# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Handle Devices and Device Collections. In Rapid Photo Downloader, "Device" has two meanings, depending on the context: 1. In the GUI, a Device is a camera or a volume (external drive) 2. In code, a Device is one of a camera, volume, or path """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017, Damon Lynch" import sys import shutil import os import logging import itertools from collections import namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Set, Dict, Union, DefaultDict from gettext import gettext as _ from PyQt5.QtCore import QStorageInfo, QSize from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileIconProvider from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap import raphodo.qrc_resources as qrc_resources from raphodo.constants import ( DeviceType, BackupLocationType, FileType, DeviceState, DownloadStatus, ExifSource, DownloadingFileTypes, BackupFailureType ) from raphodo.rpdfile import FileTypeCounter, FileSizeSum from raphodo.storage import ( StorageSpace, udev_attributes, UdevAttr, get_path_display_name, validate_download_folder, ValidatedFolder, CameraDetails, get_uri, fs_device_details ) from raphodo.camera import generate_devname from raphodo.utilities import ( number, make_internationalized_list, stdchannel_redirected, same_device ) import raphodo.metadataphoto as metadataphoto from raphodo.rpdfile import Photo, Video import raphodo.exiftool as exiftool from raphodo.problemnotification import FsMetadataWriteProblem display_devices = (DeviceType.volume, DeviceType.camera) class Device: r""" Representation of a camera, or a device, or a path. Files will be downloaded from it. To run the doctests, ensure at least one camera is plugged in but not mounted! >>> d = Device() >>> d.set_download_from_volume('/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL', 'EOS_DIGITAL') >>> d 'EOS_DIGITAL':'/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL' >>> str(d) '/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL (EOS_DIGITAL)' >>> d.display_name 'EOS_DIGITAL' >>> d.camera_model >>> d.camera_port >>> import gphoto2 as gp >>> gp_context = gp.Context() >>> cameras = gp_context.camera_autodetect() >>> c = Device() >>> for model, port in cameras: ... c.set_download_from_camera(model, port) ... isinstance(c.display_name, str) True >>> e = Device() >>> e.set_download_from_volume('/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL', 'EOS_DIGITAL') >>> e == d True >>> e != c True >>> c == d False >>> c != d True """ def __init__(self): self.clear() def clear(self): self.camera_model = None # type: str self.camera_port = None # type: str # Assume an MTP device is likely a smart phone or tablet self.is_mtp_device = False self.udev_name = None # type: str self.storage_space = [] # type: List[StorageSpace] # Name of storage on a camera self.storage_descriptions = [] # type: List[str] self.path = None # type: str self.display_name = None # type: str self.have_optimal_display_name = False self.device_type = None # type: DeviceType self.icon_name = None # type: str self.can_eject = None # type: bool self.photo_cache_dir = None # type: str self.video_cache_dir = None # type: str self.file_size_sum = FileSizeSum() self.file_type_counter = FileTypeCounter() self.download_statuses = set() # type: Set[DownloadStatus] self._uri = '' def __repr__(self): if self.device_type == DeviceType.camera: return "%r:%r" % (self.camera_model, self.camera_port) elif self.device_type == DeviceType.volume: return "%r:%r" % (self.display_name, self.path) else: return "%r" % self.path def __str__(self): if self.device_type == DeviceType.camera: return '{} on port {}. Udev: {}; Display name: {} (optimal: {}); MTP: {}'.format( self.camera_model, self.camera_port, self.udev_name, self.display_name, self.have_optimal_display_name, self.is_mtp_device) elif self.device_type == DeviceType.volume: if self.path != self.display_name: return "%s (%s)" % (self.path, self.display_name) else: return "%s" % (self.path) else: return "%s" % (self.path) def __eq__(self, other): for attr in ('device_type', 'camera_model', 'camera_port', 'path'): if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash((self.device_type, self.camera_model, self.camera_port, self.path)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _get_valid_icon_name(self, possible_names): if possible_names is not None: for icon_name in possible_names: if QIcon.hasThemeIcon(icon_name): return icon_name return None @property def uri(self) -> str: if self._uri: return self._uri if self.device_type == DeviceType.camera: if self.storage_descriptions: storage_desc = self.storage_descriptions[0] else: storage_desc = '' camera_details = CameraDetails( model=self.camera_model, port=self.camera_port, display_name=self.display_name, is_mtp=self.is_mtp_device, storage_desc=storage_desc ) self._uri = get_uri(camera_details=camera_details) else: self._uri = get_uri(path=self.path) return self._uri def set_download_from_camera(self, camera_model: str, camera_port: str) -> None: self.clear() self.device_type = DeviceType.camera self.camera_model = camera_model # Set default display name, for when all else fails. # Try to override this value below self.display_name = camera_model self.camera_port = camera_port self.icon_name = self._get_valid_icon_name(('camera-photo', 'camera')) # Assign default udev name if cannot determine from udev itself self.udev_name = camera_model devname = generate_devname(camera_port) if devname is not None: udev_attr = udev_attributes(devname) if udev_attr is not None: self.is_mtp_device = udev_attr.is_mtp_device self.udev_name = udev_attr.model self.display_name = udev_attr.model else: logging.error("Could not determine udev values for %s %s", self.camera_model, camera_port) def update_camera_attributes(self, display_name: str, storage_space: List[StorageSpace], storage_descriptions: List[str]) -> None: self.display_name = display_name self.have_optimal_display_name = True self.storage_space = storage_space self.storage_descriptions = storage_descriptions def set_download_from_volume(self, path: str, display_name: str, icon_names=None, can_eject=None, mount: QStorageInfo=None) -> None: self.clear() self.device_type = DeviceType.volume self.path = path self.icon_name = self._get_valid_icon_name(icon_names) if not display_name.find(os.sep) >= 0: self.display_name = display_name else: self.display_name = os.path.basename(display_name) self.have_optimal_display_name = True self.can_eject = can_eject if not mount: mount = QStorageInfo(path) self.storage_space.append(StorageSpace( bytes_free=mount.bytesAvailable(), bytes_total=mount.bytesTotal(), path=path)) def set_download_from_path(self, path: str) -> None: self.clear() self.device_type = DeviceType.path self.path = path if path.endswith(os.sep): path = path[:-1] display_name = os.path.basename(path) if display_name: self.display_name = display_name self.have_optimal_display_name = True else: self.display_name = path # the next value is almost certainly ("folder",), but I guess it's # better to generate it from code self.icon_name = ('{}'.format(QFileIconProvider().icon( QFileIconProvider.Folder).name())) mount = QStorageInfo(path) self.storage_space.append(StorageSpace( bytes_free=mount.bytesAvailable(), bytes_total=mount.bytesTotal(), path=path)) def get_storage_space(self, index: int=0) -> StorageSpace: """ Convenience function to retrieve information about bytes free and bytes total (capacity of the media). Almost all devices have only one storage media, but some cameras have more than one :param index: the storage media to get the values from :return: tuple of bytes free and bytes total """ return self.storage_space[index] def name(self) -> str: """ Get the name of the device, suitable to be displayed to the user. If the device is a path, return the path name :return str containg the name """ if self.device_type == DeviceType.camera: return self.display_name elif self.device_type == DeviceType.volume: return self.display_name else: return self.path def get_icon(self) -> QIcon: """Return icon for the device.""" if self.device_type == DeviceType.volume: return QIcon(':icons/drive-removable-media.svg') elif self.device_type == DeviceType.path: return QIcon(':/icons/folder.svg') else: assert self.device_type == DeviceType.camera if self.is_mtp_device: if self.camera_model.lower().find('tablet') >= 0: #TODO use tablet icon pass return QIcon(':icons/smartphone.svg') return QIcon(':/icons/camera.svg') def get_pixmap(self, size: QSize=QSize(30, 30)) -> QPixmap: icon = self.get_icon() return icon.pixmap(size) def _delete_cache_dir(self, cache_dir) -> None: if cache_dir: if os.path.isdir(cache_dir): assert cache_dir != os.path.expanduser('~') try: shutil.rmtree(cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) except: logging.error("Unknown error deleting cache directory %s", cache_dir) def delete_cache_dirs(self) -> None: self._delete_cache_dir(self.photo_cache_dir) self._delete_cache_dir(self.video_cache_dir) class DeviceCollection: """ Maintain collection of devices that are being scanned, where a device is of type Device. When a device is added, a scan_id is generated and returned. >>> d = Device() >>> d.set_download_from_volume('/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL', 'EOS_DIGITAL') >>> c = Device() >>> c.set_download_from_camera('Canon EOS 1D X', 'usb:001,002') >>> e = Device() >>> e.set_download_from_volume('/media/damon/EOS_DIGITAL', 'EOS_DIGITAL') >>> dc = DeviceCollection() >>> d_scan_id = dc.add_device(d) >>> d_scan_id 0 >>> d_scan_id in dc True >>> dc.known_path(d.path, DeviceType.volume) True >>> dc.known_path(d.path) True >>> dc[d_scan_id] == d True >>> len(dc.volumes_and_cameras) 1 >>> len(dc.this_computer) 0 >>> dc.known_path('/root', DeviceType.path) False >>> dc.known_path('/root') False >>> c_scan_id = dc.add_device(c) >>> c_scan_id 1 >>> len(dc) 2 >>> len(dc.volumes_and_cameras) 2 >>> len(dc.this_computer) 0 >>> dc[d_scan_id] == dc[c_scan_id] False >>> dc.known_camera('Canon EOS 1D X', 'usb:001,002') True >>> dc.known_camera('Canon EOS 1D X', 'usb:001,003') False >>> dc.delete_device(c) True >>> len(dc.cameras) 0 >>> len(dc.volumes_and_cameras) 1 >>> len(dc.this_computer) 0 >>> dc.known_camera('Canon EOS 1D X', 'usb:001,002') False >>> len(dc) 1 >>> dc.known_device(e) True >>> del dc[d_scan_id] >>> len(dc) 0 >>> len(dc.volumes_and_cameras) 0 >>> len(dc.this_computer) 0 >>> dc.delete_device(e) False """ def __init__(self, exiftool_process: Optional[exiftool.ExifTool]=None, rapidApp=None) -> None: self.rapidApp = rapidApp self.devices = {} # type: Dict[int, Device] # port: model self.cameras = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # Used to assign scan ids self.scan_counter = 0 # type: int # scan_id: DeviceState self.device_state = {} # type: Dict[int, DeviceState] # Track which devices are being scanned, by scan_id self.scanning = set() # type: Set[int] # Track which downloads are running, by scan_id self.downloading = set() # type: Set[int] # Track which devices have been downloaded from during one # download, by display name. Must do it by display name # because some devices could be removed before all devices # have been downloaded from. self.have_downloaded_from = set() # type: Set[str] # Track which devices are thumbnailing, by scan_id