#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Generates names for files and folders, and renames (moves) files. Runs as a daemon process. """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011-2017, Damon Lynch" import os from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from collections import namedtuple import errno import logging import pickle import sys from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, Optional import locale # Use the default locale as defined by the LANG variable locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') from gettext import gettext as _ import raphodo.exiftool as exiftool import raphodo.generatename as gn import raphodo.problemnotification as pn from raphodo.preferences import DownloadsTodayTracker, Preferences from raphodo.constants import (ConflictResolution, FileType, DownloadStatus, RenameAndMoveStatus) from raphodo.interprocess import (RenameAndMoveFileData, RenameAndMoveFileResults, DaemonProcess) from raphodo.rpdfile import RPDFile, Photo, Video from raphodo.rpdsql import DownloadedSQL from raphodo.utilities import stdchannel_redirected, datetime_roughly_equal, platform_c_maxint from raphodo.problemnotification import ( FileAlreadyExistsProblem, IdentifierAddedProblem, RenamingProblems, make_href, RenamingFileProblem, SubfolderCreationProblem, DuplicateFileWhenSyncingProblem, SameNameDifferentExif, RenamingAssociateFileProblem, FileMetadataLoadProblem, NoDataToNameProblem ) from raphodo.storage import get_uri class SyncRawJpegStatus(Enum): matching_pair = 1 no_match = 2 error_already_downloaded = 3 error_datetime_mismatch = 4 SyncRawJpegMatch = namedtuple('SyncRawJpegMatch', 'status, sequence_number') SyncRawJpegResult = namedtuple('SyncRawJpegResult', 'sequence_to_use, failed, photo_name, ' 'photo_ext') SyncRawJpegRecord = namedtuple('SyncRawJpegRecord', 'extension, date_time, sequence_number_used') class SyncRawJpeg: """ Match JPEG and RAW images so they have the same file names """ def __init__(self): self.photos = {} # type: Dict[str, SyncRawJpegRecord] def add_download(self, name: str, extension: str, date_time: datetime, sequence_number_used: gn.MatchedSequences) -> None: if not isinstance(date_time, datetime): logging.debug("Rejecting %s for sync RAW jpeg matching because its" "metadata date time does not exist", name) return if name not in self.photos: self.photos[name] = SyncRawJpegRecord(extension=[extension], date_time=date_time, sequence_number_used=sequence_number_used) else: if extension not in self.photos[name].extension: self.photos[name].extension.append(extension) def matching_pair(self, name: str, extension: str, date_time: datetime) -> SyncRawJpegMatch: """ Checks to see if the image matches an image that has already been downloaded. Image name (minus extension), exif date time are checked. Exif date times should be within 30 seconds of each other, because need to allow for the fact that RAW and jpegs might not be written to the memory card(s) at the same time. :return: Returns SyncRawJpegStatus.error_already_downloaded and a sequence number if the name, extension, and exif values match (i.e. it has already been downloaded). Returns SyncRawJpegStatus.matching_pair and a sequence number if name and exif values match, but the extension is different (i.e. a matching RAW + JPG image). Returns SyncRawJpegStatus.error_datetime_mismatch and a sequence number of None if photos detected with the same filenames, but taken at different times. Returns SyncRawJpegStatus.no_match and a sequence number of None if no match """ if name in self.photos: if datetime_roughly_equal(self.photos[name].date_time, date_time, 30): if extension in self.photos[name].extension: return SyncRawJpegMatch(SyncRawJpegStatus.error_already_downloaded, self.photos[name].sequence_number_used) else: return SyncRawJpegMatch(SyncRawJpegStatus.matching_pair, self.photos[name].sequence_number_used) else: return SyncRawJpegMatch(SyncRawJpegStatus.error_datetime_mismatch, None) return SyncRawJpegMatch(SyncRawJpegStatus.no_match, None) def ext_exif_date_time(self, name) -> Tuple[str, datetime]: """ Returns first extension, and exif date time data for the already downloaded photo """ return self.photos[name].extension[0], self.photos[name].date_time def load_metadata(rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], et_process: exiftool.ExifTool, problems: RenamingProblems) -> bool: """ Loads the metadata for the file. :param et_process: the daemon ExifTool process :param temp_file: