#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Error log window for Rapid Photo Downloader """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Damon Lynch" import logging import shlex import subprocess import math from collections import deque, namedtuple from typing import Optional from gettext import gettext as _ import re from html import escape from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QTextEdit, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QLineEdit, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QApplication, QPushButton, QLabel, QTextBrowser, QStyle ) from PyQt5.QtGui import ( QPalette, QIcon, QFontMetrics, QFont, QColor, QKeyEvent, QKeySequence, QTextDocument, QTextCursor, QPaintEvent, QPainter, QPen, QMouseEvent, QShowEvent ) from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSlot, QSize, QUrl, QTimer, QRect, pyqtSignal, QEvent import raphodo.qrc_resources as qrc_resources from raphodo.constants import ErrorType from raphodo.rpdfile import RPDFile from raphodo.problemnotification import Problem, Problems # ErrorLogMessage = namedtuple('ErrorLogMessage', 'title body name uri') class QFindLineEdit(QLineEdit): """ LineEdit to be used for search, as in Firefox in page search. """ def __init__(self, find_text='', parent=None) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent) if not find_text: self.find_text = _('Find') else: self.find_text = find_text self.noTextPalette = QPalette() self.noTextPalette.setColor(QPalette.Text, Qt.gray) self.setEmptyState() self.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.onCursorPositionChanged) self.textEdited.connect(self.onTextEdited) def setEmptyState(self) -> None: self.empty = True self.setText(self.find_text) self.setCursorPosition(0) self.setPalette(self.noTextPalette) @pyqtSlot(str) def onTextEdited(self, text: str) -> None: if not text: self.setEmptyState() elif self.empty: self.empty = False self.setPalette(QPalette()) self.setText(text[:-len(self.find_text)]) @pyqtSlot(int, int) def onCursorPositionChanged(self, old: int, new: int) -> None: if self.empty: self.blockSignals(True) self.setCursorPosition(0) self.blockSignals(False) def getText(self) -> str: if self.empty: return '' else: return self.text() class ErrorReport(QDialog): """ Display error messages from the download in a dialog. Search/find feature is live, like Firefox. However it's pretty slow with a large amount of data, so don't initiate a new search each and every time data is appended to the log window. Instead, if a search is active, wait for one second after text has been appended before doing the search. """ dialogShown = pyqtSignal() dialogActivated = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, rapidApp, parent=None) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent) self.uris = [] self.get_href = re.compile(']*)') self.setModal(False) self.setSizeGripEnabled(True) self.search_pending = False self.add_queue = deque() self.rapidApp = rapidApp layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setWindowTitle(_('Error Reports - Rapid Photo Downloader')) self.log = QTextBrowser() self.log.setReadOnly(True) sheet = """ h1 { font-size: large; font-weight: bold; } """ document = self.log.document() # type: QTextDocument document.setDefaultStyleSheet(sheet) # document.setIndentWidth(QFontMetrics(QFont()).boundingRect('200').width()) self.highlightColor = QColor('#cb1dfa') self.textHighlightColor = QColor(Qt.white) self.noFindPalette = QPalette() self.noFindPalette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QPalette().color(QPalette.Mid)) self.foundPalette = QPalette() self.foundPalette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QPalette().color(QPalette.WindowText)) self.find_cursors = [] self.current_find_index = -1 self.log.anchorClicked.connect(self.anchorClicked) self.log.setOpenLinks(False) self.defaultFont = QFont() self.defaultFont.setPointSize(QFont().pointSize() - 1) self.log.setFont(self.defaultFont) self.log.textChanged.connect(self.textChanged) message = _('Find in reports') self.find = QFindLineEdit(find_text=message) self.find.textEdited.connect(self.onFindChanged) style = self.find.style() # type: QStyle frame_width = style.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_DefaultFrameWidth) button_margin = style.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_ButtonMargin) spacing = (frame_width + button_margin) * 2 + 8 self.find.setMinimumWidth(QFontMetrics(QFont()).boundingRect(message).width() + spacing) font_height = QFontMetrics(self.font()).height() size = QSize(font_height, font_height) self.up = QPushButton() self.up.setIcon(QIcon(':/icons/up.svg')) self.up.setIconSize(size) self.up.clicked.connect(self.upClicked) self.up.setToolTip(_('Find the previous occurrence of the phrase')) self.down = QPushButton() self.down.setIcon(QIcon(':/icons/down.svg')) self.down.setIconSize(size) self.down.clicked.connect(self.downClicked) self.down.setToolTip(_('Find the next occurrence of the phrase')) self.highlightAll = QPushButton(_('&Highlight All')) self.highlightAll.setToolTip(_('Highlight all occurrences of the phrase')) self.matchCase = QPushButton(_('&Match Case')) self.matchCase.setToolTip(_('Search with case sensitivity')) self.wholeWords = QPushButton(_('&Whole Words')) self.wholeWords.setToolTip(_('Search whole words only')) for widget in (self.highlightAll, self.matchCase, self.wholeWords): widget.setCheckable(True) widget.setFlat(True) self.highlightAll.toggled.connect(self.highlightAllToggled) self.matchCase.toggled.connect(self.matchCaseToggled) self.wholeWords.toggled.connect(self.wholeWordsToggled) self.findResults = QLabel() self.findResults.setMinimumWidth(QFontMetrics(QFont()).boundingRect( _('%s of %s matches') % (1000, 1000)).width() + spacing) findLayout = QHBoxLayout() findLayout.setSpacing(0) spacing = 8 findLayout.addWidget(self.find) findLayout.addWidget(self.up) findLayout.addWidget(self.down) findLayout.addSpacing(spacing) findLayout.addWidget(self.highlightAll) findLayout.addSpacing(spacing) findLayout.addWidget(self.matchCase) findLayout.addSpacing(spacing) findLayout.addWidget(self.wholeWords) findLayout.addSpacing(spacing) findLayout.addWidget(self.findResults) buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) self.clear = buttons.addButton(_('Clear'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) # type: QPushButton buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.clear.clicked.connect(self.clearClicked) self.clear.setEnabled(False) layout.addWidget(self.log) layout.addLayout(findLayout) layout.addSpacing(6) layout.addWidget(buttons) self.setLayout(layout) self.onFindChanged('') self.icon_lookup = { ErrorType.warning: ':/report-warning.png', ErrorType.serious_error: ':/report-error.png', ErrorType.critical_error: ':/report-critical.png' } @pyqtSlot() def textChanged(self) -> None: self.clear.setEnabled(bool(self.log.document().characterCount())) def _makeFind(self, back: bool=False) -> int: flags = QTextDocument.FindFlags() if self.matchCase.isChecked(): flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.wholeWords.isChecked(): flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords if back: flags |= QTextDocument.FindBackward return flags def _clearSearch(self) -> None: cursor = self.log.textCursor() # type: QTextCursor if cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.clearSelection() self.log.setTextCursor(cursor) self.find_cursors = [] self.log.setExtraSelections([]) @pyqtSlot() def _doFind(self) -> None: """ Do the find / search. If text needs to be appended, delay the search for one second. """ if self.add_queue: while self.add_queue: self._addProblems(problems=self.add_queue.popleft()) QTimer.singleShot(1000, self._doFind) return cursor = self.log.textCursor() # type: QTextCursor text = self.find.getText() highlight = self.highlightAll.isChecked() if self.find.empty or not text: self._clearSearch() self.findResults.setText('') return initial_position = cursor.selectionStart() # type: int self.log.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Start) flags = self._makeFind() extraSelections = deque() count = 0 index = None self.find_cursors = [] while self.log.find(text, flags): cursor = self.log.textCursor() # type: QTextCursor self.find_cursors.append(cursor) if index is None and cursor.selectionStart() >= initial_position: index = count count += 1 if highlight: extra = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() extra.format.setBackground(self.highlightColor) extra.format.setForeground(self.textHighlightColor) extra.cursor = cursor extraSelections.append(extra) self.log.setExtraSelections(extraSelections) if index is None: index = len(self.find_cursors) - 1 if not self.find_cursors: cursor.setPosition(initial_position) self.log.setTextCursor(cursor) if not self.find.empty: self.findResults.setText(_('Phrase not found')) self.findResults.setPalette(self.noFindPalette) else: self.goToMatch(index=index) self.search_pending = False def goToMatch(self, index: int) -> None: if self.find_cursors: cursor = self.find_cursors[index] self.current_find_index = index self.log.setTextCursor(cursor) self.findResults.setText(_('%s of %s matches') % (index + 1, len(self.find_cursors))) self.findResults.setPalette(self.foundPalette) @pyqtSlot(bool) def upClicked(self, checked: bool) -> None: if self.current_find_index >= 0: if self.current_find_index == 0: index = len(self.find_cursors) - 1 else: index = self.current_find_index - 1 self.goToMatch(index=index) @pyqtSlot(bool) def downClicked(self, checked: bool) -> None: if self.current_find_index >= 0: if self.current_find_index == len(self.find_cursors) - 1: index = 0 else: index = self.current_find_index + 1 self.goToMatch(index=index) @pyqtSlot(str) def onFindChanged(self, text: str) -> None: self.up.setEnabled(not self.find.empty) self.down.setEnabled(not self.find.empty) self._doFind() @pyqtSlot(bool) def highlightAllToggled(self, toggled: bool) -> None: if self.find_cursors: extraSelections = deque() if self.highlightAll.isChecked(): for cursor in self.find_cursors: extra = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() extra.format.setBackground(self.highlightColor) extra.format.setForeground(self.textHighlightColor) extra.cursor = cursor