path: root/raphodo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'raphodo/')
1 files changed, 2130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/raphodo/ b/raphodo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3875d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raphodo/
@@ -0,0 +1,2130 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Damon Lynch <>
+# This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not,
+# see <>.
+__author__ = 'Damon Lynch'
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2018, Damon Lynch"
+from collections import (namedtuple, defaultdict, deque, Counter)
+from operator import attrgetter
+import locale
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+from itertools import groupby
+import pickle
+from pprint import pprint
+import math
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Set, Optional, DefaultDict
+import arrow.arrow
+from arrow.arrow import Arrow
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from PyQt5.QtCore import (
+ QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex, Qt, QSize, QRect, QItemSelection, QItemSelectionModel,
+ QBuffer, QIODevice, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QRectF, QPoint,
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
+ QTableView, QStyledItemDelegate, QSlider, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QStyleOptionViewItem, QStyle,
+ QAbstractItemView, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QSplitter, QScrollArea, QStackedWidget,
+ QToolButton, QAction
+from PyQt5.QtGui import (
+ QPainter, QFontMetrics, QFont, QColor, QGuiApplication, QPixmap, QPalette, QMouseEvent, QIcon
+from raphodo.constants import (
+ FileType, Align, proximity_time_steps, TemporalProximityState, fileTypeColor, CustomColors,
+ DarkGray, MediumGray, DoubleDarkGray
+from raphodo.rpdfile import FileTypeCounter
+from raphodo.preferences import Preferences
+from raphodo.viewutils import ThumbnailDataForProximity, QFramedWidget, QFramedLabel
+from raphodo.timeutils import locale_time, strip_zero, make_long_date_format, strip_am, strip_pm
+from raphodo.utilities import runs
+from raphodo.constants import Roles
+ProximityRow = namedtuple(
+ 'ProximityRow', 'year, month, weekday, day, proximity, new_file, tooltip_date_col0, '
+ 'tooltip_date_col1, tooltip_date_col2'
+UidTime = namedtuple('UidTime', 'ctime, arrowtime, uid, previously_downloaded')
+def humanize_time_span(start: Arrow, end: Arrow,
+ strip_leading_zero_from_time: bool=True,
+ insert_cr_on_long_line: bool=False,
+ long_format: bool=False) -> str:
+ r"""
+ Make times and time spans human readable.
+ To run the doc test, install language packs for Russian, German and Chinese
+ in addition to English. See details in doctest.
+ :param start: start time
+ :param end: end time
+ :param strip_leading_zero_from_time: strip all leading zeros
+ :param insert_cr_on_long_line: insert a carriage return on long
+ lines
+ :param long_format: if True, return result in long format
+ :return: tuple of time span to be read by humans, in short and long format
+ >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('en_US', 'utf-8'))
+ 'en_US.UTF-8'
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9)
+ >>> end = start
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 9:00 AM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 9:00 AM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False))
+ 09:00 AM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 09:00 AM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9,1,23)
+ >>> end = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9,1,24)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 9:01 AM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 9:01 AM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9)
+ >>> end = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,10)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 9:00 - 10:00 AM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9)
+ >>> end = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,13)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,12)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 12:00 - 1:00 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,12, 59)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 12:59 - 1:00 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Nov 3 2015, 12:59 - 1:00 PM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,10,31,11,55)
+ >>> end = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,2,15,15)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ Oct 31, 11:55 AM - Nov 2, 3:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Oct 31 2015, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 3:15 PM
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2014,10,31,11,55)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 3:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 3:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 03:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False, long_format=True))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 03:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False, True))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM -
+ Nov 2 2015, 03:15 PM
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, False, True, long_format=True))
+ Oct 31 2014, 11:55 AM - Nov 2 2015, 03:15 PM
+ >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('ru_RU', 'utf-8'))
+ 'ru_RU.UTF-8'
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,9)
+ >>> end = start
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 9:00
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,11,3,13)
+ >>> end = start
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 13:00
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ ноя 3 2015, 13:00
+ >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('de_DE', 'utf-8'))
+ 'de_DE.UTF-8'
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,12,18,13,15)
+ >>> end = start
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 13:15
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True))
+ Dez 18 2015, 13:15
+ >>> end = start.shift(hours=1)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 13:15 - 14:15
+ >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ('zh_CN', 'utf-8'))
+ 'zh_CN.UTF-8'
+ >>> start = arrow.Arrow(2015,12,18,19,59,33)
+ >>> end = start
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 下午 07时59分
+ >>> end = start.shift(hours=1)
+ >>> print(humanize_time_span(start, end))
+ 07时59分 - 下午 08时59分
+ """
+ strip = strip_leading_zero_from_time
+ if start.floor('minute') == end.floor('minute'):
+ short_format = strip_zero(locale_time(start.datetime), strip)
+ if not long_format:
+ return short_format
+ else:
+ # Translators: for example Nov 3 2015, 11:25 AM
+ return _('%(date)s, %(time)s') % dict(
+ date=make_long_date_format(start),
+ time=short_format
+ )
+ if start.floor('day') == end.floor('day'):
+ # both dates are on the same day
+ start_time = strip_zero(locale_time(start.datetime), strip)
+ end_time = strip_zero(locale_time(end.datetime), strip)
+ if (start.hour < 12 and end.hour < 12):
+ # both dates are in the same morning
+ start_time = strip_am(start_time)
+ elif (start.hour >= 12 and end.hour >= 12):
+ start_time = strip_pm(start_time)
+ time_span = _('%(starttime)s - %(endtime)s') % dict(
+ starttime=start_time,
+ endtime=end_time
+ )
+ if not long_format:
+ # Translators: for example 9:00 AM - 3:55 PM
+ return time_span
+ else:
+ # Translators: for example Nov 3 2015, 11:25 AM
+ return _('%(date)s, %(time)s') % dict(
+ date=make_long_date_format(start),
+ time=time_span
+ )
+ # The start and end dates are on a different day
+ # Translators: for example Nov 3 or Dec 31
+ start_date = _('%(month)s %(numeric_day)s') % dict(
+ month=start.datetime.strftime('%b'),
+ numeric_day=start.format('D')
+ )
+ end_date = _('%(month)s %(numeric_day)s') % dict(
+ month=end.datetime.strftime('%b'),
+ numeric_day=end.format('D')
+ )
+ if start.floor('year') != end.floor('year') or long_format:
+ # Translators: for example Nov 3 2015
+ start_date = _('%(date)s %(year)s') % dict(date=start_date, year=start.year)
+ end_date = _('%(date)s %(year)s') % dict(date=end_date, year=end.year)
+ # Translators: for example, Nov 3, 12:15 PM
+ start_datetime = _('%(date)s, %(time)s') % dict(
+ date=start_date, time=strip_zero(locale_time(start.datetime), strip)
+ )
+ end_datetime = _('%(date)s, %(time)s') % dict(
+ date=end_date, time=strip_zero(locale_time(end.datetime), strip)
+ )
+ if not insert_cr_on_long_line or long_format:
+ # Translators: for example, Nov 3, 12:15 PM - Nov 4, 1:00 AM
+ return _('%(earlier_time)s - %(later_time)s') % dict(
+ earlier_time=start_datetime, later_time=end_datetime
+ )
+ else:
+ # Translators, for example:
+ # Nov 3 2012, 12:15 PM -
+ # Nov 4 2012, 1:00 AM
+ # (please keep the line break signified by \n)
+ return _('%(earlier_time)s -\n%(later_time)s') % dict(
+ earlier_time=start_datetime, later_time=end_datetime
+ )
+FontKerning = namedtuple('FontKerning', 'font, kerning')
+def monthFont() -> FontKerning:
+ font = QFont()
+ kerning = 1.2
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 2)
+ font.setLetterSpacing(QFont.PercentageSpacing, kerning * 100)
+ font.setStretch(QFont.SemiExpanded)
+ return FontKerning(font, kerning)
+def weekdayFont() -> QFont:
+ font = QFont()
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 3)
+ return font
+def dayFont() -> QFont:
+ font = QFont()
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 1)
+ return font
+def proximityFont() -> QFont:
+ font = QFont() # type: QFont
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 2)
+ return font
+def invalidRowFont() -> QFont:
+ font = QFont()
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 3)
+ return font
+class ProximityDisplayValues:
+ """
+ Temporal Proximity cell sizes.
