=QModelIndex()) -> int:
+ return len(self.rows)
+ def flags(self, index: QModelIndex) -> Qt.ItemFlags:
+ if not index.isValid():
+ return Qt.NoItemFlags
+ row = index.row()
+ if row >= len(self.rows) or row < 0:
+ return Qt.NoItemFlags
+ uid = self.rows[row][0]
+ rpd_file = self.rpd_files[uid] # type: RPDFile
+ if rpd_file.status == DownloadStatus.not_downloaded:
+ return super().flags(index) | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
+ else:
+ return Qt.NoItemFlags
+ def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
+ if not index.isValid():
+ return None
+ row = index.row()
+ if row >= len(self.rows) or row < 0:
+ return None
+ uid = self.rows[row][0]
+ rpd_file = self.rpd_files[uid] # type: RPDFile
+ if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
+ # This is never displayed, but is (was?) used for filtering!
+ return rpd_file.modification_time
+ elif role == Roles.highlight:
+ if rpd_file.scan_id == self.currently_highlighting_scan_id:
+ return self.highlight_value
+ else:
+ return 0
+ elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
+ return self.thumbnails[uid]
+ elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
+ if self.rows[row][1]:
+ return Qt.Checked
+ else:
+ return Qt.Unchecked
+ elif role == Roles.sort_extension:
+ return rpd_file.extension
+ elif role == Roles.filename:
+ return
+ elif role == Roles.previously_downloaded:
+ return rpd_file.previously_downloaded
+ elif role == Roles.extension:
+ return rpd_file.extension, rpd_file.extension_type
+ elif role == Roles.download_status:
+ return rpd_file.status
+ elif role == Roles.job_code:
+ return rpd_file.job_code
+ elif role == Roles.has_audio:
+ return rpd_file.has_audio()
+ elif role == Roles.secondary_attribute:
+ if rpd_file.xmp_file_full_name:
+ return 'XMP'
+ elif rpd_file.log_file_full_name:
+ return 'LOG'
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif role == Roles.path:
+ if rpd_file.status in Downloaded:
+ return rpd_file.download_full_file_name
+ else:
+ return rpd_file.full_file_name
+ elif role == Roles.uri:
+ return rpd_file.get_uri()
+ elif role == Roles.camera_memory_card:
+ return rpd_file.camera_memory_card_identifiers
+ elif role == Roles.mtp:
+ return rpd_file.is_mtp_device
+ elif role == Roles.scan_id:
+ return rpd_file.scan_id
+ elif role == Roles.is_camera:
+ return rpd_file.from_camera
+ elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
+ devices = self.rapidApp.devices
+ if len(devices) > 1:
+ device_name = devices[rpd_file.scan_id].display_name
+ else:
+ device_name = ''
+ size = format_size_for_user(rpd_file.size)
+ mtime = arrow.get(rpd_file.modification_time)
+ if rpd_file.ctime_mtime_differ():
+ ctime = arrow.get(rpd_file.ctime)
+ humanized_ctime = _(
+ 'Taken on %(date_time)s (%(human_readable)s)'
+ ) % dict(
+ human_readable=ctime.humanize(locale=self.arrow_locale)
+ )
+ humanized_mtime = _(
+ 'Modified on %(date_time)s (%(human_readable)s)'
+ ) % dict(
+ human_readable=mtime.humanize(locale=self.arrow_locale)
+ )
+ humanized_file_time = '{}<br>{}'.format(humanized_ctime, humanized_mtime)
+ else:
+ humanized_file_time = _(
+ '%(date_time)s (%(human_readable)s)'
+ ) % dict(
+ human_readable=mtime.humanize(locale=self.arrow_locale)
+ )
+ humanized_file_time = humanized_file_time.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
+ if not device_name:
+ msg = '<b>{}</b><br>{}<br>{}'.format(, humanized_file_time, size)
+ else:
+ msg = '<b>{}</b><br>{}<br>{}<br>{}'.format(
+, device_name, humanized_file_time, size
+ )
+ if rpd_file.camera_memory_card_identifiers:
+ if len(rpd_file.camera_memory_card_identifiers) > 1:
+ cards = _('Memory cards: %s') % make_internationalized_list(
+ rpd_file.camera_memory_card_identifiers
+ )
+ else:
+ cards = _('Memory card: %s') % rpd_file.camera_memory_card_identifiers[0]
+ msg += '<br>' + cards
+ if rpd_file.status in Downloaded:
+ path = rpd_file.download_path + os.sep
+ downloaded_as = _('Downloaded as:')
+ msg += '<br><br><i>%(downloaded_as)s</i><br>%(filename)s<br>%(path)s' % dict(
+ filename=rpd_file.download_name, path=path, downloaded_as=downloaded_as
+ )
+ if rpd_file.previously_downloaded:
+ prev_datetime = arrow.get(rpd_file.prev_datetime, tzlocal())
+ prev_date = _('%(date_time)s (%(human_readable)s)') % dict(
+ date_time=prev_datetime.naive.strftime('%c'),
+ human_readable=prev_datetime.humanize(locale=self.arrow_locale)
+ )
+ if rpd_file.prev_full_name != manually_marked_previously_downloaded:
+ path, prev_file_name = os.path.split(rpd_file.prev_full_name)
+ path += os.sep
+ msg += _(
+ '<br><br>Previous download:<br>%(filename)s<br>%(path)s<br>%(date)s'
+ ) % dict(date=prev_date, filename=prev_file_name, path=path)
+ else:
+ msg += _(
+ '<br><br><i>Manually set as previously downloaded on %(date)s</i>'
+ ) % dict(date=prev_date)
+ return msg
+ def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value, role: int) -> bool:
+ if not index.isValid():
+ return False
+ row = index.row()
+ if row >= len(self.rows) or row < 0:
+ return False
+ uid = self.rows[row][0]
+ if role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
+ self.tsql.set_marked(uid=uid, marked=value)
+ self.rows[row] = (uid, value == True)
+ self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
+ return True
+ elif role == Roles.job_code:
+ self.rpd_files[uid].job_code = value
+ self.tsql.set_job_code_assigned(uids=[uid], job_code=True)
+ self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def setDataRange(self, indexes: Tuple[QModelIndex], value, role: int) -> bool:
+ """
+ Modify a range of indexes simultaneously
+ :param indexes: the indexes
+ :param value: new value to assign
+ :param role: the role the value is associated with
+ :return: True
+ """
+ valid_rows = (index.row() for index in indexes if index.isValid())
+ rows = [row for row in valid_rows if 0 <= row < len(self.rows)]
+ rows.sort()
+ uids = [self.rows[row][0] for row in rows]
+ if role == Roles.previously_downloaded:
+ logging.debug("Manually setting %s files as previously downloaded", len(uids))
+ # Set the files as unmarked
+ self.tsql.set_list_marked(uids=uids, marked=False)
+ for row, uid in zip(rows, uids):
+ self.rows[row] = (uid, False)
+ # Set the files as previously downloaded
+ self.tsql.set_list_previously_downloaded(uids=uids, previously_downloaded=value)
+ d = DownloadedSQL()
+ now =
+ for uid in uids:
+ rpd_file = self.rpd_files[uid]
+ rpd_file.previously_downloaded = value
+ rpd_file.prev_full_name = manually_marked_previously_downloaded
+ rpd_file.prev_datetime = now
+ d.add_downloaded_file(
+, size=rpd_file.size,
+ modification_time=rpd_file.modification_time,
+ download_full_file_name=manually_marked_previously_downloaded
+ )
+ # Update Timeline formatting, if needed
+ self.rapidApp.temporalProximity.previouslyDownloadedManuallySet(uids=uids)
+ # Indicate to the list view that the rows have changed
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ return True
+ def assignJobCodesToMarkedFilesWithNoJobCode(self, job_code: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Called when assigning job codes when a download is initiated and not all
+ files have had a job code assigned to them.
+ :param job_code: job code to assign
+ """
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(marked=True, job_code=False)
+ logging.debug("Assigning job code to %s files because a download was initiated", len(uids))
+ for uid in uids:
+ self.rpd_files[uid].job_code = job_code
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in uids if uid in self.uid_to_row]
+ rows.sort()
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ self.tsql.set_job_code_assigned(uids=uids, job_code=True)
+ def updateDisplayPostDataChange(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None):
+ if scan_id is not None:
+ scan_ids = [scan_id]
+ else:
+ scan_ids = (scan_id for scan_id in self.rapidApp.devices)
+ for scan_id in scan_ids:
+ self.updateDeviceDisplayCheckMark(scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.displayMessageInStatusBar()
+ self.rapidApp.setDownloadCapabilities()
+ def removeRows(self, position, rows=1, index=QModelIndex()) -> bool:
+ """
+ Removes Python list rows only, i.e. self.rows.
