#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2017, Damon Lynch" import sqlite3 import os import datetime from collections import namedtuple from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Any, Sequence import logging from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from raphodo.storage import (get_program_data_directory, get_program_cache_directory) from raphodo.utilities import divide_list_on_length from raphodo.photoattributes import PhotoAttributes from raphodo.constants import FileType, Sort, Show from raphodo.utilities import runs FileDownloaded = namedtuple('FileDownloaded', 'download_name, download_datetime') InCache = namedtuple('InCache', 'md5_name, mdatatime, orientation_unknown, failure') ThumbnailRow = namedtuple('ThumbnailRow', 'uid, scan_id, mtime, marked, file_name, extension, ' 'file_type, downloaded, previously_downloaded, ' 'job_code, proximity_col1, proximity_col2') sqlite3.register_adapter(bool, int) sqlite3.register_converter("BOOLEAN", lambda v: bool(int(v))) sqlite3.register_adapter(FileType, int) sqlite3.register_converter("FILETYPE", lambda v: FileType(int(v))) class ThumbnailRowsSQL: """ In memory database of thumbnail rows displayed in main window. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ """ self.db = ':memory:' self.sort_order_map = {Qt.AscendingOrder: 'ASC', Qt.DescendingOrder: 'DESC'} self.sort_map = {Sort.checked_state: 'marked', Sort.filename: 'file_name', Sort.extension: 'extension', Sort.file_type: 'file_type', Sort.device: 'device_name'} self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) self.conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE devices ( scan_id INTEGER NOT NULL, device_name TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (scan_id) )""") self.conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE files ( uid BLOB PRIMARY KEY, scan_id INTEGER NOT NULL, mtime REAL NOT NULL, marked BOOLEAN NOT NULL, file_name TEXT NOT NULL, extension TEXT NOT NULL, file_type FILETYPE NOT NULL, downloaded BOOLEAN NOT NULL, previously_downloaded BOOLEAN NOT NULL, job_code BOOLEAN NOT NULL, proximity_col1 INTEGER NOT NULL, proximity_col2 INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (scan_id) REFERENCES devices (scan_id) )""") self.conn.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS scand_id_idx ON devices (scan_id)') self.conn.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS marked_idx ON files (marked)') self.conn.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file_type_idx ON files (file_type)') self.conn.execute('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS downloaded_idx ON files (downloaded)') self.conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS previously_downloaded_idx ON files (previously_downloaded)""") self.conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS job_code_idx ON files (job_code)""") self.conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS proximity_col1_idx ON files (proximity_col1)""") self.conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS proximity_col2_idx ON files (proximity_col2)""") self.conn.commit() def add_or_update_device(self, scan_id: int, device_name: str) -> None: query = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO devices (scan_id, device_name) VALUES (?,?)' logging.debug('%s (%s, %s)', query, scan_id, device_name) self.conn.execute(query, (scan_id, device_name)) self.conn.commit() def get_all_devices(self) -> List[int]: query = 'SELECT scan_id FROM devices' rows = self.conn.execute(query).fetchall() return [row[0] for row in rows] def add_thumbnail_rows(self, thumbnail_rows: Sequence[ThumbnailRow]) -> None: """ Add a list of rows to database of thumbnail rows """ logging.debug("Adding %s rows to db", len(thumbnail_rows)) self.conn.executemany(r"""INSERT INTO files (uid, scan_id, mtime, marked, file_name, extension, file_type, downloaded, previously_downloaded, job_code, proximity_col1, proximity_col2) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""", thumbnail_rows) self.conn.commit() def _build_where(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, show: Optional[Show]=None, previously_downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, job_code: Optional[bool]=None, file_type: Optional[FileType]=None, marked: Optional[bool]=None, extensions: Optional[List[str]]=None, proximity_col1: Optional[List[int]]=None, proximity_col2: Optional[List[int]]=None, exclude_scan_ids: Optional[List[int]]=None) -> Tuple[str, Tuple[Any]]: where_clauses = [] where_values = [] if scan_id is not None: where_clauses.append('scan_id=?') where_values.append(scan_id) if marked is not None: where_clauses.append('marked=?') where_values.append(marked) if file_type is not None: where_clauses.append('file_type=?') where_values.append(file_type) if show == Show.new_only: where_clauses.append('previously_downloaded=0') elif previously_downloaded is not None: where_clauses.append('previously_downloaded=?') where_values.append(previously_downloaded) if downloaded is not None: where_clauses.append('downloaded=?') where_values.append(downloaded) if job_code is not None: where_clauses.append('job_code=?') where_values.append(job_code) if extensions is not None: if len(extensions) == 1: where_clauses.append('extension=?') where_values.append(extensions[0]) else: where_clauses.append('extension IN ({})'.format(','.join('?' * len(extensions)))) where_values.extend(extensions) if exclude_scan_ids is not None: if len(exclude_scan_ids) == 1: where_clauses.append(('scan_id!