#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . """ Scans directory looking for photos and videos, and any associated files external to the actual photo/video including thumbnail files, XMP files, and audio files that are linked to a photo. Returns results using the 0mq pipeline pattern. Photo and movie metadata is (for the most part) not read during this scan process, because doing so is too slow. However, as part of scanning a device, there are two aspects to metadata that are in fact needed: 1. A sample of photo and video metadata, that is used to demonstrate file renaming. That is one sample photo, and one sample video. 2. The device's time zone must be determined, as camera handle their time zone setting differently from phones, and results can be unpredictable. Therefore need to analyze the created date time metadata of a file the device and compare it against the file modification time on the file system or more importantly, gphoto2. It's not an exact science and there are problems, but doing this is better than not doing it at all. """ __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011-2017, Damon Lynch" import os import sys import pickle import logging from collections import (namedtuple, defaultdict, deque) from datetime import datetime import tempfile import operator if sys.version_info < (3,5): import scandir walk = scandir.walk else: walk = os.walk from typing import List, Dict, Union, Optional, Iterator, Tuple, DefaultDict import gphoto2 as gp # Instances of classes ScanArguments and ScanPreferences are passed via pickle # Thus do not remove these two imports from raphodo.interprocess import ScanArguments from raphodo.preferences import ScanPreferences, Preferences from raphodo.interprocess import (WorkerInPublishPullPipeline, ScanResults, ScanArguments) from raphodo.camera import Camera, CameraError, CameraProblemEx import raphodo.rpdfile as rpdfile from raphodo.constants import (DeviceType, FileType, DeviceTimestampTZ, CameraErrorCode, FileExtension, ThumbnailCacheDiskStatus, all_tags_offset, ExifSource) from raphodo.rpdsql import DownloadedSQL, FileDownloaded from raphodo.cache import ThumbnailCacheSql from raphodo.utilities import (stdchannel_redirected, datetime_roughly_equal, GenerateRandomFileName, format_size_for_user) from raphodo.exiftool import ExifTool import raphodo.metadatavideo as metadatavideo import raphodo.metadataphoto as metadataphoto from raphodo.problemnotification import ( ScanProblems, UnhandledFileProblem, CameraDirectoryReadProblem, CameraFileInfoProblem, CameraFileReadProblem, FileMetadataLoadProblem, FileWriteProblem, FsMetadataReadProblem, FileZeroLengthProblem ) from raphodo.storage import get_uri, CameraDetails FileInfo = namedtuple('FileInfo', 'path modification_time size ext_lower base_name file_type') CameraFile = namedtuple('CameraFile', 'name size') CameraMetadataDetails = namedtuple('CameraMetadataDetails', 'path name size extension mtime file_type') SampleMetadata = namedtuple('SampleMetadata', 'datetime determined_by') class ScanWorker(WorkerInPublishPullPipeline): def __init__(self): self.downloaded = DownloadedSQL() self.thumbnail_cache = ThumbnailCacheSql() self.no_previously_downloaded = 0 self.file_batch = [] self.batch_size = 50 self.file_type_counter = rpdfile.FileTypeCounter() self.file_size_sum = rpdfile.FileSizeSum() self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.undetermined # full_file_name (path+name):timestamp self.file_mdatatime = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self.sample_exif_bytes = None # type: bytes self.sample_exif_source = None # type: ExifSource self.sample_photo = None # type: rpdfile.Photo self.sample_video = None # type: rpdfile.Video self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name = None # type: Optional[str] self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name = None # type: Optional[str] self.sample_video_file_full_file_name = None # type: Optional[str] self.sample_video_full_file_downloaded = None # type: Optional[bool] self.found_sample_photo = False self.found_sample_video = False self.prefs = Preferences() self.scan_preferences = ScanPreferences(self.prefs.ignored_paths) self.problems = ScanProblems() self._camera_details = None # type: Optional[CameraDetails] super().__init__('Scan') def do_work(self) -> None: try: self.do_scan() except Exception as e: try: device = self.display_name except AttributeError: device = '' logging.exception("Unexpected exception while scanning %s", device) self.content = pickle.dumps( ScanResults(scan_id=int(self.worker_id), fatal_error=True), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() self.disconnect_logging() self.send_finished_command() def do_scan(self) -> None: logging.debug("Scan {} worker started".format(self.worker_id.decode())) scan_arguments = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: ScanArguments if scan_arguments.log_gphoto2: gp.use_python_logging() if scan_arguments.ignore_other_types: rpdfile.PHOTO_EXTENSIONS_SCAN = rpdfile.PHOTO_EXTENSIONS_WITHOUT_OTHER self.device = scan_arguments.device self.download_from_camera = scan_arguments.device.device_type == DeviceType.camera self.camera_storage_descriptions = [] if self.download_from_camera: self.camera_model = scan_arguments.device.camera_model self.camera_port = scan_arguments.device.camera_port self.is_mtp_device = scan_arguments.device.is_mtp_device self.camera_display_name = scan_arguments.device.display_name self.display_name = self.camera_display_name self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng = self.is_mtp_device and \ self.prefs.