# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2016, Damon Lynch" import argparse import sys import logging import pickle import os import shlex import time from collections import deque, namedtuple from typing import Optional, Set, List, Dict, Sequence, Any, Tuple import psutil from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSignal, QObject, pyqtSlot) from PyQt5.QtGui import (QPixmap, QImage) import zmq import zmq.log.handlers from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream from raphodo.rpdfile import (RPDFile, FileTypeCounter, FileSizeSum, Photo, Video) from raphodo.devices import Device from raphodo.utilities import CacheDirs, set_pdeathsig from raphodo.constants import ( RenameAndMoveStatus, ExtractionTask, ExtractionProcessing, CameraErrorCode, FileType, FileExtension, BackupStatus ) from raphodo.proximity import TemporalProximityGroups from raphodo.storage import StorageSpace from raphodo.iplogging import ZeroMQSocketHandler from raphodo.viewutils import ThumbnailDataForProximity from raphodo.folderspreview import DownloadDestination, FoldersPreview from raphodo.problemnotification import ( ScanProblems, CopyingProblems, RenamingProblems, BackingUpProblems ) logger = logging.getLogger() def make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id) -> bytes: r""" Returns a python byte string from an integer or string >>> make_filter_from_worker_id(54) b'54' >>> make_filter_from_worker_id('54') b'54' """ if isinstance(worker_id, int): return str(worker_id).encode() if isinstance(worker_id, str): return worker_id.encode() raise(TypeError) def create_identity(worker_type: str, identity: str) -> bytes: r"""Generate identity for a worker's 0mq socket. >>> create_identity('Worker', '1') b'Worker-1' >>> create_identity('Thumbnail Extractor', '2') b'Thumbnail-Extractor-2' >>> create_identity('Thumbnail Extractor Plus', '22 2') b'Thumbnail-Extractor-Plus-22-2' """ # Replace any whitespace in the strings with a hyphen return '{}-{}'.format('-'.join(worker_type.split()), '-'.join(identity.split())).encode() def get_worker_id_from_identity(identity: bytes) -> int: r"""Extract worker id from the identity used in a 0mq socket >>> get_worker_id_from_identity(b'Worker-1') 1 >>> get_worker_id_from_identity(b'Thumbnail-Extractor-2') 2 >>> get_worker_id_from_identity(b'Thumbnail-Extractor-Plus-22-2') 2 """ return int(identity.decode().split('-')[-1]) def create_inproc_msg(cmd: bytes, worker_id: Optional[int]=None, data: Optional[Any]=None) -> List[bytes]: """ Create a list of three values to be sent via a PAIR socket between main and child threads using 0MQ. """ if worker_id is not None: worker_id = make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id) else: worker_id = b'' if data is None: data = b'' else: data = pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return [cmd, worker_id, data] class ThreadNames: rename = 'rename' scan = 'scan' copy = 'copy' backup = 'backup' thumbnail_daemon = 'thumbnail_daemon' thumbnailer = 'thumbnailer' offload = 'offload' logger = 'logger' load_balancer = 'load_balancer' new_version = 'new_version' class ProcessManager: def __init__(self, logging_port: int, thread_name: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.logging_port = logging_port self.processes = {} # type: Dict[int, psutil.Process] self._process_to_run = '' # Implement in subclass self.thread_name = thread_name # Monitor which workers we have running self.workers = [] # type: List[int] def _get_cmd(self) -> str: return '{} {}'.format(sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), self._process_to_run)) def _get_command_line(self, worker_id: int) -> str: """ Implement in sublcass """ return '' def add_worker(self, worker_id: int) -> None: command_line = self._get_command_line(worker_id) args = shlex.split(command_line) # run command immediately, without waiting a reply, and instruct the Linux # kernel to send a terminate signal should this process unexpectedly die try: proc = psutil.Popen(args, preexec_fn=set_pdeathsig()) except OSError as e: logging.critical("Failed to start process: %s", command_line) logging.critical('OSError [Errno %s]: %s', e.errno, e.strerror) if e.errno == 8: logging.critical("Script shebang line might be malformed or missing: %s", self._get_cmd()) sys.exit(1) logging.debug("Started '%s' with pid %s", command_line, proc.pid) # Add to list of running workers self.workers.append(worker_id) self.processes[worker_id] = proc def forcefully_terminate(self) -> None: """ Forcefully terminate any running child processes. """ zombie_processes = [p for p in self.processes.values() if p.is_running() and p.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE] running_processes = [p for p in self.processes.values() if p.is_running() and p.status() != psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE] if hasattr(self, '_process_name'): logging.debug("Forcefully terminating processes for %s: %s zombies, %s running.", self._process_name, len(zombie_processes), len(running_processes)) for p in zombie_processes: # type: psutil.Process try: logging.debug("Killing zombie process %s with pid %s", p.name(), p.pid) p.kill() except: logging.error("Failed to kill process with pid %s", p.pid) for p in running_processes: # type: psutil.Process try: logging.debug("Terminating process %s with pid %s", p.name(), p.pid) p.terminate() except: logging.error("Terminating process with pid %s failed", p.pid) gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(running_processes, timeout=2) for p in alive: try: logging.debug("Killing zombie process %s with pid %s", p.name(), p.pid) p.kill() except: logging.error("Failed to kill process with pid %s", p.pid) def process_alive(self, worker_id: int) -> bool: """ Process IDs are reused by the system. Check to make sure a new process has not been created with the same process id. :param worker_id: the process to check :return True if the process is the same, False otherwise """ return self.processes[worker_id].is_running() class PullPipelineManager(ProcessManager, QObject): """ Base class from which more specialized 0MQ classes are derived. Receives data into its sink via a ZMQ PULL socket, but does not specify how workers should be sent data. Outputs signals using Qt. """ message = pyqtSignal(str) # Derived class will change this sinkStarted = pyqtSignal() workerFinished = pyqtSignal(int) workerStopped = pyqtSignal(int) receiverPortSignal = pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, logging_port: int, thread_name: str) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=thread_name) def _start_sockets(self) -> None: context = zmq.Context.instance() # Subclasses must define the type of port they need to send messages self.ventilator_socket = None self.ventilator_port = None # Sink socket to receive results of the workers self.receiver_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.receiver_port = self.receiver_socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') # Socket to communicate directly with the sink, bypassing the workers self.terminate_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.terminate_socket.