+ Does not touch database or other variables.
+ """
+ self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), position, position + rows - 1)
+ del self.rows[position:position + rows]
+ self.endRemoveRows()
+ return True
+ def addOrUpdateDevice(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ device_name = self.rapidApp.devices[scan_id].display_name
+ self.tsql.add_or_update_device(scan_id=scan_id, device_name=device_name)
+ def addFiles(self, scan_id: int, rpd_files: List[RPDFile], generate_thumbnail: bool) -> None:
+ if not rpd_files:
+ return
+ thumbnail_rows = deque(maxlen=len(rpd_files))
+ for rpd_file in rpd_files:
+ uid = rpd_file.uid
+ self.rpd_files[uid] = rpd_file
+ if rpd_file.file_type ==
+ self.thumbnails[uid] = self.photo_icon
+ else:
+ self.thumbnails[uid] = self.video_icon
+ if generate_thumbnail:
+ self.total_thumbs_to_generate += 1
+ self.no_thumbnails_by_scan[rpd_file.scan_id] += 1
+ tr = ThumbnailRow(
+ uid=uid,
+ scan_id=rpd_file.scan_id,
+ mtime=rpd_file.modification_time,
+ marked=not rpd_file.previously_downloaded,
+ extension=rpd_file.extension,
+ file_type=rpd_file.file_type,
+ downloaded=False,
+ previously_downloaded=rpd_file.previously_downloaded,
+ job_code=False,
+ proximity_col1=-1,
+ proximity_col2=-1
+ )
+ thumbnail_rows.append(tr)
+ self.add_buffer.extend(scan_id=scan_id, thumbnail_rows=thumbnail_rows)
+ if self.add_buffer.should_flush():
+ self.flushAddBuffer()
+ marked_summary = self.getMarkedSummary()
+ destinations_good = self.rapidApp.updateDestinationViews(marked_summary=marked_summary)
+ self.rapidApp.destinationButton.setHighlighted(not destinations_good)
+ if self.prefs.backup_files:
+ backups_good = self.rapidApp.updateBackupView(marked_summary=marked_summary)
+ else:
+ backups_good = True
+ self.rapidApp.destinationButton.setHighlighted(not destinations_good)
+ self.rapidApp.backupButton.setHighlighted(not backups_good)
+ def flushAddBuffer(self):
+ if len(self.add_buffer):
+ self.beginResetModel()
+ for buffer in self.add_buffer.buffer.values():
+ self.tsql.add_thumbnail_rows(thumbnail_rows=buffer)
+ self.refresh(suppress_signal=True)
+ self.add_buffer.reset(buffer_length=len(self.rows))
+ self.endResetModel()
+ self._resetHighlightingValues()
+ self._resetRememberSelection()
+ def getMarkedSummary(self) -> MarkedSummary:
+ """
+ :return: summary of files marked for download including sizes in bytes
+ """
+ size_photos_marked = self.getSizeOfFilesMarkedForDownload(
+ size_videos_marked = self.getSizeOfFilesMarkedForDownload(
+ marked = self.getNoFilesAndTypesMarkedForDownload()
+ return MarkedSummary(marked=marked, size_photos_marked=size_photos_marked,
+ size_videos_marked=size_videos_marked)
+ def setFileSort(self, sort: Sort, order: Qt.SortOrder, show: Show) -> None:
+ if self.sort_by != sort or self.sort_order != order or != show:
+ logging.debug("Changing layout due to sort change: %s, %s, %s", sort, order, show)
+ self.sort_by = sort
+ self.sort_order = order
+ = show
+ self.refresh(rememberSelection=True)
+ @pyqtSlot(int, CacheDirs)
+ def cacheDirsReceived(self, scan_id: int, cache_dirs: CacheDirs) -> None:
+ self.rapidApp.fileSystemFilter.setTempDirs([cache_dirs.photo_cache_dir,
+ cache_dirs.video_cache_dir])
+ if scan_id in self.rapidApp.devices:
+ self.rapidApp.devices[scan_id].photo_cache_dir = cache_dirs.photo_cache_dir
+ self.rapidApp.devices[scan_id].video_cache_dir = cache_dirs.video_cache_dir
+ @pyqtSlot(RPDFile, QPixmap)
+ def thumbnailReceived(self, rpd_file: RPDFile, thumbnail: QPixmap) -> None:
+ """
+ A thumbnail has been generated by either the dedicated thumbnailing phase, or
+ during the download by a daemon process.
+ :param rpd_file: details of the file the thumbnail was geneerated for
+ :param thumbnail: If isNull(), the thumbnail either could not be generated or
+ did not need to be (because it already had been). Otherwise, this is
+ the thumbnail to display.
+ """
+ uid = rpd_file.uid
+ scan_id = rpd_file.scan_id
+ if uid not in self.rpd_files or scan_id not in self.rapidApp.devices:
+ # A thumbnail has been generated for a no longer displayed file
+ return
+ download_is_running = self.rapidApp.downloadIsRunning()
+ if rpd_file.mdatatime_caused_ctime_change and not rpd_file.modified_via_daemon_process:
+ rpd_file.mdatatime_caused_ctime_change = False
+ if scan_id not in self.ctimes_differ:
+ self.addCtimeDisparity(rpd_file=rpd_file)
+ if not rpd_file.modified_via_daemon_process and self.rpd_files[uid].status in (
+ DownloadStatus.not_downloaded, DownloadStatus.download_pending):
+ # Only update the rpd_file if the file has not already been downloaded
+ # TODO consider merging this no matter what the status
+ self.rpd_files[uid] = rpd_file
+ if not thumbnail.isNull():
+ self.thumbnails[uid] = thumbnail
+ # The thumbnail may or may not be displayed at this moment
+ row = self.uid_to_row.get(uid)
+ if row is not None:
+ # logging.debug("Updating thumbnail row %s with new thumbnail", row)
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(row, 0), self.index(row, 0))
+ else:
+ logging.debug("Thumbnail was null: %s",
+ if not rpd_file.modified_via_daemon_process:
+ self.thumbnails_generated += 1
+ self.no_thumbnails_by_scan[scan_id] -= 1
+ log_state = False
+ if self.no_thumbnails_by_scan[scan_id] == 0:
+ if self.rapidApp.deviceState(scan_id) == DeviceState.thumbnailing:
+ self.rapidApp.devices.set_device_state(scan_id, DeviceState.idle)
+ device = self.rapidApp.devices[scan_id]
+'Finished thumbnail generation for %s',
+ if scan_id in self.ctimes_differ:
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids_for_device(scan_id=scan_id)
+ rpd_files = [self.rpd_files[uid] for uid in uids]
+ self.rapidApp.folder_preview_manager.add_rpd_files(rpd_files=rpd_files)
+ self.processCtimeDisparity(scan_id=scan_id)
+ log_state = True
+ if self.thumbnails_generated == self.total_thumbs_to_generate:
+ self.thumbnails_generated = 0
+ self.total_thumbs_to_generate = 0
+ if not download_is_running:
+ self.rapidApp.updateProgressBarState()
+ elif self.total_thumbs_to_generate and not download_is_running:
+ self.rapidApp.updateProgressBarState(thumbnail_generated=True)
+ if not download_is_running:
+ self.rapidApp.displayMessageInStatusBar()
+ if log_state:
+ self.logState()
+ else:
+ self.rapidApp.thumbnailGeneratedPostDownload(rpd_file=rpd_file)
+ def addCtimeDisparity(self, rpd_file: RPDFile) -> None:
+ """
+ Track the fact that there was a disparity between the creation time and
+ modification time for a file, that was identified either during a download
+ or during a scan
+ :param rpd_file: sample rpd_file (scan id of the device will be taken from it)
+ """
+'Metadata time differs from file modification time for '
+ '%s (with possibly more to come, but these will not be logged)',
+ rpd_file.full_file_name)
+ scan_id = rpd_file.scan_id
+ self.ctimes_differ.append(scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.temporalProximity.setState(TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild)
+ if not self.rapidApp.downloadIsRunning():
+ self.rapidApp.folder_preview_manager.remove_folders_for_device(
+ scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.notifyFoldersProximityRebuild(scan_id)
+ def processCtimeDisparity(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ """
+ A device that had a disparity between the creation time and
+ modification time for a file has been fully downloaded from.