self.thumbnailing = set() # type: Set[int] # Track the unmounting of unscanned cameras by port and model # port: model self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_scan = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # Which scanned cameras need to be unmounted for a download to start, by scan_id self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download = set() # type: Set[int] self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing = set() # Automatically detected devices where the user has explicitly said to ignore it # port: model self.ignored_cameras = {} # type: Dict[str, str] # List[path] self.ignored_volumes = [] # type: List[str] # Devices that were set to autodownload while the program # is in a paused state self.queued_to_download = set() # type: Set[int] self.volumes_and_cameras = set() # type: Set[int] self.this_computer = set() # type: Set[int] # List of devices that were detected at program startup # scan_id self.startup_devices = [] # type: List[int] # Sample exif bytes of photo on most recent device scanned self._sample_photo = None # type: Optional[Photo] self._sample_video = None # type: Optional[Video] self._sample_videos_complete_files = [] # type: List[str] self.exiftool_process = exiftool_process self._map_set = {DeviceType.path: self.this_computer, DeviceType.camera: self.volumes_and_cameras, DeviceType.volume: self.volumes_and_cameras} self._map_plural_types = {DeviceType.camera: _('Cameras'), DeviceType.volume: _('Devices')} def download_start_blocked(self) -> bool: """ Determine if a camera needs to be unmounted or thumbnailing needs to be terminated for a camera in order for a download to proceed :return: True if so, else False """ if len(self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download) > 0 and len( self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing): logging.debug("Download is blocked because %s camera(s) are being unmounted from GVFS " "and %s camera(s) are having their thumbnailing terminated", len(self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download), len(self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing)) elif len(self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download) > 0: logging.debug("Download is blocked because %s camera(s) are being unmounted from GVFS", len(self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download)) elif len(self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing) > 0: logging.debug("Download is blocked because %s camera(s) are having their thumbnailing " "terminated", len(self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing)) return len(self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download) > 0 or len( self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing) > 0 def logState(self) -> None: logging.debug("-- Device Collection --") logging.debug('%s devices: %s volumes/cameras (%s cameras), %s this computer', len(self.devices), len(self.volumes_and_cameras), len(self.cameras), len(self.this_computer)) logging.debug("Device states: %s", ', '.join( '%s: %s' % (self[scan_id].display_name, self.device_state[scan_id].name) for scan_id in self.device_state)) if len(self.scanning): scanning = ('%s' % ', '.join(self[scan_id].display_name for scan_id in self.scanning)) logging.debug("Scanning: %s", scanning) else: logging.debug("No devices scanning") if len(self.downloading): downloading = ('%s' % ', '.join(self[scan_id].display_name for scan_id in self.downloading)) logging.debug("Downloading: %s", downloading) else: logging.debug("No devices downloading") if len(self.thumbnailing): thumbnailing = ('%s' % ', '.join(self[scan_id].display_name for scan_id in self.thumbnailing)) logging.debug("Thumbnailing: %s", thumbnailing) else: logging.debug("No devices thumbnailing") def add_device(self, device: Device, on_startup: bool=False) -> int: """ Add a new device to the device collection :param device: device to add :param on_startup: if True, the device is being added during the program's startup phase :return: the scan id assigned to the device """ scan_id = self.scan_counter self.scan_counter += 1 self.devices[scan_id] = device self.device_state[scan_id] = DeviceState.pre_scan if on_startup: self.startup_devices.append(scan_id) if device.camera_port: port = device.camera_port assert port not in self.cameras self.cameras[port] = device.camera_model if device.device_type in display_devices: self.volumes_and_cameras.add(scan_id) else: self.this_computer.add(scan_id) return scan_id def set_device_state(self, scan_id: int, state: DeviceState) -> None: logging.debug("Setting device state for %s to %s", self.devices[scan_id].display_name, state.name) self.device_state[scan_id] = state if state == DeviceState.scanning: self.scanning.add(scan_id) elif state == DeviceState.downloading: self.downloading.add(scan_id) self.have_downloaded_from.add(self.devices[scan_id].display_name) elif state == DeviceState.thumbnailing: self.thumbnailing.add(scan_id) if state != DeviceState.scanning and scan_id in self.scanning: self.scanning.remove(scan_id) if state != DeviceState.downloading and scan_id in self.downloading: self.downloading.remove(scan_id) if state != DeviceState.thumbnailing and scan_id in self.thumbnailing: self.thumbnailing.remove(scan_id) def ignore_device(self, scan_id: int) -> None: """ For the remainder of this program's instantiation, don't automatically detect this device. A limitation of this is that when a camera is physically removed and plugged in again, it gets a new port. In which casae it's a "different" device. :param scan_id: scan id of the device to ignore """ device = self.devices[scan_id] if