#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Damon Lynch # Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Jim Easterbrook # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017, Damon Lynch. Copyright 2012-2015 Jim Easterbrook." import logging import os import io from collections import namedtuple import re from typing import Optional, List, Tuple import gphoto2 as gp from raphodo.storage import StorageSpace from raphodo.constants import CameraErrorCode from raphodo.utilities import format_size_for_user def python_gphoto2_version(): return gp.__version__ def gphoto2_version(): return gp.gp_library_version(0)[0] class CameraError(Exception): def __init__(self, code: CameraErrorCode) -> None: self.code = code def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.code == CameraErrorCode.inaccessible: return "inaccessible" else: return "locked" def __str__(self) -> str: if self.code == CameraErrorCode.inaccessible: return "The camera is inaccessible" else: return "The camera is locked" class CameraProblemEx(CameraError): def __init__(self, code: CameraErrorCode, gp_exception: Optional[gp.GPhoto2Error]=None, py_exception: Optional[Exception]=None) -> None: super().__init__(code) if gp_exception is not None: self.gp_code = gp_exception.code else: self.gp_code = None self.py_exception = py_exception def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.code == CameraErrorCode.read: return "read error" elif self.code == CameraErrorCode.write: return 'write error' else: return repr(super()) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.code == CameraErrorCode.read: return "Could not read file from camera" elif self.code == CameraErrorCode.write: return 'Could not write file from camera' else: return str(super()) def generate_devname(camera_port: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Generate udev DEVNAME. >>> generate_devname('usb:001,003') '/dev/bus/usb/001/003' >>> generate_devname('usb::001,003') :param camera_port: :return: devname if it could be generated, else None """ match = re.match('usb:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)', camera_port) if match is not None: p1, p2 = match.groups() return '/dev/bus/usb/{}/{}'.format(p1, p2) return None class Camera: """Access a camera via libgphoto2.""" def __init__(self, model: str, port:str, get_folders: bool=True, raise_errors: bool=False, context: gp.Context=None) -> None: """ Initialize a camera via libgphoto2. :param model: camera model, as returned by camera_autodetect() :param port: camera port, as returned by camera_autodetect() :param get_folders: whether to detect the DCIM folders on the camera :param raise_errors: if True, if necessary free camera, and raise error that occurs during initialization """ self.model = model self.port = port # class method _concise_model_name discusses why a display name is # needed self.display_name = model self.camera_config = None if context is None: self.context = gp.Context() else: self.context = context self._select_camera(model, port) self.dcim_folders = None # type: List[str] self.dcim_folder_located = False self.storage_info = [] self.camera_initialized = False try: self.camera.init(self.context) self.camera_initialized = True except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: if e.code == gp.GP_ERROR_IO_USB_CLAIM: logging.error("{} is already mounted".format(model)) elif e.code == gp.GP_ERROR: logging.error("An error occurred initializing the camera using libgphoto2") else: logging.error("Unable to access camera: error %s", e.code) if raise_errors: raise CameraProblemEx(CameraErrorCode.inaccessible, gp_exception=e) return concise_model_name = self._concise_model_name() if concise_model_name: self.display_name = concise_model_name if get_folders: try: self.dcim_folders = self._locate_DCIM_folders('/') except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error("Unable to access camera %s: error %s. Is it locked?", self.display_name, e.code) if raise_errors: self.free_camera() raise CameraProblemEx(CameraErrorCode.locked, gp_exception=e) self.folders_and_files = [] self.audio_files = {} self.video_thumbnails = [] abilities = self.camera.get_abilities() self.can_fetch_thumbnails = abilities.file_operations & gp.GP_FILE_OPERATION_PREVIEW != 0 def camera_has_dcim(self) -> bool: """ Check whether the camera has been initialized and if a DCIM folder has been located :return: True if the camera is initialized and a DCIM folder has been located """ return self.camera_initialized and self.dcim_folder_located def get_file_info(self, folder, file_name) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns modification time and file size :type folder: str :type file_name: str :param folder: full path where file is located :param file_name: :return: tuple of modification time and file size """ info = self.camera.file_get_info(folder, file_name, self.context) modification_time = info.file.mtime size = info.file.size return (modification_time, size) def get_exif_extract(self, folder: str, file_name: str, size_in_bytes: int=200) -> bytearray: """" Attempt to read only the exif portion of the file. Assumes exif is located at the beginning of the file. Use the result like this: metadata = GExiv2.Metadata() metadata.open_buf(buf) :param folder: directory on the camera the file is stored :param file_name: the photo's file name :param size_in_bytes: how much of the photo to read, starting from the front of the file """ buffer = bytearray(size_in_bytes) try: self.camera.file_read(folder, file_name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, 0, buffer, self.context) except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error("Unable to extract portion of file from camera %s: error %s", self.display_name, e.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=e) else: return buffer def get_exif_extract_from_jpeg(self, folder: str, file_name: str) -> bytearray: """ Extract strictly the app1 (exif) section of a jpeg. Uses libgphoto2 to extract the exif header. Assumes jpeg on camera is straight from the camera, i.e. not modified by an exif altering program off the camera. :param folder: directory on the camera where the jpeg is stored :param file_name: name of the jpeg :return: first section of jpeg such that it can be read by exiv2 or similar """ camera_file = self._get_file(folder, file_name, None, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_EXIF) try: exif_data = gp.check_result(gp.gp_file_get_data_and_size(camera_file)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error getting exif info for %s from camera %s. Code: ' '%s', os.path.join(folder, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=ex) return bytearray(exif_data) def get_exif_extract_from_jpeg_manual_parse(self, folder: str, file_name: str) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Extract exif section of a jpeg. I wrote this before I understood that libpghoto2 provides the same functionality! Reads first few bytes of jpeg on camera to determine the location and length of the exif header, then reads in the header. Assumes jpeg on camera is straight from the camera, i.e. not modified by an exif altering program off the camera. :param folder: directory on the camera where the jpeg is stored :param file_name: name of the jpeg :return: first section of jpeg such that it can be read by exiv2 or similar """ # Step 1: determine the location of APP1 in the jpeg file # See http://dev.exiv2.org/projects/exiv2/wiki/The_Metadata_in_JPEG_files soi_marker_length = 2 marker_length = 2 exif_header_length = 8 read0_size = soi_marker_length + marker_length + exif_header_length view = memoryview(bytearray(read0_size)) try: bytes_read = gp.check_result(self.camera.file_read( folder, file_name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, 0, view, self.context)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error reading %s from camera. Code: %s', os.path.join(folder, file_name), ex.code) return None jpeg_header = view.tobytes() view.release() if jpeg_header[0:2] != b'\xff\xd8': logging.error("%s not a jpeg image: no SOI marker", file_name) return None app_marker = jpeg_header[2:4] # Step 2: handle presence of APP0 - it's optional if app_marker == b'\xff\xe0': # There is an APP0 before the probable APP1 # Don't neeed the content of the APP0 app0_data_length = jpeg_header[4] * 256 + jpeg_header[5] # We've already read twelve bytes total, going into the APP1 data. # Now we want to download the rest of the APP1, along with the app0 marker # and the app0 exif header read1_size = app0_data_length + 2 app0_view = memoryview(bytearray(read1_size)) try: bytes_read = gp.check_result(self.camera.file_read( folder, file_name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, read0_size, app0_view, self.context)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error reading %s from camera. Code: %s', os.path.join(folder, file_name), ex.code) app0 = app0_view.tobytes() app0_view.release() app_marker = app0[(exif_header_length + 2) * -1:exif_header_length * -1] exif_header = app0[exif_header_length * -1:] jpeg_header = jpeg_header + app0 offset = read0_size + read1_size else: exif_header = jpeg_header[exif_header_length * -1:] offset = read0_size # Step 3: process exif header if app_marker != b'\xff\xe1': logging.error("Could not locate APP1 marker in %s", file_name) return None if exif_header[2:6] != b'Exif' or exif_header[6:8] != b'\x00\x00': logging.error("APP1 is malformed in %s", file_name) return None app1_data_length = exif_header[0] * 256 + exif_header[1] # Step 4: read APP1 view = memoryview(bytearray(app1_data_length)) try: bytes_read = gp.check_result(self.camera.file_read( folder, file_name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, offset, view, self.context)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error reading %s from camera. Code: %s', os.path.join(folder, file_name), ex.code) return None return jpeg_header + view.tobytes() def _get_file(self, dir_name: str, file_name: str, dest_full_filename: Optional[str]=None, file_type: int=gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL) -> gp.CameraFile: try: camera_file = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_file_get( self.camera, dir_name, file_name, file_type, self.context)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error reading %s from camera %s. Code: %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=ex) if dest_full_filename is not None: try: gp.check_result(gp.gp_file_save(camera_file, dest_full_filename)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error saving %s from camera %s. Code: %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.write, gp_exception=ex) return camera_file def save_file(self, dir_name: str, file_name: str, dest_full_filename: str) -> None: """ Save the file from the camera to a local destination. :param dir_name: directory on the camera :param file_name: the photo or video :param dest_full_filename: full path including filename where the file will be saved. """ self._get_file(dir_name, file_name, dest_full_filename) def save_file_chunk(self, dir_name: str, file_name: str, chunk_size_in_bytes: int, dest_full_filename: str, mtime: int=None) -> None: """ Save the file from the camera to a local destination. :param dir_name: directory on the camera :param file_name: the photo or video :param chunk_size_in_bytes: how much of the file to read, starting from the front of the file :param dest_full_filename: full path including filename where the file will be saved. :param mtime: if specified, set the file modification time to this value """ # get_exif_extract() can raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read): buffer = self.get_exif_extract(dir_name, file_name, chunk_size_in_bytes) view = memoryview(buffer) dest_file = None try: dest_file = io.open(dest_full_filename, 'wb') src_bytes = view.tobytes() dest_file.write(src_bytes) dest_file.close() if mtime is not None: os.utime(dest_full_filename, times=(mtime, mtime)) except (OSError, PermissionError) as ex: logging.error('Error saving file %s from camera %s. Code %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.errno) if dest_file is not None: dest_file.close() raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.write, py_exception=ex) def save_file_by_chunks(self, dir_name: str, file_name: str, size: int, dest_full_filename: str, progress_callback, check_for_command, return_file_bytes = False, chunk_size=1048576) -> Optional[bytes]: """ :param dir_name: directory on the camera :param file_name: the photo or video :param size: the size of the file in bytes :param dest_full_filename: full path including filename where the file will be saved :param progress_callback: a function with which to update copy progress :param check_for_command: a function with which to check to see if the execution should pause, resume or stop :param return_file_bytes: if True, return a copy of the file's bytes, else make that part of the return value None :param chunk_size: the size of the chunks to copy. The default is 1MB. :return: True if the file was successfully saved, else False, and the bytes that were copied """ src_bytes = None view = memoryview(bytearray(size)) amount_downloaded = 0 for offset in range(0, size, chunk_size): check_for_command() stop = min(offset + chunk_size, size) try: bytes_read = gp.check_result(self.camera.file_read(dir_name, file_name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, offset, view[offset:stop], self.context)) amount_downloaded += bytes_read if progress_callback is not None: progress_callback(amount_downloaded, size) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error copying file %s from camera %s. Code %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) if