+ :param scan_id:
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.ctimes_differ.remove(scan_id)
+ if not self.ctimes_differ:
+ self.rapidApp.temporalProximity.setState(TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild_proceed)
+ self.rapidApp.generateTemporalProximityTableData(
+ reason="a photo or video's creation time differed from its file "
+ "system modification time")
+ def _get_cache_location(self, download_folder: str) -> str:
+ if validate_download_folder(download_folder).valid:
+ return download_folder
+ else:
+ folder = get_program_cache_directory(create_if_not_exist=True)
+ if folder is not None:
+ return folder
+ else:
+ return os.path.expanduser('~')
+ def getCacheLocations(self) -> CacheDirs:
+ photo_cache_folder = self._get_cache_location(self.rapidApp.prefs.photo_download_folder)
+ video_cache_folder = self._get_cache_location(self.rapidApp.prefs.video_download_folder)
+ return CacheDirs(photo_cache_folder, video_cache_folder)
+ def generateThumbnails(self, scan_id: int, device: Device) -> None:
+ """Initiates generation of thumbnails for the device."""
+ if scan_id not in self.removed_devices:
+ self.generating_thumbnails.add(scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.updateProgressBarState()
+ cache_dirs = self.getCacheLocations()
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids_for_device(scan_id=scan_id)
+ rpd_files = list((self.rpd_files[uid] for uid in uids))
+ need_video_cache_dir = False
+ if device.device_type ==
+ need_video_cache_dir = device.entire_video_required or \
+ self.tsql.any_files_of_type(scan_id,
+ gen_args = (
+ scan_id, rpd_files,, self.rapidApp.prefs.proximity_seconds,
+ cache_dirs, need_video_cache_dir, device.camera_model, device.camera_port,
+ device.entire_video_required
+ )
+ self.thumbnailer.generateThumbnails(*gen_args)
+ def resetThumbnailTracking(self):
+ self.thumbnails_generated = 0
+ self.total_thumbs_to_generate = 0
+ def _deleteRows(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Delete a list of thumbnails from the thumbnail display
+ :param uids: files to remove
+ """
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in uids]
+ if rows:
+ # Generate groups of rows, and remove that group
+ # Must do it in reverse!
+ rows.sort()
+ rrows = reversed(list(runs(rows)))
+ for first, last in rrows:
+ no_rows = last - first + 1
+ self.removeRows(first, no_rows)
+ self.uid_to_row = {row[0]: idx for idx, row in enumerate(self.rows)}
+ def purgeRpdFiles(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ for uid in uids:
+ del self.thumbnails[uid]
+ del self.rpd_files[uid]
+ def clearAll(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, keep_downloaded_files: bool=False) -> bool:
+ """
+ Removes files from display and internal tracking.
+ If scan_id is not None, then only files matching that scan_id
+ will be removed. Otherwise, everything will be removed, regardless of
+ the keep_downloaded_files parameter..
+ If keep_downloaded_files is True, files will not be removed if
+ they have been downloaded.
+ Two aspects to this task:
+ 1. remove files list of rows which drive the list view display
+ 2. remove files from backend DB and from thumbnails and rpd_files lists.
+ :param scan_id: if None, keep_downloaded_files must be False
+ :param keep_downloaded_files: don't remove thumbnails if they represent
+ files that have now been downloaded. Ignored if no device is passed.
+ :return: True if any thumbnail was removed (irrespective of whether
+ it was displayed at this moment), else False
+ """
+ if scan_id is None and not keep_downloaded_files:
+ files_removed = self.tsql.any_files()
+ logging.debug("Clearing all thumbnails for all devices")
+ self.initialize()
+ return files_removed
+ else:
+ assert scan_id is not None
+ if not keep_downloaded_files:
+ files_removed = self.tsql.any_files(scan_id=scan_id)
+ else:
+ files_removed = self.tsql.any_files_to_download(scan_id=scan_id)
+ if keep_downloaded_files:
+ logging.debug("Clearing all non-downloaded thumbnails for scan id %s", scan_id)
+ else:
+ logging.debug("Clearing all thumbnails for scan id %s", scan_id)
+ # Generate list of displayed thumbnails to remove
+ if keep_downloaded_files:
+ uids = self.getDisplayedUids(scan_id=scan_id)
+ else:
+ uids = self.getDisplayedUids(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=None)
+ self._deleteRows(uids)
+ # Delete from DB and thumbnails and rpd_files lists
+ if keep_downloaded_files:
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=False)
+ else:
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(scan_id=scan_id)
+ logging.debug("Removing %s thumbnail and rpd_files rows", len(uids))
+ self.purgeRpdFiles(uids)
+ uids = [row.uid for row in self.add_buffer[scan_id]]
+ if uids:
+ logging.debug("Removing additional %s thumbnail and rpd_files rows", len(uids))
+ self.purgeRpdFiles(uids)
+ self.add_buffer.purge(scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.add_buffer.set_buffer_length(len(self.rows))
+ if keep_downloaded_files:
+ self.tsql.delete_files_by_scan_id(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=False)
+ else:
+ self.tsql.delete_files_by_scan_id(scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.removed_devices.add(scan_id)
+ if scan_id in self.no_thumbnails_by_scan:
+ self.recalculateThumbnailsPercentage(scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.displayMessageInStatusBar()
+ if self.tsql.get_count(scan_id=scan_id) == 0:
+ self.tsql.delete_device(scan_id=scan_id)
+ if scan_id in self.ctimes_differ:
+ self.ctimes_differ.remove(scan_id)
+ # self.validateModelConsistency()
+ return files_removed
+ def clearCompletedDownloads(self) -> None:
+ logging.debug("Clearing all completed download thumbnails")
+ # Get uids for complete downloads that are currently displayed
+ uids = self.getDisplayedUids(downloaded=True)
+ self._deleteRows(uids)
+ # Now get uids of all downloaded files, regardless of whether they're
+ # displayed at the moment
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(downloaded=True)
+ logging.debug("Removing %s thumbnail and rpd_files rows", len(uids))
+ self.purgeRpdFiles(uids)
+ # Delete the files from the internal database that drives the display
+ self.tsql.delete_uids(uids)
+ def filesAreMarkedForDownload(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> bool:
+ """
+ Checks for the presence of checkmark besides any file that has
+ not yet been downloaded.
+ :param: scan_id: if specified, only for that device
+ :return: True if there is any file that the user has indicated
+ they intend to download, else False.
+ """
+ return self.tsql.any_files_marked(scan_id=scan_id)
+ def getNoFilesMarkedForDownload(self) -> int:
+ return self.tsql.get_count(marked=True)
+ def getNoHiddenFiles(self) -> int:
+ if self.rapidApp.showOnlyNewFiles():
+ return self.tsql.get_count(previously_downloaded=True, downloaded=False)
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def getNoFilesAndTypesMarkedForDownload(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ no_photos = self.tsql.get_count(marked=True,
+ no_videos = self.tsql.get_count(marked=True,
+ f = FileTypeCounter()
+ f[] = no_photos
+ f[] = no_videos
+ return f
+ def getSizeOfFilesMarkedForDownload(self, file_type: FileType) -> int:
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(marked=True, file_type=file_type)
+ return sum(self.rpd_files[uid].size for uid in uids)
+ def getNoFilesAvailableForDownload(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ no_photos = self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=False,
+ no_videos = self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=False,
+ f = FileTypeCounter()
+ f[] = no_photos
+ f[] = no_videos
+ return f
+ def getNoFilesSelected(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ selection = self._selectionModel()
+ selected = selection.selection() # type: QItemSelection
+ if not len(selected) == len(self.rows):
+ # not all files are selected
+ selected_uids = [self.rows[index.row()][0] for index in selected.indexes()]
+ return FileTypeCounter(self.rpd_files[uid].file_type for uid in selected_uids)
+ else:
+ return self.getDisplayedCounter()
+ def getCountNotPreviouslyDownloadedAvailableForDownload(self) -> int:
+ return self.tsql.get_count(previously_downloaded=False, downloaded=False)
+ def getAllDownloadableRPDFiles(self) -> List[RPDFile]:
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(downloaded=False)
+ return [self.rpd_files[uid] for uid in uids]
+ def getFilesMarkedForDownload(self, scan_id: Optional[int]) -> DownloadFiles:
+ """
+ Returns a dict of scan ids and associated files the user has
+ indicated they want to download, and whether there are photos
+ or videos included in the download.