device.device_type == DeviceType.camera: logging.debug("Marking camera %s on port %s as explicitly removed. Will ignore it " "until program exit.", device.camera_model, device.camera_port) self.ignored_cameras[device.camera_port] = device.camera_model elif device.device_type == DeviceType.volume: logging.debug("Marking volume %s as explicitly removed. Will ignore it " "until program exit.", device.path) self.ignored_volumes.append(device.path) else: logging.error("Device collection unexpectedly received path to ignore: ignoring") def user_marked_camera_as_ignored(self, model: str, port: str) -> bool: """ Check if camera is in set of devices to ignore because they were explicitly removed by the user :param model: camera model :param port: camera port :return: return True if camera is in set of devices to ignore """ if port in self.ignored_cameras: return self.ignored_cameras[port] == model return False def user_marked_volume_as_ignored(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Check if volume's path is in list of devices to ignore because they were explicitly removed by the user :param: path: the device's path :return: return True if camera is in set of devices to ignore """ return path in self.ignored_volumes def known_camera(self, model: str, port: str) -> bool: """ Check if the camera is already in the list of devices :param model: camera model as specified by libgohoto2 :param port: camera port as specified by libgohoto2 :return: True if this camera is already being processed, else False """ if port in self.cameras: assert self.cameras[port] == model return True return False def known_path(self, path: str, device_type: Optional[DeviceType]=None) -> bool: """ Check if the path is already in the list of devices :param path: path to check :return: True if the path is already being processed, else False """ for scan_id in self.devices: device = self.devices[scan_id] # type: Device if device.path == path: if device_type is None or device.device_type == device_type: return True return False def known_device(self, device: Device) -> bool: return device in list(self.devices.values()) def scan_id_from_path(self, path: str, device_type: Optional[DeviceType]=None) -> Optional[int]: for scan_id, device in self.devices.items(): if device.path == path: if device_type is None or device.device_type == device_type: return scan_id return None def scan_id_from_camera_model_port(self, model: str, port: str) -> Optional[int]: """ :param model: model name of camera being searched for :param port: port of camera being searched for :return: scan id of camera if known, else None """ for scan_id, device in self.devices.items(): if (device.device_type == DeviceType.camera and device.camera_model == model and device.camera_port == port): return scan_id return None def delete_device(self, device: Device) -> bool: """ Delete the device from the collection. :param device: the device to delete :return: True if device was deleted, else return False """ for scan_id in self.devices: if self.devices[scan_id] == device: del self[scan_id] return True return False def delete_cache_dirs_and_sample_video(self) -> None: """ Delete all Download Caches and their contents any devices might have, as well as any sample video. """ for device in self.devices.values(): device.delete_cache_dirs() self._delete_sample_video(at_program_close=True) def _delete_sample_video(self, at_program_close: bool) -> None: """ Delete sample video that is used for metadata extraction to provide example for file renaming. Does not delete :param at_program_close: if True, the program is exiting """ if (self._sample_video is not None and self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name is not None and self._sample_video.from_camera): try: assert self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name except: logging.error("Expected sample file name in sample video") else: if os.path.isfile(self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name): logging.info("Removing temporary sample video %s", self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name) try: os.remove(self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name) except Exception: logging.exception("Error removing temporary sample video file %s", self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name) if at_program_close and self._sample_videos_complete_files: remaining_videos = (video for video in self._sample_videos_complete_files if os.path.isfile(video)) for video in remaining_videos: logging.info("Removing temporary sample video %s", video) try: os.remove(video) except Exception: logging.exception("Error removing temporary sample video file %s", video) def map_set(self, device: Device) -> Set: return self._map_set[device.device_type] def downloading_from(self) -> str: """ :return: string showing which devices are being downloaded from """ display_names = [self.devices[scan_id].display_name for scan_id in self.downloading] return _('Downloading from %(device_names)s') % dict( device_names=make_internationalized_list(display_names)) def reset_and_return_have_downloaded_from(self) -> str: """ Reset the set of devices that have been downloaded from, and return the string that :return: string showing which devices have been downloaded from during this download """ display_names = make_internationalized_list(list(self.have_downloaded_from)) self.have_downloaded_from = set() # type: Set[str] return display_names def __delitem__(self, scan_id: int): d = self.devices[scan_id] # type: Device if d.device_type == DeviceType.camera: del self.cameras[d.camera_port] if d.camera_port in self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_scan: del self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_scan[d.camera_port] self.map_set(d).remove(scan_id) d.delete_cache_dirs() del self.devices[scan_id] if scan_id in self.scanning: self.scanning.