progress_callback is not None: progress_callback(size, size) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=ex) dest_file = None try: dest_file = io.open(dest_full_filename, 'wb') src_bytes = view.tobytes() dest_file.write(src_bytes) dest_file.close() except OSError as ex: logging.error('Error saving file %s from camera %s. Code %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.errno) if dest_file is not None: dest_file.close() raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.write, py_exception=ex) if return_file_bytes: return src_bytes def get_thumbnail(self, dir_name: str, file_name: str, ignore_embedded_thumbnail=False, cache_full_filename:str=None) -> Optional[bytes]: """ :param dir_name: directory on the camera :param file_name: the photo or video :param ignore_embedded_thumbnail: if True, do not retrieve the embedded thumbnail :param cache_full_filename: full path including filename where the thumbnail will be saved. If none, will not save it. :return: thumbnail in bytes format, which will be full resolution if the embedded thumbnail is not selected """ if self.can_fetch_thumbnails and not ignore_embedded_thumbnail: get_file_type = gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW else: get_file_type = gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL camera_file = self._get_file(dir_name, file_name, cache_full_filename, get_file_type) try: thumbnail_data = gp.check_result(gp.gp_file_get_data_and_size( camera_file)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error getting image %s from camera %s. Code: %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=ex) if thumbnail_data: data = memoryview(thumbnail_data) return data.tobytes() def get_THM_file(self, full_THM_name: str) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Get THM thumbnail from camera :param full_THM_name: path and file name of the THM file :return: THM in raw bytes """ dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(full_THM_name) camera_file = self._get_file(dir_name, file_name) try: thumbnail_data = gp.check_result(gp.gp_file_get_data_and_size( camera_file)) except gp.GPhoto2Error as ex: logging.error('Error getting THM file %s from camera %s. Code: %s', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), self.display_name, ex.code) raise CameraProblemEx(code=CameraErrorCode.read, gp_exception=ex) if thumbnail_data: data = memoryview(thumbnail_data) return data.tobytes() def _locate_DCIM_folders(self, path: str) -> List[str]: """ Scan camera looking for DCIM folders. Looks in either the root of the path passed, or in one of the root folders subfolders (it does not scan subfolders of those subfolders). Returns all instances of a DCIM folder, which is helpful for cameras that have more than one card memory card slot. :param path: the root folder to start scanning in :type path: str :return: the paths including the DCIM folders (if found), or None """ dcim_folders = [] # type: List[str] # turn list of two items into a dictionary, for easier access # no error checking as exceptions are caught by the caller folders = dict(self.camera.folder_list_folders(path, self.context)) if 'DCIM' in folders: self.dcim_folder_located = True return [os.path.join(path, 'DCIM')] else: for subfolder in folders: subpath = os.path.join(path, subfolder) subfolders = dict(self.camera.folder_list_folders(subpath, self.context)) if 'DCIM' in subfolders: dcim_folders.append(os.path.join(subpath, 'DCIM')) if not dcim_folders: return dcim_folders else: self.dcim_folder_located = True return dcim_folders def _select_camera(self, model, port_name) -> None: # Code from Jim Easterbrook's Photoini # initialise camera self.camera = gp.Camera() # search abilities for camera model abilities_list = gp.CameraAbilitiesList() abilities_list.load(self.context) idx = abilities_list.lookup_model(str(model)) self.camera.set_abilities(abilities_list[idx]) # search ports for camera port name port_info_list = gp.PortInfoList() port_info_list.load() idx = port_info_list.lookup_path(str(port_name)) self.camera.set_port_info(port_info_list[idx]) def free_camera(self) -> None: """ Disconnects the camera in gphoto2. """ if self.camera_initialized: self.camera.exit(self.context) self.camera_initialized = False def _concise_model_name(self) -> str: """ Workaround the fact that the standard model name generated by gphoto2 can be extremely verbose, e.g. "Google Inc (for LG Electronics/Samsung) Nexus 4/5/7/10 (MTP)", which is what is generated for a Nexus 4!! :return: the model name as detected by gphoto2's camera information, e.g. in