extraSelections.append(extra) self.log.setExtraSelections(extraSelections) @pyqtSlot(bool) def matchCaseToggled(self, toggled: bool) -> None: self._doFind() @pyqtSlot(bool) def wholeWordsToggled(self, toggled: bool) -> None: self._doFind() @pyqtSlot(bool) def clearClicked(self, toggled: bool) -> None: self.log.clear() self.clear.setEnabled(False) self._doFind() @pyqtSlot(QUrl) def anchorClicked(self, url: QUrl) -> None: if self.rapidApp.file_manager: # see documentation for self._saveUrls() fake_uri = url.url() index = int(fake_uri[fake_uri.find('///') + 3:]) uri = self.uris[index] cmd = '{} {}'.format(self.rapidApp.file_manager, uri) logging.debug("Launching: %s", cmd) args = shlex.split(cmd) subprocess.Popen(args) def _saveUrls(self, text: str) -> str: """ Sadly QTextBrowser uses QUrl, which doesn't understand the kind of URIs used by Gnome. It totally mangles them, in fact. So solution is to substitute in a dummy uri and then replace it in self.anchorClicked() when the user clicks on it """ anchor_start = '', start + 9) href = text[start + 9:href_end] end = text.find(anchor_end, href_end + 2) next_start = text.find(anchor_start, end + 4) if next_start >= end + 4: extra_text = text[end + 4:next_start] else: extra_text = text[end + 4:] new_text = '{}{}{}'.format( new_text, len(self.uris), text[href_end + 2:end], extra_text ) self.uris.append(href) start = next_start return new_text def _getBody(self, problem: Problem) -> str: """ Get the body (subject) of the problem, and any details """ line = self._saveUrls(problem.body) if len(problem.details) == 1: line = '{}
{}'.format(line, self._saveUrls(problem.details[0])) elif len(problem.details) > 1: for detail in problem.details: line = '{}
{}'.format(line, self._saveUrls(detail)) return line def _addProblems(self, problems: Problems) -> None: """ Add problems to the log window """ title = self._saveUrls(problems.title) html = '


'.format(title) html = '{}'.format(html) for problem in problems: line = self._getBody(problem=problem) icon = self.icon_lookup[problem.severity] icon = ''.format(icon) html = '{}'.format(html, icon, line) html = '{}
{}' \ '{}
'.format(html) html = '{}

'.format(html) self.log.append(html) def addProblems(self, problems: Problems) -> None: if not self.find.empty and self.find_cursors: self._clearSearch() if not self.find.empty and self.search_pending: self.add_queue.append(problems) else: self._addProblems(problems=problems) if not self.find.empty and not self.search_pending: self.search_pending = True self.findResults.setText(_('Search pending...')) self.findResults.setPalette(self.noFindPalette) QTimer.singleShot(1000, self._doFind) def keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent) -> None: if event.matches(QKeySequence.Find): self.find.setFocus() else: super().keyPressEvent(event) @pyqtSlot() def activate(self) -> None: self.setVisible(True) self.activateWindow() self.raise_() def showEvent(self, event: QShowEvent) -> None: super().showEvent(event) self.dialogShown.emit() def changeEvent(self, event: QEvent) -> None: if event.type() == QEvent.ActivationChange and self.isActiveWindow(): self.dialogActivated.emit() super().changeEvent(event) class SpeechBubble(QLabel): """ Display a speech bubble with a counter in it, that when clicked emits a signal and resets. Bubble displayed only when counter is > 0. """ clicked = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.rapidApp = parent self.image = QIcon(':/speech-bubble.svg') self._count = 0 self.fillColor = QPalette().color(QPalette.Window) self.counterFont = QFont() self.counterFont.setPointSize(QFont().pointSize() - 1) self.custom_height = max(math.ceil(QFontMetrics(self.counterFont).height() * 1.7), 24) self.counterPen = QPen(QColor(Qt.white)) self.setStyleSheet("QLabel {border: 0px;}") self.click_tooltip = _('The number of new entries added to the Error Report since it was ' 'last open. Click to open the Error Report.') @property def count(self) -> int: return self._count @count.setter def count(self, value) -> None: self._count = value if value > 0: self.setToolTip(self.click_tooltip) self.update() def incrementCounter(self, increment: int=1) -> None: self._count += increment self.setToolTip(self.click_tooltip) self.update() def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent ): painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self) height = self.height() rect = self.rect() # type: QRect if not self._count: painter.fillRect(rect, self.fillColor) else: painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, height, height, self.image.pixmap(height, height)) painter.setFont(self.counterFont) painter.setPen(self.counterPen) if self._count > 9: value = '9+' else: value = str(self._count) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, value) painter.end() def sizeHint(self) -> QSize: return QSize(self.custom_height, self.custom_height) def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None: self.clicked.emit() self.reset() @pyqtSlot() def reset(self) -> None: self.count = 0 self.setToolTip('') if __name__ == '__main__': # Application development test code: app = QApplication([]) log = ErrorReport(None) log.show() app.exec_()