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.downloading: self.downloading.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.queued_to_download: self.queued_to_download.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.thumbnailing: self.thumbnailing.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download: self.cameras_to_gvfs_unmount_for_download.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing: self.cameras_to_stop_thumbnailing.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.this_computer: self.this_computer.remove(scan_id) if scan_id in self.volumes_and_cameras: self.volumes_and_cameras.remove(scan_id) del self.device_state[scan_id] def __getitem__(self, scan_id: int) -> Device: return self.devices[scan_id] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.devices) def __contains__(self, scan_id: int) -> bool: return scan_id in self.devices def __iter__(self): return iter(self.devices) def _mixed_devices(self, device_type_text: str) -> str: try: text_number = number(len(self.volumes_and_cameras)).number.capitalize() except KeyError: text_number = len(self.volumes_and_cameras) # Translators: e.g. Three Devices return _('%(no_devices)s %(device_type)s') % dict( no_devices=text_number, device_type=device_type_text) def _update_sample_file(self, file_type: FileType) -> None: if file_type == FileType.photo: assert self._sample_photo.file_type == FileType.photo full_file_name = self._sample_photo.full_file_name rpd_file = self._sample_photo else: assert self._sample_video.file_type == FileType.video full_file_name = self._sample_video_full_file_name() rpd_file = self._sample_video if not os.path.isfile(full_file_name): # file no longer exists - it may have been downloaded or deleted # attempt to find an appropriate file from the in memory sql database of displayed # files scan_id = rpd_file.scan_id rpd_file = self.rapidApp.thumbnailModel.getSampleFile(scan_id=scan_id, device_type=self[scan_id].device_type, file_type=file_type) if rpd_file is None: logging.debug('Failed to set new sample %s because suitable sample does not' 'exist', file_type.name) else: sample_full_file_name = rpd_file.get_current_full_file_name() if file_type == FileType.photo: logging.debug('Updated sample photo with %s', sample_full_file_name) self.sample_photo = rpd_file else: logging.debug('Updated sample video with %s', sample_full_file_name) self.sample_video = rpd_file @property def sample_photo(self) -> Optional[Photo]: if self._sample_photo is None: return None # does the photo still exist? if self._sample_photo.exif_source == ExifSource.actual_file: self._update_sample_file(file_type=FileType.photo) if self._sample_photo.metadata is None and not self._sample_photo.metadata_failure: with stdchannel_redirected(sys.stderr, os.devnull): if self._sample_photo.exif_source == ExifSource.raw_bytes: self._sample_photo.load_metadata( raw_bytes=bytearray(self._sample_photo.raw_exif_bytes)) elif self._sample_photo.exif_source == ExifSource.app1_segment: self._sample_photo.load_metadata( app1_segment=bytearray(self._sample_photo.raw_exif_bytes)) else: assert self._sample_photo.exif_source == ExifSource.actual_file full_file_name = self._sample_photo.get_current_full_file_name() self._sample_photo.load_metadata(full_file_name=full_file_name, et_process=self.exiftool_process) return self._sample_photo @sample_photo.setter def sample_photo(self, photo: Photo) -> None: self._sample_photo = photo def _sample_video_full_file_name(self) -> str: """ Sample videos can be either excerpts of a video from a camera or actual videos already on the file system. :return: the full path and filename of the sample video regardless of which type it is """ if (self._sample_video is not None and self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name is not None): full_file_name = self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name else: full_file_name = self._sample_video.get_current_full_file_name() return full_file_name @property def sample_video(self) -> Optional[Video]: if self._sample_video is None: return None self._update_sample_file(file_type=FileType.video) if self._sample_video.metadata is None and not self._sample_video.metadata_failure: try: assert self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name or os.path.isfile( self._sample_video.full_file_name) full_file_name = self._sample_video_full_file_name() self._sample_video.load_metadata( full_file_name=full_file_name, et_process=self.exiftool_process) if self._sample_video.metadata_failure: logging.error("Failed to load sample video metadata") except AssertionError: logging.error("Expected sample file name in sample video") except: logging.error("Exception while attempting to load sample video metadata") return self._sample_video @sample_video.setter def sample_video(self, video: Video) -> None: if self._sample_video is not None and self._sample_video.temp_sample_is_complete_file: # Don't delete this fully downloaded file, as it might be downloaded by the user, # in which case it's already been recorded as a RPDFile.cache_full_file_name # Instead add it to a list of files to possibly expunge at program exit logging.debug("Adding %s to list of complete sample video files to potentially delete " "at program exit", self._sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name) self._sample_videos_complete_files.append(self.sample_video.temp_sample_full_file_name) else: self._delete_sample_video(at_program_close=False) self._sample_video = video def get_main_window_display_name_and_icon(self) -> Tuple[str, QIcon]: """ Generate the name to display at the top left of the main window, indicating the source of the files. :return: string to display and associated icon """ if not len(self): return _('Select Source'), QIcon(':/icons/computer.svg') elif len(self) == 1: # includes case where path is the only device device = list(self.devices.values())[0] return device.display_name, device.get_icon() else: non_pc_devices = [device for device in self.devices.values() if device.device_type != DeviceType.path] # type: List[Device] assert len(non_pc_devices) == len(self.volumes_and_cameras) device_types = Counter(d.device_type for d in non_pc_devices) if len(device_types) == 1: device_type = list(device_types)[0] device_type_text = self._map_plural_types[device_type] else: device_type = None device_type_text = _('Devices') if len(self.this_computer) == 1: assert len(self.this_computer) < 2 assert len(self.this_computer) > 0 icon = QIcon(':/icons/computer.svg') devices = list(self.volumes_and_cameras) computer_display_name=self.devices[list(self.this_computer)[0]].display_name if len(self.volumes_and_cameras) == 1: device_display_name = self.devices[devices[0]].display_name else: assert len(self.volumes_and_cameras) > 1 device_display_name = self._mixed_devices(device_type_text) text = _('%(device1)s + %(device2)s') % {'device1': device_display_name, 'device2': computer_display_name} return text, icon else: assert len(self.this_computer) == 0 mtp_devices = [d for d in non_pc_devices if d.is_mtp_device] if len(device_types) == 1: if len(self) == 2: devices = non_pc_devices text = _('%(device1)s + %(device2)s') % {'device1': devices[0].display_name, 'device2': devices[1].display_name} if device_type == DeviceType.camera and len(mtp_devices) != 2: return text, QIcon(':/icons/camera.svg') return text, devices[0].get_icon() try: text_number = number(len(self.volumes_and_cameras)).number.capitalize() except KeyError: text_number = len(self.volumes_and_cameras) if device_type == DeviceType.camera: # Number of cameras e.g. 3 Cameras text = _('%(no_cameras)s Cameras') % {'no_cameras': text_number} if len(mtp_devices) == len(self.volumes_and_cameras): return text, non_pc_devices[0].get_icon() return text, QIcon(':/icons/camera.svg') elif device_type == DeviceType.volume: text = _('%(no_devices)s Devices') % dict(no_devices=text_number) return text, QIcon(':/icons/drive-removable-media.svg') else: device_display_name = self._mixed_devices(device_type_text) icon = QIcon(':/icons/computer.svg') return device_display_name, icon # QStorageInfo, BackupLocationType BackupDevice = namedtuple('BackupDevice', 'mount, backup_type') # QStorageInfo, str, str, BackupLocationType BackupVolumeDetails = namedtuple('BackupVolumeDetails', 'mount name path backup_type ' 'os_stat_device') def nth(iterable, n, default=None): "Returns the nth item or a default value" return next(itertools.islice(iterable, n, None), default) class BackupDeviceCollection: r""" Track and manage devices (and manual paths) used for backing up. Photos can be backed up to one location, and videos to another; or they can be backed up to the same location. If a BackupDevice's mount is None, then it is assumed to be a manually specified path. Backup devices are indexed by path, not id >>> b = BackupDeviceCollection() >>> len(b) 0 >>> p = BackupDevice(mount=None, backup_type=BackupLocationType.photos) >>> p2 = BackupDevice(mount=None, backup_type=BackupLocationType.photos) >>> v = BackupDevice(mount=None, backup_type=BackupLocationType.videos) >>> pv = BackupDevice(mount=None, ... backup_type=BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos) >>> pv2 = BackupDevice(mount=None, ... backup_type=BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos) >>> b['/some/photo/path'] = p >>> b {'/some/photo/path':None 0} >>> b.device_id('/some/photo/path') 0 >>> b['/some/other/photo/path'] = p2 >>> del b['/some/other/photo/path'] >>> b['/some/video/path'] = v >>> len(b) 2 >>> b.device_id('/some/video/path') 2 >>> b.device_id('/unknown/path') >>> >>> '/some/photo/path' in b True >>> b['/some/photo/path'] BackupDevice(mount=None, backup_type=) >>> len(b.photo_backup_devices) 1 >>> len(b.video_backup_devices) 1 >>> b['/some/photo/video/path'] = pv >>> len(b.photo_backup_devices) 2 >>> len(b.video_backup_devices) 2 >>> del b['/some/photo/path'] >>> len(b.photo_backup_devices) 1 >>> len(b.video_backup_devices) 2 >>> b['/some/video/path'] = pv2 >>> len(b.photo_backup_devices) 2 >>> len(b.video_backup_devices) 2 >>> del b['/some/video/path'] >>> del b['/some/photo/video/path'] >>> len(b) 0 >>> len(b.photo_backup_devices) 0 >>> len(b.video_backup_devices) 0 """ def __init__(self, rapidApp=None): self.rapidApp = rapidApp self.devices = dict() # type: Dict[str, BackupDevice] # Set[path] self.photo_backup_devices = set() # type: Set[str] self.video_backup_devices = set() # type: Set[str] self._device_ids = {} self._device_id = 0 def __setitem__(self, path: str, device: BackupDevice): if path in self.devices: del self[path] self.devices[path] = device backup_type = device.backup_type if backup_type in [BackupLocationType.photos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos]: self.photo_backup_devices.add(path) if backup_type in [BackupLocationType.videos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos]: self.video_backup_devices.add(path) self._device_ids[path] = self._device_id self._device_id += 1 def __delitem__(self, path): backup_type = self.devices[path].backup_type if backup_type in (BackupLocationType.photos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos): self.photo_backup_devices.remove(path) if