+ Calculated in different process to that of main window.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.depth = None
+ self.row_heights = [] # type: List[int]
+ self.col_widths = None # type: Optional[Tuple[int]]
+ # row : (width, height)
+ self.col0_sizes = {} # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]
+ self.c2_alignment = {} # type: Dict[int, Align]
+ self.c2_end_of_day = set() # type: Set[int]
+ self.c2_end_of_month = set() # type: Set[int]
+ self.c1_end_of_month = set() # type: Set[int]
+ self.assign_fonts()
+ # Column 0 - month + year
+ self.col0_padding = 20
+ self.col0_center_space = 2
+ self.col0_center_space_half = 1
+ # Column 1 - weekday + day
+ self.col1_center_space = 2
+ self.col1_center_space_half = 1
+ self.col1_padding = 10
+ self.col1_v_padding = 50
+ self.col1_v_padding_top = self.col1_v_padding_bot = self.col1_v_padding // 2
+ self.calculate_max_col1_size()
+ self.day_proportion = self.max_day_height / self.max_col1_text_height
+ self.weekday_proportion = self.max_weekday_height / self.max_col1_text_height
+ # Column 2 - proximity value e.g. 1:00 - 1:45 PM
+ self.col2_new_file_dot = False
+ self.col2_new_file_dot_size = 4
+ self.col2_new_file_dot_radius = self.col2_new_file_dot_size / 2
+ self.col2_font_descent_adjust = self.proximityMetrics.descent() / 3
+ self.col2_font_height_half = self.proximityMetrics.height() / 2
+ self.col2_new_file_dot_left_margin = 6
+ if self.col2_new_file_dot:
+ self.col2_text_left_margin = (
+ self.col2_new_file_dot_left_margin * 2 + self.col2_new_file_dot_size
+ )
+ else:
+ self.col2_text_left_margin = 10
+ self.col2_right_margin = 10
+ self.col2_v_padding = 6
+ self.col2_v_padding_half = 3
+ def assign_fonts(self) -> None:
+ self.proximityFont = proximityFont()
+ self.proximityFontPrevious = QFont(self.proximityFont)
+ self.proximityFontPrevious.setItalic(True)
+ self.proximityMetrics = QFontMetrics(self.proximityFont)
+ self.proximityMetricsPrevious = QFontMetrics(self.proximityFontPrevious)
+ mf = monthFont()
+ self.monthFont = mf.font
+ self.month_kerning = mf.kerning
+ self.monthMetrics = QFontMetrics(self.monthFont)
+ self.weekdayFont = weekdayFont()
+ self.dayFont = dayFont()
+ self.invalidRowFont = invalidRowFont()
+ self.invalidRowFontMetrics = QFontMetrics(self.invalidRowFont)
+ self.invalidRowHeightMin = self.invalidRowFontMetrics.height() + \
+ self.proximityMetrics.height()
+ def prepare_for_pickle(self) -> None:
+ self.proximityFont = self.proximityMetrics = None
+ self.proximityFontPrevious = self.proximityMetricsPrevious = None
+ self.monthFont = self.monthMetrics = None
+ self.weekdayFont = None
+ self.dayFont = None
+ self.invalidRowFont = self.invalidRowFontMetrics = None
+ def get_month_size(self, month: str) -> QSize:
+ boundingRect = self.monthMetrics.boundingRect(month) # type: QRect
+ height = boundingRect.height()
+ width = int(boundingRect.width() * self.month_kerning)
+ size = QSize(width, height)
+ return size
+ def get_month_text(self, month, year) -> str:
+ if self.depth == 3:
+ return _('%(month)s %(year)s') % dict(month=month.upper(), year=year)
+ else:
+ return month.upper()
+ def column0Size(self, year: str, month: str) -> QSize:
+ # Don't return a cell size for empty cells that have been
+ # merged into the cell with content.
+ month = self.get_month_text(month, year)
+ size = self.get_month_size(month)
+ # Height and width are reversed because of the rotation
+ size.transpose()
+ return QSize(size.width() + self.col0_padding, size.height() + self.col0_padding)
+ def calculate_max_col1_size(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Determine largest size for column 1 cells.
+ Column 1 cell sizes are fixed.
+ """
+ dayMetrics = QFontMetrics(dayFont())
+ day_width = 0
+ day_height = 0
+ for day in range(10, 32):
+ rect = dayMetrics.boundingRect(str(day))
+ day_width = max(day_width, rect.width())
+ day_height = max(day_height, rect.height())
+ self.max_day_height = day_height
+ self.max_day_width = day_width
+ weekday_width = 0
+ weekday_height = 0
+ weekdayMetrics = QFontMetrics(weekdayFont())
+ for i in range(1, 7):
+ dt = datetime(2015, 11, i) # Year and month are totally irrelevant, only want day
+ weekday = dt.strftime('%a').upper()
+ rect = weekdayMetrics.boundingRect(str(weekday))
+ weekday_width = max(weekday_width, rect.width())
+ weekday_height = max(weekday_height, rect.height())
+ self.max_weekday_height = weekday_height
+ self.max_weekday_width = weekday_width
+ self.max_col1_text_height = weekday_height + day_height + self.col1_center_space
+ self.max_col1_text_width = max(weekday_width, day_width)
+ self.col1_width = self.max_col1_text_width + self.col1_padding
+ self.col1_height = self.max_col1_text_height
+ def get_proximity_size(self, text: str) -> QSize:
+ text = text.split('\n')
+ width = height = 0
+ for t in text:
+ boundingRect = self.proximityMetrics.boundingRect(t) # type: QRect
+ width = max(width, boundingRect.width())
+ height += boundingRect.height()
+ size = QSize(
+ width + self.col2_text_left_margin + self.col2_right_margin,
+ height + self.col2_v_padding
+ )
+ return size
+ def calculate_row_sizes(self, rows: List[ProximityRow],
+ spans: List[Tuple[int, int, int]],
+ depth: int) -> None:
+ """
+ Calculate row height and column widths. The latter is trivial,
+ the former far more complex.
+ Assumptions:
+ * column 1 cell size is fixed
+ :param rows: list of row details
+ :param spans: list of which rows & columns are spanned
+ :param depth: table depth
+ """
+ self.depth = depth
+ # Phase 1: (1) identify minimal sizes for columns 0 and 2, and group the cells
+ # (2) assign alignment to column 2 cells
+ spans_dict = {(row, column): row_span for column, row, row_span in spans}
+ next_span_start_c0 = next_span_start_c1 = 0
+ sizes = [] # type: List[Tuple[QSize, List[List[int]]]]
+ for row, value in enumerate(rows):
+ if next_span_start_c0 == row:
+ c0_size = self.column0Size(value.year, value.month)
+ self.col0_sizes[row] = (c0_size.width(), c0_size.height())
+ c0_children = []
+ sizes.append((c0_size, c0_children))
+ c0_span = spans_dict.get((row, 0), 1)
+ next_span_start_c0 = row + c0_span
+ self.c2_end_of_month.add(row + c0_span - 1)
+ if next_span_start_c1 == row:
+ c1_children = []
+ c0_children.append(c1_children)
+ c1_span = spans_dict.get((row, 1), 1)
+ next_span_start_c1 = row + c1_span
+ c2_span = spans_dict.get((row + c1_span - 1, 2))
+ if c1_span > 1:
+ self.c2_alignment[row] = Align.bottom
+ if c2_span is None:
+ self.c2_alignment[row + c1_span - 1] =
+ if row + c1_span - 1 in self.c2_end_of_month:
+ self.c1_end_of_month.add(row)
+ skip_c2_end_of_day = False
+ if c2_span:
+ final_day_in_c2_span = row + c1_span - 2 + c2_span
+ c1_span_in_c2_span_final_day = spans_dict.get((final_day_in_c2_span, 1))
+ skip_c2_end_of_day = c1_span_in_c2_span_final_day is not None
+ if not skip_c2_end_of_day:
+ self.c2_end_of_day.add(row + c1_span - 1)
+ minimal_col2_size = self.get_proximity_size(value.proximity)
+ c1_children.append(minimal_col2_size)
+ # Phase 2: determine column 2 cell sizes, and max widths
+ c0_max_width = 0
+ c2_max_width = 0
+ for c0, c0_children in sizes:
+ c0_height = c0.height()
+ c0_max_width = max(c0_max_width, c0.width())
+ c0_children_height = 0
+ for c1_children in c0_children:
+ c1_children_height = sum(c2.height() for c2 in c1_children)
+ c2_max_width = max(c2_max_width, max(c2.width() for c2 in c1_children))
+ extra = math.ceil(max(self.col1_height - c1_children_height, 0) / 2)
+ # Assign in c1's v_padding to first and last child, and any extra
+ c2 = c1_children[0] # type: QSize
+ c2.setHeight(c2.height() + self.col1_v_padding_top + extra)
+ c2 = c1_children[-1] # type: QSize
+ c2.setHeight(c2.height() + self.col1_v_padding_bot + extra)
+ c1_children_height += self.col1_v_padding_top + self.col1_v_padding_bot + extra * 2
+ c0_children_height += c1_children_height
+ extra = math.ceil(max(c0_height - c0_children_height, 0) / 2)
+ if extra:
+ c2 = c0_children[0][0] # type: QSize
+ c2.setHeight(c2.height() + extra)
+ c2 = c0_children[-1][-1] # type: QSize
+ c2.setHeight(c2.height() + extra)
+ heights = [c2.height() for c1_children in c0_children for c2 in c1_children]
+ self.row_heights.extend(heights)
+ self.col_widths = (c0_max_width, self.col1_width, c2_max_width)
+ def assign_color(self, dominant_file_type: FileType) -> None:
+ self.tableColor = fileTypeColor(dominant_file_type)
+ self.tableColorDarker = self.tableColor.darker(110)
+class MetaUid:
+ r"""
+ Stores unique ids for each table cell.