+ Exclude files from which a device is still scanning.
+ :param scan_id: if not None, then returns those files only from
+ the device associated with that scan_id
+ :return: namedtuple DownloadFiles with defaultdict() indexed by
+ scan_id with value List(rpd_file), and defaultdict() indexed by
+ scan_id with value DownloadStats
+ """
+ if scan_id is None:
+ exclude_scan_ids = list(self.rapidApp.devices.scanning)
+ else:
+ exclude_scan_ids = None
+ files = defaultdict(list)
+ download_stats = defaultdict(DownloadStats)
+ camera_access_needed = defaultdict(bool)
+ download_photos = download_videos = False
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(scan_id=scan_id, marked=True, downloaded=False,
+ exclude_scan_ids=exclude_scan_ids)
+ for uid in uids:
+ rpd_file = self.rpd_files[uid] # type: RPDFile
+ scan_id = rpd_file.scan_id
+ files[scan_id].append(rpd_file)
+ # TODO contemplate using a counter here
+ if rpd_file.file_type ==
+ download_photos = True
+ download_stats[scan_id].no_photos += 1
+ download_stats[scan_id].photos_size_in_bytes += rpd_file.size
+ else:
+ download_videos = True
+ download_stats[scan_id].no_videos += 1
+ download_stats[scan_id].videos_size_in_bytes += rpd_file.size
+ if rpd_file.from_camera and not rpd_file.cache_full_file_name:
+ camera_access_needed[scan_id] = True
+ # Need to generate a thumbnail after a file has been downloaded
+ # if generating FDO thumbnails or if the orientation of the
+ # thumbnail we may have is unknown
+ if self.sendToDaemonThumbnailer(rpd_file=rpd_file):
+ download_stats[scan_id].post_download_thumb_generation += 1
+ # self.validateModelConsistency()
+ if download_photos:
+ if download_videos:
+ download_types = DownloadingFileTypes.photos_and_videos
+ else:
+ download_types =
+ elif download_videos:
+ download_types = DownloadingFileTypes.videos
+ else:
+ download_types = None
+ return DownloadFiles(
+ files=files,
+ download_types=download_types,
+ download_stats=download_stats,
+ camera_access_needed=camera_access_needed
+ )
+ def sendToDaemonThumbnailer(self, rpd_file: RPDFile) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determine if the file needs to be sent for thumbnail generation
+ by the post download daemon.
+ :param rpd_file: file to analyze
+ :return: True if need to send, False otherwise
+ """
+ return (self.prefs.generate_thumbnails and
+ ((self.prefs.save_fdo_thumbnails and rpd_file.should_write_fdo()) or
+ rpd_file.thumbnail_status not in (ThumbnailCacheStatus.ready,
+ ThumbnailCacheStatus.fdo_256_ready)))
+ def markDownloadPending(self, files: Dict[int, List[RPDFile]]) -> None:
+ """
+ Sets status to download pending and updates thumbnails display.
+ Assumes all marked files are being downloaded.
+ :param files: rpd_files by scan
+ """
+ uids = [rpd_file.uid for scan_id in files for rpd_file in files[scan_id]]
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in uids if uid in self.uid_to_row]
+ for row in rows:
+ uid = self.rows[row][0]
+ self.rows[row] = (uid, False)
+ self.tsql.set_list_marked(uids=uids, marked=False)
+ for uid in uids:
+ self.rpd_files[uid].status = DownloadStatus.download_pending
+ rows.sort()
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ def markThumbnailsNeeded(self, rpd_files: List[RPDFile]) -> bool:
+ """
+ Analyzes the files that will be downloaded, and sees if any of
+ them still need to have their thumbnails generated.
+ Marks generate_thumbnail in each rpd_file those for that need
+ thumbnails.
+ :param rpd_files: list of files to examine
+ :return: True if at least one thumbnail needs to be generated
+ """
+ generation_needed = False
+ for rpd_file in rpd_files:
+ if rpd_file.uid not in self.thumbnails:
+ rpd_file.generate_thumbnail = True
+ generation_needed = True
+ return generation_needed
+ def getNoFilesRemaining(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> int:
+ """
+ :param scan_id: if None, returns files remaining to be
+ downloaded for all scan_ids, else only for that scan_id.
+ :return the number of files that have not yet been downloaded
+ """
+ return self.tsql.get_count(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=False)
+ def updateSelectionAfterProximityChange(self) -> None:
+ if self._selectionModel().hasSelection():
+ # completely reset the existing selection
+ self._selectionModel().reset()
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(0, 0), self.index(len(self.rows)-1, 0))
+ select_all_photos = self.rapidApp.selectAllPhotosCheckbox.isChecked()
+ select_all_videos = self.rapidApp.selectAllVideosCheckbox.isChecked()
+ if select_all_photos:
+ self.selectAll(select_all=select_all_photos,
+ if select_all_videos:
+ self.selectAll(select_all=select_all_videos,
+ def selectAll(self, select_all: bool, file_type: FileType)-> None:
+ """
+ Check or deselect all visible files that are not downloaded.
+ :param select_all: if True, select, else deselect
+ :param file_type: the type of files to select/deselect
+ """
+ uids = self.getDisplayedUids(file_type=file_type)
+ if not uids:
+ return
+ if select_all:
+ action = "Selecting all %s"
+ else:
+ action = "Deslecting all %ss"
+ logging.debug(action,
+ selection = self._selectionModel()
+ selected = selection.selection() # type: QItemSelection
+ if select_all:
+ # print("gathering unique ids")
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in uids]
+ # print(len(rows))
+ # print('doing sort')
+ rows.sort()
+ new_selection = QItemSelection() # type: QItemSelection
+ # print("creating new selection")
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ # print('merging select')
+ new_selection.merge(selected, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ # print('resetting')
+ selection.reset()
+ # print('doing select')
+, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ else:
+ # print("gathering unique ids from existing selection")
+ if file_type ==
+ keep_type =
+ else:
+ keep_type =
+ # print("filtering", keep_type)
+ keep_rows = [index.row() for index in selected.indexes()
+ if self.rpd_files[self.rows[index.row()][0]].file_type == keep_type]
+ rows = [index.row() for index in selected.indexes()]
+ # print(len(keep_rows), len(rows))
+ # print("sorting rows to keep")
+ keep_rows.sort()
+ new_selection = QItemSelection() # type: QItemSelection
+ # print("creating new selection")
+ for first, last in runs(keep_rows):
+, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ # print('resetting')
+ selection.reset()
+ self.selectionReset.emit()
+ # print('doing select')
+, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ # print('doing data changed')
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ # print("finished")
+ def checkAll(self, check_all: bool,
+ file_type: Optional[FileType]=None,
+ scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Check or uncheck all visible files that are not downloaded.
+ A file is "visible" if it is in the current thumbnail display.
+ That means if files are not showing because they are previously
+ downloaded, they will not be affected. Likewise, if temporal
+ proximity rows are selected, only those files are affected.
+ Runs in the main thread and is thus time sensitive.