backup_type in (BackupLocationType.videos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos): self.video_backup_devices.remove(path) del self.devices[path] del self._device_ids[path] def __repr__(self): s = '{' for key, value in self.devices.items(): s += r'%r:%r %r %s, ' % (key, value.mount, value.backup_type, self._device_ids[key]) s = s[:-2] + '}' return s def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.devices def __len__(self): return len(self.devices) def __getitem__(self, path): return self.devices[path] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.devices) def all_paths(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.devices.keys()) def device_id(self, path: str) -> Optional[int]: if path in self: return self._device_ids[path] return None def name(self, path: str, shorten: bool=False) -> str: """ :param path: :param shorten: if True, and backup type is not an automatically detected device, return the path basename :return: device mount name, or path / path basename """ if self.devices[path].mount is None: if shorten: return get_path_display_name(path)[0] else: return path else: mount = self.devices[path].mount # type: QStorageInfo if not shorten: return mount.displayName() else: name = mount.name() if name: return name else: return get_path_display_name(mount.rootPath())[0] def backup_type(self, path) -> BackupLocationType: return self.devices[path].backup_type def multiple_backup_devices(self, file_type: FileType) -> bool: """ :param file_type: whether the file is a photo or video :return: True if more than one backup device is being used for the file type """ return ((file_type == FileType.photo and len(self.photo_backup_devices) > 1) or (file_type == FileType.video and len(self.video_backup_devices) > 1)) def get_download_backup_device_overlap(self, photo_download_folder: str, video_download_folder: str) -> DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]]: """ Determine if the photo/video download locations and the backup locations are going to the same partitions. :param photo_download_folder: where photos are downloaded :param video_download_folder: where videos are downloaded :return: partitions that are downloaded and backed up to, referred to by os.stat.st_dev """ try: photo_device = os.stat(photo_download_folder).st_dev except FileNotFoundError: photo_device = 0 try: video_device = os.stat(video_download_folder).st_dev except: video_device = 0 downloading_to = defaultdict(set) # type: DefaultDict[int, Set[FileType]] if photo_device != video_device: download_dests = (photo_device, video_device) else: download_dests = (photo_device, ) for path in self.devices: try: backup_device = os.stat(path).st_dev except: backup_device = 0 if backup_device != 0: d = self.devices[path] backup_type = d.backup_type for download_device in download_dests: if backup_device == download_device: if backup_type in (BackupLocationType.photos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos): downloading_to[backup_device].add(FileType.photo) if backup_type in (BackupLocationType.videos, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos): downloading_to[backup_device].add(FileType.video) return downloading_to def get_manual_mounts(self) -> Optional[Tuple[BackupVolumeDetails, ...]]: """ Get QStorageInfo, display name, and path for each backup destination for manually specified backup destinations. Display name is the path basename. Lists photo backup destination before video backup destination. Exceptions are not caught, however invalid destinations are accounted for. :return: Tuple of one or two Tuples containing QStorageInfo, display name, and path. If no valid backup destinations are found, returns None. """ assert len(self.devices) paths = tuple(self.devices.keys()) if len(paths) == 1: if not os.path.isdir(paths[0]): return None same_path = True path = paths[0] backup_type = BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos else: assert len(paths) == 2 photo_path = tuple(self.photo_backup_devices)[0] video_path = tuple(self.video_backup_devices)[0] photo_path_valid = os.path.isdir(photo_path) video_path_valid = os.path.isdir(video_path) if photo_path_valid and video_path_valid: same_path = False elif photo_path_valid: same_path = True path = photo_path backup_type = BackupLocationType.photos elif video_path_valid: same_path = True path = video_path backup_type = BackupLocationType.videos else: return None if same_path: name = self.name(path, shorten=True) mount = QStorageInfo(path) os_stat_device = os.stat(path).st_dev return (BackupVolumeDetails(mount, name, path, backup_type, os_stat_device), ) else: photo_name = self.name(photo_path, shorten=True) video_name = self.name(video_path, shorten=True) photo_mount = QStorageInfo(photo_path) photo_os_stat_device = os.stat(photo_path).st_dev if same_device(photo_path, video_path): # Translators: two folder names, separated by a plus sign names = _('%s + %s') % (photo_name, video_name) paths = '%s\n%s' % (photo_path, video_path) return (BackupVolumeDetails(photo_mount, names, paths, BackupLocationType.photos_and_videos, photo_os_stat_device),) else: video_mount = QStorageInfo(video_path) video_os_stat_device = os.stat(video_path).st_dev return (BackupVolumeDetails(photo_mount, photo_name, photo_path, BackupLocationType.photos, photo_os_stat_device), BackupVolumeDetails(video_mount, video_name, video_path, BackupLocationType.videos, video_os_stat_device)) def get_backup_volume_details(self, path: str) -> BackupVolumeDetails: """ For now only used in case of external mounts i.e. not auto-detected. :param path: backup path :return: named tuple of details of