=?')) where_values.append(exclude_scan_ids[0]) else: where_clauses.append('scan_id NOT IN ({})'.format(','.join('?' * len( exclude_scan_ids)))) where_values.extend(exclude_scan_ids) for p, col_name in ((proximity_col1, 'proximity_col1'), (proximity_col2, 'proximity_col2')): if not p: continue if len(p) == 1: where_clauses.append('{}=?'.format(col_name)) where_values.append(p[0]) else: p.sort() or_clauses = [] for first, last in runs(p): if first == last: or_clauses.append('{}=?'.format(col_name)) where_values.append(first) else: or_clauses.append('({} BETWEEN ? AND ?)'.format(col_name, first, last)) where_values.extend((first, last)) where_clauses.append('({})'.format(' OR '.join(or_clauses))) where = ' AND '.join(where_clauses) return (where, where_values) def get_view(self, sort_by: Sort, sort_order: Qt.SortOrder, show: Show, proximity_col1: Optional[List[int]] = None, proximity_col2: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bool]]: where, where_values = self._build_where(show=show, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2) if sort_by == Sort.modification_time: sort = 'ORDER BY mtime {}'.format(self.sort_order_map[sort_order]) else: sort = 'ORDER BY {0} {1}, mtime {1}'.format(self.sort_map[sort_by], self.sort_order_map[sort_order]) query = 'SELECT uid, marked FROM files' if sort_by == Sort.device: query = '{} NATURAL JOIN devices'.format(query) if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) query = '{} {}'.format(query, sort) if where: logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) return self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchall() else: logging.debug('%s', query) return self.conn.execute(query).fetchall() def get_uids(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, show: Optional[Show]=None, previously_downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, job_code: Optional[bool]=None, file_type: Optional[FileType]=None, marked: Optional[bool]=None, proximity_col1: Optional[List[int]]=None, proximity_col2: Optional[List[int]]=None, exclude_scan_ids: Optional[List[int]]=None, return_file_name=False) -> List[bytes]: where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, show=show, previously_downloaded=previously_downloaded, downloaded=downloaded, file_type=file_type, job_code=job_code, marked=marked, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2, exclude_scan_ids=exclude_scan_ids) if return_file_name: query = 'SELECT file_name FROM files' else: query = 'SELECT uid FROM files' if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) if where_values: logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) rows = self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchall() else: logging.debug('%s', query) rows = self.conn.execute(query).fetchall() return [row[0] for row in rows] def get_count(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, show: Optional[Show]=None, previously_downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, downloaded: Optional[bool]=None, job_code: Optional[bool]=None, file_type: Optional[FileType]=None, marked: Optional[bool] = None, proximity_col1: Optional[List[int]]=None, proximity_col2: Optional[List[int]]=None) -> int: where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, show=show, previously_downloaded=previously_downloaded, downloaded=downloaded, job_code=job_code, file_type=file_type, marked=marked, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2) query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files' if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) if where_values: # logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) rows = self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchone() else: # logging.debug('%s', query) rows = self.conn.execute(query).fetchone() return rows[0] def validate_uid(self, uid: bytes) -> None: rows = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE uid=?', (uid, )).fetchall() if not rows: raise KeyError('UID does not exist in database') def set_marked(self, uid: bytes, marked: bool) -> None: query = 'UPDATE files SET marked=? WHERE uid=?' logging.debug('%s (%s, %s)', query, marked, uid) self.conn.execute(query, (marked, uid)) self.conn.commit() def set_all_marked_as_unmarked(self, scan_id: int=None) -> None: if scan_id is None: query = 'UPDATE files SET marked=0 WHERE marked=1' logging.debug(query) self.conn.execute(query) else: query = 'UPDATE