path: root/rapid/
diff options
authorJulien Valroff <>2009-07-26 12:15:05 +0000
committerJulien Valroff <>2009-07-26 12:15:05 +0000
commitf794c204aa3af1798684522cfcf2024e90752310 (patch)
treed718a9124857a5cbcd62268d44c092471d2e7288 /rapid/
[svn-inject] Installing original source of rapid-photo-downloader
Diffstat (limited to 'rapid/')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rapid/ b/rapid/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7e7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rapid/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
+### Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Damon Lynch <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# import gtk.gdk as gdk
+import sys
+ import pygtk
+ pygtk.require("2.0")
+ pass
+ import gtk
+ sys.exit(1)
+import higdefaults as hd
+class TablePlusMinus(gtk.Table):
+ """
+ A regular gtk table which allows users to add and delete rows to the table.
+ Users add and delete rows by using plus and minus buttons.
+ The buttons (minus first) are in the two rightmost colums.
+ The user can never delete a table so it has no rows.
+ """
+ debug = False # if True, then debugging info for the developer is displayed
+ def __init__(self, rows=1, columns=1, homogeneous=False):
+ if not self.debug:
+ gtk.Table.__init__(self, rows, columns + 2, homogeneous)
+ self.extraCols = 2 # representing minus and plus buttons
+ else:
+ gtk.Table.__init__(self, rows, columns + 3, homogeneous)
+ self.extraCols = 3 # representing minus and plus buttons, and info label
+ # no of columns NOT including the + and - buttons
+ self.pm_noColumns = columns
+ # how many rows there are in the gtk.Table
+ self.pm_noRows = rows
+ # list of widgets in the gtk.Table
+ self.pm_rows = []
+ # dict of callback ids for minus and plus buttons
+ self.pm_callbacks = {}
+ #spacing of controls
+ for i in range(columns-1):
+ self.set_col_spacing(i, hd.CONTROL_IN_TABLE_SPACE)
+ self.set_col_spacing(columns-1, hd.CONTROL_IN_TABLE_SPACE*2)
+ self.set_col_spacing(columns, hd.CONTROL_IN_TABLE_SPACE)
+ if self.debug:
+ self.set_col_spacing(columns+1, hd.CONTROL_IN_TABLE_SPACE)
+ self.set_row_spacings(hd.CONTROL_IN_TABLE_SPACE)
+ def _setMinusButtonSensitivity(self):
+ button = self.pm_rows[0][self.pm_noColumns]
+ if len(self.pm_rows) == 1:
+ button.set_sensitive(False)
+ else:
+ button.set_sensitive(True)
+ def _createMinusPlusButtons(self, rowPosition):
+ plus_button = gtk.Button()
+ plus_button.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
+ self._createCallback(plus_button, rowPosition, 'clicked', self.on_plus_button_clicked)
+ minus_button = gtk.Button()
+ minus_button.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU))
+ self._createCallback(minus_button, rowPosition, 'clicked', self.on_minus_button_clicked)
+ return minus_button, plus_button
+ def append(self, row):
+ self.insertAfter(len(self.pm_rows)-1, row)
+ def _getMinusAndPlusButtonsForRow(self, rowPosition):
+ """
+ Return as a tuple minus and plus buttons for the row specified by rowPosition
+ """
+ return (self.pm_rows[rowPosition][self.pm_noColumns], self.pm_rows[rowPosition][self.pm_noColumns+1])
+ def removeRow(self, rowPosition):
+ # remove widgets from table
+ for col in range(self.pm_noColumns + self.extraCols):
+ widget = self.pm_rows[rowPosition][col]
+ if widget:
+ self.remove(widget)
+ if self.pm_callbacks.has_key(widget):
+ widget.disconnect(self.pm_callbacks[widget])
+ del self.pm_callbacks[widget]
+ # reposition existing rows in gtk.Table
+ self._moveRows(-1, rowPosition + 1)
+ # remove row from list of rows
+ del self.pm_rows[rowPosition]
+ self._setMinusButtonSensitivity()
+ self.pm_noRows -= 1
+ self.resize(self.pm_noRows, self.pm_noColumns + self.extraCols)
+ self._printDebugInfo()
+ def _createCallback(self, widget, rowPosition, callbackType = None, callbackMethod=None):
+ if callbackType:
+ self.pm_callbacks[widget] = widget.connect(callbackType, callbackMethod, rowPosition)
+ else:
+ name = widget.get_name()
+ if name == 'GtkComboBox':
+ self.pm_callbacks[widget] = widget.connect("changed", self.on_combobox_changed, rowPosition)
+ elif name == 'GtkEntry':
+ self.pm_callbacks[widget] = widget.connect("changed", self.on_entry_changed, rowPosition)
+ def _moveRows(self, adjustment, startRow, endRow = -1):
+ """
+ Moves gtk.Table rows up or down according to adjustment (which MUST be -1 or 1).
+ Starts at row startRow and ends at row endRow. If endRow == -1, then goes to last row in table.
+ Readjusts callbacks.