+ Used first when generating the proximity table, and then when
+ displaying tooltips containing thumbnails.
+ Operations are performed by tuple of (row, column) or simply
+ by column.
+ >>> m = MetaUid()
+ >>> m[(0 , 0)] = [b'0', b'1', b'2']
+ >>> print(m)
+ MetaUid(({0: 3}, {}, {}) ({0: [b'0', b'1', b'2']}, {}, {}))
+ >>> m[[0, 0]]
+ [b'0', b'1', b'2']
+ >>> m.trim()
+ >>> m[[0, 0]]
+ [b'0', b'2']
+ >>> m.no_uids((0, 0))
+ 3
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._uids = tuple({} for i in (0, 1 ,2)) # type: Tuple[Dict[int, List[bytes, ...]]]
+ self._no_uids = tuple({} for i in (0, 1, 2)) # type: Tuple[Dict[int, int]]
+ self._col2_row_index = dict() # type: Dict[bytes, int]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'MetaUid(%r %r)' % (self._no_uids, self._uids)
+ def __setitem__(self, key: Tuple[int, int], uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ row, col = key
+ assert row not in self._uids[col]
+ self._uids[col][row] = uids
+ self._no_uids[col][row] = len(uids)
+ for uid in uids:
+ self._col2_row_index[uid] = row
+ def __getitem__(self, key: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[bytes]:
+ row, col = key
+ return self._uids[col][row]
+ def trim(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Remove unique ids unnecessary for table viewing.
+ Don't, however, remove ids in col 2, as they're useful, e.g.
+ when manually marking a file as previously downloaded
+ """
+ for col in (0, 1):
+ for row in self._uids[col]:
+ uids = self._uids[col][row]
+ if len(uids) > 1:
+ self._uids[col][row] = [uids[0], uids[-1]]
+ def no_uids(self, key: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
+ """
+ Number of unique ids the cell had before it was trimmed.
+ """
+ row, col = key
+ return self._no_uids[col][row]
+ def uids(self, column: int) -> Dict[int, List[bytes]]:
+ return self._uids[column]
+ def uid_to_col2_row(self, uid) -> int:
+ return self._col2_row_index[uid]
+ def validate_rows(self, no_rows) -> Tuple[int]:
+ """
+ Very simple validation test to see if all rows are present
+ in cols 2 or 1.
+ :param no_rows: number of rows to validate
+ :return: Tuple of missing rows
+ """
+ valid = []
+ col0, col1, col2 = self._uids
+ no_col0, no_col1, no_col2 = self._no_uids
+ for i in range(no_rows):
+ msg0 = ''
+ msg1 = ''
+ if i not in col2 and i not in col1:
+ msg0 = '_uids'
+ if i not in no_col2 and i not in col1:
+ msg1 = '_no_uids'
+ if msg0 or msg1:
+ msg = ' and '.join((msg0, msg1))
+ logging.error("%s: row %s is missing in %s", self.__class__.__name__, i, msg)
+ valid.append(i)
+ return tuple(valid)
+class TemporalProximityGroups:
+ """
+ Generates values to be displayed in Timeline view.
+ The Timeline has 3 columns:
+ Col 0: the year and month
+ Col 1: the day of the month
+ C0l 3: the proximity groups
+ """
+ # @profile
+ def __init__(self, thumbnail_rows: List[ThumbnailDataForProximity],
+ temporal_span: int = 3600):
+ self.rows = [] # type: List[ProximityRow]
+ self.invalid_rows = tuple() # type: Tuple[int]
+ # Store uids for each table cell
+ self.uids = MetaUid()
+ self.file_types_in_cell = dict() # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], str]
+ times_by_proximity = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, Arrow]
+ # The rows the user sees in column 2 can span more than one row of the Timeline.
+ # Each day always spans at least one row in the Timeline, possibly more.
+ # group_no: no days spanned
+ day_spans_by_proximity = dict() # type: Dict[int, int]
+ # group_no: (
+ uids_by_day_in_proximity_group = dict() # type: Dict[int, Tuple[[Tuple[int, int, int], List[bytes]]]
+ # uid: (year, month, day)
+ year_month_day = dict() # type: Dict[bytes, Tuple[int, int, int]]
+ # group_no: List[uid]
+ uids_by_proximity = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, List[bytes, ...]]
+ # Determine if proximity group contains any files have not been previously downloaded
+ new_files_by_proximity = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[int, Set[bool]]
+ # Text that will appear in column 2 -- they proximity groups
+ text_by_proximity = deque()
+ # (year, month, day): [uid, uid, ...]
+ self.day_groups = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int, int], List[bytes]]
+ # (year, month): [uid, uid, ...]
+ self.month_groups = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int], List[bytes]]
+ # year: [uid, uid, ...]
+ self.year_groups = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, List[bytes]]
+ # How many columns the Timeline will display - don't display year when the only dates
+ # are from this year, for instance.
+ self._depth = None # type: Optional[int]
+ # Compared to right now, does the Timeline contain an entry from the previous year?
+ self._previous_year = False
+ # Compared to right now, does the Timeline contain an entry from the previous month?
+ self._previous_month = False
+ # Tuple of (column, row, row_span):
+ self.spans = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int, int]]
+ self.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]
+ # Associate Timeline cells with uids
+ # Timeline row: id
+ self.proximity_view_cell_id_col1 = {} # type: Dict[int, int]
+ # Timeline row: id
+ self.proximity_view_cell_id_col2 = {} # type: Dict[int, int]
+ # col1, col2, uid
+ self.col1_col2_uid = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int, bytes]]
+ if len(thumbnail_rows) == 0:
+ return
+ file_types = (row.file_type for row in thumbnail_rows)
+ self.dominant_file_type = Counter(file_types).most_common()[0][0]
+ self.display_values = ProximityDisplayValues()
+ thumbnail_rows.sort(key=attrgetter('ctime'))
+ # Generate an arrow date time for every timestamp we have
+ uid_times = [
+ UidTime(
+ tr.ctime, arrow.get(tr.ctime).to('local'), tr.uid, tr.previously_downloaded
+ )
+ for tr in thumbnail_rows
+ ]
+ self.thumbnail_types = tuple(row.file_type for row in thumbnail_rows)
+ now ='local')
+ current_year = now.year
+ current_month = now.month
+ # Phase 1: Associate unique ids with their year, month and day
+ for x in uid_times:
+ t = x.arrowtime # type: Arrow
+ year = t.year
+ month = t.month
+ day =
+ # Could use arrow.floor here, but it's extremely slow
+ self.day_groups[(year, month, day)].append(x.uid)
+ self.month_groups[(year, month)].append(x.uid)
+ self.year_groups[year].append(x.uid)
+ if year != current_year:
+ # the Timeline contains an entry from the previous year to now
+ self._previous_year = True
+ if month != current_month or self._previous_year:
+ # the Timeline contains an entry from the previous month to now
+ self._previous_month = True
+ # Remember this extracted value
+ year_month_day[x.uid] = year, month, day
+ # Phase 2: Identify the proximity groups
+ group_no = 0
+ prev = uid_times[0]
+ times_by_proximity[group_no].append(prev.arrowtime)
+ uids_by_proximity[group_no].append(prev.uid)
+ new_files_by_proximity[group_no].add(not prev.previously_downloaded)
+ if len(uid_times) > 1:
+ for current in uid_times[1:]:
+ ctime = current.ctime
+ if ctime - prev.ctime > temporal_span:
+ group_no += 1
+ times_by_proximity[group_no].append(current.arrowtime)
+ uids_by_proximity[group_no].append(current.uid)
+ new_files_by_proximity[group_no].add(not current.previously_downloaded)
+ prev = current
+ # Phase 3: Generate the proximity group's text that will appear in
+ # the right-most column and its tooltips.
+ # Also calculate the days spanned by each proximity group.
+ # If the days spanned is greater than 1, meaning the number of calendar days
+ # in the proximity group is more than 1, then also keep a copy of the group
+ # where it is broken into separate calendar days
+ # The iteration order doesn't really matter here, so can get away with the
+ # potentially unsorted output of dict.items()
+ for group_no, group in times_by_proximity.items():
+ start = group[0] # type: Arrow
+ end = group[-1] # type: Arrow
+ # Generate the text
+ short_form = humanize_time_span(start, end, insert_cr_on_long_line=True)
+ long_form = humanize_time_span(start, end, long_format=True)
+ text_by_proximity.append((short_form, long_form))
+ # Calculate the number of calendar days spanned by this proximity group
+ # e.g. 2015-12-1 12:00 - 2015-12-2 15:00 = 2 days
+ if len(group) > 1:
+ span = len(Arrow.span_range('day', start, end))
+ day_spans_by_proximity[group_no] = span
+ if span > 1:
+ # break the proximity group members into calendar days
+ uids_by_day_in_proximity_group[group_no] = tuple(
+ (y_m_d, list(day))
+ for y_m_d, day in groupby(
+ uids_by_proximity[group_no], year_month_day.get
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ # start == end
+ day_spans_by_proximity[group_no] = 1
+ # Phase 4: Generate the rows to be displayed in the Timeline
+ # Keep in mind, the rows the user sees in column 2 can span more than
+ # one calendar day. In such cases, column 1 will be associated with
+ # one or more Timeline rows, one or more of which may be visible only in
+ # column 1.