If true, the the metadata from the temporary file rather than the original source file is used. This is important, because the metadata can be modified by the filemodify process :return True if operation succeeded, false otherwise """ if rpd_file.metadata is None: if not rpd_file.load_metadata(full_file_name=rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, et_process=et_process): # Error in reading metadata problems.append(FileMetadataLoadProblem( name=rpd_file.name, uri=rpd_file.get_uri(), file_type=rpd_file.title )) return False return True def _generate_name(generator: Union[gn.PhotoName, gn.PhotoSubfolder, gn.VideoName, gn.VideoSubfolder], rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], et_process: exiftool.ExifTool, problems: RenamingProblems) -> str: """ Generate a subfolder or file name. :param generator: subfolder or file name generator, appropriate for the file type (photo or video) :param rpd_file: file to work on :param et_process: the daemon ExifTool process :return: the name in string format, emptry string if error """ do_generation = load_metadata(rpd_file, et_process, problems) if do_generation: value = generator.generate_name(rpd_file) if value is None: value = '' else: value = '' return value def generate_subfolder(rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], et_process: exiftool.ExifTool, problems: RenamingProblems) -> None: """ Generate subfolder names e.g. 2015/201512 :param rpd_file: file to work on :param et_process: the daemon ExifTool process """ if rpd_file.file_type == FileType.photo: generator = gn.PhotoSubfolder(rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list, problems=problems) else: generator = gn.VideoSubfolder(rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list, problems=problems) rpd_file.download_subfolder = _generate_name(generator, rpd_file, et_process, problems) def generate_name(rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], et_process: exiftool.ExifTool, problems: RenamingProblems) -> None: """ Generate file names e.g. 20150607-1.cr2 :param rpd_file: file to work on :param et_process: the daemon ExifTool process """ if rpd_file.file_type == FileType.photo: generator = gn.PhotoName(rpd_file.name_pref_list, problems=problems) else: generator = gn.VideoName(rpd_file.name_pref_list, problems=problems) rpd_file.download_name = _generate_name(generator, rpd_file, et_process, problems) class RenameMoveFileWorker(DaemonProcess): """ Generates names for files and folders, and renames (moves) files. Runs as a daemon process. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Rename and Move') self.prefs = Preferences() self.sync_raw_jpeg = SyncRawJpeg() self.downloaded = DownloadedSQL() logging.debug("Start of day is set to %s", self.prefs.day_start) self.platform_c_maxint = platform_c_maxint() # This will be assigned again in run(), but initializing it here # clarifies any problems with type checking in an IDE self.problems = RenamingProblems() def notify_file_already_exists(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], identifier: Optional[str]=None) -> None: """ Notify user that the download file already exists """ # get information on when the existing file was last modified try: modification_time = os.path.getmtime(rpd_file.download_full_file_name) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(modification_time) date = dt.strftime("%x") time = dt.strftime("%X") except: logging.error("Could not determine the file modification time of %s", rpd_file.download_full_file_name) date = time = '' source = rpd_file.get_souce_href() device = make_href(name=rpd_file.device_display_name, uri=rpd_file.device_uri) if not identifier: problem = FileAlreadyExistsProblem( file_type_capitalized=rpd_file.title_capitalized, file_type=rpd_file.title, name=rpd_file.download_name, uri=get_uri(full_file_name=rpd_file.download_full_file_name), source=source, device=device, date=date, time=time ) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed else: problem = IdentifierAddedProblem( file_type_capitalized=rpd_file.title_capitalized, file_type=rpd_file.title, name=rpd_file.download_name, uri=get_uri(full_file_name=rpd_file.download_full_file_name), source=source, device=device, date=date, time=time, identifier=identifier ) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.downloaded_with_warning self.problems.append(problem) def notify_download_failure_file_error( self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], inst: Exception) -> None: """ Handle cases where file failed to download """ uri=get_uri( full_file_name=rpd_file.full_file_name, camera_details=rpd_file.camera_details ) device = make_href(name=rpd_file.device_display_name, uri=rpd_file.device_uri) problem = RenamingFileProblem( file_type=rpd_file.title, destination=rpd_file.download_name, folder=rpd_file.download_path, name=rpd_file.name, uri=uri, device=device, exception=inst ) self.problems.append(problem) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed try: msg = "Failed to create file {}: {} {}".format( rpd_file.download_full_file_name, inst.errno, inst.strerror ) logging.error(msg) except AttributeError: logging.error( "Failed to create file %s: %s ", rpd_file.download_full_file_name, str(inst) ) def download_file_exists(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> bool: """ Check how to handle a download file already existing """ if self.prefs.conflict_resolution == ConflictResolution.add_identifier: logging.debug("Will add unique identifier to avoid duplicate filename for %s", rpd_file.full_file_name) return True else: self.notify_file_already_exists(rpd_file) return False def same_name_different_exif(self, sync_photo_name: str, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Notify the user that a file was already downloaded with the same name, but the exif information was different """ i1_ext, i1_date_time = self.sync_raw_jpeg.ext_exif_date_time(sync_photo_name) image2_date_time = rpd_file.date_time() assert isinstance(i1_date_time, datetime) i1_date = i1_date_time.strftime("%x") i1_time = i1_date_time.strftime("%X") assert isinstance(image2_date_time,datetime) image2_date = image2_date_time.strftime("%x") image2_time = image2_date_time.strftime("%X") self.problems.append( SameNameDifferentExif( image1='%s%s' % (sync_photo_name, i1_ext), image1_date=i1_date, image1_time=i1_time, image2=rpd_file.name, image2_date=image2_date, image2_time=image2_time ) ) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.downloaded_with_warning def _move_associate_file(self, extension: str, full_base_name: str, temp_associate_file: str) -> str: """ Move (rename) the associate file using the pre-generated name. Exceptions are not caught. :return: full path and filename """ download_full_name = full_base_name + extension # move (rename) associate file # don't check to see if it already exists os.rename(temp_associate_file, download_full_name) return download_full_name def move_thm_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Move (rename) the THM thumbnail file using the pre-generated name """ try: if rpd_file.thm_extension: ext = rpd_file.thm_extension else: ext = '.THM' except AttributeError: ext = '.THM' try: rpd_file.download_thm_full_name = self._move_associate_file( extension=ext, full_base_name=rpd_file.download_full_base_name, temp_associate_file=rpd_file.temp_thm_full_name ) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as e: self.problems.append( RenamingAssociateFileProblem( source=make_href( name=os.path.basename(rpd_file.download_thm_full_name), uri=get_uri( full_file_name=rpd_file.download_thm_full_name, camera_details=rpd_file.camera_details ) ), exception=e ) ) logging.error("Failed to move video THM file %s", rpd_file.download_thm_full_name) def move_audio_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Move (rename) the associate audio file using the pre-generated name """ try: if rpd_file.audio_extension: ext = rpd_file.audio_extension else: ext = '.WAV' except AttributeError: ext = '.WAV' try: rpd_file.download_audio_full_name = self._move_associate_file( extension=ext, full_base_name=rpd_file.download_full_base_name, temp_associate_file=rpd_file.temp_audio_full_name ) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as e: self.problems.append( RenamingAssociateFileProblem( source=make_href( name=os.path.basename(rpd_file.download_audio_full_name), uri=get_uri( full_file_name=rpd_file.download_audio_full_name, camera_details=rpd_file.camera_details ) ), exception=e ) ) logging.error("Failed to move file's associated audio file %s", rpd_file.download_audio_full_name) def move_xmp_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Move (rename) the associate XMP file using the pre-generated name """ try: if rpd_file.xmp_extension: ext = rpd_file.xmp_extension else: ext = '.XMP' except AttributeError: ext = '.XMP' try: rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name = self._move_associate_file( extension=ext, full_base_name=rpd_file.download_full_base_name, temp_associate_file=rpd_file.temp_xmp_full_name ) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as e: self.problems.append( RenamingAssociateFileProblem( source=make_href( name=os.path.basename(rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name), uri=get_uri( full_file_name=rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name, camera_details=rpd_file.camera_details ) ), exception=e ) ) logging.error("Failed to move file's associated XMP file %s", rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name) def move_log_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Move (rename) the associate XMP file using the pre-generated name """ try: if rpd_file.log_extension: ext = rpd_file.log_extension else: ext = '.LOG' except AttributeError: ext = '.LOG' try: rpd_file.download_log_full_name = self._move_associate_file( extension=ext, full_base_name=rpd_file.download_full_base_name, temp_associate_file=rpd_file.temp_log_full_name ) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as e: self.problems.append( RenamingAssociateFileProblem( source=make_href( name=os.path.basename(rpd_file.download_log_full_name), uri=get_uri( full_file_name=rpd_file.download_log_full_name, camera_details=rpd_file.camera_details ) ), exception=e ) ) logging.error("Failed to move file's associated LOG file %s", rpd_file.download_log_full_name) def check_for_fatal_name_generation_errors(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> bool: """ :return False if either the download subfolder or filename are blank, else returns True """ if not rpd_file.download_subfolder or not rpd_file.download_name: if not rpd_file.download_subfolder and not rpd_file.download_name: area = _("subfolder and filename") elif not rpd_file.download_name: area = _("filename") else: area = _("subfolder") rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed self.problems.append( NoDataToNameProblem( name=rpd_file.name, uri=rpd_file.get_uri(), area=area, file_type=rpd_file.title ) ) return False else: return True def add_unique_identifier(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> bool: """ Adds a unique identifier like _1 to a filename, in ever incrementing values, until a unique filename is generated. :param rpd_file: the file being worked on :return: True if the operation was successful, else returns False """ name = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.download_name) full_name = rpd_file.download_full_file_name while True: self.duplicate_files[full_name] = self.duplicate_files.get(full_name, 0) + 1 identifier = '_%s' % self.duplicate_files[full_name] rpd_file.download_name = '{}{}{}'.format(name[0], identifier, name[1]) rpd_file.download_full_file_name = os.path.join( rpd_file.download_path, rpd_file.download_name) try: if os.path.exists(rpd_file.download_full_file_name): raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "File exists: %s" % rpd_file.download_full_file_name) os.rename(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) self.notify_file_already_exists(rpd_file, identifier) return True except OSError as inst: if inst.errno != errno.EEXIST: self.notify_download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) return False def sync_raw_jpg(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> SyncRawJpegResult: failed = False sequence_to_use = None photo_name, photo_ext = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.name) if not load_metadata(rpd_file, self.exiftool_process, self.problems): failed = True rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed self.check_for_fatal_name_generation_errors(rpd_file) else: date_time = rpd_file.date_time() if not isinstance(date_time, datetime): failed = True rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed self.check_for_fatal_name_generation_errors(rpd_file) else: matching_pair = self.sync_raw_jpeg.matching_pair( name=photo_name, extension=photo_ext, date_time=date_time) # type: SyncRawJpegMatch sequence_to_use = matching_pair.sequence_number if matching_pair.status == SyncRawJpegStatus.error_already_downloaded: # this exact file has already been # downloaded (same extension, same filename, # and roughly the same exif date time info) if self.prefs.conflict_resolution != ConflictResolution.add_identifier: self.problems.append( DuplicateFileWhenSyncingProblem( name=rpd_file.name, uri=rpd_file.get_uri(), file_type = rpd_file.title, ) ) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.download_failed failed = True