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng else: self.camera_port = self.camera_model = self.is_mtp_device = None self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng = False self.camera_display_name = None self.files_scanned = 0 self.camera = None if not self.download_from_camera: # Download from file system path = os.path.abspath(scan_arguments.device.path) if not self.prefs.device_without_dcim_autodetection and \ scan_arguments.device.device_type == DeviceType.volume: path = os.path.join(path, "DCIM") self.display_name = scan_arguments.device.display_name # Scan the files using lightweight high-performance scandir logging.info("Scanning {}".format(self.display_name)) self.problems.uri = get_uri(path=path) self.problems.name = self.display_name # Before doing anything else, determine time zone approach # Need two different walks because first folder of files # might be videos, then the 2nd folder photos, etc. self.distinguish_non_camera_device_timestamp(path) if self.scan_preferences.scan_this_path(path): for dir_name, name in self.walk_file_system(path): self.dir_name = dir_name self.file_name = name self.process_file() else: # scanning directly from camera have_optimal_display_name = scan_arguments.device.have_optimal_display_name while True: try: self.camera = Camera(model=scan_arguments.device.camera_model, port=scan_arguments.device.camera_port, raise_errors=True) if not have_optimal_display_name: # Update the GUI with the real name of the camera # and its storage information have_optimal_display_name = True self.camera_display_name = self.camera.display_name self.display_name = self.camera_display_name storage_space = self.camera.get_storage_media_capacity(refresh=True) storage_descriptions = self.camera.get_storage_descriptions() self.content = pickle.dumps( ScanResults( optimal_display_name=self.camera_display_name, storage_space=storage_space, storage_descriptions=storage_descriptions, scan_id=int(self.worker_id), ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() break except CameraProblemEx as e: self.content = pickle.dumps(ScanResults( error_code=e.code, scan_id=int(self.worker_id)), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) self.send_message_to_sink() # Wait for command to resume or halt processing self.resume_work() if self.download_from_camera: self.camera_details = 0 self.problems.uri = get_uri(camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.name = self.display_name if self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng: logging.info("For any DNG files on the %s, when determining the creation date/" "time, the metadata date/time will be ignored, and the file " "modification date/time used instead", self.display_name) # Download only from the DCIM folder(s) in the camera. # Phones especially have many directories with images, which we # must ignore if self.camera.camera_has_dcim(): logging.info("Scanning {}".format(self.display_name)) self._camera_folders_and_files = [] self._camera_file_names = defaultdict(list) self._camera_audio_files = defaultdict(list) self._camera_video_thumbnails = defaultdict(list) self._camera_xmp_files = defaultdict(list) self._folder_identifiers = {} self._folder_identifers_for_file = \ defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, List[int]] self._camera_directories_for_file = defaultdict(list) self._camera_photos_videos_by_type = \ defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[FileExtension, List[CameraMetadataDetails]] dcim_folders = self.camera.dcim_folders if len(dcim_folders) > 1: # This camera has dual memory cards. # Give each folder an numeric identifier that will be # used to identify which card a given file comes from dcim_folders.sort() for idx, folder in enumerate(dcim_folders): self._folder_identifiers[folder] = idx + 1 # locate photos and videos, identifying duplicate files # identify candidates for extracting metadata for idx, dcim_folder in enumerate(dcim_folders): # Setup camera details for each storage space in the camera self.camera_details = idx # Now initialize the problems container, if not already done so if idx: self.problems.name = self.camera_display_name self.problems.uri = get_uri(camera_details=self.camera_details) logging.debug("Scanning %s on %s", dcim_folder, self.camera.display_name) folder_identifier = self._folder_identifiers.get(dcim_folder) basedir = dcim_folder[:-len('/DCIM')] self.locate_files_on_camera(dcim_folder, folder_identifier, basedir) # extract non camera metadata if self._camera_photos_videos_by_type: self.identify_camera_tz_and_sample_files() # now, process each file for self.dir_name, self.file_name in self._camera_folders_and_files: self.process_file() else: logging.warning("Unable to detect any DCIM folders on %s", self.display_name) self.camera.free_camera() if self.file_batch: # Send any remaining files, including the sample photo or video self.content = pickle.dumps( ScanResults( self.file_batch, self.file_type_counter, self.file_size_sum, sample_photo=self.sample_photo, sample_video=self.sample_video ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() self.send_problems() if self.files_scanned > 0 and not (self.files_scanned == 0 and self.download_from_camera): logging.info("{} total files scanned on {}".format(self.files_scanned, self.display_name)) self.disconnect_logging() self.send_finished_command() def send_problems(self) -> None: if self.problems: self.content = pickle.dumps( ScanResults( scan_id=int(self.worker_id), problems=self.problems ), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) self.send_message_to_sink() def walk_file_system(self, path_to_walk: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Return files on local file system, ignoring those in directories the user doesn't want scanned :param path_to_walk: the path to scan """ for dir_name, dir_list, file_list in walk(path_to_walk): if len(dir_list) > 0: if self.scan_preferences.ignored_paths: # Don't inspect paths the user wants ignored # Altering subdirs in place controls the looping # [:] ensures the list is altered in place # (mutating slice method) dir_list[:] = filter(self.scan_preferences.scan_this_path, dir_list) for name in file_list: yield dir_name, name def locate_files_on_camera(self, path: str, folder_identifier: int, basedir: str) -> None: """ Scans the memory card(s) on the camera for photos, videos, audio files, and video thumbnail (THM) files. Looks only in the camera's DCIM folders, which are assumed to have already been located. We cannot assume file names are unique on any one memory card, as although it's unlikely, it's possible that a file with the same name might be in different subfolders. For cameras with two memory cards, there are two broad possibilities: (!) the cards' contents mirror each other, because the camera writes the same files to both cards simultaneously (2) each card has a different set of files, e.g. because a different file type is written to each card, or the 2nd card is used only when the first is full In practice, we have to assume that if there are two memory cards, some files will be identical, and others different. Thus we have to scan the contents of both cards, analyzing file names, file modification times and file sizes. If a camera has more than one memory card, we store which card the file came from using a simple numeric identifier i.e. 1 or 2. For duplicate files, we record both directories the file is stored on. :param path: the path on the camera to analyze for files and folders :param folder_identifier: if not None, then indicates (1) the camera being scanned has more than one memory card, and (2) the simple numeric identifier of the memory card being scanned right now :param basedir: the base directory of the path, as reported by libgphoto2 """ files_in_folder = [] names = [] try: files_in_folder = self.camera.camera.folder_list_files(path, self.camera.context) except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error("Unable to scan files on camera: error %s", e.code) uri = get_uri(path=path, camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(CameraDirectoryReadProblem(uri=uri, name=path, gp_code=e.code)) if files_in_folder: # Distinguish the file type for every file in the folder names = [name for name, value in files_in_folder] split_names = [os.path.splitext(name) for name in names] # Remove the period from the extension exts = [ext[1:] for name, ext in split_names] exts_lower = [ext.lower() for ext in exts] ext_types = [rpdfile.extension_type(ext) for ext in exts_lower] for idx, name in enumerate(names): # Check to see if the process has received a command to terminate # or pause self.check_for_controller_directive() # Get the information we extracted above base_name = split_names[idx][0] ext = exts[idx] ext_lower = exts_lower[idx] ext_type = ext_types[idx] file_type = rpdfile.file_type(ext_lower) if file_type is not None: # file is a photo or video file_is_unique = True try: modification_time, size = self.camera.get_file_info(path, name) except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error( "Unable to access modification_time or size from %s on %s. Error code: %s", os.path.join(path, name), self.display_name, e.code ) modification_time, size = 0, 0 uri = get_uri( full_file_name=os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details ) self.problems.append(CameraFileInfoProblem(uri=uri, gp_code=e.code)) else: if size <= 0: full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) logging.error( "Zero length file %s will not be downloaded from %s", full_file_name, self.display_name ) uri = get_uri( full_file_name=full_file_name, camera_details=self.camera_details ) self.problems.append(FileZeroLengthProblem(name=name, uri=uri)) if size > 0: key = rpdfile.make_key(file_type, basedir) self.file_type_counter[key] += 1 self.file_size_sum[key] += size # Store the directory this file is stored in, used when # determining if associate files are part of the download cf = CameraFile(name=name, size=size) self._camera_directories_for_file[cf].append(path) if folder_identifier is not None: # Store which which card the file came from using a # simple numeric identifier i.e. 1 or 2. self._folder_identifers_for_file[cf].append(folder_identifier) if name in self._camera_file_names: for existing_file_info in self._camera_file_names[name]: # Don't compare file modification time in this # comparison, because files can be written to # different cards several seconds apart when # the write speeds of the cards differ if existing_file_info.size == size: file_is_unique = False break if file_is_unique: file_info = FileInfo( path=path, modification_time=modification_time, size=size, file_type=file_type, base_name=base_name, ext_lower=ext_lower ) metadata_details = CameraMetadataDetails( path=path, name=name, size=size, extension=ext_lower, mtime=modification_time, file_type=file_type ) self._camera_file_names[name].append(file_info) self._camera_folders_and_files.append([path, name]) self._camera_photos_videos_by_type[ext_type].append(metadata_details) else: # this file on the camera is not a photo or video if ext_lower in rpdfile.AUDIO_EXTENSIONS: self._camera_audio_files[base_name].append((path, ext)) elif ext_lower in rpdfile.VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSIONS: self._camera_video_thumbnails[base_name].append((path, ext)) elif ext_lower == 'xmp': self._camera_xmp_files[base_name].append((path, ext)) else: logging.info("Ignoring unknown file %s on %s", os.path.join(path, name), self.display_name) if self.prefs.warn_about_unknown_file(ext=ext): uri = get_uri( full_file_name=os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details ) self.problems.append(UnhandledFileProblem(name=name, uri=uri)) folders = [] try: for name, value in self.camera.camera.folder_list_folders(path, self.camera.context): if self.scan_preferences.scan_this_path(os.path.join(path, name)): folders.append(name) except gp.GPhoto2Error as e: logging.error("Unable to scan files on %s. Error code: %s", self.display_name, e.code) uri = get_uri(path=path, camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(CameraDirectoryReadProblem(uri=uri, name=path, gp_code=e.code)) # recurse over subfolders for name in folders: self.locate_files_on_camera(os.path.join(path, name), folder_identifier, basedir) def identify_camera_tz_and_sample_files(self) -> None: """ Get sample metadata for photos and videos, and determine device timezone setting. """ # do in place sort of jpegs, RAWs and videos by file size for files in self._camera_photos_videos_by_type.values(): files.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('size')) # When determining how a camera reports modification time, extraction order # of preference is (1) jpeg, (2) RAW, and finally least preferred is (3) video # However, if ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng is set, ignore the RAW files if not self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng: order = (FileExtension.jpeg, FileExtension.raw, FileExtension.video) else: order = (FileExtension.jpeg, FileExtension.video, FileExtension.raw) have_photos = len(self._camera_photos_videos_by_type[FileExtension.raw]) > 0 or \ len(self._camera_photos_videos_by_type[FileExtension.jpeg]) > 0 have_videos = len(self._camera_photos_videos_by_type[FileExtension.video]) > 0 max_attempts = 5 for ext_type in order: for file in self._camera_photos_videos_by_type[ext_type][:max_attempts]: \ # type: CameraMetadataDetails get_tz = self.device_timestamp_type == DeviceTimestampTZ.undetermined and not ( self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng and ext_type == FileExtension.raw) get_sample_metadata = ( file.file_type == FileType.photo and self.sample_exif_source is None) or ( file.file_type == FileType.video and self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name is None) if get_tz or get_sample_metadata: logging.info("Extracting sample %s metadata for %s", file.file_type.name, self.camera_display_name) sample = self.sample_camera_metadata( path=file.path, name=file.name, ext_type=ext_type, extension=file.extension, modification_time=file.mtime, size=file.size) if get_tz: self.determine_device_timestamp_tz(sample.datetime, file.mtime, sample.determined_by) need_sample_photo = self.sample_exif_source is None and have_photos need_sample_video = self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name is