the case above, a Nexus 4. Empty string if not found. """ if self.camera_config is None: self.camera_config = self.camera.get_config(self.context) # Here we really see the difference between C and python! child_count = self.camera_config.count_children() for i in range(child_count): child1 = self.camera_config.get_child(i) child_type = child1.get_type() if child1.get_name() == 'status' and child_type == gp.GP_WIDGET_SECTION: child1_count = child1.count_children() for j in range(child1_count): child2 = child1.get_child(j) if child2.get_name() == 'cameramodel': return child2.get_value() return '' def get_storage_media_capacity(self, refresh: bool=False) -> List[StorageSpace]: """ Determine the bytes free and bytes total (media capacity) :param refresh: if True, get updated instead of cached values :return: list of StorageSpace tuple. If could not be determined due to an error, return value is None. """ self._get_storage_info(refresh) storage_capacity = [] for media_index in range(len(self.storage_info)): info = self.storage_info[media_index] if not (info.fields & gp.GP_STORAGEINFO_MAXCAPACITY and info.fields & gp.GP_STORAGEINFO_FREESPACEKBYTES): logging.error('Could not locate storage on %s', self.display_name) else: storage_capacity.append(StorageSpace(bytes_free=info.freekbytes * 1024, bytes_total=info.capacitykbytes * 1024, path=info.basedir)) return storage_capacity def get_storage_descriptions(self, refresh: bool=False) -> List[str]: """ Storage description is used in MTP path names by gvfs and KDE. :param refresh: if True, get updated instead of cached values :return: the storage description """ self._get_storage_info(refresh) descriptions = [] for media_index in range(len(self.storage_info)): info = self.storage_info[media_index] if info.fields & gp.GP_STORAGEINFO_DESCRIPTION: descriptions.append(info.description) return descriptions def no_storage_media(self, refresh: bool=False) -> int: """ Return the number of storage media (e.g. memory cards) the camera has :param refresh: if True, refresh the storage information :return: the number of media """ self._get_storage_info(refresh) return len(self.storage_info) def _get_storage_info(self, refresh: bool): """ Load the gphoto2 storage information :param refresh: if True, refresh the storage information, i.e. load it """ if not self.storage_info or refresh: try: self.storage_info = self.camera.get_storageinfo(self.context) except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error( "Unable to determine storage info for camera %s: error %s.", self.display_name, e.code ) self.storage_info = [] def unlocked(self) -> bool: """ Smart phones can be in a locked state, such that their contents cannot be accessed by gphoto2. Determine if the device is unlocked by attempting to locate the DCIM folders in it. :return: True if unlocked, else False """ try: folders = self._locate_DCIM_folders('/') except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error("Unable to access camera %s: error %s. Is it " "locked?", self.display_name, e.code) return False else: return True def dump_camera_details() -> None: context = gp.Context() cameras = context.camera_autodetect() for model, port in cameras: c = Camera(model=model, port=port, context=context) if not c.camera_initialized: logging.error("Camera %s could not be initialized", model) else: print() print(c.display_name) print('=' * len(c.display_name)) print() if not c.dcim_folder_located: print("DCIM folder was not located") else: if len(c.dcim_folders) == 1: msg = 'folder' else: msg = 'folders' print("DCIM {}:".format(msg), ', '.join(c.dcim_folders)) print("Can fetch thumbnails:", c.can_fetch_thumbnails) sc = c.get_storage_media_capacity() if not sc: print("Unable to determine storage media capacity") else: title = 'Storage capacity' print('\n{}\n{}'.format(title, '-' * len(title))) for ss in sc: print( '\nPath: {}\nCapacity: {}\nFree {}'.format( ss.path, format_size_for_user(ss.bytes_total), format_size_for_user(ss.bytes_free) ) ) sd = c.get_storage_descriptions() if not sd: print("Unable to determine storage descriptions") else: title = 'Storage description(s)' print('\n{}\n{}'.format(title, '-' * len(title))) for ss in sd: print('\n{}'.format(ss)) c.free_camera() if __name__ == "__main__": #Test stub gp_context = gp.Context() # Assume gphoto2 version 2.5 or greater cameras = gp_context.camera_autodetect() for name, value in cameras: camera = name port = value # print(port) c = Camera(model=camera, port=port) for name, value in c.camera.folder_list_files('/', c.context): print(name, value) c.free_camera()