+ timeline_row = -1 # index into each row in the Timeline
+ thumbnail_index = 0 # index into the
+ self.prev_row_month = (0, 0)
+ self.prev_row_day = (0, 0, 0)
+ # Iterating through the groups in order is critical. Cannot use dict.items() here.
+ for group_no in range(len(day_spans_by_proximity)):
+ span = day_spans_by_proximity[group_no]
+ timeline_row += 1
+ proximity_group_times = times_by_proximity[group_no]
+ atime = proximity_group_times[0] # type: Arrow
+ uid = uids_by_proximity[group_no][0] # type: bytes
+ y_m_d = year_month_day[uid]
+ col2_text, tooltip_col2_text = text_by_proximity.popleft()
+ new_file = any(new_files_by_proximity[group_no])
+ self.rows.append(
+ self.make_row(
+ atime=atime,
+ col2_text=col2_text,
+ new_file=new_file,
+ y_m_d= y_m_d,
+ timeline_row=timeline_row,
+ thumbnail_index=thumbnail_index,
+ tooltip_col2_text=tooltip_col2_text,
+ )
+ )
+ uids = uids_by_proximity[group_no]
+ self.uids[(timeline_row, 2)] = uids
+ # self.dump_row(group_no)
+ if span == 1:
+ thumbnail_index += len(proximity_group_times)
+ continue
+ thumbnail_index += len(uids_by_day_in_proximity_group[group_no][0])
+ # For any proximity groups that span more than one Timeline row because they span
+ # more than one calender day, add the day to the Timeline, with blank values
+ # for the proximity group (column 2).
+ i = 0
+ for y_m_d, day in uids_by_day_in_proximity_group[group_no][1:]:
+ i += 1
+ timeline_row += 1
+ thumbnail_index += len(uids_by_day_in_proximity_group[group_no][i])
+ atime = arrow.get(*y_m_d)
+ self.rows.append(
+ self.make_row(
+ atime=atime,
+ col2_text='',
+ new_file=new_file,
+ y_m_d=y_m_d,
+ timeline_row=timeline_row,
+ thumbnail_index=1,
+ tooltip_col2_text=''
+ )
+ )
+ # self.dump_row(group_no)
+ # Phase 5: Determine the row spans for each column
+ column = -1
+ for c in (0, 2, 4):
+ column += 1
+ start_row = 0
+ for timeline_row_index, row in enumerate(self.rows):
+ if row[c]:
+ row_count = timeline_row_index - start_row
+ if row_count > 1:
+ self.spans.append((column, start_row, row_count))
+ start_row = timeline_row_index
+ self.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(timeline_row_index, column)] = start_row
+ if start_row != len(self.rows) - 1:
+ self.spans.append((column, start_row, len(self.rows) - start_row))
+ for timeline_row_index in range(start_row, len(self.rows)):
+ self.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(timeline_row_index, column)] = start_row
+ assert len(self.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row) == len(self.rows) * 3
+ # Phase 6: Determine the height and width of each row
+ self.display_values.calculate_row_sizes(self.rows, self.spans, self.depth())
+ # Phase 7: Assign appropriate color to table
+ self.display_values.assign_color(self.dominant_file_type)
+ # Phase 8: associate proximity table cells with uids
+ uid_rows_c1 = {}
+ for proximity_view_cell_id, timeline_row_index in enumerate(self.uids.uids(1)):
+ self.proximity_view_cell_id_col1[timeline_row_index] = proximity_view_cell_id
+ uids = self.uids.uids(1)[timeline_row_index]
+ for uid in uids:
+ uid_rows_c1[uid] = proximity_view_cell_id
+ uid_rows_c2 = {}
+ for proximity_view_cell_id, timeline_row_index in enumerate(self.uids.uids(2)):
+ self.proximity_view_cell_id_col2[timeline_row_index] = proximity_view_cell_id
+ uids = self.uids.uids(2)[timeline_row_index]
+ for uid in uids:
+ uid_rows_c2[uid] = proximity_view_cell_id
+ assert len(uid_rows_c2) == len(uid_rows_c1) == len(thumbnail_rows)
+ self.col1_col2_uid = [
+ (uid_rows_c1[row.uid], uid_rows_c2[row.uid], row.uid) for row in thumbnail_rows
+ ]
+ # Assign depth before wiping values used to determine it
+ self.depth()
+ self.display_values.prepare_for_pickle()
+ # Reduce memory use before pickle. Can save about 100MB with
+ # when working with approximately 70,000 thumbnails.
+ self.uids.trim()
+ self.day_groups = None
+ self.month_groups = None
+ self.year_groups = None
+ self.thumbnail_types = None
+ self.invalid_rows = self.validate()
+ if len(self.invalid_rows):
+ logging.error('Timeline validation failed')
+ else:
+'Timeline validation passed')
+ def make_file_types_in_cell_text(self, slice_start: int, slice_end: int) -> str:
+ c = FileTypeCounter(self.thumbnail_types[slice_start:slice_end])
+ return c.summarize_file_count()[0]
+ def make_row(self, atime: Arrow,
+ col2_text: str,
+ new_file: bool,
+ y_m_d: Tuple[int, int, int],
+ timeline_row: int,
+ thumbnail_index: int,
+ tooltip_col2_text: str) -> ProximityRow:
+ atime_month = y_m_d[:2]
+ if atime_month != self.prev_row_month:
+ self.prev_row_month = atime_month
+ month = atime.datetime.strftime('%B')
+ year = atime.year
+ uids = self.month_groups[atime_month]
+ slice_end = thumbnail_index + len(uids)
+ self.file_types_in_cell[(timeline_row, 0)] = self.make_file_types_in_cell_text(
+ slice_start=thumbnail_index, slice_end=slice_end
+ )
+ self.uids[(timeline_row, 0)] = uids
+ else:
+ month = year = ''
+ if y_m_d != self.prev_row_day:
+ self.prev_row_day = y_m_d
+ numeric_day = atime.format('D')
+ weekday = atime.datetime.strftime('%a')
+ self.uids[(timeline_row, 1)] = self.day_groups[y_m_d]
+ else:
+ weekday = numeric_day = ''
+ month_day = _('%(month)s %(numeric_day)s') % dict(
+ month=atime.datetime.strftime('%b'),
+ numeric_day=atime.format('D')
+ )
+ # Translators: for example Nov 2 2015
+ tooltip_col1 = _('%(date)s %(year)s') % dict(date= month_day, year=atime.year)
+ # Translators: for example Nov 2015
+ tooltip_col0 = _('%(month)s %(year)s') % dict(
+ month=atime.datetime.strftime('%b'),
+ year=atime.year
+ )
+ return ProximityRow(
+ year=year, month=month, weekday=weekday, day=numeric_day, proximity=col2_text,
+ new_file=new_file, tooltip_date_col0=tooltip_col0, tooltip_date_col1=tooltip_col1,
+ tooltip_date_col2=tooltip_col2_text
+ )
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ return len(self.rows)
+ def dump_row(self, group_no, extra='') -> None:
+ row = self.rows[-1]
+ print(group_no, extra,, row.proximity.replace('\n', ' '))
+ def __getitem__(self, row_number) -> ProximityRow:
+ return self.rows[row_number]
+ def __setitem__(self, row_number, proximity_row: ProximityRow) -> None:
+ self.rows[row_number] = proximity_row
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.rows)
+ def depth(self) -> int:
+ if self._depth is None:
+ if len(self.year_groups) > 1 or self._previous_year:
+ self._depth = 3
+ elif len(self.month_groups) > 1 or self._previous_month:
+ self._depth = 2
+ elif len(self.day_groups) > 1:
+ self._depth = 1
+ else:
+ self._depth = 0
+ return self._depth
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return 'TemporalProximityGroups with {} rows and depth of {}'.format(
+ len(self.rows), self.depth()
+ )
+ def validate(self, thumbnailModel=None) -> Tuple[int]:
+ """
+ Partial validation of proximity values
+ :return:
+ """
+ return self.uids.validate_rows(len(self.rows))
+ def uid_to_row(self, uid: bytes) -> int:
+ return self.uids.uid_to_col2_row(uid=uid)
+ def row_uids(self, row: int) -> List[bytes]:
+ return self.uids[row, 2]
+def base64_thumbnail(pixmap: QPixmap, size: QSize) -> str:
+ """
+ Convert image into format useful for HTML data URIs.