None and \ have_videos if not (need_sample_photo or need_sample_video): break def process_file(self) -> None: # Check to see if the process has received a command to terminate or # pause self.check_for_controller_directive() file = os.path.join(self.dir_name, self.file_name) # do we have permission to read the file? if self.download_from_camera or os.access(file, os.R_OK): # count how many files of each type are included # i.e. how many photos and videos self.files_scanned += 1 if not self.files_scanned % 10000: logging.info("Scanned {} files".format( self.files_scanned)) if not self.download_from_camera: base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.file_name) ext = ext.lower()[1:] file_type = rpdfile.file_type(ext) # For next code block, see comment in # self.distinguish_non_camera_device_timestamp() # This only applies to files being scanned on the file system, not # cameras / phones. if file_type == FileType.photo and self.sample_exif_source is None: # this should never happen due to photos being prioritized over videos # with respect to time zone determination logging.error("Sample metadata not extracted from photo %s although it should " "have been used to determine the device timezone", self.file_name) elif file_type == FileType.video and self.sample_video_file_full_file_name is None: self.sample_non_camera_metadata(self.dir_name, self.file_name, file, FileExtension.video) else: base_name = None for file_info in self._camera_file_names[self.file_name]: if file_info.path == self.dir_name: base_name = file_info.base_name ext = file_info.ext_lower file_type = file_info.file_type break assert base_name is not None if file_type is not None: self.file_type_counter[file_type] += 1 if self.download_from_camera: modification_time = file_info.modification_time # zero length files have already been filtered out size = file_info.size camera_file = CameraFile(name=self.file_name, size=size) else: stat = os.stat(file) size = stat.st_size if size <= 0: logging.error( "Zero length file %s will not be downloaded from %s", file, self.display_name ) uri = get_uri(full_file_name=file) self.problems.append(FileZeroLengthProblem(name=self.file_name, uri=uri)) return modification_time = stat.st_mtime camera_file = None self.file_size_sum[file_type] += size # look for thumbnail file (extension THM) for videos if file_type == FileType.video: thm_full_name = self.get_video_THM_file(base_name, camera_file) else: thm_full_name = None # check if an XMP file is associated with the photo or video xmp_file_full_name = self.get_xmp_file(base_name, camera_file) # check if an audio file is associated with the photo or video audio_file_full_name = self.get_audio_file(base_name, camera_file) # has the file been downloaded previously? # note: we should use the adjusted mtime, not the raw one adjusted_mtime = self.adjusted_mtime(modification_time) downloaded = self.downloaded.file_downloaded( name=self.file_name, size=size, modification_time=adjusted_mtime) thumbnail_cache_status = ThumbnailCacheDiskStatus.unknown # Assign metadata time, if we have it # If we don't, it will be extracted when thumbnails are generated mdatatime = self.file_mdatatime.get(file, 0.0) ignore_mdatatime = self.ignore_mdatatime(ext=ext) if not mdatatime and self.prefs.use_thumbnail_cache and not ignore_mdatatime: # Was there a thumbnail generated for the file? # If so, get the metadata date time from that get_thumbnail = self.thumbnail_cache.get_thumbnail_path( full_file_name=file, mtime=adjusted_mtime, size=size, camera_model=self.camera_model ) thumbnail_cache_status = get_thumbnail.disk_status if thumbnail_cache_status in ( ThumbnailCacheDiskStatus.found, ThumbnailCacheDiskStatus.failure): mdatatime = get_thumbnail.mdatatime if downloaded is not None: self.no_previously_downloaded += 1 prev_full_name = downloaded.download_name prev_datetime = downloaded.download_datetime else: prev_full_name = prev_datetime = None if self.download_from_camera: camera_memory_card_identifiers = self._folder_identifers_for_file[camera_file] if not camera_memory_card_identifiers: camera_memory_card_identifiers = None else: camera_memory_card_identifiers = None problem=None rpd_file = rpdfile.get_rpdfile( name=self.file_name, path=self.dir_name, size=size, prev_full_name=prev_full_name, prev_datetime=prev_datetime, device_timestamp_type=self.device_timestamp_type, mtime=modification_time, mdatatime=mdatatime, thumbnail_cache_status=thumbnail_cache_status, thm_full_name=thm_full_name, audio_file_full_name=audio_file_full_name, xmp_file_full_name=xmp_file_full_name, scan_id=self.worker_id, file_type=file_type, from_camera=self.download_from_camera, camera_details=self.camera_details, camera_memory_card_identifiers=camera_memory_card_identifiers, never_read_mdatatime=ignore_mdatatime, device_display_name=self.display_name, device_uri=self.device.uri, raw_exif_bytes=None, exif_source=None, problem=problem ) self.file_batch.append(rpd_file) if not self.found_sample_photo and file == self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name: self.sample_photo = self.create_sample_rpdfile(name=self.file_name, path=self.dir_name, size=size, mdatatime=mdatatime, file_type=FileType.photo, mtime=modification_time, ignore_mdatatime=ignore_mdatatime) self.sample_exif_bytes = None self.found_sample_photo = True if not self.found_sample_video and file == self.sample_video_file_full_file_name: self.sample_video = self.create_sample_rpdfile(name=self.file_name, path=self.dir_name, size=size, mdatatime=mdatatime, file_type=FileType.video, mtime=modification_time, ignore_mdatatime=ignore_mdatatime) if self.sample_video_full_file_downloaded: rpd_file.cache_full_file_name = self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name = None self.found_sample_video = True if len(self.file_batch) == self.batch_size: self.content = pickle.dumps(ScanResults( rpd_files=self.file_batch, file_type_counter=self.file_type_counter, file_size_sum=self.file_size_sum, sample_photo=self.sample_photo, sample_video=self.sample_video), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) self.send_message_to_sink() self.file_batch = [] self.sample_photo = None self.sample_video = None def send_message_to_sink(self) -> None: try: logging.debug( "Sending %s scanned files from %s to sink", len(self.file_batch), self.display_name ) except AttributeError: pass super().send_message_to_sink() def ignore_mdatatime(self, ext: str) -> bool: return self.ignore_mdatatime_for_mtp_dng and ext == 'dng' def create_sample_rpdfile(self, path: str, name: str, size: int, mdatatime: float, file_type: FileType, mtime: float, ignore_mdatatime: bool) -> Union[rpdfile.Photo, rpdfile.Video]: assert (self.sample_exif_source is not None and self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name or self.sample_video_file_full_file_name is not None) logging.info("Successfully extracted sample %s metadata from %s", file_type.name, self.display_name) problem=None rpd_file = rpdfile.get_rpdfile( name=name, path=path, size=size, prev_full_name=None, prev_datetime=None, device_timestamp_type=self.device_timestamp_type, mtime=mtime, mdatatime=mdatatime, thumbnail_cache_status=ThumbnailCacheDiskStatus.unknown, thm_full_name=None, audio_file_full_name=None, xmp_file_full_name=None, scan_id=self.worker_id, file_type=file_type, from_camera=self.download_from_camera, camera_details=self.camera_details, camera_memory_card_identifiers=None, never_read_mdatatime=ignore_mdatatime, device_display_name=self.display_name, device_uri=self.device.uri, raw_exif_bytes=self.sample_exif_bytes, exif_source=self.sample_exif_source, problem=problem ) if file_type == FileType.video and self.download_from_camera: # relevant only when downloading from a camera rpd_file.temp_sample_full_file_name = self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name rpd_file.temp_sample_is_complete_file = self.sample_video_full_file_downloaded return rpd_file def sample_camera_metadata(self, path: str, name: str, extension: str, ext_type: FileExtension, size: int, modification_time: int) -> SampleMetadata: """ Extract sample metadata, including specifically datetime, from a photo or video on a camera Video files are special in that sometimes the entire file has to be read in order to extract its metadata. """ dt = determined_by = None use_app1 = save_chunk = exif_extract = False if ext_type == FileExtension.jpeg: determined_by = 'jpeg' if self.camera.can_fetch_thumbnails: use_app1 = True else: exif_extract = True elif ext_type == FileExtension.raw: determined_by = 'RAW' exif_extract = True elif ext_type == FileExtension.video: determined_by = 'video' save_chunk = True if use_app1: try: self.sample_exif_bytes = self.camera.get_exif_extract_from_jpeg(path, name) except CameraProblemEx as e: uri = get_uri(full_file_name=os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(CameraFileReadProblem(uri=uri, name=name, gp_code=e.gp_code)) else: try: with stdchannel_redirected(sys.stderr, os.devnull): metadata = metadataphoto.MetaData(app1_segment=self.sample_exif_bytes) except: logging.warning("Scanner failed to load metadata from %s on %s", name, self.camera.display_name) self.sample_exif_bytes = None uri = get_uri(full_file_name=os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(FileMetadataLoadProblem(uri=uri, name=name)) else: self.sample_exif_source = ExifSource.app1_segment self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) dt = metadata.date_time(missing=None) # type: datetime elif exif_extract: offset = all_tags_offset.get(extension) if offset is None: offset = size offset = min(size, offset) self.sample_exif_bytes = self.camera.get_exif_extract(path, name, offset) if self.sample_exif_bytes is not None: try: with stdchannel_redirected(sys.stderr, os.devnull): metadata = metadataphoto.MetaData(raw_bytes=self.sample_exif_bytes) except: logging.warning("Scanner failed to load metadata from %s on %s", name, self.camera.display_name) self.sample_exif_bytes = None uri = get_uri(full_file_name=os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(FileMetadataLoadProblem(uri=uri, name=name)) else: self.sample_exif_source = ExifSource.raw_bytes self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) dt = metadata.date_time(missing=None) # type: datetime else: assert save_chunk # video offset = all_tags_offset.get(extension) if offset is None: max_size = 1024**2 * 20 # approx 21 MB offset = min(size, max_size) # First try offset value, and if it fails, read the entire video # Reading the metadata on some videos will fail if the entire video # is not read, e.g. an iPhone 5 video temp_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), GenerateRandomFileName().name(extension=extension)) with ExifTool() as et_process: for chunk_size in (offset, size): if chunk_size == size: logging.debug("Downloading entire video for metadata sample (%s)", format_size_for_user(size)) mtime = int(self.adjusted_mtime(float(modification_time))) try: self.camera.save_file_chunk(path, name, chunk_size, temp_name, mtime) except CameraProblemEx as e: if e.code == CameraErrorCode.read: uri = get_uri(os.path.join(path, name), camera_details=self.camera_details) self.problems.append(CameraFileReadProblem(uri=uri, name=name, gp_code=e.gp_code)) else: assert e.code == CameraErrorCode.write uri = get_uri(path=os.path.dirname(temp_name)) self.problems.append(FileWriteProblem(uri=uri, name=temp_name, exception=e.py_exception)) else: metadata = metadatavideo.MetaData(temp_name, et_process) dt = metadata.date_time(missing=None, ignore_file_modify_date=True) width = metadata.width(missing=None) height = metadata.height(missing=None) if dt is not None and width is not None and height is not None: self.sample_video_full_file_downloaded = chunk_size == size self.sample_video_extract_full_file_name = temp_name self.sample_video_file_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) break if dt is None: logging.warning("Scanner failed to extract date time metadata from %s on %s", name, self.camera.display_name) else: self.file_mdatatime[os.path.join(path, name)] = float(dt.timestamp()) logging.info("Extracted date time value %s for %s on %s", dt, name, self.camera_display_name) return SampleMetadata(dt, determined_by) def sample_non_camera_metadata(self, path: str, name: str, full_file_name: str, ext_type: FileExtension) -> SampleMetadata: """ Extract sample metadata datetime from a photo or video not on a camera """ dt = determined_by = None if ext_type == FileExtension.jpeg: determined_by = 'jpeg' elif ext_type == FileExtension.raw: determined_by = 'RAW' elif ext_type == FileExtension.video: determined_by = 'video' if ext_type == FileExtension.video: with ExifTool() as et_process: metadata = metadatavideo.MetaData(full_file_name, et_process) self.sample_video_file_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) dt = metadata.date_time(missing=None) else: # photo - we don't care if jpeg or RAW try: with stdchannel_redirected(sys.stderr, os.devnull): metadata = metadataphoto.MetaData(full_file_name=full_file_name) except Exception: logging.warning("Scanner failed to load metadata from %s on %s", name, self.display_name) uri = get_uri(full_file_name=full_file_name) self.problems.append(FileMetadataLoadProblem(uri=uri, name=name)) else: self.sample_exif_source = ExifSource.actual_file self.sample_photo_file_full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) dt = metadata.date_time(missing=None) # type: datetime if dt is None: logging.warning("Scanner failed to extract date time metadata from %s on %s", name, self.display_name) else: self.file_mdatatime[full_file_name] = dt.timestamp() return SampleMetadata(dt, determined_by) def examine_sample_non_camera_file(self, dirname: str, name: str, full_file_name: str, ext_type: FileExtension) -> bool: """ Examine the the sample file to extract its metadata and compare it against the file system modificaton time """ logging.debug("Examining sample %s", full_file_name) sample = self.sample_non_camera_metadata(dirname, name, full_file_name, ext_type) if sample.datetime is not None: self.file_mdatatime[full_file_name] = sample.datetime.timestamp() try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(full_file_name) except OSError as e: logging.warning("Could not determine modification time for %s", full_file_name) uri = get_uri(full_file_name=full_file_name) self.problems.append(FsMetadataReadProblem(uri=uri, name=name, exception=e)) return False else: # Located sample file: examine self.determine_device_timestamp_tz( sample.datetime, mtime, sample.determined_by) return True def distinguish_non_camera_device_timestamp(self, path: str) -> None: """ Attempt to determine the device's approach to timezones when it store timestamps. When determining how this device reports modification time, file preference is (1) RAW, (2)jpeg, and finally least preferred is (3) video -- a RAW is the least likely to be modified. NOTE: this creates a sample file for one type of file (RAW if present, if not, then jpeg, if