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(self.receiver_port)) # Socket to receive commands from main thread self.thread_controller = context.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.thread_controller.connect('inproc://{}'.format(self.thread_name)) self.terminating = False @pyqtSlot() def run_sink(self) -> None: logging.debug("Running sink for %s", self._process_name) self._start_sockets() poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(self.receiver_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(self.thread_controller, zmq.POLLIN) self.receiverPortSignal.emit(self.receiver_port) self.sinkStarted.emit() while True: try: socks = dict(poller.poll()) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if self.receiver_socket in socks: # Receive messages from the workers # (or the terminate socket) worker_id, directive, content = self.receiver_socket.recv_multipart() if directive == b'cmd': command = content assert command in [b"STOPPED", b"FINISHED", b"KILL"] if command == b"KILL": # Terminate immediately, without regard for any # incoming messages. This message is only sent # from this manager to itself, using the # self.terminate_socket logging.debug("{} is terminating".format(self._process_name)) break # This worker is done; remove from monitored workers and # continue worker_id = int(worker_id) if command == b"STOPPED": logging.debug("%s worker %s has stopped", self._process_name, worker_id) self.workerStopped.emit(worker_id) else: # Worker has finished its work self.workerFinished.emit(worker_id) self.workers.remove(worker_id) del self.processes[worker_id] if not self.workers: logging.debug("{} currently has no workers".format(self._process_name)) if not self.workers and self.terminating: logging.debug("{} is exiting".format(self._process_name)) break else: assert directive == b'data' self.content = content self.process_sink_data() if self.thread_controller in socks: # Receive messages from the main Rapid Photo Downloader thread self.process_thread_directive() def process_thread_directive(self) -> None: directive, worker_id, data = self.thread_controller.recv_multipart() # Directives: START, STOP, TERMINATE, SEND_TO_WORKER, STOP_WORKER, START_WORKER if directive == b'START': self.start() elif directive == b'START_WORKER': self.start_worker(worker_id=worker_id, data=data) elif directive == b'SEND_TO_WORKER': self.send_message_to_worker(worker_id=worker_id, data=data) elif directive == b'STOP': self.stop() elif directive == b'STOP_WORKER': self.stop_worker(worker_id=worker_id) elif directive == b'PAUSE': self.pause() elif directive == b'RESUME': self.resume(worker_id=worker_id) elif directive == b'TERMINATE': self.forcefully_terminate() else: logging.critical("%s received unknown directive %s", directive.decode()) def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) self.message.emit(data) def terminate_sink(self) -> None: self.terminate_socket.send_multipart([b'0', b'cmd', b'KILL']) def _get_ventilator_start_message(self, worker_id: bytes) -> list: return [worker_id, b'cmd', b'START'] def start(self) -> None: logging.critical("Member function start() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def start_worker(self, worker_id: bytes, data: bytes) -> None: logging.critical("Member function start_worker() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def stop(self) -> None: logging.critical("Member function stop() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def stop_worker(self, worker_id: int) -> None: logging.critical("Member function stop_worker() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def pause(self) -> None: logging.critical("Member function pause() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def resume(self, worker_id: Optional[bytes]) -> None: logging.critical("Member function stop_worker() not implemented in child class of %s", self._process_name) def send_message_to_worker(self, data: bytes, worker_id:Optional[bytes]=None) -> None: if self.terminating: logging.debug("%s not sending message to worker because manager is terminated", self._process_name) return if not self.workers: logging.debug("%s not sending message to worker because there are no workers", self._process_name) return assert isinstance(data, bytes) if worker_id: message = [worker_id, b'data', data] else: message = [b'data', data] self.ventilator_socket.send_multipart(message) def forcefully_terminate(self) -> None: """ Forcefully terminate any child processes and clean up. Shuts down the sink too. """ super().forcefully_terminate() self.terminate_sink() class LoadBalancerWorkerManager(ProcessManager): def __init__(self, no_workers: int, backend_port: int, sink_port: int, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name='') self.no_workers = no_workers self.backend_port = backend_port self.sink_port = sink_port def _get_command_line(self, worker_id: int) -> str: cmd = self._get_cmd() return '{} --request {} --send {} --identity {} --logging {}'.format( cmd, self.backend_port, self.sink_port, worker_id, self.logging_port) def start_workers(self) -> None: for worker_id in range(self.no_workers): self.add_worker(worker_id) class LRUQueue: """LRUQueue class using ZMQStream/IOLoop for event dispatching""" def __init__(self, backend_socket: zmq.Socket, frontend_socket: zmq.Socket, controller_socket: zmq.Socket, worker_type: str, process_manager: LoadBalancerWorkerManager) -> None: self.worker_type = worker_type self.process_manager = process_manager self.workers = deque() self.terminating = False self.terminating_workers = set() # type: Set[bytes] self.stopped_workers = set() # type: Set[int] self.backend = ZMQStream(backend_socket) self.frontend = ZMQStream(frontend_socket) self.controller = ZMQStream(controller_socket) self.backend.on_recv(self.handle_backend) self.controller.on_recv(self.handle_controller) self.loop = IOLoop.instance() def handle_controller(self, msg): self.terminating = True # logging.debug("%s load balancer requesting %s workers to stop", self.worker_type, # len(self.workers)) while len(self.workers): worker_identity = self.workers.popleft() logging.debug("%s load balancer sending stop cmd to worker %s", self.worker_type, worker_identity.decode()) self.backend.send_multipart([worker_identity, b'', b'cmd', b'STOP']) self.terminating_workers.add(worker_identity) self.loop.add_timeout(time.time()+3, self.loop.stop) def handle_backend(self, msg): # Queue worker address for LRU routing worker_identity, empty, client_addr = msg[:3] # add worker back to the list of workers self.workers.append(worker_identity) # Second frame is empty assert empty == b'' if msg[-1] == b'STOPPED' and self.terminating: worker_id = get_worker_id_from_identity(worker_identity) self.stopped_workers.add(worker_id) self.terminating_workers.remove(worker_identity) if len(self.terminating_workers) == 0: for worker_id in self.stopped_workers: p = self.process_manager.processes[worker_id] # type: psutil.Process if p.is_running(): pid = p.pid if p.status() != psutil.STATUS_SLEEPING: logging.debug("Waiting on %s process %s...", p.status(), pid) os.waitpid(pid, 0) logging.debug("...process %s is finished", pid) else: logging.debug("Process %s is sleeping", pid) self.loop.add_timeout(time.time()+0.5, self.loop.stop) if len(self.workers) == 1: # on first recv, start accepting frontend messages self.frontend.on_recv(self.handle_frontend) def handle_frontend(self, request): # Dequeue and drop the next worker address worker_identity = self.workers.popleft() message = [worker_identity, b''] + request self.backend.send_multipart(message) if len(self.workers) == 0: # stop receiving until workers become available again self.frontend.stop_on_recv() class LoadBalancer: def __init__(self, worker_type: str, process_manager) -> None: self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self.parser.add_argument("--receive", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--send", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--controller", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--logging", required=True) args = self.parser.parse_args() self.controller_port = args.controller context = zmq.Context() frontend = context.socket(zmq.PULL) frontend_port = frontend.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') backend = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) backend_port = backend.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') reply = context.socket(zmq.REP) reply.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.receive)) controller = context.socket(zmq.PULL) controller.connect('tcp://localhost:{}'.format(self.controller_port)) sink_port = args.send logging_port = args.logging self.logger_publisher = ProcessLoggerPublisher( context=context, name=worker_type, notification_port=args.logging ) logging.debug( "{} load balancer waiting to be notified how many workers to initialize...".format( worker_type ) ) no_workers = int(reply.recv()) logging.debug("...{} load balancer will use {} workers".format(worker_type, no_workers)) reply.send(str(frontend_port).encode()) process_manager = process_manager(no_workers, backend_port, sink_port, logging_port) process_manager.start_workers() # create queue with the sockets queue = LRUQueue(backend, frontend, controller, worker_type, process_manager) # start reactor, which is an infinite loop IOLoop.instance().start() # Finished infinite loop: do some housekeeping logging.debug("Forcefully terminating load balancer child processes") process_manager.forcefully_terminate() frontend.close() backend.close() class LoadBalancerManager(ProcessManager, QObject): """ Launches and requests termination of the Load Balancer process """ load_balancer_started = pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, context: zmq.Context, no_workers: int, sink_port: int, logging_port: int, thread_name: str) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=thread_name) self.no_workers = no_workers self.sink_port = sink_port self.context = context @pyqtSlot() def start_load_balancer(self) -> None: self.controller_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.controller_port = self.controller_socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') self.requester = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.requester_port = self.requester.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') self.thread_controller = self. context.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.thread_controller.connect('inproc://{}'.format(self.thread_name)) worker_id = 0 self.add_worker(worker_id) self.requester.send(str(self.no_workers).encode()) self.frontend_port = int(self.requester.recv()) self.load_balancer_started.emit(self.frontend_port) # wait for stop signal directive, worker_id, data = self.thread_controller.recv_multipart() assert directive == b'STOP' self.stop() def stop(self): self.controller_socket.send(b'STOP') def _get_command_line(self, worker_id: int) -> str: cmd = self._get_cmd() return '{} --receive {} --send {} --controller {} --logging {}'.format( cmd, self.requester_port, self.sink_port, self.controller_port, self.logging_port) DAEMON_WORKER_ID = 0 class PushPullDaemonManager(PullPipelineManager): """ Manage a single instance daemon worker process that waits to work on data issued by this manager. The data to be worked on is issued in sequence, one after the other. Because this is a single daemon process, a Push-Pull model is most suitable for sending the data. """ def _start_sockets(self) -> None: super()._start_sockets() context = zmq.Context.instance() # Ventilator socket to send message to worker self.ventilator_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.ventilator_port = self.ventilator_socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') def stop(self) -> None: """ Permanently stop the daemon process and terminate """ logging.debug("{} halting".format(self._process_name)) self.terminating = True # Only send stop command if the process is still running if self.process_alive(DAEMON_WORKER_ID): try: self.ventilator_socket.send_multipart([b'cmd', b'STOP'], zmq.DONTWAIT) except zmq.Again: logging.debug( "Terminating %s sink because child process did not receive message", self._process_name) self.terminate_sink() else: # The process may have crashed. Stop the sink. self.terminate_sink() def _get_command_line(self, worker_id: int) -> str: cmd = self._get_cmd() return '{} --receive {} --send {} --logging {}'.format( cmd, self.ventilator_port, self.receiver_port, self.logging_port) def _get_ventilator_start_message(self, worker_id: int) -> List[bytes]: return [b'cmd', b'START'] def start(self) -> None: logging.debug("Starting worker for %s", self._process_name) self.add_worker(worker_id=DAEMON_WORKER_ID) class PublishPullPipelineManager(PullPipelineManager): """ Manage a collection of worker processes that wait to work on data issued by this manager. The data to be worked on is issued in sequence, one after the other, either once, or many times. Because there are multiple worker process, a Publish-Subscribe model is most suitable for sending data to workers. """ def _start_sockets(self) -> None: super()._start_sockets() context = zmq.Context.instance() # Ventilator socket to send messages to workers on self.ventilator_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.ventilator_port= self.ventilator_socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') # Socket to synchronize the start of each worker self.sync_service_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) self.sync_service_port = self.sync_service_socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") # Socket for worker control: pause, resume, stop self.controller_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.controller_port = self.controller_socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") def stop(self) -> None: """ Permanently stop all the workers and terminate """ logging.debug("{} halting".format(self._process_name)) self.terminating = True if self.workers: # Signal workers they must immediately stop termination_signal_sent = False alive_workers = [worker_id for worker_id in self.workers if self.process_alive(worker_id)] for worker_id in alive_workers: message = [make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id),b'STOP'] self.controller_socket.send_multipart(message) message = [make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id), b'cmd', b'STOP'] self.ventilator_socket.send_multipart(message) termination_signal_sent = True if not termination_signal_sent: self.terminate_sink() else: self.terminate_sink() def stop_worker(self, worker_id: bytes) -> None: """ Permanently stop one worker """ if int(worker_id) in self.workers: message = [worker_id, b'STOP'] self.controller_socket.send_multipart(message) message = [worker_id, b'cmd', b'STOP'] self.ventilator_socket.send_multipart(message) def start_worker(self, worker_id: bytes, data: bytes) -> None: self.add_worker(int(worker_id)) # Send START commands until scan worker indicates it is ready to # receive data # Worker ID must be in bytes format while True: self.ventilator_socket.send_multipart( self._get_ventilator_start_message(worker_id)) try: # look for synchronization request self.sync_service_socket.recv(zmq.DONTWAIT) # send synchronization reply self.sync_service_socket.send(b'') break except zmq.Again: # Briefly pause sending out START messages # There is no point flooding the network time.sleep(.01) # Send data to process to tell it what to work on self.send_message_to_worker(data=data, worker_id=worker_id) def _get_command_line(self, worker_id: int) -> str: cmd = self._get_cmd() return '{} --receive {} --send {} --controller {} --syncclient {} ' \ '--filter {} --logging {}'.format( cmd, self.ventilator_port, self.receiver_port, self.controller_port, self.sync_service_port, worker_id, self.logging_port) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.workers) def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: return item in self.workers def pause(self) -> None: for worker_id in self.workers: message = [make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id), b'PAUSE'] self.controller_socket.send_multipart(message) def resume(self, worker_id: bytes) -> None: if worker_id: workers = [int(worker_id)] else: workers = self.workers for worker_id in workers: message = [make_filter_from_worker_id(worker_id), b'RESUME'] self.controller_socket.send_multipart(message) class ProcessLoggerPublisher: """ Setup the sockets for worker processes to send log messages to the main process. Two tasks: set up the PUB socket, and then tell the main process what port we're using via a second socket, and when we're closing it. """ def __init__(self, context: zmq.Context, name: str, notification_port: int) -> None: self.logger_pub = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.logger_pub_port = self.logger_pub.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") self.handler = ZeroMQSocketHandler(self.logger_pub) self.handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.addHandler(self.handler) self.logger_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.logger_socket.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(notification_port)) self.logger_socket.send_multipart([b'CONNECT', str(self.logger_pub_port).encode()]) def close(self): self.logger.removeHandler(self.handler) self.logger_socket.send_multipart([b'DISCONNECT', str(self.logger_pub_port).encode()]) self.logger_pub.close() self.logger_socket.close() class WorkerProcess(): def __init__(self, worker_type: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self.parser.add_argument("--receive", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--send", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--logging", required=True) def cleanup_pre_stop(self) -> None: """ Operations to run if process is stopped. Implement in child class if needed. """ pass def setup_logging_pub(self, notification_port: int, name: str) -> None: """ Sets up the 0MQ socket that sends out logging messages :param notification_port: port that should be notified about the new logging publisher :param name: descriptive name to place in the log messages """ if self.worker_id is not None: name = '{}-{}'.format(name, self.worker_id.decode()) self.logger_publisher = ProcessLoggerPublisher(context=self.context, name=name, notification_port=notification_port) def send_message_to_sink(self) -> None: self.sender.send_multipart([self.worker_id, b'data', self.content]) def initialise_process(self) -> None: # Wait to receive "START" message worker_id, directive, content = self.receiver.recv_multipart() assert directive == b'cmd' assert content == b'START' # send a synchronization request self.sync_client.send(b'') # wait for synchronization reply self.sync_client.recv() # Receive next "START" message and discard, looking for data message while True: worker_id, directive, content = self.receiver.recv_multipart() if directive == b'data': break else: assert directive == b'cmd' assert content == b'START' self.content = content def do_work(self): pass class DaemonProcess(WorkerProcess): """ Single instance """ def __init__(self, worker_type: str) -> None: super().