+ :param check_all: if True, mark as checked, else unmark
+ :param file_type: if specified, files must be of specified type
+ :param scan_id: if specified, affects only files for that scan
+ """
+ uids = self.getDisplayedUids(marked=not check_all, file_type=file_type, scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.tsql.set_list_marked(uids=uids, marked=check_all)
+ rows = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in uids]
+ for row in rows:
+ self.rows[row] = (self.rows[row][0], check_all)
+ rows.sort()
+ for first, last in runs(rows):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ self.updateDeviceDisplayCheckMark(scan_id=scan_id)
+ self.rapidApp.displayMessageInStatusBar()
+ self.rapidApp.setDownloadCapabilities()
+ def getTypeCountForProximityCell(self, col1id: Optional[int]=None,
+ col2id: Optional[int]=None) -> str:
+ """
+ Generates a string displaying how many photos and videos are
+ in the proximity table cell
+ """
+ assert not (col1id is None and col2id is None)
+ if col2id is not None:
+ col2id = [col2id]
+ else:
+ col1id = [col1id]
+ uids = self.tsql.get_uids(proximity_col1=col1id, proximity_col2=col2id)
+ file_types = (self.rpd_files[uid].file_type for uid in uids)
+ return FileTypeCounter(file_types).summarize_file_count()[0]
+ def getDisplayedUids(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None,
+ marked: Optional[bool]=None,
+ file_type: Optional[FileType]=None,
+ downloaded: Optional[bool]=False) -> List[bytes]:
+ return self.tsql.get_uids(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=downloaded,,
+ proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2,
+ marked=marked, file_type=file_type)
+ def getFirstUidFromUidList(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ return self.tsql.get_first_uid_from_uid_list(
+ sort_by=self.sort_by, sort_order=self.sort_order,
+, proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2,
+ uids=uids
+ )
+ def getDisplayedCount(self, scan_id: Optional[int] = None,
+ marked: Optional[bool] = None) -> int:
+ return self.tsql.get_count(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=False,,
+ proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2, marked=marked)
+ def getDisplayedCounter(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ no_photos = self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=False,,,
+ proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2)
+ no_videos = self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=False,,,
+ proximity_col1=self.proximity_col1,
+ proximity_col2=self.proximity_col2)
+ f = FileTypeCounter()
+ f[] = no_photos
+ f[] = no_videos
+ return f
+ def _getSampleFileNonCamera(self, file_type: FileType) -> Optional[RPDFile]:
+ """
+ Attempt to return a sample file used to illustrate file renaming and subfolder
+ generation, but only if it's not from a camera.
+ :return:
+ """
+ devices = self.rapidApp.devices
+ exclude_scan_ids = [s_id for s_id, device in devices.devices.items()
+ if device.device_type ==]
+ if not exclude_scan_ids:
+ exclude_scan_ids = None
+ uid = self.tsql.get_single_file_of_type(file_type=file_type,
+ exclude_scan_ids=exclude_scan_ids)
+ if uid is not None:
+ return self.rpd_files[uid]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getSampleFile(self, scan_id: int,
+ device_type: DeviceType,
+ file_type: FileType) -> Optional[RPDFile]:
+ """
+ Attempt to return a sample file used to illustrate file renaming and subfolder
+ generation.
+ If the device_type is a camera, then search only for
+ a downloaded instance of the file.
+ If the device is not a camera, prefer a non-downloaded file
+ over a downloaded file for that scan_id.
+ If no file is available for that scan_id, try again with another scan_id.
+ :param scan_id:
+ :param device_type:
+ :param file_type:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if device_type ==
+ uid = self.tsql.get_single_file_of_type(scan_id=scan_id, file_type=file_type,
+ downloaded=True)
+ if uid is not None:
+ return self.rpd_files[uid]
+ else:
+ # try find a *downloaded* file from another camera
+ # could determine which devices to exclude in SQL but it's a little simpler
+ # here
+ devices = self.rapidApp.devices
+ exclude_scan_ids = [s_id for s_id, device in devices.items()
+ if device.device_type !=]
+ if not exclude_scan_ids:
+ exclude_scan_ids = None
+ uid = self.tsql.get_single_file_of_type(file_type=file_type,
+ downloaded=True,
+ exclude_scan_ids=exclude_scan_ids)
+ if uid is not None:
+ return self.rpd_files[uid]
+ else:
+ return self._getSampleFileNonCamera(file_type=file_type)
+ else:
+ uid = self.tsql.get_single_file_of_type(scan_id=scan_id, file_type=file_type)
+ if uid is not None:
+ return self.rpd_files[uid]
+ else:
+ return self._getSampleFileNonCamera(file_type=file_type)
+ def updateDeviceDisplayCheckMark(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ if scan_id not in self.removed_devices:
+ uid_count = self.getDisplayedCount(scan_id=scan_id)
+ checked_uid_count = self.getDisplayedCount(scan_id=scan_id, marked=True)
+ if uid_count == 0 or checked_uid_count == 0:
+ checked = Qt.Unchecked
+ elif uid_count != checked_uid_count:
+ checked = Qt.PartiallyChecked
+ else:
+ checked = Qt.Checked
+ self.rapidApp.mapModel(scan_id).setCheckedValue(checked, scan_id)
+ def updateAllDeviceDisplayCheckMarks(self) -> None:
+ for scan_id in self.rapidApp.devices:
+ self.updateDeviceDisplayCheckMark(scan_id=scan_id)
+ def highlightDeviceThumbs(self, scan_id) -> None:
+ """
+ Animate fade to and from highlight color for thumbnails associated
+ with device.
+ :param scan_id: device's id
+ """
+ if scan_id == self.currently_highlighting_scan_id:
+ return
+ self.resetHighlighting()
+ self.currently_highlighting_scan_id = scan_id
+ if scan_id != self.most_recent_highlighted_device:
+ highlighting = [self.uid_to_row[uid] for uid in self.getDisplayedUids(scan_id=scan_id)]
+ highlighting.sort()
+ self.highlighting_rows = list(runs(highlighting))
+ self.most_recent_highlighted_device = scan_id
+ self.highlighting_timeline.setDirection(QTimeLine.Forward)
+ self.highlighting_timeline.start()
+ def resetHighlighting(self) -> None:
+ if self.currently_highlighting_scan_id is not None:
+ self.highlighting_timeline.stop()
+ self.doHighlightDeviceThumbs(value=0)
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def doHighlightDeviceThumbs(self, value: int) -> None:
+ self.highlight_value = value
+ for first, last in self.highlighting_rows:
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 0), self.index(last, 0))
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def highlightPhaseFinished(self):
+ self.currently_highlighting_scan_id = None
+ def _resetHighlightingValues(self):
+ self.most_recent_highlighted_device = None # type: Optional[int]
+ self.highlighting_rows = [] # type: List[int]
+ def terminateThumbnailGeneration(self, scan_id: int) -> bool:
+ """
+ Terminates thumbnail generation if thumbnails are currently
+ being generated for this scan_id
+ :return True if thumbnail generation had to be terminated, else
+ False
+ """
+ # the slot for when a thumbnailing operation is terminated is in the
+ # main window - thumbnailGenerationStopped()
+ terminate = scan_id in self.generating_thumbnails
+ if terminate:
+ self.thumbnailer.stop_worker(scan_id)
+ # TODO update this check once checking for thumnbnailing code is more robust
+ # note that check == 1 because it is assumed the scan id has not been deleted
+ # from the device collection
+ if len(self.rapidApp.devices.thumbnailing) == 1:
+ self.resetThumbnailTracking()
+ else:
+ self.recalculateThumbnailsPercentage(scan_id=scan_id)
+ return terminate
+ def recalculateThumbnailsPercentage(self, scan_id: int) -> None:
+ """
+ Adjust % of thumbnails generated calculations after device removal.
+ :param scan_id: id of removed device
+ """
+ self.total_thumbs_to_generate -= self.no_thumbnails_by_scan[scan_id]
+ self.rapidApp.updateProgressBarState()
+ del self.no_thumbnails_by_scan[scan_id]
+ def updateStatusPostDownload(self, rpd_file: RPDFile):
+ # self.validateModelConsistency()
+ uid = rpd_file.uid
+ self.rpd_files[uid] = rpd_file
+ self.tsql.set_downloaded(uid=uid, downloaded=True)
+ row = self.uid_to_row.get(uid)
+ if row is not None:
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(row, 0), self.index(row, 0))
+ def filesRemainToDownload(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> bool:
+ """
+ :return True if any files remain that are not downloaded, else
+ returns False
+ """
+ return self.tsql.any_files_to_download(scan_id)
+ def dataForProximityGeneration(self) -> List[ThumbnailDataForProximity]:
+ return [ThumbnailDataForProximity(uid=rpd_file.uid,
+ ctime=rpd_file.ctime,
+ file_type=rpd_file.file_type,
+ previously_downloaded=rpd_file.previously_downloaded)
+ for rpd_file in self.rpd_files.values()]
+ def assignProximityGroups(self, col1_col2_uid: List[Tuple[int, int, bytes]]) -> None:
+ """
+ For every uid, associates it with a cell in the temporal proximity view.
+ Relevant columns are col 1 and col 2.
+ """
+ self.tsql.assign_proximity_groups(col1_col2_uid)
+ def setProximityGroupFilter(self, col1: Optional[Sequence[int]],
+ col2: Optional[Sequence[int]]) -> None:
+ """
+ Filter display of thumbnails based on what cells the user has clicked in the
+ Temporal Proximity view.