the backup volume """ name = self.name(path, shorten=True) device = self.devices[path] if device.mount is not None: mount = device.mount else: mount = QStorageInfo(path) backup_type = device.backup_type os_stat_device = os.stat(path).st_dev return BackupVolumeDetails(mount, name, path, backup_type, os_stat_device) def backup_possible(self, file_type: FileType) -> bool: """ :param file_type: whether the file is a photo or video :return: True if more a backup device is being used for the file type """ if file_type == FileType.photo: return len(self.photo_backup_devices) > 0 elif file_type == FileType.video: return len(self.video_backup_devices) > 0 else: logging.critical("Unrecognized file type when determining if backup is possible") def _add_identifier(self, path: Optional[str], file_type: FileType) -> Optional[str]: if path is None: return None if file_type == FileType.photo: return os.path.join(path, self.rapidApp.prefs.photo_backup_identifier) else: return os.path.join(path, self.rapidApp.prefs.video_backup_identifier) def sample_device_paths(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a sample of up to three paths on detected backup devices. Includes the folder identifier (specified in the user prefs) used to identify the backup drive. Illustrates backup destinations for each of photo, video, such that: - If photos are being backed up to a device, show it. - If videos are being backed up to a device, show it. - If photos and videos are being backed up to the same device, show that they are. :return: sorted list of the paths """ # Prioritize display of drives that are backing up only one type both_types = self.photo_backup_devices & self.video_backup_devices photo_only = self.photo_backup_devices - both_types video_only = self.video_backup_devices - both_types photo0 = nth(iter(photo_only), 0) video0 = nth(iter(video_only), 0) both0, both1 = tuple(itertools.chain(itertools.islice(both_types, 2), itertools.repeat(None, 2)))[:2] # Add the identifier specified in the user's prefs photo0id, photo1id, photo2id = (self._add_identifier(path, FileType.photo) for path in (photo0, both0, both1)) video0id, video1id, video2id = (self._add_identifier(path, FileType.video) for path in (video0, both0, both1)) paths = [path for path in (photo0id, video0id, photo1id, video1id, photo2id, video2id) if path is not None][:3] if len(paths) < 3: unused_photo = self.photo_backup_devices - {path for path in (photo0, both0, both1) if path is not None} unused_video = self.video_backup_devices - {path for path in (video0, both0, both1) if path is not None} photo1, photo2 = tuple(itertools.chain(itertools.islice(unused_photo, 2), itertools.repeat(None, 2)))[:2] video1, video2 = tuple(itertools.chain(itertools.islice(unused_video, 2), itertools.repeat(None, 2)))[:2] photo3id, photo4id = (self._add_identifier(path, FileType.photo) for path in (photo1, photo2)) video3id, video4id = (self._add_identifier(path, FileType.video) for path in (video1, video2)) paths += [path for path in (photo3id, video3id, photo4id, video4id) if path is not None][:3 - len(paths)] return sorted(paths) def backup_destinations_missing(self, downloading: DownloadingFileTypes) -> Optional[BackupFailureType]: """ Checks if there are backup destinations matching the files going to be downloaded :param downloading: the types of file that will be downloaded :return: None if no problems, or BackupFailureType """ prefs = self.rapidApp.prefs if prefs.backup_files: photos = downloading in (DownloadingFileTypes.photos, DownloadingFileTypes.photos_and_videos) videos = downloading in (DownloadingFileTypes.videos, DownloadingFileTypes.photos_and_videos) if prefs.backup_device_autodetection: photo_backup_problem = photos and not self.backup_possible(FileType.photo) video_backup_problem = videos and not self.backup_possible(FileType.video) else: photo_backup_problem = photos and not validate_download_folder( path=prefs.backup_photo_location, write_on_waccesss_failure=True ).valid video_backup_problem = videos and not validate_download_folder( path=prefs.backup_video_location, write_on_waccesss_failure=True ).valid if photo_backup_problem: if video_backup_problem: return BackupFailureType.photos_and_videos else: return BackupFailureType.photos elif video_backup_problem: return BackupFailureType.videos else: return None return None class FSMetadataErrors: """ When downloading and backing up, filesystem metadata needs to be copied. Sometimes it's not possible. Track which devices (computer devices, according to the OS, that is, not the same as above) have problems. """ def __init__(self) -> None: # A 'device' in this class is the st_dev value returned by os.stat self.devices = set() # type: Set[int] self.archived_devices = set() # type: Set[int] # device: FsMetadataWriteProblem self.metadata_errors = dict() # type: Dict[int, FsMetadataWriteProblem] # scan_id / device_id: Set[device] self.worker_id_devices = defaultdict(set) # type: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] def add_problem(self, worker_id: int, path: str, mdata_exceptions: Tuple[Exception]) -> None: dev = os.stat(path).st_dev if dev not in self.devices: self.devices.add(dev) name, uri, root_path, fstype = fs_device_details(path) problem = FsMetadataWriteProblem( name=name, uri=uri, mdata_exceptions=mdata_exceptions ) self.metadata_errors[dev] = problem if worker_id is not None: self.worker_id_devices[worker_id].add(dev) def problems(self, worker_id: int) -> List[FsMetadataWriteProblem]: problems = [] for dev in self.worker_id_devices[worker_id]: if dev not in self.archived_devices: problems.append(self.metadata_errors[dev]) self.archived_devices.add(dev) return problems