# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Display download destination details """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2018, Damon Lynch" import os import math from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple, Union, DefaultDict, Set import logging from collections import defaultdict from gettext import gettext as _ from PyQt5.QtCore import (QSize, Qt, QStorageInfo, QRect, pyqtSlot, QPoint) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QStyleOptionFrame, QStyle, QStylePainter, QWidget, QSplitter, QSizePolicy, QAction, QMenu, QActionGroup) from PyQt5.QtGui import (QColor, QPixmap, QIcon, QPaintEvent, QPalette, QMouseEvent) from raphodo.devicedisplay import DeviceDisplay, BodyDetails, icon_size from raphodo.storage import (StorageSpace, get_path_display_name, get_mount_size) from raphodo.constants import (CustomColors, DestinationDisplayType, DisplayingFilesOfType, DestinationDisplayMousePos, PresetPrefType, NameGenerationType, DestinationDisplayTooltipState, FileType) from raphodo.utilities import thousands, format_size_for_user from raphodo.rpdfile import FileTypeCounter, Photo, Video from raphodo.nameeditor import PrefDialog, make_subfolder_menu_entry import raphodo.generatenameconfig as gnc from raphodo.generatenameconfig import * def make_body_details(bytes_total: int, bytes_free: int, files_to_display: DisplayingFilesOfType, marked: FileTypeCounter, photos_size_to_download: int, videos_size_to_download: int) -> BodyDetails: """ Gather the details to render for destination storage usage for photo and video downloads, and their backups. :param bytes_total: :param bytes_free: :param files_to_display: :param marked: :param photos_size_to_download: :param videos_size_to_download: :return: """ bytes_total_text = format_size_for_user(bytes_total, no_decimals=0) existing_bytes = bytes_total - bytes_free existing_size = format_size_for_user(existing_bytes) photos = videos = photos_size = videos_size = '' if files_to_display != DisplayingFilesOfType.videos: photos = _('%(no_photos)s Photos') % {'no_photos': thousands(marked[FileType.photo])} photos_size = format_size_for_user(photos_size_to_download) if files_to_display != DisplayingFilesOfType.photos: videos = _('%(no_videos)s Videos') % {'no_videos': thousands(marked[FileType.video])} videos_size = format_size_for_user(videos_size_to_download) size_to_download = photos_size_to_download + videos_size_to_download comp1_file_size_sum = photos_size_to_download comp2_file_size_sum = videos_size_to_download comp3_file_size_sum = existing_bytes comp1_text = photos comp2_text = videos comp3_text = _('Used') comp4_text = _('Excess') comp1_size_text = photos_size comp2_size_text = videos_size comp3_size_text = existing_size bytes_to_use = size_to_download + existing_bytes percent_used = '' if bytes_total == 0: bytes_free_of_total = _('Device size unknown') comp4_file_size_sum = 0 comp4_size_text = 0 comp3_size_text = 0 elif bytes_to_use > bytes_total: bytes_total_ = bytes_total bytes_total = bytes_to_use excess_bytes = bytes_to_use - bytes_total_ comp4_file_size_sum = excess_bytes comp4_size_text = format_size_for_user(excess_bytes) bytes_free_of_total = _('No space free on %(size_total)s device') % dict( size_total=bytes_total_text ) else: comp4_file_size_sum = 0 comp4_size_text = 0 bytes_free = bytes_total - bytes_to_use bytes_free_of_total = _('%(size_free)s free of %(size_total)s') % dict( size_free=format_size_for_user(bytes_free, no_decimals=1), size_total=bytes_total_text ) return BodyDetails( bytes_total_text=bytes_total_text, bytes_total=bytes_total, percent_used_text=percent_used, bytes_free_of_total=bytes_free_of_total, comp1_file_size_sum=comp1_file_size_sum, comp2_file_size_sum=comp2_file_size_sum, comp3_file_size_sum=comp3_file_size_sum, comp4_file_size_sum=comp4_file_size_sum, comp1_text=comp1_text, comp2_text=comp2_text, comp3_text=comp3_text, comp4_text=comp4_text, comp1_size_text=comp1_size_text, comp2_size_text=comp2_size_text, comp3_size_text=comp3_size_text, comp4_size_text=comp4_size_text, color1=QColor(CustomColors.color1.value), color2=QColor(CustomColors.color2.value), color3=QColor(CustomColors.color3.value), displaying_files_of_type=files_to_display ) def adjusted_download_size(photos_size_to_download: int, videos_size_to_download: int, os_stat_device: int, downloading_to) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Adjust download size to account for situations where photos and videos are being backed up to the same partition (device) they're downloaded to. :return: photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download """ if os_stat_device in downloading_to: file_types = downloading_to[os_stat_device] if FileType.photo in file_types: photos_size_to_download = photos_size_to_download * 2 if FileType.video in file_types: videos_size_to_download = videos_size_to_download * 2 return photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download class DestinationDisplay(QWidget): """ Custom widget handling the display of download destinations, not including the file system browsing component. Serves a dual purpose, depending on whether photos and videos are being downloaded to the same file system or not: 1. Display how much storage space the checked files will use in addition to the space used by existing files. 