+ Relevant columns are col 1 and col 2.
+ """
+ if col1 != self.proximity_col1 or col2 != self.proximity_col2:
+ self.proximity_col1 = col1
+ self.proximity_col2 = col2
+ self.refresh()
+ def anyCheckedFilesFiltered(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ :return: True if any files checked for download are currently
+ not displayed because they are filtered
+ """
+ return self.tsql.get_count(marked=True) != self.getDisplayedCount(marked=True)
+ def anyFileNotPreviouslyDownloaded(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> bool:
+ return self.tsql.any_not_previously_downloaded(uids=uids)
+ def getFileDownloadsCompleted(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ """
+ :return: counter for how many photos and videos have their downloads completed
+ whether successfully or not
+ """
+ return FileTypeCounter(
+ {
+ self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=True,,
+ self.tsql.get_count(downloaded=True,
+ }
+ )
+ def anyCompletedDownloads(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ :return: True if any files have been downloaded (including failures)
+ """
+ return self.tsql.any_files_download_completed()
+ def jobCodeNeeded(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ :return: True if any files checked for download do not have job codes
+ assigned to them
+ """
+ return self.tsql.any_marked_file_no_job_code()
+ def getNoFilesJobCodeNeeded(self) -> FileTypeCounter:
+ """
+ :return: the number of marked files that need a job code assigned to them, and the
+ file types they will be applied to.
+ """
+ no_photos = self.tsql.get_count(marked=True,, job_code=False)
+ no_videos = self.tsql.get_count(marked=True,, job_code=False)
+ f = FileTypeCounter()
+ f[] = no_photos
+ f[] = no_videos
+ return f
+class ThumbnailView(QListView):
+ def __init__(self, parent: QWidget) -> None:
+ style = """QAbstractScrollArea { background-color: %s;}""" % ThumbnailBackgroundName
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = parent
+ self.setViewMode(QListView.IconMode)
+ self.setResizeMode(QListView.Adjust)
+ self.setStyleSheet(style)
+ self.setUniformItemSizes(True)
+ self.setSpacing(8)
+ self.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection)
+ def setScrollTogether(self, on: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Turn on or off the linking of scrolling the Timeline with the Thumbnail display.
+ Called from the Proximity (Timeline) widget
+ :param on: whether to turn on or off
+ """
+ if on:
+ self.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.scrollTimeline)
+ else:
+ self.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.disconnect(self.scrollTimeline)
+ def _scrollTemporalProximity(self, row: Optional[int]=None,
+ index: Optional[QModelIndex]=None) -> None:
+ temporalProximity = self.rapidApp.temporalProximity
+ temporalProximity.setScrollTogether(False)
+ if row is None:
+ row = index.row()
+ model = self.model()
+ rows = model.rows
+ uid = rows[row][0]
+ temporalProximity.scrollToUid(uid=uid)
+ temporalProximity.setScrollTogether(True)
+ @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ """
+ Filter selection changes when click is on a thumbnail checkbox.
+ When the user has selected multiple items (thumbnails), and
+ then clicks one of the checkboxes, Qt's default behaviour is to
+ treat that click as selecting the single item, because it doesn't
+ know about our checkboxes. Therefore if the user is in fact
+ clicking on a checkbox, we need to filter that event.
+ Note that no matter what we do here, the delegate's editorEvent
+ will still be triggered.
+ :param event: the mouse click event
+ """
+ checkbox_clicked = False
+ index = self.indexAt(event.pos())
+ row = index.row()
+ if row >= 0:
+ rect = self.visualRect(index) # type: QRect
+ delegate = self.itemDelegate(index) # type: ThumbnailDelegate
+ checkboxRect = delegate.getCheckBoxRect(rect)
+ checkbox_clicked = checkboxRect.contains(event.pos())
+ if checkbox_clicked:
+ status = # type: DownloadStatus
+ checkbox_clicked = status not in Downloaded
+ if not checkbox_clicked:
+ if self.rapidApp.prefs.auto_scroll and row >= 0:
+ self._scrollTemporalProximity(row=row)
+ super().mousePressEvent(event)
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def scrollTimeline(self, value) -> None:
+ index = self.indexAt(self.topLeft()) # type: QModelIndex
+ if index.isValid():
+ self._scrollTemporalProximity(index=index)
+ def topLeft(self) -> QPoint:
+ return QPoint(thumbnail_margin, thumbnail_margin)
+ def visibleRows(self):
+ """
+ Yield rows visible in viewport. Not currently used or properly tested.
+ """
+ rect = self.viewport().contentsRect()
+ width = self.itemDelegate().width
+ last_row = rect.bottomRight().x() // width * width
+ topLeft = rect.topLeft() + QPoint(10, 10)
+ top = self.indexAt(topLeft)
+ if top.isValid():
+ bottom = self.indexAt(QPoint(last_row, rect.bottomRight().y()))
+ if not bottom.isValid():
+ # take a guess with an arbitrary figure
+ bottom = self.index(top.row() + 15)
+ for row in range(top.row(), bottom.row() + 1):
+ yield row
+ def scrollToUids(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Scroll the Thumbnail Display to the first visible uid from the list of uids.
+ Remember not all uids are necessarily visible in the Thumbnail Display,
+ because of filtering.
+ :param uids: list of uids to scroll to
+ """
+ model = self.model() # type: ThumbnailListModel
+ if self.rapidApp.showOnlyNewFiles():
+ uid = model.getFirstUidFromUidList(uids=uids)
+ if uid is None:
+ return
+ else:
+ uid = uids[0]
+ try:
+ row = model.uid_to_row[uid]
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.debug("Ignoring scroll request to unknown thumbnail")
+ else:
+ index = model.index(row, 0)
+ self.scrollTo(index, QAbstractItemView.PositionAtTop)
+class ThumbnailDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
+ """
+ Render thumbnail cells
+ """
+ def __init__(self, rapidApp, parent=None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = rapidApp
+ self.checkboxStyleOption = QStyleOptionButton()
+ self.checkboxRect =
+ QStyle.SE_CheckBoxIndicator, self.checkboxStyleOption, None)
+ self.checkbox_size = self.checkboxRect.size().height()
+ self.downloadPendingIcon = QPixmap(':/download-pending.png')
+ self.downloadedPixmap = QPixmap(':/downloaded.png')
+ self.downloadedWarningPixmap = QPixmap(':/downloaded-with-warning.png')
+ self.downloadedErrorPixmap = QPixmap(':/downloaded-with-error.png')
+ self.audioIcon = QPixmap(':/audio.png')
+ self.dimmed_opacity = 0.5
+ self.image_width = max(ThumbnailSize.width, ThumbnailSize.height)
+ self.image_height = self.image_width
+ self.horizontal_margin = thumbnail_margin
+ self.vertical_margin = thumbnail_margin
+ self.image_footer = self.checkbox_size
+ self.footer_padding = 5
+ # Position of first memory card indicator
+ self.card_x = max(self.checkboxRect.size().width(),
+ self.downloadPendingIcon.width(),
+ self.downloadedPixmap.width()) + \
+ self.horizontal_margin + self.footer_padding
+ self.shadow_size = 2
+ self.width = self.image_width + self.horizontal_margin * 2
+ self.height = self.image_height + self.footer_padding \
+ + self.image_footer + self.vertical_margin * 2
+ # Thumbnail is located in a 160px square...
+ self.image_area_size = max(ThumbnailSize.width, ThumbnailSize.height)
+ self.image_frame_bottom = self.vertical_margin + self.image_area_size
+ self.contextMenu = QMenu()
+ self.openInFileBrowserAct = self.contextMenu.addAction(_('Open in File Browser...'))
+ self.openInFileBrowserAct.triggered.connect(self.doOpenInFileManagerAct)
+ self.copyPathAct = self.contextMenu.addAction(_('Copy Path'))
+ self.copyPathAct.triggered.connect(self.doCopyPathAction)
+ # Translators: 'File' here applies to a single file. The command allows users to instruct
+ # Rapid Photo Downloader that photos and videos have been previously downloaded by
+ # another application.
