Release Notes for Rapid Photo Downloader 0.9.9 ============================================== - If you installed Rapid Photo Downloader using the install script, you can update it one of two ways: using the install script again, or using the built-in update procedure. The built-in update procedure is very convenient, but somtimes is limited in terms of what it can update. If you use the install script to update the program, it can update more supporting packages, which can sometimes prove helpful. - On some systems, Rapid Photo Downloader cannot use gstreamer to generate video thumbnails for all common video files. Install the good and libav plugins for gstreamer to solve this problem. In Debian and Ubuntu-like systems, the packages are gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-plugins-good On Fedora, the packages are gstreamer1-plugins-good and gstreamer1-libav. Fedora users can enable the free repository to be able to install gstreamer1-libav. - With rawkit being updated to 0.6.0, and the addition of extra plugins to gstreamer, many photos and videos whose thumbnail could not previously be displayed now can be. However, to view those thumbnails for those files that have been previously scanned, purging the thumbnail cache is needed. You can purge the thumbnail cache via the Preferences dialog, accessed via the main menu. - For systems running Python 3.6, the recommended pyzmq version is now 16.0.2 or newer. If xterm or lxterminal are installed on systems with Python 3.6, the automatic upgrade procedure will attempt to upgrade pymzq if necessary. On Python 3.6 systems lacking either of these terminals, using the script will upgrade pyzmq. Alternatively, the following command will upgrade pyzmq: /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U --user --disable-pip-version-check pyzmq