files SET marked=0 WHERE marked=1 AND scan_id=?' logging.debug('%s (%s)', query, scan_id) self.conn.execute(query, (scan_id, )) self.conn.commit() def _update_marked(self, uids: List[bytes], marked: bool) -> None: query = 'UPDATE files SET marked=? WHERE uid IN ({})' logging.debug('%s (%s on %s uids)', query, marked, len(uids)) self.conn.execute(query.format(','.join('?' * len(uids))), [marked] + uids) def set_list_marked(self, uids: List[bytes], marked: bool) -> None: if len(uids) == 0: return # Limit to number of parameters: 900 # See https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html if len(uids) > 900: uid_chunks = divide_list_on_length(uids, 900) for chunk in uid_chunks: self._update_marked(chunk, marked) else: self._update_marked(uids, marked) self.conn.commit() def set_downloaded(self, uid: bytes, downloaded: bool) -> None: query = 'UPDATE files SET downloaded=? WHERE uid=?' logging.debug('%s (%s, )', query, downloaded) self.conn.execute(query, (downloaded, uid)) self.conn.commit() def set_job_code_assigned(self, uids: List[bytes], job_code: bool) -> None: if len(uids) == 1: query = 'UPDATE files SET job_code=? WHERE uid=?' # logging.debug('%s (%s, )', query, job_code) self.conn.execute(query, (job_code, uids[0])) else: # Limit to number of parameters: 900 # See https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html if len(uids) > 900: name_chunks = divide_list_on_length(uids, 900) for chunk in name_chunks: self._mass_set_job_code_assigned(chunk, job_code) else: self._mass_set_job_code_assigned(uids, job_code) self.conn.commit() def _mass_set_job_code_assigned(self, uids: List[bytes], job_code: bool) -> None: query = 'UPDATE files SET job_code=? WHERE uid IN ({})' logging.debug('%s (%s files)', query, len(uids)) self.conn.execute(query.format( ','.join('?' * len(uids))), [job_code] + uids) def assign_proximity_groups(self, groups: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, bytes]]) -> None: query = 'UPDATE files SET proximity_col1=?, proximity_col2=? WHERE uid=?' logging.debug('%s (%s operations)', query, len(groups)) self.conn.executemany(query, groups) self.conn.commit() def get_uids_for_device(self, scan_id: int) -> List[int]: query = 'SELECT uid FROM files WHERE scan_id=?' logging.debug('%s (%s, )', query, scan_id) rows = self.conn.execute(query, (scan_id, )).fetchall() return [row[0] for row in rows] def any_files_marked(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> bool: if scan_id is None: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=1 LIMIT 1').fetchone() else: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=1 AND scan_id=? LIMIT 1', (scan_id, )).fetchone() return row is not None def any_files_to_download(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> bool: if scan_id is not None: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE downloaded=0 AND scan_id=? ' 'LIMIT 1', (scan_id,)).fetchone() else: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE downloaded=0 LIMIT 1').fetchone() return row is not None def any_files_download_completed(self) -> bool: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE downloaded=1 LIMIT 1').fetchone() return row is not None def any_files(self, scan_id: Optional[int]=None) -> bool: """ Determine if there are any files associated with this scan_id, of if no scan_id is specified, any file at all :param scan_id: optional device to check :return: True if found, else False """ if scan_id is not None: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE scan_id=? LIMIT 1', (scan_id,)).fetchone() else: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files LIMIT 1').fetchone() return row is not None def any_files_with_extensions(self, scan_id: int, extensions: List[str]) -> bool: where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, extensions=extensions) query = 'SELECT uid FROM files' if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) if where_values: logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) row = self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchone() else: logging.debug('%s', query) row = self.conn.execute(query).fetchone() return row is not None def any_files_of_type(self, scan_id: int, file_type: FileType) -> bool: where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, file_type=file_type) query = 'SELECT uid FROM files' if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) if where_values: logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) row = self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchone() else: logging.debug('%s', query) row = self.conn.execute(query).fetchone() return row is not None def get_single_file_of_type(self, file_type: FileType, downloaded: Optional[bool] = None, scan_id: Optional[int]=None, exclude_scan_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> Optional[bytes]: where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=downloaded, file_type=file_type, exclude_scan_ids=exclude_scan_ids) query = 'SELECT uid FROM files' if where: query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) if where_values: logging.debug('%s %s', query, where_values) row = self.conn.execute(query, tuple(where_values)).fetchone() else: logging.debug('%s', query) row = self.conn.execute(query).fetchone() if row is None: return None return row[0] def any_marked_file_no_job_code(self) -> bool: row = self.conn.execute('SELECT uid FROM files WHERE marked=1 AND job_code=0 ' 'LIMIT 1').fetchone() return row is not None def _delete_uids(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None: query = 'DELETE FROM files WHERE uid IN ({})' logging.debug('%s (%s files)', query, len(uids)) self.conn.execute(query.format( ','.join('?' * len(uids))), uids) def delete_uids(self, uids: List[bytes]) -> None: """ Deletes thumbnails from SQL cache :param uids: list of uids to delete """ if len(uids) == 0: return # Limit to number of parameters: 900 # See https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html if len(uids) > 900: name_chunks = divide_list_on_length(uids, 900) for chunk in name_chunks: self._delete_uids(chunk) else: self._delete_uids(uids) self.conn.commit() def delete_files_by_scan_id(self, scan_id: int, downloaded: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: query = 'DELETE FROM files' where, where_values = self._build_where(scan_id=scan_id, downloaded=downloaded) query = '{} WHERE {}'.format(query, where) logging.debug('%s (%s)', query, where_values) self.conn.execute(query, where_values) self.conn.commit() def delete_device(self, scan_id: int) -> None: query = 'DELETE FROM devices WHERE scan_id=?' logging.debug('%s (%s, )', query, scan_id) self.conn.execute(query, (scan_id, )) self.conn.commit() class DownloadedSQL: """ Previous file download detection. Used to detect if a file has been downloaded before. A file is the same if the file name (excluding path), size and modification time are the same. For performance reasons, Exif information is never checked. """ def __init__(self, data_dir: str = None) -> None: """ :param data_dir: where the database is saved. If None, use default """ if data_dir is None: data_dir = get_program_data_directory(create_if_not_exist=True) self.db = os.path.join(data_dir, 'downloaded_files.sqlite') self.table_name = 'downloaded' self.update_table() def update_table(self, reset: bool = False) -> None: """ Create or update the database table :param reset: if True, delete the contents of the table and build it """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) if reset: conn.execute(r"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tn}""".format( tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tn} ( file_name TEXT NOT NULL, mtime REAL NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, download_name TEXT NOT NULL, download_datetime timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (file_name, mtime, size) )""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS download_datetime_idx ON {tn} (download_name)""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.commit() conn.close() def add_downloaded_file(self, name: str, size: int, modification_time: float, download_full_file_name: str) -> None: """ Add file to database of downloaded files :param name: original filename of photo / video, without path :param size: file size :param modification_time: file modification time :param download_full_file_name: renamed file including path """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) logging.debug('Adding %s to downloaded files', name) conn.execute(r"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {tn} (file_name, size, mtime, download_name, download_datetime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)""".format( tn=self.table_name), (name, size, modification_time, download_full_file_name, datetime.datetime.now())) conn.commit() conn.close() def file_downloaded(self, name: str, size: int, modification_time: float) -> FileDownloaded: """ Returns download path and filename if a file with matching name, modification time and size has previously been downloaded :param name: file name, not including path :param size: file size in bytes :param modification_time: file modification time :return: download name (including path) and when it was downloaded, else None if never downloaded """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT download_name, download_datetime as [timestamp] FROM {tn} WHERE file_name=? AND size=? AND mtime=?""".format( tn=self.table_name), (name, size, modification_time)) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: return FileDownloaded._make(row) else: return None class CacheSQL: def __init__(self, location: str=None, create_table_if_not_exists: bool=True) -> None: """ :param location: path on the file system where the Table exists :param create_table_if_not_exists: """ if location is None: location = get_program_cache_directory(create_if_not_exist=True) self.db = os.path.join(location, self.db_fs_name()) self.table_name = 'cache' if create_table_if_not_exists: self.update_table() def db_fs_name(self) -> str: return 'thumbnail_cache.sqlite' def update_table(self, reset: bool=False) -> None: """ Create or update the database table :param reset: if True, delete the contents of the table and build it """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) if reset: conn.execute(r"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tn}""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tn} ( uri TEXT NOT NULL, mtime REAL NOT NULL, mdatatime REAL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, md5_name TEXT NOT NULL, orientation_unknown BOOLEAN NOT NULL, failure BOOLEAN NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (uri, mtime, size) )""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS md5_name_idx ON {tn} (md5_name)""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.commit() conn.close() def add_thumbnail(self, uri: str, size: int, mtime: float, mdatatime: float, md5_name: str, orientation_unknown: bool, failure: bool) -> None: """ Add file to database of downloaded files :param uri: original filename of photo / video with path :param size: file size :param mtime: file modification time :param mdatatime: file time recorded in metadata :param md5_name: full file name converted to md5 :param orientation_unknown: if True, the orientation of the file could not be determined, else False :param failure: if True, indicates the thumbnail could not be generated, otherwise False """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) conn.execute( r"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {tn} (uri, size, mtime, mdatatime, md5_name, orientation_unknown, failure) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""".format( tn=self.table_name ), (uri, size, mtime, mdatatime, md5_name, orientation_unknown, failure) ) conn.commit() conn.close() def have_thumbnail(self, uri: str, size: int, mtime: float) -> Optional[InCache]: """ Returns download path and filename if a file with matching name, modification time and size has previously been downloaded :param uri: file name, including path :param size: file size in bytes :param mtime: file modification time :return: md5 name (excluding path) and if the value indicates a thumbnail generation failure, else None if thumbnail not present """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT md5_name, mdatatime, orientation_unknown, failure FROM {tn} WHERE uri=? AND size=? AND mtime=?""".format(tn=self.table_name), (uri, size, mtime)) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: return InCache._make(row) else: return None def _delete(self, names: List[str], conn): conn.execute("""DELETE FROM {tn} WHERE md5_name IN ({values})""".format( tn=self.table_name, values=','.join('?' * len(names))), names) def delete_thumbnails(self, md5_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Deletes thumbnails from SQL cache :param md5_names: list of names, without path """ if len(md5_names) == 0: return conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) # Limit to number of parameters: 900 # See https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html if len(md5_names) > 900: name_chunks = divide_list_on_length(md5_names, 900) for chunk in name_chunks: self._delete(chunk, conn) else: self._delete(md5_names, conn) conn.commit() conn.close() def no_thumbnails(self) -> int: """ :return: how many thumbnails are in the db """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tn}'.format(tn=self.table_name)) count = c.fetchall() return count[0][0] def md5_names(self) -> List[Tuple[str]]: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('SELECT md5_name FROM {tn}'.format(tn=self.table_name)) rows = c.fetchall() return rows def vacuum(self) -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.close() class FileFormatSQL: def __init__(self, data_dir: str=None) -> None: """ :param data_dir: where the database is saved. If None, use default """ if data_dir is None: data_dir = get_program_data_directory(create_if_not_exist=True) self.db = os.path.join(data_dir, 'file_formats.sqlite') self.table_name = 'formats' self.update_table() def update_table(self, reset: bool=False) -> None: """ Create or update the database table :param reset: if True, delete the contents of the table and build it """ conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) if reset: conn.execute(r"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tn}""".format( tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("VACUUM") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tn} ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, extension TEXT NOT NULL, camera TEXT NOT NULL, size INTEGER NOT NULL, orientation_offset INTEGER, datetime_offset INTEGER, cache INTEGER NOT NULL, app0 INTEGER, orientation TEXT, exif_thumbnail TEXT, thumbnail_preview_same INTEGER, preview_source TEXT, previews TEXT )""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS extension_idx ON {tn} (extension)""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS camera_idx ON {tn} (camera)""".format(tn=self.table_name)) conn.commit() conn.close() def add_format(self, pa: PhotoAttributes) -> None: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {tn} (extension, camera, size, orientation_offset, datetime_offset, cache, app0, orientation, exif_thumbnail, thumbnail_preview_same, preview_source, previews) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""".format(tn=self.table_name), (pa.ext, pa.model, pa.total, pa.minimum_exif_read_size_in_bytes_orientation, pa.minimum_exif_read_size_in_bytes_datetime, pa.bytes_cached_post_thumb, pa.has_app0, pa.orientation, pa.exif_thumbnail_details, pa.exif_thumbnail_and_preview_identical, pa.preview_source, pa.preview_size_and_types)) conn.commit() conn.close() def get_orientation_bytes(self, extension: str) -> Optional[int]: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT max(orientation_offset) FROM {tn} WHERE extension=(?)""".format( tn=self.table_name), (extension,)) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: return row[0] return None def get_datetime_bytes(self, extension: str) -> Optional[int]: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""SELECT max(datetime_offset) FROM {tn} WHERE extension=(?)""".format( tn=self.table_name), (extension,)) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: return row[0] return None if __name__ == '__main__': import uuid d = ThumbnailRowsSQL() uid = uuid.uuid4().bytes scan_id = 0 device_name = '1D X' mtime = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() marked = True file_name = 'image.cr2' extension= 'cr2' file_type = FileType.photo downloaded = False previously_downloaded = True proximity_col1 = -1 proximity_col2 = -1 d.add_or_update_device(scan_id=scan_id, device_name=device_name) tr = ThumbnailRow(uid=uid, scan_id=scan_id, marked=marked, mtime=mtime, file_name=file_name, file_type=file_type, extension=extension, downloaded=downloaded, previously_downloaded=previously_downloaded, job_code=False, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2 ) uid = uuid.uuid4().bytes scan_id = 1 device_name = 'NEXUS 5X' mtime = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() marked = True file_name = 'image.dng' extension= 'dng' file_type = FileType.photo downloaded = False previously_downloaded = False d.add_or_update_device(scan_id=scan_id, device_name=device_name) tr2 = ThumbnailRow(uid=uid, scan_id=scan_id, marked=marked, mtime=mtime, file_name=file_name, file_type=file_type, extension=extension, downloaded=downloaded, previously_downloaded=previously_downloaded, job_code=False, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2 ) uid = uuid.uuid4().bytes mtime = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() marked = False file_name = 'image.mp4' extension= 'mp4' file_type = FileType.video downloaded = False previously_downloaded = True tr3 = ThumbnailRow(uid=uid, scan_id=scan_id, marked=marked, mtime=mtime, file_name=file_name, file_type=file_type, extension=extension, downloaded=downloaded, previously_downloaded=previously_downloaded, job_code=False, proximity_col1=proximity_col1, proximity_col2=proximity_col2 ) d.add_thumbnail_rows([tr, tr2, tr3]) cursor = d.conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM files') for row in map(ThumbnailRow._make, cursor.fetchall()): print(row) d.set_marked(uid, False) d.set_downloaded(uid, True) print(d.get_view(sort_by=Sort.device, sort_order=Qt.DescendingOrder, show=Show.all)) print(d.get_uids_for_device(0)) print(d.get_uids_for_device(1)) print(d.any_files_marked()) print(d.get_uids(marked=True, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(marked=False, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(downloaded=False, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(downloaded=True, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(file_type=FileType.video, return_file_name=True)) print("next two lines should be identical") print(d.get_uids(scan_id=0, file_type=FileType.photo, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(exclude_scan_ids=[1,], file_type=FileType.photo, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_uids(previously_downloaded=False, return_file_name=True)) print(d.get_count(scan_id=0)) print(d.get_count(previously_downloaded=True)) print(d.get_count(show=Show.new_only)) print(d.get_count(marked=True)) uids = d.get_uids(downloaded=False) print("UIDs", len(uids), "; available to download?", d.any_files_to_download()) d.set_list_marked(uids, marked=False) print(d.get_count(marked=True)) d.set_list_marked(uids, marked=True) print(d.get_count(marked=True)) print(d.any_files_with_extensions(scan_id=0, extensions=['cr2', 'dng'])) print(d.any_files_with_extensions(scan_id=0, extensions=['nef', 'dng'])) print(d.any_files_with_extensions(scan_id=0, extensions=['nef'])) print(d.any_files_with_extensions(scan_id=0, extensions=['cr2']))