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct = self.contextMenu.addAction(_('Mark File as Downloaded'))
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.triggered.connect(self.doMarkFileDownloadedAct)
+ # Translators: 'Files' here applies to two or more files
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct = self.contextMenu.addAction(_('Mark Files as Downloaded'))
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.triggered.connect(self.doMarkFileDownloadedAct)
+ # store the index in which the user right clicked
+ self.clickedIndex = None # type: QModelIndex
+ self.color3 = QColor(CustomColors.color3.value)
+ self.paleGray = QColor(PaleGray)
+ self.darkGray = QColor(DarkGray)
+ palette = QGuiApplication.palette()
+ self.highlight = palette.highlight().color() # type: QColor
+ self.highlight_size = 3
+ self.highlight_offset = 1
+ self.highlightPen = QPen()
+ self.highlightPen.setColor(self.highlight)
+ self.highlightPen.setWidth(self.highlight_size)
+ self.highlightPen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine)
+ self.highlightPen.setJoinStyle(Qt.MiterJoin)
+ self.emblemFont = QFont()
+ self.emblemFont.setPointSize(self.emblemFont.pointSize() - 3)
+ metrics = QFontMetrics(self.emblemFont)
+ # Determine the actual height of the largest extension, and the actual
+ # width of all extenstions.
+ # For our purposes, this is more accurate than the generic metrics.height()
+ self.emblem_width = {} # type: Dict[str, int]
+ height = 0
+ # Include the emblems for which memory card on a camera the file came from
+ for ext in ALL_USER_VISIBLE_EXTENSIONS + ['1', '2']:
+ ext = ext.upper()
+ tbr = metrics.tightBoundingRect(ext) # QRect
+ self.emblem_width[ext] = tbr.width()
+ height = max(height, tbr.height())
+ # Set and calculate the padding to go around each emblem
+ self.emblem_pad = height // 2
+ self.emblem_height = height + self.emblem_pad * 2
+ for ext in self.emblem_width:
+ self.emblem_width[ext] = self.emblem_width[ext] + self.emblem_pad * 2
+ self.jobCodeFont = QFont()
+ self.jobCodeFont.setPointSize(self.jobCodeFont.pointSize() - 2)
+ self.jobCodeMetrics = QFontMetrics(self.jobCodeFont)
+ height = self.jobCodeMetrics.height()
+ self.job_code_pad = height // 4
+ self.job_code_height = height + self.job_code_pad * 2
+ self.job_code_width = self.image_width
+ self.job_code_text_width = self.job_code_width - self.job_code_pad * 2
+ self.jobCodeBackground = QColor(DoubleDarkGray)
+ # alternative would be functools.lru_cache() decorator, but it
+ # is required to be a function. It's easier to keep everything
+ # in this class, especially regarding the default font
+ self.job_code_lru = dict() # type: Dict[str, str]
+ # Generate the range of colors to be displayed when highlighting
+ # files from a particular device
+ ch = Color(
+ cg = Color(
+ self.colorGradient = [QColor(c.hex) for c in cg.range_to(ch, FadeSteps)]
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def doCopyPathAction(self) -> None:
+ index = self.clickedIndex
+ if index:
+ path = index.model().data(index, Roles.path)
+ QApplication.clipboard().setText(path)
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def doOpenInFileManagerAct(self) -> None:
+ index = self.clickedIndex
+ if index:
+ uri = index.model().data(index, Roles.uri)
+ open_in_file_manager(
+ file_manager=self.rapidApp.file_manager,
+ file_manager_type=self.rapidApp.file_manager_type,
+ uri=uri
+ )
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def doMarkFileDownloadedAct(self) -> None:
+ selectedIndexes = self.selectedIndexes()
+ if selectedIndexes is None:
+ return
+ not_downloaded = tuple(
+ index for index in selectedIndexes if not
+ ) # type: Tuple[QModelIndex]
+ thumbnailModel = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel # type: ThumbnailListModel
+ thumbnailModel.setDataRange(not_downloaded, True, Roles.previously_downloaded)
+ def paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) -> None:
+ if index is None:
+ return
+ # Save state of painter, restore on function exit
+ checked = == Qt.Checked
+ previously_downloaded =
+ extension, ext_type = Roles.extension)
+ download_status = Roles.download_status) # type: DownloadStatus
+ has_audio = Roles.has_audio)
+ secondary_attribute =
+ memory_cards = # type: List[int]
+ highlight =
+ job_code = # type: Optional[str]
+ # job_code = 'An extremely long and complicated Job Code'
+ # job_code = 'Job Code'
+ is_selected = option.state & QStyle.State_Selected
+ x = option.rect.x()
+ y = option.rect.y()
+ # Draw rectangle in which the individual items will be placed
+ boxRect = QRect(x, y, self.width, self.height)
+ shadowRect = QRect(x + self.shadow_size, y + self.shadow_size,
+ self.width, self.height)
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
+ painter.setPen(self.darkGray)
+ painter.fillRect(shadowRect, self.darkGray)
+ painter.drawRect(shadowRect)
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
+ if highlight != 0:
+ painter.fillRect(boxRect, self.colorGradient[highlight-1])
+ else:
+ painter.fillRect(boxRect, self.paleGray)
+ if is_selected:
+ hightlightRect = QRect(
+ boxRect.left() + self.highlight_offset,
+ + self.highlight_offset,
+ boxRect.width() - self.highlight_size,
+ boxRect.height() - self.highlight_size
+ )
+ painter.setPen(self.highlightPen)
+ painter.drawRect(hightlightRect)
+ thumbnail = index.model().data(index, Qt.DecorationRole)
+ if (previously_downloaded and not checked and
+ download_status == DownloadStatus.not_downloaded):
+ disabled = QPixmap(thumbnail.size())
+ disabled.fill(Qt.transparent)
+ p = QPainter(disabled)
+ p.setBackgroundMode(Qt.TransparentMode)
+ p.setBackground(QBrush(Qt.transparent))
+ p.eraseRect(thumbnail.rect())
+ p.setOpacity(self.dimmed_opacity)
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, thumbnail)
+ p.end()
+ thumbnail = disabled
+ thumbnail_width = thumbnail.size().width()
+ thumbnail_height = thumbnail.size().height()
+ thumbnailX = self.horizontal_margin + (self.image_area_size -
+ thumbnail_width) // 2 + x
+ thumbnailY = self.vertical_margin + (self.image_area_size -
+ thumbnail_height) // 2 + y
+ target = QRect(thumbnailX, thumbnailY, thumbnail_width,
+ thumbnail_height)
+ source = QRect(0, 0, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height)
+ painter.drawPixmap(target, thumbnail, source)
+ dimmed = previously_downloaded and not checked
+ # Render the job code near the top of the square, if there is one
+ if job_code:
+ if is_selected:
+ color = self.highlight
+ painter.setOpacity(1.0)
+ else:
+ color = self.jobCodeBackground
+ if not dimmed:
+ painter.setOpacity(0.75)
+ else:
+ painter.setOpacity(self.dimmed_opacity)
+ jobCodeRect = QRect(x + self.horizontal_margin, y + self.vertical_margin,
+ self.job_code_width, self.job_code_height)
+ painter.fillRect(jobCodeRect, color)
+ painter.setFont(self.jobCodeFont)
+ painter.setPen(QColor(Qt.white))
+ if job_code in self.job_code_lru:
+ text = self.job_code_lru[job_code]
+ else:
+ text = self.jobCodeMetrics.elidedText(job_code, Qt.ElideRight,
+ self.job_code_text_width)
+ self.job_code_lru[job_code] = text
+ if not dimmed:
+ painter.setOpacity(1.0)
+ else:
+ painter.setOpacity(self.dimmed_opacity)
+ painter.drawText(jobCodeRect, Qt.AlignCenter, text)
+ if dimmed:
+ painter.setOpacity(self.dimmed_opacity)
+ # painter.setPen(QColor(
+ # painter.drawText(x + 2, y + 15, str(index.row()))
+ if has_audio:
+ audio_x = self.width // 2 - self.audioIcon.width() // 2 + x
+ audio_y = self.image_frame_bottom + self.footer_padding + y
+ painter.drawPixmap(audio_x, audio_y, self.audioIcon)
+ # Draw a small coloured box containing the file extension in the
+ # bottom right corner
+ extension = extension.upper()
+ # Calculate size of extension text
+ painter.setFont(self.emblemFont)
+ # em_width = self.emblemFontMetrics.width(extension)
+ emblem_width = self.emblem_width[extension]
+ emblem_rect_x = self.width - self.horizontal_margin - emblem_width + x
+ emblem_rect_y = self.image_frame_bottom + self.footer_padding + y
+ emblemRect = QRect(emblem_rect_x, emblem_rect_y,
+ emblem_width, self.emblem_height) # type: QRect
+ color = extensionColor(ext_type=ext_type)
+ # Use an angular rect, because a rounded rect with anti-aliasing doesn't look too good
+ painter.fillRect(emblemRect, color)
+ painter.setPen(QColor(Qt.white))