+ See
+ :param pixmap: image to convert
+ :param size: size to scale to
+ :return: data in base 64 format
+ """
+ pixmap = pixmap.scaled(size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)
+ buffer = QBuffer()
+ # Quality 100 means uncompressed, which is faster.
+, "PNG", quality=100)
+ return bytes(
+class TemporalProximityModel(QAbstractTableModel):
+ tooltip_image_size = QSize(90, 90)
+ def __init__(self, rapidApp, groups: TemporalProximityGroups=None, parent=None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = rapidApp
+ self.groups = groups
+ self.show_debug = False
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ for handler in logger.handlers:
+ # name set in iplogging.setup_main_process_logging()
+ if == 'console':
+ self.show_debug = handler.level <= logging.DEBUG
+ self.force_show_debug = False # set to True to always display debug info in Timeline
+ def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()) -> int:
+ return 3
+ def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()) -> int:
+ if self.groups:
+ return len(self.groups)
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
+ if not index.isValid():
+ return None
+ row = index.row()
+ if row >= len(self.groups) or row < 0:
+ return None
+ column = index.column()
+ if column < 0 or column > 3:
+ return None
+ proximity_row = self.groups[row] # type: ProximityRow
+ if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
+ invalid_row = self.show_debug and row in self.groups.invalid_rows
+ invalid_rows = self.show_debug and len(self.groups.invalid_rows) > 0 or \
+ self.force_show_debug
+ if column == 0:
+ return proximity_row.year, proximity_row.month
+ elif column == 1:
+ return proximity_row.weekday,
+ else:
+ return proximity_row.proximity, proximity_row.new_file, invalid_row, invalid_rows
+ elif role == Roles.uids:
+ prow = self.groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(row, 2)]
+ uids = self.groups.uids.uids(2)[prow]
+ return uids
+ elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
+ thumbnails = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel.thumbnails
+ try:
+ if column == 1:
+ uids = self.groups.uids.uids(1)[row]
+ length = self.groups.uids.no_uids((row, 1))
+ date = proximity_row.tooltip_date_col1
+ file_types= self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel.getTypeCountForProximityCell(
+ col1id=self.groups.proximity_view_cell_id_col1[row]
+ )
+ elif column == 2:
+ prow = self.groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(row, 2)]
+ uids = self.groups.uids.uids(2)[prow]
+ length = self.groups.uids.no_uids((prow, 2))
+ date = proximity_row.tooltip_date_col2
+ file_types = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel.getTypeCountForProximityCell(
+ col2id=self.groups.proximity_view_cell_id_col2[prow]
+ )
+ else:
+ assert column == 0
+ uids = self.groups.uids.uids(0)[row]
+ length = self.groups.uids.no_uids((row, 0))
+ date = proximity_row.tooltip_date_col0
+ file_types = self.groups.file_types_in_cell[row, column]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.exception('Error in Timeline generation')
+ self.debugDumpState()
+ return None
+ pixmap = thumbnails[uids[0]] # type: QPixmap
+ image = base64_thumbnail(pixmap, self.tooltip_image_size)
+ html_image1 = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,{}">'.format(image)
+ if length == 1:
+ center = html_image2 = ''
+ else:
+ pixmap = thumbnails[uids[-1]] # type: QPixmap
+ image = base64_thumbnail(pixmap, self.tooltip_image_size)
+ if length == 2:
+ center = '&nbsp;'
+ else:
+ center = '&nbsp;&hellip;&nbsp;'
+ html_image2 = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,{}">'.format(image)
+ tooltip = '{}<br>{} {} {}<br>{}'.format(
+ date, html_image1, center, html_image2, file_types
+ )
+ return tooltip
+ def debugDumpState(self, selected_rows_col1: List[int]=None,
+ selected_rows_col2: List[int]=None) -> None:
+ thumbnailModel = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel
+ logging.debug('%r', self.groups)
+ # Print rows and values to the debugging output
+ if len(self.groups) < 20:
+ for row, prow in enumerate(self.groups.rows):
+ logging.debug('Row %s', row)
+ logging.debug('{} | {} | {}'.format(prow.year, prow.month,
+ for col in (0, 1, 2):
+ if row in self.groups.uids._uids[col]:
+ uids = self.groups.uids._uids[col][row]
+ files = ', '.join((thumbnailModel.rpd_files[uid].name for uid in uids))
+ logging.debug('Col {}: {}'.format(col, files))
+ def updatePreviouslyDownloaded(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Examine Timeline data to see if any Timeline rows should have their column 2
+ formatting updated to reflect that there are no new files to be downloaded in
+ that particular row
+ :param uids: list of uids that have been manually marked as previously downloaded
+ """
+ processed_rows = set() # type: Set[int]
+ rows_to_update = []
+ for uid in uids:
+ row = self.groups.uid_to_row(uid=uid)
+ if row not in processed_rows:
+ processed_rows.add(row)
+ row_uids = self.groups.row_uids(row)
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Examining row %s to see if any have not been previously downloaded', row
+ )
+ if not self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel.anyFileNotPreviouslyDownloaded(uids=row_uids):
+ proximity_row = self.groups[row] # type: ProximityRow
+ self.groups[row] = proximity_row._replace(new_file=False)
+ rows_to_update.append(row)
+ logging.debug('Row %s will be updated to show it has no new files')
+ if rows_to_update:
+ for first, last in runs(rows_to_update):
+ self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(first, 2), self.index(last, 2))
+class TemporalProximityDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
+ """
+ Render table cell for Timeline.
+ All cell size calculations are done prior to rendering.
+ The table has 3 columns:
+ - Col 0: month & year (col will be hidden if all dates are in the current month)
+ - Col 1: day e.g. 'Fri 16'
+ - Col 2: time(s), e.g. '5:09 AM', or '4:09 - 5:27 PM'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.darkGray = QColor(DarkGray)
+ self.darkerGray = self.darkGray.darker(140)
+ # self.darkerGray = QColor(DoubleDarkGray)
+ self.midGray = QColor(MediumGray)
+ # column 2 cell color is assigned in ProximityDisplayValues
+ palette = QGuiApplication.instance().palette()
+ self.highlight = palette.highlight().color()
+ self.darkerHighlight = self.highlight.darker(110)
+ self.highlightText = palette.highlightedText().color()
+ self.newFileColor = QColor(CustomColors.color7.value)
+ self.dv = None # type: ProximityDisplayValues
+ def paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) -> None:
+ row = index.row()
+ column = index.column()
+ if column == 0:
+ # Month and year
+ if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
+ color = self.highlight
+ textColor = self.highlightText
+ barColor = self.darkerHighlight
+ else:
+ color = self.darkGray
+ textColor = self.dv.tableColor
+ barColor = self.darkerGray
+ painter.fillRect(option.rect, color)
+ painter.setPen(textColor)
+ year, month =
+ month = self.dv.get_month_text(month, year)
+ x = option.rect.x()
+ y = option.rect.y()
+ painter.setFont(self.dv.monthFont)
+ painter.setPen(textColor)
+ # Set position in the cell
+ painter.translate(x, y)
+ # Rotate the coming text rendering
+ painter.rotate(270.0)
+ # Translate positioning to reflect new rotation
+ painter.translate(-1 * option.rect.height(), 0)
+ rect = QRect(0, 0, option.rect.height(), option.rect.width())
+ painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, month)
+ painter.setPen(barColor)
+ painter.drawLine(1, 0, 1, option.rect.width())
+ painter.restore()
+ elif column == 1:
+ # Day of the month
+ if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
+ color = self.highlight
+ weekdayColor = self.highlightText
+ dayColor = self.highlightText
+ barColor = self.darkerHighlight
+ else:
+ color = self.darkGray
+ weekdayColor = QColor(221, 221, 221)
+ dayColor = QColor(Qt.white)
+ barColor = self.darkerGray
+ painter.fillRect(option.rect, color)
+ weekday, day =
+ weekday = weekday.upper()
+ width = option.rect.width()
+ height = option.rect.height()
+ painter.translate(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y())
+ weekday_rect_bottom = int(
+ height / 2 - self.dv.max_col1_text_height * self.dv.day_proportion
+ ) + self.dv.max_weekday_height
+ weekdayRect = QRect(0, 0, width, weekday_rect_bottom)
+ day_rect_top = weekday_rect_bottom + self.dv.col1_center_space
+ dayRect = QRect(0, day_rect_top, width, height - day_rect_top)
+ painter.setFont(self.dv.weekdayFont)
+ painter.setPen(weekdayColor)
+ painter.drawText(weekdayRect, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom, weekday)
+ painter.setFont(self.dv.dayFont)
+ painter.setPen(dayColor)
+ painter.drawText(dayRect, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop, day)
+ if row in self.dv.c1_end_of_month:
+ painter.setPen(barColor)
+ painter.drawLine(
+ 0, option.rect.height() - 1, option.rect.width(), option.rect.height() - 1
+ )
+ painter.restore()
+ elif column == 2:
+ # Time during the day