+ """
+ if endRow == -1:
+ endRow = len(self.pm_rows)
+ for r in range(startRow, endRow):
+ if self.debug:
+ print "Row %s becomes row %s" % (self.pm_rows[r][self.pm_noColumns + 2].get_label(), r + adjustment)
+ self.pm_rows[r][self.pm_noColumns + 2].set_label(str(r + adjustment))
+ for col in range(self.pm_noColumns + self.extraCols):
+ widget = self.pm_rows[r][col]
+ if widget:
+ self.remove(widget)
+ widget.disconnect(self.pm_callbacks[widget])
+ self.attach(widget, col, col+1, r + adjustment, r + adjustment + 1)
+ if col == self.pm_noColumns:
+ self._createCallback(widget, r + adjustment, 'clicked', self.on_minus_button_clicked)
+ elif col == self.pm_noColumns + 1:
+ self._createCallback(widget, r + adjustment, 'clicked', self.on_plus_button_clicked)
+ else:
+ self._createCallback(widget, r + adjustment)
+ def _printDebugInfo(self):
+ if self.debug:
+ print "\nRows in internal list: %s\nTable rows: %s" % \
+ (len(self.pm_rows), self.pm_noRows)
+ if len(self.pm_rows) <> self.pm_noRows:
+ print "|\n\\\n --> Unequal no. of rows"
+ def attach(self, child, left_attach, right_attach, top_attach, bottom_attach, xoptions=gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL,
+ yoptions=gtk.SHRINK, xpadding=0, ypadding=0):
+ """
+ Override base class attach method, to allow automatic shrinking of minus and plus buttons
+ """
+ if left_attach >= self.pm_noColumns and left_attach <= self.pm_noColumns + 1:
+ # since we are adding plus or minus button, shrink the button
+ gtk.Table.attach(self, child, left_attach, right_attach, top_attach, bottom_attach, gtk.SHRINK, gtk.SHRINK, xpadding, ypadding)
+ else:
+ gtk.Table.attach(self, child, left_attach, right_attach, top_attach, bottom_attach, xoptions, yoptions, xpadding, ypadding)
+ def insertAfter(self, rowPosition, row):
+ """
+ Inserts row into the table at row following rowPosition
+ """
+ #is table big enough?
+ self.checkTableRowsAndAdjust()
+ #move (reattach) other widgets & readjust connect
+ self._moveRows(1, rowPosition + 1)
+ # insert row
+ for col in range(self.pm_noColumns):
+ widget = row[col]
+ if widget:
+ self._createCallback(widget, rowPosition+1)
+ self.attach(widget, col, col+1, rowPosition+1, rowPosition+2)
+ minus_button, plus_button = self._createMinusPlusButtons(rowPosition+1)
+ row.append(minus_button)
+ row.append(plus_button)
+ self.attach(minus_button, self.pm_noColumns, self.pm_noColumns+1, rowPosition+1, rowPosition+2)
+ self.attach(plus_button, self.pm_noColumns+1, self.pm_noColumns+2, rowPosition+1, rowPosition+2)
+ if self.debug:
+ label = gtk.Label(str(rowPosition+1))
+ self.attach(label, self.pm_noColumns+2, self.pm_noColumns+3, rowPosition+1, rowPosition+2)
+ row.append(label)
+ for widget in row:
+ if widget:
+ #adjust internal reference table
+ self.pm_rows.insert(rowPosition + 1, row)
+ self._setMinusButtonSensitivity()
+ self._printDebugInfo()
+ def checkTableRowsAndAdjust(self, noRowsToAdd=1, adjustRows=True):
+ noRowsOk = True
+ if len(self.pm_rows) + noRowsToAdd > self.pm_noRows:
+ if adjustRows:
+ extraRowsToAdd = len(self.pm_rows) + noRowsToAdd - self.pm_noRows
+ self.pm_noRows += extraRowsToAdd
+ self.resize(self.pm_noRows, self.pm_noColumns + self.extraCols)
+ else:
+ noRowsOk = False
+ return noRowsOk
+ def getDefaultRow(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of default widgets to insert as a row into the table.
+ Expected to be implemented in derived class.
+ """
+ return [None] * self.pm_noColumns
+ def on_combobox_changed(self, widget, rowPosition):
+ """
+ Callback for combobox that is expected to be implemented in derived class
+ """
+ pass
+ def on_entry_changed(self, widget, rowPosition):
+ """
+ Callback for entry that is expected to be implemented in derived class
+ """
+ pass
+ def _debugButtonPressed(self, buttonText, rowPosition):
+ if self.debug:
+ t ="%H:%M:%S")
+ print "\n****\n%s\n\n%s clicked at %s" %(t, buttonText, rowPosition)
+ def on_minus_button_clicked(self, widget, rowPosition):
+ self._debugButtonPressed("Minus", rowPosition)
+ self.removeRow(rowPosition)
+ self.on_rowDeleted(rowPosition)
+ def on_plus_button_clicked(self, widget, rowPosition):
+ self._debugButtonPressed("Plus", rowPosition)
+ self.insertAfter(rowPosition, self.getDefaultRow())
+ self.on_rowAdded(rowPosition)
+ def on_rowAdded(self, rowPosition):
+ """
+ Expected to be implemented in derived class
+ """
+ pass
+ def on_rowDeleted(self, rowPosition):
+ """
+ Expected to be implemented in derived class
+ """
+ pass