+ painter.drawText(emblemRect, Qt.AlignCenter, extension)
+ # Draw another small colored box to the left of the
+ # file extension box containing a secondary
+ # attribute, if it exists. Currently the secondary attribute is
+ # only an XMP file, but in future it could be used to display a
+ # matching jpeg in a RAW+jpeg set
+ if secondary_attribute:
+ # Assume the attribute is already upper case
+ sec_width = self.emblem_width[secondary_attribute]
+ sec_rect_x = emblem_rect_x - self.footer_padding - sec_width
+ color = QColor(self.color3)
+ secRect = QRect(sec_rect_x, emblem_rect_y,
+ sec_width, self.emblem_height)
+ painter.fillRect(secRect, color)
+ painter.drawText(secRect, Qt.AlignCenter, secondary_attribute)
+ if memory_cards:
+ # if downloaded from a camera, and the camera has more than
+ # one memory card, a list of numeric identifiers (i.e. 1 or
+ # 2) identifying which memory card the file came from
+ text_x = self.card_x + x
+ for card in memory_cards:
+ card = str(card)
+ card_width = self.emblem_width[card]
+ color = QColor(70, 70, 70)
+ cardRect = QRect(text_x, emblem_rect_y,
+ card_width, self.emblem_height)
+ painter.fillRect(cardRect, color)
+ painter.drawText(cardRect, Qt.AlignCenter, card)
+ text_x = text_x + card_width + self.footer_padding
+ if dimmed:
+ painter.setOpacity(1.0)
+ if download_status == DownloadStatus.not_downloaded:
+ checkboxStyleOption = QStyleOptionButton()
+ if checked:
+ checkboxStyleOption.state |= QStyle.State_On
+ else:
+ checkboxStyleOption.state |= QStyle.State_Off
+ checkboxStyleOption.state |= QStyle.State_Enabled
+ checkboxStyleOption.rect = self.getCheckBoxRect(option.rect)
+, checkboxStyleOption, painter)
+ else:
+ if download_status == DownloadStatus.download_pending:
+ pixmap = self.downloadPendingIcon
+ elif download_status == DownloadStatus.downloaded:
+ pixmap = self.downloadedPixmap
+ elif (download_status == DownloadStatus.downloaded_with_warning or
+ download_status == DownloadStatus.backup_problem):
+ pixmap = self.downloadedWarningPixmap
+ elif (download_status == DownloadStatus.download_failed or
+ download_status == DownloadStatus.download_and_backup_failed):
+ pixmap = self.downloadedErrorPixmap
+ else:
+ pixmap = None
+ if pixmap is not None:
+ painter.drawPixmap(option.rect.x() + self.horizontal_margin, emblem_rect_y,
+ pixmap)
+ painter.restore()
+ def sizeHint(self, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) -> QSize:
+ return QSize(
+ self.width + self.shadow_size, self.height + self.shadow_size
+ )
+ def oneOrMoreNotDownloaded(self) -> Tuple[int, Plural]:
+ i = 0
+ selectedIndexes = self.selectedIndexes()
+ if selectedIndexes is None:
+ noSelected = 0
+ else:
+ noSelected = len(selectedIndexes)
+ for index in selectedIndexes:
+ if not
+ i += 1
+ if i == 2:
+ break
+ if i == 0:
+ return noSelected,
+ elif i == 1:
+ return noSelected, Plural.two_form_single
+ else:
+ return noSelected, Plural.two_form_plural
+ def editorEvent(self, event: QEvent,
+ model: QAbstractItemModel,
+ option: QStyleOptionViewItem,
+ index: QModelIndex) -> bool:
+ """
+ Change the data in the model and the state of the checkbox
+ if the user presses the left mouse button or presses
+ Key_Space or Key_Select and this cell is editable. Otherwise do nothing.
+ """
+ download_status =
+ if (event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease or event.type() ==
+ QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick):
+ if event.button() == Qt.RightButton:
+ self.clickedIndex = index
+ # Determine if user can manually mark file or files as previously downloaded
+ noSelected, noDownloaded = self.oneOrMoreNotDownloaded()
+ if noDownloaded == Plural.two_form_single:
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setVisible(False)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setVisible(True)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setEnabled(True)
+ elif noDownloaded == Plural.two_form_plural:
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setVisible(True)
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setEnabled(True)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setVisible(False)
+ else:
+ assert noDownloaded ==
+ if noSelected == 1:
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setVisible(False)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setVisible(True)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setEnabled(False)
+ else:
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setVisible(True)
+ self.markFilesDownloadedAct.setEnabled(False)
+ self.markFileDownloadedAct.setVisible(False)
+ globalPos = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.viewport().mapToGlobal(event.pos())
+ # libgphoto2 needs exclusive access to the camera, so there are times when "open
+ # in file browswer" should be disabled:
+ # First, for all desktops, when a camera, disable when thumbnailing or
+ # downloading.
+ # Second, disable opening MTP devices in KDE environment,
+ # as KDE won't release them until them the file browser is closed!
+ # However if the file is already downloaded, we don't care, as can get it from
+ # local source.
+ # Finally, disable when we don't know what the default file manager is
+ active_camera = disable_kde = False
+ have_file_manager = self.rapidApp.file_manager is not None
+ if download_status not in Downloaded:
+ if
+ scan_id =
+ active_camera = self.rapidApp.deviceState(scan_id) != DeviceState.idle
+ if not active_camera:
+ disable_kde = and get_desktop() == Desktop.kde
+ self.openInFileBrowserAct.setEnabled(
+ not (disable_kde or active_camera) and have_file_manager
+ )
+ self.contextMenu.popup(globalPos)
+ return False
+ if event.button() != Qt.LeftButton or not self.getCheckBoxRect(
+ option.rect).contains(event.pos()):
+ return False
+ if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
+ return True
+ elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress:
+ if event.key() != Qt.Key_Space and event.key() != Qt.Key_Select:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ if download_status != DownloadStatus.not_downloaded:
+ return False
+ # Change the checkbox-state
+ self.setModelData(None, model, index)
+ return True
+ def setModelData (self, editor: QWidget,
+ model: QAbstractItemModel,
+ index: QModelIndex) -> None:
+ newValue = not ( == Qt.Checked)
+ thumbnailModel = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel # type: ThumbnailListModel
+ selection = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.selectionModel() # type: QItemSelectionModel
+ if selection.hasSelection():
+ selected = selection.selection() # type: QItemSelection
+ if index in selected.indexes():
+ for i in selected.indexes():
+ thumbnailModel.setData(i, newValue, Qt.CheckStateRole)
+ else:
+ # The user has clicked on a checkbox that for a
+ # thumbnail that is outside their previous selection
+ selection.clear()
+, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ model.setData(index, newValue, Qt.CheckStateRole)
+ else:
+ # The user has previously selected nothing, so mark this
+ # thumbnail as selected
+, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ model.setData(index, newValue, Qt.CheckStateRole)
+ thumbnailModel.updateDisplayPostDataChange()
+ def getLeftPoint(self, rect: QRect) -> QPoint:
+ return QPoint(rect.x() + self.horizontal_margin,
+ rect.y() + self.image_frame_bottom + self.footer_padding - 1)
+ def getCheckBoxRect(self, rect: QRect) -> QRect:
+ return QRect(self.getLeftPoint(rect), self.checkboxRect.size())
+ def applyJobCode(self, job_code: str) -> None:
+ thumbnailModel = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel # type: ThumbnailListModel
+ selectedIndexes = self.selectedIndexes()
+ if selectedIndexes is not None:
+ logging.debug("Applying job code to %s files", len(selectedIndexes))
+ for i in selectedIndexes:
+ thumbnailModel.setData(i, job_code, Roles.job_code)
+ else:
+ logging.debug("Not applying job code because no files selected")
+ def selectedIndexes(self) -> Optional[List[QModelIndex]]:
+ selection = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.selectionModel() # type: QItemSelectionModel
+ if selection.hasSelection():
+ selected = selection.selection() # type: QItemSelection
+ return selected.indexes()
+ return None \ No newline at end of file