+ text, new_file, invalid_row, invalid_rows =
+ if invalid_row:
+ color = self.darkGray
+ textColor = QColor(Qt.white)
+ elif option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
+ color = self.highlight
+ # TODO take into account dark themes
+ if new_file:
+ textColor = self.highlightText
+ else:
+ textColor = self.darkGray
+ else:
+ color = self.dv.tableColor
+ if new_file:
+ textColor = QColor(Qt.white)
+ else:
+ textColor = self.darkGray
+ painter.fillRect(option.rect, color)
+ align = self.dv.c2_alignment.get(row)
+ if new_file and self.dv.col2_new_file_dot:
+ # Draw a small circle beside the date (currently unused)
+ painter.setPen(self.newFileColor)
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
+ painter.setBrush(self.newFileColor)
+ rect = QRectF(
+ option.rect.x(),
+ option.rect.y(),
+ self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_size,
+ self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_size
+ )
+ if align is None:
+ height = option.rect.height() / 2 -self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_radius - \
+ self.dv.col2_font_descent_adjust
+ rect.translate(self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_left_margin, height)
+ elif align == Align.bottom:
+ height = (
+ option.rect.height() - self.dv.col2_font_height_half -
+ self.dv.col2_font_descent_adjust - self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_size
+ )
+ rect.translate(self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_left_margin, height)
+ else:
+ height = (
+ self.dv.col2_font_height_half - self.dv.col2_font_descent_adjust
+ )
+ rect.translate(self.dv.col2_new_file_dot_left_margin, height)
+ painter.drawEllipse(rect)
+ rect = QRect(option.rect)
+ rect.translate(self.dv.col2_text_left_margin, 0)
+ painter.setPen(textColor)
+ if invalid_rows:
+ # Render the row
+ invalidRightRect = QRect(option.rect)
+ invalidRightRect.translate(-2, 1)
+ painter.setFont(self.dv.invalidRowFont)
+ painter.drawText(invalidRightRect, Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop, str(row))
+ if align != and self.dv.invalidRowHeightMin < option.rect.height():
+ invalidLeftRect = QRect(option.rect)
+ invalidLeftRect.translate(1, 1)
+ painter.drawText(invalidLeftRect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop, 'Debug mode')
+ painter.setFont(self.dv.proximityFont)
+ if align is None:
+ painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, text)
+ elif align == Align.bottom:
+ rect.setHeight(rect.height() - self.dv.col2_v_padding_half)
+ painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom, text)
+ else:
+ rect.adjust(0, self.dv.col2_v_padding_half, 0, 0)
+ painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop, text)
+ if row in self.dv.c2_end_of_day:
+ if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
+ painter.setPen(self.darkerHighlight)
+ else:
+ painter.setPen(self.dv.tableColorDarker)
+ painter.translate(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y())
+ painter.drawLine(
+ 0, option.rect.height() - 1, self.dv.col_widths[2], option.rect.height() - 1
+ )
+ painter.restore()
+ else:
+ super().paint(painter, option, index)
+class TemporalProximityView(QTableView):
+ proximitySelectionHasChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ def __init__(self, temporalProximityWidget: 'TemporalProximity', rapidApp) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.rapidApp = rapidApp
+ self.temporalProximityWidget = temporalProximityWidget
+ self.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ # Calling code should set this value to something sensible
+ self.setMinimumWidth(200)
+ self.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.setWordWrap(True)
+ self.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection)
+ self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
+ self.setShowGrid(False)
+ def _updateSelectionRowChildColumn2(self, row: int, parent_column: int,
+ model: TemporalProximityModel) -> None:
+ """
+ Select cells in column 2, based on selections in column 0 or 1.
+ :param row: the row of the cell that has been selected
+ :param parent_column: the column of the cell that has been
+ selected
+ :param model: the model the view operates on
+ """
+ for parent_row in range(row, row + self.rowSpan(row, parent_column)):
+ start_row = model.groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(parent_row, 2)]
+ row_span = self.rowSpan(start_row, 2)
+ do_selection = False
+ if row_span > 1:
+ all_selected = True
+ for r in range(start_row, start_row + row_span):
+ if not self.selectionModel().isSelected(model.index(r, 1)):
+ all_selected = False
+ break
+ if all_selected:
+ do_selection = True
+ else:
+ do_selection = True
+ if do_selection:
+ self.selectionModel().select(model.index(start_row, 2), QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ model.dataChanged.emit(model.index(start_row, 2), model.index(start_row, 2))
+ def _updateSelectionRowChildColumn1(self, row: int, model: TemporalProximityModel) -> None:
+ """
+ Select cells in column 1, based on selections in column 0.
+ :param row: the row of the cell that has been selected
+ :param model: the model the view operates on
+ """
+ for r in range(row, row + self.rowSpan(row, 0)):
+ self.selectionModel().select(
+ model.index(r, 1), QItemSelectionModel.Select
+ )
+ model.dataChanged.emit(model.index(row, 1), model.index(r, 1))
+ def _updateSelectionRowParent(self, row: int,
+ parent_column: int,
+ start_column: int,
+ examined: set,
+ model: TemporalProximityModel) -> None:
+ """
+ Select cells in column 0 or 1, based on selections in column 2.
+ :param row: the row of the cell that has been selected
+ :param parent_column: the column in which to select cells
+ :param start_column: the column of the cell that has been
+ selected
+ :param examined: cells that have already been analyzed to see
+ if they should be selected or not
+ :param model: the model the view operates on
+ """
+ start_row = model.groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(row, parent_column)]
+ if (start_row, parent_column) not in examined:
+ all_selected = True
+ for r in range(start_row, start_row + self.rowSpan(row, parent_column)):
+ if not self.selectionModel().isSelected(model.index(r, start_column)):
+ all_selected = False
+ break
+ if all_selected:
+ i = model.index(start_row, parent_column)
+ self.selectionModel().select(i, QItemSelectionModel.Select)
+ model.dataChanged.emit(i, i)
+ examined.add((start_row, parent_column))
+ def updateSelection(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Modify user selection to include extra columns.
+ When the user is selecting table cells, need to mimic the
+ behavior of
+ setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows)
+ However in our case we need to select multiple rows, depending
+ on the row spans in columns 0, 1 and 2. Column 2 is a special
+ case.
+ """
+ # auto_scroll = self.temporalProximityWidget.prefs.auto_scroll
+ # if auto_scroll:
+ # self.temporalProximityWidget.setTimelineThumbnailAutoScroll(False)
+ self.selectionModel().blockSignals(True)
+ model = self.model() # type: TemporalProximityModel
+ examined = set()
+ for i in self.selectedIndexes():
+ row = i.row()
+ column = i.column()
+ if column == 0:
+ examined.add((row, column))
+ self._updateSelectionRowChildColumn1(row, model)
+ examined.add((row, 1))
+ self._updateSelectionRowChildColumn2(row, 0, model)
+ examined.add((row, 2))
+ if column == 1:
+ examined.add((row, column))
+ self._updateSelectionRowChildColumn2(row, 1, model)
+ self._updateSelectionRowParent(row, 0, 1, examined, model)
+ examined.add((row, 2))
+ if column == 2:
+ for r in range(row, row + self.rowSpan(row, 2)):
+ for parent_column in (1, 0):
+ self._updateSelectionRowParent(r, parent_column, 2, examined, model)
+ self.selectionModel().blockSignals(False)
+ # if auto_scroll:
+ # self.temporalProximityWidget.setTimelineThumbnailAutoScroll(True)
+ @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent)
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ """
+ Checks to see if Timeline selection should be cleared.
+ Should be cleared if the cell clicked in already represents
+ a selection that cannot be expanded or made smaller with the
+ same click.
+ A click outside the selection represents a new selection,
+ should proceed.
+ A click inside a selection, but one that creates a new, smaller
+ selection, should also proceed.
+ :param event: the mouse click event
+ """
+ do_selection = True
+ do_selection_confirmed = False
+ index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) # type: QModelIndex
+ if index in self.selectedIndexes():
+ clicked_column = index.column()
+ clicked_row = index.row()
+ row_span = self.rowSpan(clicked_row, clicked_column)
+ for i in self.selectedIndexes():
+ column = i.column()
+ row = i.row()
+ # Is any selected column to the left of clicked column?
+ if column < clicked_column:
+ # Is the row outside the span of the clicked row?
+ if (row < clicked_row or
+ row + self.rowSpan(row, column) > clicked_row + row_span):
+ do_selection_confirmed = True
+ break
+ # Is this the only selected row in the column selected?