2. Display the download destination (path), and a local menu to control subfolder generation. Where photos and videos are being downloaded to the same file system, the storage space display is combined into one widget, which appears in its own panel above the photo and video destination panels. Where photos and videos are being downloaded to different file systems, the combined display (above) is invisible, and photo and video panels have the own section in which to display their storage space display """ photos = _('Photos') videos = _('Videos') projected_space_msg = _('Projected storage use after download') def __init__(self, menu: bool=False, file_type: FileType=None, parent=None) -> None: """ :param menu: whether to render a drop down menu :param file_type: whether for photos or videos. Relevant only for menu display. """ super().__init__(parent) self.rapidApp = parent if parent is not None: self.prefs = self.rapidApp.prefs else: self.prefs = None self.storage_space = None # type: StorageSpace self.map_action = dict() # type: Dict[int, QAction] if menu: menuIcon = QIcon(':/icons/settings.svg') self.file_type = file_type self.createActionsAndMenu() self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path else: menuIcon = None self.menu = None self.mouse_pos = None self.tooltip_display_state = None self.deviceDisplay = DeviceDisplay(menuButtonIcon=menuIcon) size = icon_size() self.icon = QIcon(':/icons/folder.svg').pixmap(QSize(size, size)) # type: QPixmap self.display_name = '' self.photos_size_to_download = self.videos_size_to_download = 0 self.files_to_display = None # type: DisplayingFilesOfType self.marked = FileTypeCounter() self.display_type = None # type: DestinationDisplayType self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) # default number of built-in subfolder generation defaults self.no_builtin_defaults = 5 self.max_presets = 5 # maximum number of menu entries showing name generation presets self.max_menu_entries = self.no_builtin_defaults + self.max_presets self.sample_rpd_file = None # type: Union[Photo, Video] self.os_stat_device = 0 # type: int self._downloading_to = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]] @property def downloading_to(self) -> DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]]: return self._downloading_to @downloading_to.setter def downloading_to(self, downloading_to) -> None: if downloading_to is not None: self._downloading_to = downloading_to # TODO determine if this is always needed here self.update() def createActionsAndMenu(self) -> None: self.setMouseTracking(True) self.menu = QMenu() if self.file_type == FileType.photo: defaults = gnc.PHOTO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS else: defaults = gnc.VIDEO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS self.subfolder0Act = QAction( make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[0]), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder0 ) self.subfolder1Act = QAction( make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[1]), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder1 ) self.subfolder2Act = QAction( make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[2]), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder2 ) self.subfolder3Act = QAction( make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[3]), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder3 ) self.subfolder4Act = QAction( make_subfolder_menu_entry(defaults[4]), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder4 ) self.subfolder5Act = QAction( 'Preset 0', self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder5 ) self.subfolder6Act = QAction( 'Preset 1', self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder6 ) self.subfolder7Act = QAction( 'Preset 2', self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder7 ) self.subfolder8Act = QAction( 'Preset 3', self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder8 ) self.subfolder9Act = QAction( 'Preset 4', self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolder9 ) # Translators: Custom refers to the user choosing a non-default value that # they customize themselves self.subfolderCustomAct = QAction( _('Custom...'), self, checkable=True, triggered=self.doSubfolderCustom ) self.subfolderGroup = QActionGroup(self) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder0Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder1Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder2Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder3Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder4Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder5Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder6Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder7Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder8Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolder9Act) self.subfolderGroup.addAction(self.subfolderCustomAct) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder0Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder1Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder2Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder3Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder4Act) self.menu.addSeparator() self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder5Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder6Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder7Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder8Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolder9Act) self.menu.addAction(self.subfolderCustomAct) self.map_action[0] = self.subfolder0Act