__init__(worker_type) args = self.parser.parse_args() self.context = zmq.Context() # Socket to send messages along the pipe to self.sender = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.sender.set_hwm(10) self.sender.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.send)) self.receiver = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.receiver.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.receive)) self.worker_id = None self.setup_logging_pub(notification_port=args.logging, name=worker_type) def run(self) -> None: pass def check_for_command(self, directive: bytes, content: bytes) -> None: if directive == b'cmd': assert content == b'STOP' self.cleanup_pre_stop() # signal to sink that we've terminated before finishing self.sender.send_multipart([make_filter_from_worker_id( DAEMON_WORKER_ID), b'cmd', b'STOPPED']) sys.exit(0) def send_message_to_sink(self) -> None: # Must use a dummy value for the worker id, as there is only ever one # instance. self.sender.send_multipart([make_filter_from_worker_id( DAEMON_WORKER_ID), b'data', self.content]) class WorkerInPublishPullPipeline(WorkerProcess): """ Worker counterpart to PublishPullPipelineManager; multiple instance. """ def __init__(self, worker_type: str) -> None: super().__init__(worker_type) self.add_args() args = self.parser.parse_args() subscription_filter = self.worker_id = args.filter.encode() self.context = zmq.Context() self.setup_sockets(args, subscription_filter) self.setup_logging_pub(notification_port=args.logging, name=worker_type) self.initialise_process() self.do_work() def add_args(self) -> None: self.parser.add_argument("--filter", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--syncclient", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--controller", required=True) def setup_sockets(self, args, subscription_filter: bytes) -> None: # Socket to send messages along the pipe to self.sender = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.sender.set_hwm(10) self.sender.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.send)) # Socket to receive messages from the pipe self.receiver = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.receiver.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.receive)) self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, subscription_filter) # Socket to receive controller messages: stop, pause, resume self.controller = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.controller.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.controller)) self.controller.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, subscription_filter) # Socket to synchronize the start of receiving data from upstream self.sync_client = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.sync_client.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.syncclient)) def check_for_command(self, directive: bytes, content) -> None: if directive == b'cmd': try: assert content == b'STOP' except AssertionError: logging.critical("Expected STOP command but instead got %s", content.decode()) else: self.cleanup_pre_stop() self.disconnect_logging() # signal to sink that we've terminated before finishing self.sender.send_multipart([self.worker_id, b'cmd', b'STOPPED']) sys.exit(0) def check_for_controller_directive(self) -> None: try: # Don't block if process is running regularly # If there is no command,exception will occur worker_id, command = self.controller.recv_multipart(zmq.DONTWAIT) assert command in [b'PAUSE', b'STOP'] assert worker_id == self.worker_id if command == b'PAUSE': # Because the process is paused, do a blocking read to # wait for the next command worker_id, command = self.controller.recv_multipart() assert (command in [b'RESUME', b'STOP']) if command == b'STOP': self.cleanup_pre_stop() # before finishing, signal to sink that we've terminated self.sender.send_multipart([self.worker_id, b'cmd', b'STOPPED']) sys.exit(0) except zmq.Again: pass # Continue working def resume_work(self) -> None: worker_id, command = self.controller.recv_multipart() assert (command in [b'RESUME', b'STOP']) if command == b'STOP': self.cleanup_pre_stop() self.disconnect_logging() # before finishing, signal to sink that we've terminated self.sender.send_multipart([self.worker_id, b'cmd', b'STOPPED']) sys.exit(0) def disconnect_logging(self) -> None: self.logger_publisher.close() def send_finished_command(self) -> None: self.sender.send_multipart([self.worker_id, b'cmd', b'FINISHED']) class LoadBalancerWorker: def __init__(self, worker_type: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self.parser.add_argument("--request", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--send", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--identity", required=True) self.parser.add_argument("--logging", required=True) args = self.parser.parse_args() self.context = zmq.Context() self.requester = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.identity = create_identity(worker_type, args.identity) self.requester.identity = self.identity self.requester.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.request)) # Sender is located in the main process. It is where output (messages) # from this process are are sent to. self.sender = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.sender.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(args.send)) self.logger_publisher = ProcessLoggerPublisher(context=self.context, name=worker_type, notification_port=args.logging) # Tell the load balancer we are ready for work self.requester.send(b"READY") self.do_work() def do_work(self) -> None: # Implement in subclass pass def cleanup_pre_stop(self) -> None: """ Operations to run if process is stopped. Implement in child class if needed. """ pass def exit(self): self.cleanup_pre_stop() identity = self.requester.identity.decode() # signal to load balancer that we've terminated before finishing self.requester.send_multipart([b'', b'', b'STOPPED']) self.requester.close() self.sender.close() self.logger_publisher.close() self.context.term() logging.debug("%s with pid %s stopped", identity, os.getpid()) sys.exit(0) def check_for_command(self, directive: bytes, content: bytes): if directive == b'cmd': assert content == b'STOP' self.exit() class ProcessLoggingManager(QObject): """ Receive and log logging messages from workers. An alternative might be using python logging's QueueListener, which like this code, runs on its own thread. """ ready = pyqtSignal(int) @pyqtSlot() def startReceiver(self) -> None: context = zmq.Context.instance() self.receiver = context.socket(zmq.SUB) # Subscribe to all variates of logging messages self.receiver.