+ if ((row < clicked_row or row >= clicked_row + row_span) and column ==
+ clicked_column):
+ do_selection_confirmed = True
+ break
+ if not do_selection_confirmed:
+ self.clearSelection()
+ self.rapidApp.proximityButton.setHighlighted(False)
+ do_selection = False
+ thumbnailView = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView
+ model = self.model()
+ uids =, Roles.uids)
+ thumbnailView.scrollToUids(uids=uids)
+ if do_selection:
+ self.temporalProximityWidget.block_update_device_display = True
+ super().mousePressEvent(event)
+ @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent)
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ self.temporalProximityWidget.block_update_device_display = False
+ self.proximitySelectionHasChanged.emit()
+ super().mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def scrollThumbnails(self, value) -> None:
+ index = self.indexAt(QPoint(200, 0)) # type: QModelIndex
+ if index.isValid():
+ if self.selectedIndexes():
+ # It's now possible to scroll the Timeline and there will be
+ # no matching thumbnails to which to scroll to in the display,
+ # because they are not being displayed. Hence this check:
+ if not index in self.selectedIndexes():
+ return
+ thumbnailView = self.rapidApp.thumbnailView
+ thumbnailView.setScrollTogether(False)
+ model = self.model()
+ uids =, Roles.uids)
+ thumbnailView.scrollToUids(uids=uids)
+ thumbnailView.setScrollTogether(True)
+class TemporalValuePicker(QWidget):
+ """
+ Simple composite widget of QSlider and QLabel
+ """
+ # Emits number of minutes
+ valueChanged = pyqtSignal(int)
+ def __init__(self, minutes: int, parent=None) -> None:
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow)
+ self.slider.setToolTip(
+ _(
+ "The time elapsed between consecutive photos and videos that is used to build the "
+ "Timeline"
+ )
+ )
+ self.slider.setMaximum(len(proximity_time_steps) - 1)
+ self.slider.setValue(proximity_time_steps.index(minutes))
+ self.display = QLabel()
+ font = QFont()
+ font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 2)
+ self.display.setFont(font)
+ self.display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
+ # Determine maximum width of display label
+ width = 0
+ labelMetrics = QFontMetrics(QFont())
+ for m in range(len(proximity_time_steps)):
+ boundingRect = labelMetrics.boundingRect(self.displayString(m)) # type: QRect
+ width = max(width, boundingRect.width())
+ self.display.setFixedWidth(width + 6)
+ self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.updateDisplay)
+ self.slider.sliderPressed.connect(self.sliderPressed)
+ self.slider.sliderReleased.connect(self.sliderReleased)
+ self.display.setText(self.displayString(self.slider.value()))
+ layout = QHBoxLayout()
+ layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ layout.setSpacing(QFontMetrics(font).height() // 6)
+ self.setLayout(layout)
+ layout.addWidget(self.slider)
+ layout.addWidget(self.display)
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def sliderPressed(self):
+ self.pressed_value = self.slider.value()
+ @pyqtSlot()
+ def sliderReleased(self):
+ if self.pressed_value != self.slider.value():
+ self.valueChanged.emit(proximity_time_steps[self.slider.value()])
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def updateDisplay(self, value: int) -> None:
+ self.display.setText(self.displayString(value))
+ if not self.slider.isSliderDown():
+ self.valueChanged.emit(proximity_time_steps[value])
+ def displayString(self, index: int) -> str:
+ minutes = proximity_time_steps[index]
+ if minutes < 60:
+ # Translators: e.g. "45m", which is short for 45 minutes.
+ # Replace the very last character (after the d) with the correct
+ # localized value, keeping everything else. In other words, change
+ # only the m character.
+ return _("%(minutes)dm") % dict(minutes=minutes)
+ elif minutes == 90:
+ # Translators: i.e. "1.5h", which is short for 1.5 hours.
+ # Replace the entire string with the correct localized value
+ return _('1.5h')
+ else:
+ # Translators: e.g. "5h", which is short for 5 hours.
+ # Replace the very last character (after the d) with the correct localized value,
+ # keeping everything else. In other words, change only the h character.
+ return _('%(hours)dh') % dict(hours=minutes // 60)
+class TemporalProximity(QWidget):
+ """
+ Displays Timeline and tracks its state.
+ Main widget to display and control Timeline.
+ """
+ proximitySelectionHasChanged = pyqtSignal()
+ def __init__(self, rapidApp,
+ prefs: Preferences,
+ parent=None) -> None:
+ """
+ :param rapidApp: main application window
+ :type rapidApp: RapidWindow
+ :param prefs: program & user preferences
+ :param parent: parent widget
+ """
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.rapidApp = rapidApp
+ self.thumbnailModel = rapidApp.thumbnailModel
+ self.prefs = prefs
+ self.block_update_device_display = False
+ self.state = TemporalProximityState.empty
+ self.uids_manually_set_previously_downloaded = [] # type: List[bytes]
+ self.temporalProximityView = TemporalProximityView(self, rapidApp=rapidApp)
+ self.temporalProximityModel = TemporalProximityModel(rapidApp=rapidApp)
+ self.temporalProximityView.setModel(self.temporalProximityModel)
+ self.temporalProximityDelegate = TemporalProximityDelegate()
+ self.temporalProximityView.setItemDelegate(self.temporalProximityDelegate)
+ self.temporalProximityView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(
+ self.proximitySelectionChanged
+ )
+ self.temporalProximityView.setSizePolicy(
+ QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Expanding
+ )
+ self.temporalValuePicker = TemporalValuePicker(self.prefs.get_proximity())
+ self.temporalValuePicker.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Minimum)
+ description = _(
+ 'The Timeline groups photos and videos based on how much time elapsed '
+ 'between consecutive shots. Use it to identify photos and videos taken at '
+ 'different periods in a single day or over consecutive days.'
+ )
+ adjust = _(
+ 'Use the slider (below) to adjust the time elapsed between consecutive shots '
+ 'that is used to build the Timeline.'
+ )
+ generation_pending = _("Timeline build pending...")
+ generating = _("Timeline is building...")
+ ctime_vs_mtime = _(
+ "The Timeline needs to be rebuilt because the file "
+ "modification time does not match the time a shot was taken for one or more shots"
+ ".<br><br>The Timeline shows when shots were taken. The time a shot was taken is "
+ "found in a photo or video's metadata. "
+ "Reading the metadata is time consuming, so Rapid Photo Downloader avoids reading the "
+ "metadata while scanning files. Instead it uses the time the file was last modified "
+ "as a proxy for when the shot was taken. The time a shot was taken is confirmed when "
+ "generating thumbnails or downloading, which is when the metadata is read."
+ )
+ description = '<i>{}</i>'.format(description)
+ generation_pending = '<i>{}</i>'.format(generation_pending)
+ generating = '<i>{}</i>'.format(generating)
+ adjust = '<i>{}</i>'.format(adjust)
+ ctime_vs_mtime = '<i>{}</i>'.format(ctime_vs_mtime)
+ palette = QPalette()
+ palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, palette.color(palette.Base))
+ # TODO assign this value from somewhere else - rapidApp.standard_spacing not yet defined
+ margin = 6
+ self.description = QLabel(description)
+ self.adjust = QLabel(adjust)
+ self.generating = QLabel(generating)
+ self.generationPending = QLabel(generation_pending)
+ self.ctime_vs_mtime = QLabel(ctime_vs_mtime)
+ self.explanation = QWidget()
+ layout = QVBoxLayout()
+ border_width = QSplitter().lineWidth()
+ layout.setContentsMargins(border_width, border_width, border_width, border_width)
+ layout.setSpacing(0)
+ self.explanation.setLayout(layout)
+ layout.addWidget(self.description)
+ layout.addWidget(self.adjust)
+ for label in (self.description, self.generationPending, self.generating, self.adjust,
+ self.ctime_vs_mtime):
+ label.setMargin(margin)
+ label.setWordWrap(True)
+ label.setAutoFillBackground(True)
+ label.setPalette(palette)
+ for label in (self.description, self.generationPending, self.generating,
+ self.ctime_vs_mtime):
+ label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
+ label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)
+ self.adjust.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Minimum)
+ layout = QVBoxLayout()
+ self.setLayout(layout)
+ layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.stackedWidget = QStackedWidget()
+ for label in (self.explanation, self.generationPending, self.generating,
+ self.ctime_vs_mtime):
+ scrollArea = QScrollArea()
+ scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True)
+ scrollArea.setWidget(label)
+ self.stackedWidget.addWidget(scrollArea)
+ self.stackedWidget.addWidget(self.temporalProximityView)
+ self.stack_index_for_state = {
+ TemporalProximityState.empty: 0,
+ TemporalProximityState.pending: 1,
+ TemporalProximityState.generating: 2,
+ TemporalProximityState.regenerate: 2,
+ TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild: 3,
+ TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild_proceed: 3,
+ TemporalProximityState.generated: 4
+ }
+ self.autoScrollButton = QToolButton(self)
+ icon = QIcon(':/icons/link.svg')
+ self.autoScrollButton.setIcon(icon)
+ # self.autoScrollButton.setIconSize(QSize(16, 16))
+ self.autoScrollButton.setAutoRaise(True)
+ self.autoScrollButton.setCheckable(True)
+ self.autoScrollButton.setToolTip(
+ _('Toggle synchronizing Timeline and thumbnail scrolling (Ctrl-T)')
+ )
+ self.autoScrollButton.setChecked(not self.prefs.auto_scroll)
+ self.autoScrollAct = QAction(
+ '', self, shortcut="Ctrl+T",
+ triggered=self.autoScrollActed, icon=icon
+ )
+ self.autoScrollButton.addAction(self.autoScrollAct)
+ style = "QToolButton {padding: 2px;} QToolButton::menu-indicator {image: none;}"
+ self.autoScrollButton.setStyleSheet(style)
+ self.autoScrollButton.clicked.connect(self.autoScrollClicked)
+ pickerLayout = QHBoxLayout()
+ pickerLayout.setSpacing(0)
+ pickerLayout.addWidget(self.temporalValuePicker)
+ pickerLayout.addWidget(self.autoScrollButton)
+ layout.addWidget(self.stackedWidget)
+ layout.addLayout(pickerLayout)
+ self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0)
+ self.temporalValuePicker.valueChanged.connect(self.temporalValueChanged)
+ if self.prefs.auto_scroll:
+ self.setTimelineThumbnailAutoScroll(self.prefs.auto_scroll)
+ self.suppress_auto_scroll_after_timeline_select = False
+ @pyqtSlot(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
+ def proximitySelectionChanged(self, current: QItemSelection, previous: QItemSelection) -> None:
+ """
+ Respond to user selections in Temporal Proximity Table.