self.map_action[1] = self.subfolder1Act self.map_action[2] = self.subfolder2Act self.map_action[3] = self.subfolder3Act self.map_action[4] = self.subfolder4Act self.map_action[5] = self.subfolder5Act self.map_action[6] = self.subfolder6Act self.map_action[7] = self.subfolder7Act self.map_action[8] = self.subfolder8Act self.map_action[9] = self.subfolder9Act self.map_action[-1] = self.subfolderCustomAct def presetType(self) -> PresetPrefType: if self.file_type == FileType.photo: return PresetPrefType.preset_photo_subfolder else: return PresetPrefType.preset_video_subfolder def _cacheCustomPresetValues(self) -> int: """ Get custom photo or video presets, and assign them to class members :return: index into the combo of default prefs + custom prefs """ preset_type = self.presetType() self.preset_names, self.preset_pref_lists = self.prefs.get_preset(preset_type=preset_type) if self.file_type == FileType.photo: index = self.prefs.photo_subfolder_index(self.preset_pref_lists) else: index = self.prefs.video_subfolder_index(self.preset_pref_lists) return index def setupMenuActions(self) -> None: index = self._cacheCustomPresetValues() action = self.map_action[index] # type: QAction action.setChecked(True) # Set visibility of custom presets menu items to match how many we are displaying for idx, text in enumerate(self.preset_names[:self.max_presets]): action = self.map_action[self.no_builtin_defaults + idx] action.setText(text) action.setVisible(True) for i in range(self.max_presets - min(len(self.preset_names), self.max_presets)): idx = len(self.preset_names) + self.no_builtin_defaults + i action = self.map_action[idx] action.setVisible(False) def doSubfolder0(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(0) def doSubfolder1(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(1) def doSubfolder2(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(2) def doSubfolder3(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(3) def doSubfolder4(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(4) def doSubfolder5(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(5) def doSubfolder6(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(6) def doSubfolder7(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(7) def doSubfolder8(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(8) def doSubfolder9(self) -> None: self.menuItemChosen(9) def doSubfolderCustom(self): self.menuItemChosen(-1) def menuItemChosen(self, index: int) -> None: self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal self.update() user_pref_list = None if index == -1: if self.file_type == FileType.photo: pref_defn = DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0 pref_list = self.prefs.photo_subfolder generation_type = NameGenerationType.photo_subfolder else: pref_defn = DICT_VIDEO_SUBFOLDER_L0 pref_list = self.prefs.video_subfolder generation_type = NameGenerationType.video_subfolder prefDialog = PrefDialog( pref_defn=pref_defn, user_pref_list=pref_list, generation_type=generation_type, prefs=self.prefs, sample_rpd_file=self.sample_rpd_file, max_entries=self.max_menu_entries ) if prefDialog.exec(): user_pref_list = prefDialog.getPrefList() if not user_pref_list: user_pref_list = None elif index >= self.no_builtin_defaults: assert index < self.max_menu_entries user_pref_list = self.preset_pref_lists[index - self.no_builtin_defaults] else: if self.file_type == FileType.photo: user_pref_list = gnc.PHOTO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS_CONV[index] else: user_pref_list = gnc.VIDEO_SUBFOLDER_MENU_DEFAULTS_CONV[index] if user_pref_list is not None: logging.debug("Updating %s subfolder generation preference value", self.file_type.name) if self.file_type == FileType.photo: self.prefs.photo_subfolder = user_pref_list else: self.prefs.video_subfolder = user_pref_list self.rapidApp.folder_preview_manager.change_subfolder_structure() def setDestination(self, path: str) -> None: """ Set the downloaded destination path :param path: valid path """ self.display_name, self.path = get_path_display_name(path) try: self.os_stat_device = os.stat(path).st_dev except FileNotFoundError: logging.error('Cannot set download destination display: %s does not exist', path) self.os_stat_device = 0 mount = QStorageInfo(path) bytes_total, bytes_free = get_mount_size(mount=mount) self.storage_space = StorageSpace(bytes_free=bytes_free, bytes_total=bytes_total, path=path) def setDownloadAttributes(self, marked: FileTypeCounter, photos_size: int, videos_size: int, files_to_display: DisplayingFilesOfType, display_type: DestinationDisplayType, merge: bool) -> None: """ Set the attributes used to generate the visual display of the files marked to be downloaded :param marked: number and type of files marked for download :param photos_size: size in bytes of photos marked for download :param videos_size: size in bytes of videos marked for download :param files_to_display: whether displaying photos or videos or both :param display_type: whether showing only the header (folder only), usage only, or both :param merge: whether to replace or add to the current values """ if not merge: self.marked = marked self.photos_size_to_download = photos_size self.videos_size_to_download = videos_size else: self.marked.update(marked) self.photos_size_to_download += photos_size self.videos_size_to_download += videos_size self.files_to_display = files_to_display self.display_type = display_type if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only: self.tool_tip = self.path else: self.tool_tip = self.projected_space_msg self.setToolTip(self.tool_tip) self.update() self.updateGeometry() def sufficientSpaceAvailable(self) -> bool: """ Check to see that there is sufficient space with which to perform a download. :return: True or False value if sufficient space. Will always return False if the download destination is not yet set. """ if self.storage_space is None: return False # allow for destinations that don't properly report their size if self.storage_space.bytes_total == 0: return True photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download = adjusted_download_size( photos_size_to_download=self.photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download=self.videos_size_to_download, os_stat_device=self.os_stat_device, downloading_to=self._downloading_to) return photos_size_to_download + videos_size_to_download < self.storage_space.bytes_free def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent) -> None: """ Render the custom widget """ painter = QStylePainter() painter.begin(self) x = 0 y = 0 width = self.width() rect = self.rect() # type: QRect if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only and QSplitter().lineWidth(): # Draw a frame if that's what the style requires option = QStyleOptionFrame() option.initFrom(self) painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_Frame, option) w = QSplitter().lineWidth() rect.adjust(w, w, -w, -w) palette = QPalette() backgroundColor = palette.base().color() painter.fillRect(rect, backgroundColor) if self.storage_space is None: painter.end() return highlight_menu = self.mouse_pos == DestinationDisplayMousePos.menu if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only: # Render the folder icon, folder name, and the menu icon self.deviceDisplay.paint_header( painter=painter, x=x, y=y, width=width, display_name=self.display_name, icon=self.icon, highlight_menu=highlight_menu ) y = y + self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.folder_only: # Render the projected storage space if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only: y += self.deviceDisplay.padding photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download = adjusted_download_size( photos_size_to_download=self.photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download=self.videos_size_to_download, os_stat_device=self.os_stat_device, downloading_to=self._downloading_to ) details = make_body_details( bytes_total=self.storage_space.bytes_total, bytes_free=self.storage_space.bytes_free, files_to_display=self.files_to_display, marked=self.marked, photos_size_to_download=photos_size_to_download, videos_size_to_download=videos_size_to_download ) self.deviceDisplay.paint_body( painter=painter, x=x, y=y, width=width, details=details ) painter.end() def sizeHint(self) -> QSize: if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.usage_only: height = self.deviceDisplay.padding else: height = 0 if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.usage_only: height += self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height if self.display_type != DestinationDisplayType.folder_only: height += self.deviceDisplay.storage_height return QSize(self.deviceDisplay.view_width, height) def minimumSize(self) -> QSize: return self.sizeHint() @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent) def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None: if self.menu is None: return iconRect = self.deviceDisplay.menu_button_rect(0, 0, self.width()) if iconRect.contains(event.pos()): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: menuTopReal = iconRect.bottomLeft() x = math.ceil(menuTopReal.x()) y = math.ceil(menuTopReal.y()) self.setupMenuActions() self.menu.popup(self.mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y))) @pyqtSlot(QMouseEvent) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None: """ Sets the tooltip depending on the position of the mouse. """ if self.menu is None: # Relevant only for photo and video destination panels, not the combined # storage space display. return if self.display_type == DestinationDisplayType.folders_and_usage: # make tooltip different when hovering above storage space compared # to when hovering above the destination folder headerRect = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.deviceDisplay.device_name_height) if not headerRect.contains(event.pos()): if self.tooltip_display_state != DestinationDisplayTooltipState.storage_space: # Display tooltip for storage space self.setToolTip(self.projected_space_msg) self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.storage_space self.update() return iconRect = self.deviceDisplay.menu_button_rect(0, 0, self.width()) if iconRect.contains(event.pos()): if self.mouse_pos == DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal: self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.menu if self.file_type == FileType.photo: self.setToolTip(_('Configure photo subfolder creation')) else: self.setToolTip(_('Configure video subfolder creation')) self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.menu self.update() else: if (self.mouse_pos == DestinationDisplayMousePos.menu or self.tooltip_display_state != DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path): self.mouse_pos = DestinationDisplayMousePos.normal self.setToolTip(self.tool_tip) self.tooltip_display_state = DestinationDisplayTooltipState.path self.update()