else: self.sequences.set_matched_sequence_value(matching_pair.sequence_number) if matching_pair.status == SyncRawJpegStatus.error_datetime_mismatch: self.same_name_different_exif(photo_name, rpd_file) return SyncRawJpegResult(sequence_to_use, failed, photo_name, photo_ext) def prepare_rpd_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> None: """ Populate the RPDFile with download values used in subfolder and filename generation """ if rpd_file.file_type == FileType.photo: rpd_file.download_folder = self.prefs.photo_download_folder rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list = self.prefs.photo_subfolder rpd_file.name_pref_list = self.prefs.photo_rename else: rpd_file.download_folder = self.prefs.video_download_folder rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list = self.prefs.video_subfolder rpd_file.name_pref_list = self.prefs.video_rename def process_rename_failure(self, rpd_file: RPDFile) -> None: try: os.remove(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) except OSError: logging.error("Failed to delete temporary file %s", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) def generate_names(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> bool: rpd_file.strip_characters = self.prefs.strip_characters generate_subfolder(rpd_file, self.exiftool_process, self.problems) if rpd_file.download_subfolder: logging.debug("Generated subfolder name %s for file %s", rpd_file.download_subfolder, rpd_file.name) self.sequences.stored_sequence_no = self.prefs.stored_sequence_no rpd_file.sequences = self.sequences # generate the file name generate_name(rpd_file, self.exiftool_process, self.problems) if rpd_file.name_generation_problem: logging.warning("Encountered a problem generating file name for file %s", rpd_file.name) rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.downloaded_with_warning else: logging.debug("Generated file name %s for file %s", rpd_file.download_name, rpd_file.name) else: logging.error("Failed to generate subfolder name for file: %s", rpd_file.name) return self.check_for_fatal_name_generation_errors(rpd_file) def move_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video]) -> bool: """ Having generated the file name and subfolder names, move the file :param rpd_file: photo or video being worked on :return: True if move succeeded, False otherwise """ move_succeeded = False rpd_file.download_path = os.path.join(rpd_file.download_folder, rpd_file.download_subfolder) rpd_file.download_full_file_name = os.path.join(rpd_file.download_path, rpd_file.download_name) rpd_file.download_full_base_name = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.download_full_file_name)[0] if not os.path.isdir(rpd_file.download_path): try: os.makedirs(rpd_file.download_path) except OSError as inst: if inst.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error("Failed to create download subfolder: %s", rpd_file.download_path) logging.error(inst) problem = SubfolderCreationProblem( folder=make_href( name=rpd_file.download_subfolder, uri=get_uri(path=rpd_file.download_path) ), exception=inst ) self.problems.append(problem) # Move temp file to subfolder add_unique_identifier = False try: if os.path.exists(rpd_file.download_full_file_name): raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, "File exists: %s" % rpd_file.download_full_file_name) logging.debug("Renaming %s to %s .....", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) os.rename(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) logging.debug("....successfully renamed file") move_succeeded = True if rpd_file.status != DownloadStatus.downloaded_with_warning: rpd_file.status = DownloadStatus.downloaded except OSError as inst: if inst.errno == errno.EEXIST: add_unique_identifier = self.download_file_exists(rpd_file) else: self.notify_download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) except Exception as inst: # all other errors, including PermissionError self.notify_download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) if add_unique_identifier: self.add_unique_identifier(rpd_file) return move_succeeded def process_file(self, rpd_file: Union[Photo, Video], download_count: int) -> bool: move_succeeded = False self.prepare_rpd_file(rpd_file) synchronize_raw_jpg = (self.prefs.must_synchronize_raw_jpg() and rpd_file.file_type == FileType.photo) if synchronize_raw_jpg: sync_result = self.sync_raw_jpg(rpd_file) if sync_result.failed: return False generation_succeeded = self.generate_names(rpd_file) if