+ User can select / deselect individual cells. Need to:
+ 1. Automatically update selection to include parent or child
+ cells in some cases
+ 2. Filter display of thumbnails
+ """
+ self.temporalProximityView.updateSelection()
+ groups = self.temporalProximityModel.groups
+ selected_rows_col2 = [
+ i.row() for i in self.temporalProximityView.selectedIndexes() if i.column() == 2
+ ]
+ selected_rows_col1 = [
+ i.row() for i in self.temporalProximityView.selectedIndexes()
+ if i.column() == 1 and groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row[(i.row(), 2)]
+ not in selected_rows_col2
+ ]
+ try:
+ selected_col1 = [groups.proximity_view_cell_id_col1[row] for row in selected_rows_col1]
+ selected_col2 = [groups.proximity_view_cell_id_col2[row] for row in selected_rows_col2]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logging.exception('Error in Timeline generation')
+ self.temporalProximityModel.debugDumpState(selected_rows_col1, selected_rows_col2)
+ return
+ # Filter display of thumbnails, or reset the filter if lists are empty
+ self.thumbnailModel.setProximityGroupFilter(selected_col1, selected_col2)
+ self.rapidApp.proximityButton.setHighlighted(True)
+ if not self.block_update_device_display:
+ self.proximitySelectionHasChanged.emit()
+ self.suppress_auto_scroll_after_timeline_select = True
+ def clearThumbnailDisplayFilter(self):
+ self.thumbnailModel.setProximityGroupFilter([],[])
+ self.rapidApp.proximityButton.setHighlighted(False)
+ def setState(self, state: TemporalProximityState) -> None:
+ """
+ Set the state of the temporal proximity view, updating the displayed message
+ :param state: the new state
+ """
+ if state == self.state:
+ return
+ if state == TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild_proceed:
+ if self.state == TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild:
+ self.state = TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild_proceed
+ logging.debug("Timeline is ready to be rebuilt after ctime change")
+ return
+ else:
+ logging.error(
+ "Unexpected request to set Timeline state to %s because current state is %s",
+ )
+ elif self.state == TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild and state != \
+ TemporalProximityState.empty:
+ logging.debug(
+ "Ignoring request to set timeline state to %s because current state is ctime "
+ "rebuild",
+ )
+ return
+ logging.debug("Updating Timeline state from %s to %s",,
+ self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.stack_index_for_state[state])
+ self.clearThumbnailDisplayFilter()
+ self.state = state
+ def setGroups(self, proximity_groups: TemporalProximityGroups) -> bool:
+ """
+ Display the Timeline using data from the generated proximity_groups
+ :param proximity_groups: Timeline content and formatting hints
+ :return: True if Timeline was updated, False if not updated due to
+ current state
+ """
+ if self.state == TemporalProximityState.regenerate:
+ self.rapidApp.generateTemporalProximityTableData(
+ reason="a change was made while it was already generating"
+ )
+ return False
+ if self.state == TemporalProximityState.ctime_rebuild:
+ return False
+ self.temporalProximityModel.groups = proximity_groups
+ depth = proximity_groups.depth()
+ self.temporalProximityDelegate.depth = depth
+ if depth in (0, 1):
+ self.temporalProximityView.hideColumn(0)
+ else:
+ self.temporalProximityView.showColumn(0)
+ self.temporalProximityView.clearSpans()
+ self.temporalProximityDelegate.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row = \
+ proximity_groups.row_span_for_column_starts_at_row
+ self.temporalProximityDelegate.dv = proximity_groups.display_values
+ self.temporalProximityDelegate.dv.assign_fonts()
+ for column, row, row_span in proximity_groups.spans:
+ self.temporalProximityView.setSpan(row, column, row_span, 1)
+ self.temporalProximityModel.endResetModel()
+ for idx, height in enumerate(proximity_groups.display_values.row_heights):
+ self.temporalProximityView.setRowHeight(idx, height)
+ for idx, width in enumerate(proximity_groups.display_values.col_widths):
+ self.temporalProximityView.setColumnWidth(idx, width)
+ # Set the minimum width for the timeline to match the content
+ # Width of each column
+ if depth in (0, 1):
+ min_width = sum(proximity_groups.display_values.col_widths[1:])
+ else:
+ min_width = sum(proximity_groups.display_values.col_widths)
+ # Width of each scrollbar
+ scrollbar_width =
+ # Width of frame - without it, the tableview will still be too small
+ frame_width = QSplitter().lineWidth() * 2
+ self.temporalProximityView.setMinimumWidth(min_width + scrollbar_width + frame_width)
+ self.setState(TemporalProximityState.generated)
+ # Has the user manually set any files as previously downloaded while the Timeline was
+ # generating?
+ if self.uids_manually_set_previously_downloaded:
+ self.temporalProximityModel.updatePreviouslyDownloaded(
+ uids=self.uids_manually_set_previously_downloaded
+ )
+ self.uids_manually_set_previously_downloaded = []
+ return True
+ @pyqtSlot(int)
+ def temporalValueChanged(self, minutes: int) -> None:
+ self.prefs.set_proximity(minutes=minutes)
+ if self.state == TemporalProximityState.generated:
+ self.setState(TemporalProximityState.generating)
+ self.rapidApp.generateTemporalProximityTableData(
+ reason="the duration between consecutive shots has changed")
+ elif self.state == TemporalProximityState.generating:
+ self.state = TemporalProximityState.regenerate
+ def previouslyDownloadedManuallySet(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None:
+ """
+ Possibly update the formatting of the Timeline to reflect the user
+ manually setting files to have been previously downloaded
+ """
+ logging.debug(
+ "Updating Timeline to reflect %s files manually set as previously downloaded",
+ len(uids)
+ )
+ if self.state != TemporalProximityState.generated:
+ self.uids_manually_set_previously_downloaded.extend(uids)
+ else:
+ self.temporalProximityModel.updatePreviouslyDownloaded(uids=uids)
+ def scrollToUid(self, uid: bytes) -> None:
+ """
+ Scroll to this uid in the Timeline.
+ :param uid: uid to scroll to
+ """
+ if self.state == TemporalProximityState.generated:
+ if self.suppress_auto_scroll_after_timeline_select:
+ self.suppress_auto_scroll_after_timeline_select = False
+ else:
+ view = self.temporalProximityView
+ model = self.temporalProximityModel
+ row = model.groups.uid_to_row(uid=uid)
+ index = model.index(row, 2)
+ view.scrollTo(index, QAbstractItemView.PositionAtTop)
+ def setTimelineThumbnailAutoScroll(self, on: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Turn on or off synchronized scrolling between thumbnails and Timeline
+ :param on: whether to turn on or off
+ """
+ self.setScrollTogether(on)
+ self.rapidApp.thumbnailView.setScrollTogether(on)
+ def setScrollTogether(self, on: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Turn on or off the linking of scrolling the Timeline with the Thumbnail display
+ :param on: whether to turn on or off
+ """
+ view = self.temporalProximityView
+ if on:
+ view.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(view.scrollThumbnails)
+ else:
+ view.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.disconnect(view.scrollThumbnails)
+ @pyqtSlot(bool)
+ def autoScrollClicked(self, checked: bool) -> None:
+ self.prefs.auto_scroll = not checked
+ self.setTimelineThumbnailAutoScroll(not checked)
+ @pyqtSlot(bool)
+ def autoScrollActed(self, on: bool) -> None:
+ self.autoScrollButton.animateClick()