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') # Socket to receive subscription information, and the stop command info_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.info_port = info_socket.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*') poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(self.receiver, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(info_socket, zmq.POLLIN) self.ready.emit(self.info_port) while True: try: socks = dict(poller.poll()) except KeyboardInterrupt: break if self.receiver in socks: message = self.receiver.recv() record = logging.makeLogRecord(pickle.loads(message)) logger.handle(record) if info_socket in socks: directive, content = info_socket.recv_multipart() if directive == b'STOP': break elif directive == b'CONNECT': self.addSubscription(content) else: assert directive == b'DISCONNECT' self.removeSubscription(content) def addSubscription(self, port: bytes) -> None: try: port = int(port) except ValueError: logging.critical('Incorrect port value in add logging subscription: %s', port) else: logging.debug("Subscribing to logging on port %s", port) self.receiver.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(port)) def removeSubscription(self, port: bytes): try: port = int(port) except ValueError: logging.critical('Incorrect port value in remove logging subscription: %s', port) else: logging.debug("Unsubscribing to logging on port %s", port) self.receiver.disconnect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(port)) def stop_process_logging_manager(info_port: int) -> None: """ Stop ProcessLoggingManager thread :param info_port: the port number the manager uses """ context = zmq.Context.instance() command = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) command.connect("tcp://localhost:{}".format(info_port)) command.send_multipart([b'STOP', b'']) class ScanArguments: """ Pass arguments to the scan process """ def __init__(self, device: Device, ignore_other_types: bool, log_gphoto2: bool) -> None: """ Pass arguments to the scan process :param device: the device to scan :param ignore_other_types: ignore file types like TIFF :param log_gphoto2: whether to generate detailed gphoto2 log messages :param scan_only_DCIM: if the device is an auto-detected volume, then if True, scan only in it's DCIM folder :param warn_unknown_file: whether to issue a warning when encountering an unknown (unrecognized) file """ self.device = device self.ignore_other_types = ignore_other_types self.log_gphoto2 = log_gphoto2 class ScanResults: """ Receive results from the scan process """ def __init__(self, rpd_files: Optional[List[RPDFile]]=None, file_type_counter: Optional[FileTypeCounter]=None, file_size_sum: Optional[FileSizeSum]=None, error_code: Optional[CameraErrorCode]=None, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, optimal_display_name: Optional[str]=None, storage_space: Optional[List[StorageSpace]]=None, storage_descriptions: Optional[List[str]]=None, sample_photo: Optional[Photo]=None, sample_video: Optional[Video]=None, problems: Optional[ScanProblems]=None, fatal_error: Optional[bool]=None, entire_video_required: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: self.rpd_files = rpd_files self.file_type_counter = file_type_counter self.file_size_sum = file_size_sum self.error_code = error_code self.scan_id = scan_id self.optimal_display_name = optimal_display_name self.storage_space = storage_space self.storage_descriptions = storage_descriptions self.sample_photo = sample_photo self.sample_video = sample_video self.problems = problems self.fatal_error = fatal_error self.entire_video_required = entire_video_required class CopyFilesArguments: """ Pass arguments to the copyfiles process """ def __init__(self, scan_id: int, device: Device, photo_download_folder: str, video_download_folder: str, files: List[RPDFile], verify_file: bool, generate_thumbnails: bool, log_gphoto2: bool) -> None: self.scan_id = scan_id self.device = device self.photo_download_folder = photo_download_folder self.video_download_folder = video_download_folder self.files = files self.generate_thumbnails = generate_thumbnails self.verify_file = verify_file self.log_gphoto2 = log_gphoto2 class CopyFilesResults: """ Receive results from the copyfiles process """ def __init__(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, photo_temp_dir: Optional[str]=None, video_temp_dir: Optional[str]=None, total_downloaded: Optional[int]=None, chunk_downloaded: Optional[int]=None, copy_succeeded: Optional[bool]=None, rpd_file: Optional[RPDFile]=None, download_count: Optional[int]=None, mdata_exceptions: Optional[Tuple]=None, problems: Optional[CopyingProblems]=None) -> None: """ :param scan_id: scan id of the device the files are being downloaded from :param photo_temp_dir: temp directory path, used to copy photos into until they're renamed :param video_temp_dir: temp directory path, used to copy videos into until they're renamed :param total_downloaded: how many bytes in total have been downloaded :param chunk_downloaded: how many bytes were downloaded since the last message :param copy_succeeded: whether the copy was successful or not :param rpd_file: details of the file that was copied :param download_count: a running count of how many files have been copied. Used in download tracking. :param mdata_exceptions: details of errors setting file metadata :param problems: details of any problems encountered copying files, not including metedata write problems. """ self.scan_id = scan_id self.photo_temp_dir = photo_temp_dir self.video_temp_dir = video_temp_dir self.total_downloaded = total_downloaded self.chunk_downloaded = chunk_downloaded self.copy_succeeded = copy_succeeded self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.download_count = download_count self.mdata_exceptions = mdata_exceptions self.problems = problems class ThumbnailDaemonData: """ Pass arguments to the thumbnail daemon process. Occurs after a file is downloaded & renamed, and also after a file is backed up. """ def __init__(self, frontend_port: Optional[int]=None, rpd_file: Optional[RPDFile]=None, write_fdo_thumbnail: Optional[bool]=None, use_thumbnail_cache: Optional[bool]=None, backup_full_file_names: Optional[List[str]]=None, fdo_name: Optional[str]=None) -> None: self.frontend_port = frontend_port self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.write_fdo_thumbnail = write_fdo_thumbnail self.use_thumbnail_cache = use_thumbnail_cache self.backup_full_file_names = backup_full_file_names self.fdo_name = fdo_name class RenameAndMoveFileData: """ Pass arguments to the renameandmovefile process """ def __init__(self, rpd_file: RPDFile=None, download_count: int=None, download_succeeded: bool=None, message: RenameAndMoveStatus=None) -> None: self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.download_count = download_count self.download_succeeded = download_succeeded self.message = message class RenameAndMoveFileResults: def __init__(self, move_succeeded: bool=None, rpd_file: RPDFile=None, download_count: int=None, stored_sequence_no: int=None, downloads_today: List[str]=None, problems: Optional[RenamingProblems]=None) -> None: self.move_succeeded = move_succeeded self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.download_count = download_count self.stored_sequence_no = stored_sequence_no self.downloads_today = downloads_today self.problems = problems class OffloadData: def __init__(self, thumbnail_rows: Optional[Sequence[ThumbnailDataForProximity]]=None, proximity_seconds: int=None, rpd_files: Optional[Sequence[RPDFile]]=None, strip_characters: Optional[bool]=None, folders_preview: Optional[FoldersPreview]=None) -> None: self.thumbnail_rows = thumbnail_rows self.proximity_seconds = proximity_seconds self.rpd_files = rpd_files self.strip_characters = strip_characters self.folders_preview = folders_preview class OffloadResults: def __init__(self, proximity_groups: Optional[TemporalProximityGroups]=None, folders_preview: Optional[FoldersPreview]=None) -> None: self.proximity_groups = proximity_groups self.folders_preview = folders_preview class BackupArguments: """ Pass start up data to the back up process """ def __init__(self, path: str, device_name: str) -> None: self.path = path self.device_name = device_name class BackupFileData: """ Pass file data to the backup process """ def __init__(self, rpd_file: Optional[RPDFile]=None, move_succeeded: Optional[bool]=None, do_backup: Optional[bool]=None, path_suffix: Optional[str]=None, backup_duplicate_overwrite: Optional[bool]=None, verify_file: Optional[bool]=None, download_count: Optional[int]=None, save_fdo_thumbnail: Optional[int]=None, message: Optional[BackupStatus]=None) -> None: self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.move_succeeded = move_succeeded self.do_backup = do_backup self.path_suffix = path_suffix self.backup_duplicate_overwrite = backup_duplicate_overwrite self.verify_file = verify_file self.download_count = download_count self.save_fdo_thumbnail = save_fdo_thumbnail self.message = message class BackupResults: def __init__(self, scan_id: int, device_id: int, total_downloaded: Optional[int]=None, chunk_downloaded: Optional[int]=None, backup_succeeded: Optional[bool]=None, do_backup: Optional[bool]=None, rpd_file: Optional[RPDFile] = None, backup_full_file_name: Optional[str]=None, mdata_exceptions: Optional[Tuple] = None, problems: Optional[BackingUpProblems]=None) -> None: self.scan_id = scan_id self.device_id = device_id self.total_downloaded = total_downloaded self.chunk_downloaded = chunk_downloaded self.backup_succeeded = backup_succeeded self.do_backup = do_backup self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.backup_full_file_name = backup_full_file_name self.mdata_exceptions = mdata_exceptions self.problems = problems class GenerateThumbnailsArguments: def __init__(self, scan_id: int, rpd_files: List[RPDFile], name: str, proximity_seconds: int, cache_dirs: CacheDirs, need_video_cache_dir: bool, frontend_port: int, log_gphoto2: bool, camera: Optional[str]=None, port: Optional[str]=None, entire_video_required: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: """ List of files for which thumbnails are to be generated. All files are assumed to have the same scan id. :param scan_id: id of the scan :param rpd_files: files from which to extract thumbnails :param name: name of the device :param proximity_seconds: the time elapsed between consecutive shots that is used to prioritize the order of thumbnail generation :param cache_dirs: the location where the cache directories should be created :param need_video_cache_dir: if True, must use cache dir to extract video thumbnail :param frontend_port: port to use to send to load balancer's front end :param log_gphoto2: if True, log libgphoto2 logging messages :param camera: If the thumbnails are being downloaded from a camera, this is the name of the camera, else None :param port: If the thumbnails are being downloaded from a camera, this is the port of the camera, else None :param entire_video_required: if the entire video is required to extract the thumbnail """ self.rpd_files = rpd_files self.scan_id = scan_id self.name = name self.proximity_seconds = proximity_seconds self.cache_dirs = cache_dirs self.need_video_cache_dir = need_video_cache_dir self.frontend_port = frontend_port if camera is not None: assert port is not None assert entire_video_required is not None self.camera = camera self.port = port self.log_gphoto2 = log_gphoto2 self.entire_video_required = entire_video_required class GenerateThumbnailsResults: def __init__(self, rpd_file: Optional[RPDFile]=None, thumbnail_bytes: Optional[bytes]=None, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, cache_dirs: Optional[CacheDirs]=None) -> None: self.rpd_file = rpd_file # If thumbnail_bytes is None, there is no thumbnail self.thumbnail_bytes = thumbnail_bytes self.scan_id = scan_id self.cache_dirs = cache_dirs class ThumbnailExtractorArgument: def __init__(self, rpd_file: RPDFile, task: ExtractionTask, processing: Set[ExtractionProcessing], full_file_name_to_work_on: str, secondary_full_file_name: str, exif_buffer: Optional[bytearray], thumbnail_bytes: bytes, use_thumbnail_cache: bool, file_to_work_on_is_temporary: bool, write_fdo_thumbnail: bool, send_thumb_to_main: bool) -> None: self.rpd_file = rpd_file self.task = task self.processing = processing self.full_file_name_to_work_on = full_file_name_to_work_on self.secondary_full_file_name = secondary_full_file_name self.file_to_work_on_is_temporary = file_to_work_on_is_temporary self.exif_buffer = exif_buffer self.thumbnail_bytes = thumbnail_bytes self.use_thumbnail_cache = use_thumbnail_cache self.write_fdo_thumbnail = write_fdo_thumbnail self.send_thumb_to_main = send_thumb_to_main class RenameMoveFileManager(PushPullDaemonManager): """ Manages the single instance daemon process that renames and moves files that have just been downloaded """ message = pyqtSignal(bool, RPDFile, int) sequencesUpdate = pyqtSignal(int, list) renameProblems = pyqtSignal('PyQt_PyObject') def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.rename) self._process_name = 'Rename and Move File Manager' self._process_to_run = 'renameandmovefile.py' def process_sink_data(self): data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: RenameAndMoveFileResults if data.move_succeeded is not None: self.message.emit(data.move_succeeded, data.rpd_file, data.download_count) elif data.problems is not None: self.renameProblems.emit(data.problems) else: assert data.stored_sequence_no is not None assert data.downloads_today is not None assert isinstance(data.downloads_today, list) self.sequencesUpdate.emit(data.stored_sequence_no, data.downloads_today) class ThumbnailDaemonManager(PushPullDaemonManager): """ Manages the process that extracts thumbnails after the file has already been downloaded and that writes FreeDesktop.org thumbnails. Not to be confused with ThumbnailManagerPara, which manages thumbnailing using processes that run in parallel, one for each device. """ message = pyqtSignal(RPDFile, QPixmap) def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.thumbnail_daemon) self._process_name = 'Thumbnail Daemon Manager' self._process_to_run = 'thumbnaildaemon.py' def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: GenerateThumbnailsResults if data.thumbnail_bytes is None: thumbnail = QPixmap() else: thumbnail = QImage.fromData(data.thumbnail_bytes) if thumbnail.isNull(): thumbnail = QPixmap() else: thumbnail = QPixmap.fromImage(thumbnail) self.message.emit(data.rpd_file, thumbnail) class OffloadManager(PushPullDaemonManager): """ Handles tasks best run in a separate process """ message = pyqtSignal(TemporalProximityGroups) downloadFolders = pyqtSignal(FoldersPreview) def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.offload) self._process_name = 'Offload Manager' self._process_to_run = 'offload.py' def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: OffloadResults if data.proximity_groups is not None: self.message.emit(data.proximity_groups) elif data.folders_preview is not None: self.downloadFolders.emit(data.folders_preview) class ScanManager(PublishPullPipelineManager): """ Handles the processes that scan devices (cameras, external devices, this computer path) """ scannedFiles = pyqtSignal( 'PyQt_PyObject', 'PyQt_PyObject', FileTypeCounter, 'PyQt_PyObject', bool ) deviceError = pyqtSignal(int, CameraErrorCode) deviceDetails = pyqtSignal(int, 'PyQt_PyObject', 'PyQt_PyObject', str) scanProblems = pyqtSignal(int, 'PyQt_PyObject') fatalError = pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.scan) self._process_name = 'Scan Manager' self._process_to_run = 'scan.py' def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: ScanResults if data.rpd_files is not None: assert data.file_type_counter assert data.file_size_sum assert data.entire_video_required is not None self.scannedFiles.emit( data.rpd_files, (data.sample_photo, data.sample_video), data.file_type_counter, data.file_size_sum, data.entire_video_required ) else: assert data.scan_id is not None if data.error_code is not None: self.deviceError.emit(data.scan_id, data.error_code) elif data.optimal_display_name is not None: self.deviceDetails.emit( data.scan_id, data.storage_space, data.storage_descriptions, data.optimal_display_name ) elif data.problems is not None: self.scanProblems.emit(data.scan_id, data.problems) else: assert data.fatal_error self.fatalError.emit(data.scan_id) class BackupManager(PublishPullPipelineManager): """ Each backup "device" (it could be an external drive, or a user- specified path on the local file system) has associated with it one worker process. For example if photos and videos are both being backed up to the same external hard drive, one worker process handles both the photos and the videos. However if photos are being backed up to one drive, and videos to another, there would be a worker process for each drive (2 in total). """ message = pyqtSignal(int, bool, bool, RPDFile, str, 'PyQt_PyObject') bytesBackedUp = pyqtSignal('PyQt_PyObject', 'PyQt_PyObject') backupProblems = pyqtSignal(int, 'PyQt_PyObject') def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.backup) self._process_name = 'Backup Manager' self._process_to_run = 'backupfile.py' def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: BackupResults if data.total_downloaded is not None: assert data.scan_id is not None assert data.chunk_downloaded >= 0 assert data.total_downloaded >= 0 self.bytesBackedUp.emit(data.scan_id, data.chunk_downloaded) elif data.backup_succeeded is not None: assert data.do_backup is not None assert data.rpd_file is not None self.message.emit( data.device_id, data.backup_succeeded, data.do_backup, data.rpd_file, data.backup_full_file_name, data.mdata_exceptions) else: assert data.problems is not None self.backupProblems.emit(data.device_id, data.problems) class CopyFilesManager(PublishPullPipelineManager): """ Manage the processes that copy files from devices to the computer during the download process """ message = pyqtSignal(bool, RPDFile, int, 'PyQt_PyObject') tempDirs = pyqtSignal(int, str,str) bytesDownloaded = pyqtSignal(int, 'PyQt_PyObject', 'PyQt_PyObject') copyProblems = pyqtSignal(int, 'PyQt_PyObject') def __init__(self, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.copy) self._process_name = 'Copy Files Manager' self._process_to_run = 'copyfiles.py' def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: CopyFilesResults if data.total_downloaded is not None: assert data.scan_id is not None if data.chunk_downloaded < 0: logging.critical("Chunk downloaded is less than zero: %s", data.chunk_downloaded) if data.total_downloaded < 0: logging.critical("Chunk downloaded is less than zero: %s", data.total_downloaded) self.bytesDownloaded.emit(data.scan_id, data.total_downloaded, data.chunk_downloaded) elif data.copy_succeeded is not None: assert data.rpd_file is not None assert data.download_count is not None self.message.emit(data.copy_succeeded, data.rpd_file, data.download_count, data.mdata_exceptions) elif data.problems is not None: self.copyProblems.emit(data.scan_id, data.problems) else: assert (data.photo_temp_dir is not None and data.video_temp_dir is not None) assert data.scan_id is not None self.tempDirs.emit(data.scan_id, data.photo_temp_dir, data.video_temp_dir)