# Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Notify user of problems when downloading: problems with subfolder and filename generation, download errors, and so forth Goals ===== Group problems into tasks: 1. scanning 2. copying 3. renaming (presented to user as finalizing file and download subfolder names) 4. backing up - per backup device Present messages in human readable manner. Multiple metadata problems can occur: group them. Distinguish error severity """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2010-2017, Damon Lynch" from collections import deque from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Union, Iterator from html import escape from gettext import gettext as _ import logging from raphodo.utilities import make_internationalized_list from raphodo.constants import ErrorType def make_href(name: str, uri: str) -> str: """ Construct a hyperlink. """ # Note: keep consistent with ErrorReport._saveUrls() return '{}'.format(uri, escape(name)) class Problem: def __init__(self, name: Optional[str]=None, uri: Optional[str]=None, exception: Optional[Exception]=None, **attrs) -> None: for attr, value in attrs.items(): setattr(self, attr, value) self.name = name self.uri = uri self.exception = exception @property def title(self) -> str: logging.critical('title() not implemented in subclass %s', self.__class__.__name__) return 'undefined' @property def body(self) -> str: logging.critical('body() not implemented in subclass %s', self.__class__.__name__) return 'undefined' @property def details(self) -> List[str]: if self.exception is not None: try: return [escape(_("Error: %(errno)s %(strerror)s")) % dict( errno=self.exception.errno, strerror=self.exception.strerror)] except AttributeError: return [escape(_("Error: %s")) % self.exception] else: return [] @property def href(self) -> str: if self.name and self.uri: return make_href(name=self.name, uri=self.uri) else: logging.critical('href() is missing name or uri in subclass %s', self.__class__.__name__) @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.warning class SeriousProblem(Problem): @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.serious_error class CameraGpProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def details(self) -> List[str]: try: return [escape(_("GPhoto2 Error: %s")) % self.gp_code] except AttributeError: return [] class CameraInitializationProblem(CameraGpProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_("Unable to initialize the camera, probably because another program is " "using it. No files were copied from it.")) @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.critical_error class CameraDirectoryReadProblem(CameraGpProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_("Unable to read directory %s")) % self.href class CameraFileInfoProblem(CameraGpProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to access modification time or size from %s')) % self.href class CameraFileReadProblem(CameraGpProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to read file %s')) % self.href class FileWriteProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to write file %s')) % self.href class FileMoveProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to move file %s')) % self.href class FileDeleteProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to remove file %s')) % self.href class FileCopyProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to copy file %s')) % self.href class FileZeroLengthProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Zero length file %s will not be downloaded')) % self.href class FsMetadataReadProblem(Problem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_("Could not determine filesystem modification time for %s")) % self.href class FileMetadataLoadProblem(Problem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to load metadata from %s')) % self.href class FileMetadataLoadProblemNoDownload(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Unable to load metadata from %(name)s. The %(filetype)s was not ' 'downloaded.')) % dict(filetype=self.file_type, name=self.href) class FsMetadataWriteProblem(Problem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_( "An error occurred setting a file's filesystem metadata on the filesystem %s. " "If this error occurs again on the same filesystem, it will not be reported again." )) % self.href @property def details(self) -> List[str]: return [escape(_("Error: %(errno)s %(strerror)s")) % dict(errno=e.errno, strerror=e.strerror) for e in self.mdata_exceptions] class UnhandledFileProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape(_('Encountered unhandled file %s. It will not be downloaded.')) % self.href class FileAlreadyExistsProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("%(filetype)s %(destination)s already exists.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type_capitalized), destination=self.href ) @property def details(self) -> List[str]: d = list() d.append( escape( _("The existing %(filetype)s %(destination)s was last modified on " "%(date)s at %(time)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), date=escape(self.date), time=escape(self.time), destination=self.href ) ) d.append( escape( _("The %(filetype)s %(source)s was not downloaded from %(device)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), source=self.source, device=self.device ) ) return d class IdentifierAddedProblem(FileAlreadyExistsProblem): @property def details(self) -> List[str]: d = list() d.append( escape( _("The existing %(filetype)s %(destination)s was last modified on " "%(date)s at %(time)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), date=escape(self.date), time=escape(self.time), destination=self.href ) ) d.append( escape( _("The %(filetype)s %(source)s was downloaded from %(device)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), source=self.source, device=self.device ) ) d.append( escape( _("The unique identifier '%s' was added to the filename.")) % self.identifier ) return d @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.warning class BackupAlreadyExistsProblem(FileAlreadyExistsProblem): @property def details(self) -> List[str]: d = list() d.append( escape( _("The existing backup %(filetype)s %(destination)s was last modified on " "%(date)s at %(time)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), date=escape(self.date), time=escape(self.time), destination=self.href ) ) d.append( escape( _("The %(filetype)s %(source)s was not backed up from %(device)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), source=self.source, device=self.device ) ) return d class BackupOverwrittenProblem(BackupAlreadyExistsProblem): @property def details(self) -> List[str]: d = list() d.append( escape( _("The previous backup %(filetype)s %(destination)s was last modified on " "%(date)s at %(time)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), date=escape(self.date), time=escape(self.time), destination=self.name ) ) d.append( escape( _("The %(filetype)s %(source)s from %(device)s was backed up, overwriting the " "previous backup %(filetype)s.") ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), source=self.source, device=self.device ) ) return d @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.warning class DuplicateFileWhenSyncingProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("When synchronizing RAW + JPEG sequence values, a duplicate %(filetype)s " "%(file)s was encountered, and was not downloaded." ) ) % dict(file=self.href, filetype=self.file_type) class SameNameDifferentExif(Problem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("When synchronizing RAW + JPEG sequence values, photos were detected with the " "same filenames, but taken at different times:") ) @property def details(self) -> List[str]: return [escape( _("%(image1)s was taken on %(image1_date)s at %(image1_time)s, and %(image2)s " "on %(image2_date)s at %(image2_time)s.") ) % dict( image1=self.image1, image1_date=self.image1_date, image1_time=self.image1_time, image2=self.image2, image2_date=self.image2_date, image2_time=self.image2_time )] class RenamingAssociateFileProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("Unable to finalize the filename for %s") ) % self.source class FilenameNotFullyGeneratedProblem(Problem): def __init__(self, name: Optional[str]=None, uri: Optional[str]=None, exception: Optional[Exception]=None, **attrs) -> None: super().__init__(name=name, uri=uri, exception=exception, **attrs) self.missing_metadata = [] self.file_type = '' self.destination = '' self.source = '' self.bad_converstion_date_time = False self.bad_conversion_exception = None # type: Optional[Exception] self.invalid_date_time = False self.missing_extension = False self.missing_image_no = False self.component_error = False self.component_problem = '' self.component_exception = None def has_error(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if any of the errors occurred """ return bool(self.missing_metadata) or self.invalid_date_time or \ self.bad_converstion_date_time or self.missing_extension or self.missing_image_no \ or self.component_error @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("The filename %(destination)s was not fully generated for %(filetype)s %(source)s.") ) % dict(destination=self.destination, filetype=self.file_type, source=self.source) @property def details(self) -> List[str]: d = [] if len(self.missing_metadata) == 1: d.append( escape( _("The %(type)s metadata is missing.") ) % dict(type=self.missing_metadata[0]) ) elif len(self.missing_metadata) > 1: d.append( escape( _("The following metadata is missing: %s.") ) % make_internationalized_list(self.missing_metadata) ) if self.bad_converstion_date_time: d.append( escape(_('Date/time conversion failed: %s.')) % self.bad_conversion_exception ) if self.invalid_date_time: d.append( escape( _("Could not extract valid date/time metadata or determine the file " "modification time.") ) ) if self.missing_extension: d.append(escape(_("Filename does not have an extension."))) if self.missing_image_no: d.append(escape(_("Filename does not have a number component."))) if self.component_error: d.append( escape(_("Error generating component %(component)s. Error: %(error)s")) % dict( component=self.component_problem, error=self.component_exception ) ) return d class FolderNotFullyGeneratedProblemProblem(FilenameNotFullyGeneratedProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("The download subfolders %(folder)s were only partially generated for %(filetype)s " "%(source)s.") ) % dict(folder=self.destination, filetype=self.file_type, source=self.source) class NoDataToNameProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _("There is no data with which to generate the %(subfolder_file)s for %(filename)s. " "The %(filetype)s was not downloaded.") ) % dict( subfolder_file = self.area, filename = self.href, filetype=self.file_type, ) class RenamingFileProblem(SeriousProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _('Unable to create the %(filetype)s %(destination)s in %(folder)s. The download file ' 'was %(source)s in %(device)s. It was not downloaded.') ) % dict( filetype=escape(self.file_type), destination=escape(self.destination), folder=self.folder, source=self.href, device=self.device ) class SubfolderCreationProblem(Problem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _('Unable to create the download subfolder %s.') ) % self.folder @property def severity(self) -> ErrorType: return ErrorType.critical_error class BackupSubfolderCreationProblem(SubfolderCreationProblem): @property def body(self) -> str: return escape( _('Unable to create the backup subfolder %s.') ) % self.folder class Problems: def __init__(self, name: Optional[str]='', uri: Optional[str]='', problem: Optional[Problem]=None) -> None: self.problems = deque() self.name = name self.uri = uri if problem: self.append(problem=problem) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.problems) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Problem]: return iter(self.problems) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Problem: return self.problems[index] def append(self, problem: Problem) -> None: self.problems.append(problem) @property def title(self) -> str: logging.critical('title() not implemented in subclass %s', self.__class__.__name__) return 'undefined' @property def body(self) -> str: return 'body' @property def details(self) -> List[str]: return [] @property def href(self) -> str: if self.name and self.uri: return make_href(name=self.name, uri=self.uri) else: logging.critical('href() is missing name or uri in %s', self.__class__.__name__) class ScanProblems(Problems): @property def title(self) -> str: return escape(_('Problems scanning %s')) % self.href class CopyingProblems(Problems): @property def title(self) -> str: return escape(_('Problems copying from %s')) % self.href class RenamingProblems(Problems): @property def title(self) -> str: return escape(_('Problems while finalizing filenames and generating subfolders')) class BackingUpProblems(Problems): @property def title(self) -> str: return escape(_('Problems backing up to %s')) % self.href