generation_succeeded: move_succeeded = self.move_file(rpd_file) logging.debug("Finished processing file: %s", download_count) if move_succeeded: if synchronize_raw_jpg: if sync_result.sequence_to_use is None: sequence = self.sequences.create_matched_sequences() else: sequence = sync_result.sequence_to_use self.sync_raw_jpeg.add_download( name=sync_result.photo_name, extension=sync_result.photo_ext, date_time=rpd_file.date_time(), sequence_number_used=sequence) if not synchronize_raw_jpg or (synchronize_raw_jpg and sync_result.sequence_to_use is None): uses_sequence_session_no = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_session_sequence_no() uses_sequence_letter = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_sequence_letter_value() if uses_sequence_session_no or uses_sequence_letter: self.sequences.increment(uses_sequence_session_no, uses_sequence_letter) if self.prefs.any_pref_uses_stored_sequence_no(): if self.prefs.stored_sequence_no == self.platform_c_maxint: # wrap value if it exceeds the maximum size value that Qt can display # in its spinbox self.prefs.stored_sequence_no = 0 else: self.prefs.stored_sequence_no += 1 self.downloads_today_tracker.increment_downloads_today() if rpd_file.temp_thm_full_name: self.move_thm_file(rpd_file) if rpd_file.temp_audio_full_name: self.move_audio_file(rpd_file) if rpd_file.temp_xmp_full_name: self.move_xmp_file(rpd_file) if rpd_file.temp_log_full_name: self.move_log_file(rpd_file) return move_succeeded def run(self) -> None: """ Generate subfolder and filename, and attempt to move the file from its temporary directory. Move video THM and/or audio file if there is one. If successful, increment sequence values. Report any success or failure. """ i = 0 # Dict of filename keys and int values used to track ints to add as # suffixes to duplicate files self.duplicate_files = {} with stdchannel_redirected(sys.stderr, os.devnull): with exiftool.ExifTool() as self.exiftool_process: while True: if i: logging.debug("Finished %s. Getting next task.", i) # rename file and move to generated subfolder directive, content = self.receiver.recv_multipart() self.check_for_command(directive, content) data = pickle.loads(content) # type: RenameAndMoveFileData if data.message == RenameAndMoveStatus.download_started: # Synchronize QSettings instance in preferences class self.prefs.sync() # Track downloads today, using a class whose purpose is to # take the value in the user prefs, increment, and then # finally used to update the prefs self.downloads_today_tracker = DownloadsTodayTracker( day_start=self.prefs.day_start, downloads_today=self.prefs.downloads_today) self.sequences = gn.Sequences(self.downloads_today_tracker, self.prefs.stored_sequence_no) dl_today = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_or_reset_downloads_today() logging.debug("Completed downloads today: %s", dl_today) self.problems = RenamingProblems() elif data.message == RenameAndMoveStatus.download_completed: if len(self.problems): self.content = pickle.dumps( RenameAndMoveFileResults( problems=self.problems ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() # Ask main application process to update prefs with stored # sequence number and downloads today values. Cannot do it # here because to save QSettings, QApplication should be # used. self.content = pickle.dumps( RenameAndMoveFileResults( stored_sequence_no=self.sequences.stored_sequence_no, downloads_today=self.downloads_today_tracker.downloads_today ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) dl_today = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_or_reset_downloads_today() logging.debug("Downloads today: %s", dl_today) self.send_message_to_sink() else: rpd_file = data.rpd_file download_count = data.download_count if data.download_succeeded: move_succeeded = self.process_file(rpd_file, download_count) if not move_succeeded: self.process_rename_failure(rpd_file) else: # Record file as downloaded in SQLite database self.downloaded.add_downloaded_file(name=rpd_file.name, size=rpd_file.size, modification_time=rpd_file.modification_time, download_full_file_name=rpd_file.download_full_file_name) else: move_succeeded = False rpd_file.metadata = None self.content = pickle.dumps( RenameAndMoveFileResults( move_succeeded=move_succeeded, rpd_file=rpd_file, download_count=download_count ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() i += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': rename = RenameMoveFileWorker() rename.run()