jpeg also not present, then video). However if a raw / jpeg is found, then still need to create sample file for video. """ logging.debug("Distinguishing approach to timestamp time zones on %s", self.display_name) self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.unknown max_attempts = 10 raw_attempts = 0 jpegs_and_videos = defaultdict(deque) for dir_name, name in self.walk_file_system(path): full_file_name = os.path.join(dir_name, name) ext_type = rpdfile.extension_type(os.path.splitext(full_file_name)[1].lower()[1:]) if ext_type in (FileExtension.raw, FileExtension.jpeg, FileExtension.video): if ext_type == FileExtension.raw and raw_attempts < max_attempts: # examine right away raw_attempts += 1 if self.examine_sample_non_camera_file(dirname=dir_name, name=name, full_file_name=full_file_name, ext_type=ext_type): return else: if len(jpegs_and_videos[ext_type]) < max_attempts: jpegs_and_videos[ext_type].append((dir_name, name, full_file_name)) if len(jpegs_and_videos[FileExtension.jpeg]) == max_attempts: break # Couldn't locate sample raw file. Are left with up to max_attempts jpeg and video files for ext_type in (FileExtension.jpeg, FileExtension.video): for dir_name, name, full_file_name in jpegs_and_videos[ext_type]: if self.examine_sample_non_camera_file(dirname=dir_name, name=name, full_file_name=full_file_name, ext_type=ext_type): return def determine_device_timestamp_tz(self, mdatatime: datetime, modification_time: Union[int, float], determined_by: str) -> None: """ Compare metadata time with file modification time in an attempt to determine the device's approach to timezones when it stores timestamps. :param mdatatime: file's metadata time :param modification_time: file's file system modification time :param determined_by: simple string used in log messages """ if mdatatime is None: logging.debug("Could not determine Device timezone setting for %s", self.display_name) self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.unknown # Must not compare exact times, as there can be a few seconds difference between # when a file was saved to the flash memory and when it was created in the # camera's memory. Allow for two minutes, to be safe. if datetime_roughly_equal(dt1=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(modification_time), dt2=mdatatime): logging.info("Device timezone setting for %s is UTC, as indicated by %s file", self.display_name, determined_by) self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.is_utc elif datetime_roughly_equal(dt1=datetime.fromtimestamp(modification_time), dt2=mdatatime): logging.info("Device timezone setting for %s is local time, as indicated by " "%s file", self.display_name, determined_by) self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.is_local else: logging.info("Device timezone setting for %s is unknown, because the file " "modification time and file's time as recorded in metadata differ for " "sample file %s", self.display_name, determined_by) self.device_timestamp_type = DeviceTimestampTZ.unknown def adjusted_mtime(self, mtime: float) -> float: """ Use the same calculated mtime that will be applied when the mtime is saved in the rpd_file :param mtime: raw modification time :return: modification time adjusted, if needed """ if self.device_timestamp_type == DeviceTimestampTZ.is_utc: return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime).timestamp() else: return mtime def _get_associate_file_from_camera(self, base_name: str, associate_files: defaultdict, camera_file: CameraFile) -> Optional[str]: for path, ext in associate_files[base_name]: if path in self._camera_directories_for_file[camera_file]: return '{}.{}'.format(os.path.join(path, base_name),ext) return None def get_video_THM_file(self, base_name: str, camera_file: CameraFile) -> Optional[str]: """ Checks to see if a thumbnail file (THM) with the same base name is in the same directory as the file. :param base_name: the file name without the extension :return: filename, including path, if found, else returns None """ if self.download_from_camera: return self._get_associate_file_from_camera(base_name, self._camera_video_thumbnails, camera_file) else: return self._get_associate_file(base_name, rpdfile.VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSIONS) def get_audio_file(self, base_name: str, camera_file: CameraFile) -> Optional[str]: """ Checks to see if an audio file with the same base name is in the same directory as the file. :param base_name: the file name without the extension :return: filename, including path, if found, else returns None """ if self.download_from_camera: return self._get_associate_file_from_camera( base_name, self._camera_audio_files, camera_file ) else: return self._get_associate_file(base_name, rpdfile.AUDIO_EXTENSIONS) def get_xmp_file(self, base_name: str, camera_file: CameraFile) -> Optional[str]: """ Checks to see if an XMP file with the same base name is in the same directory as tthe file. :param base_name: the file name without the extension :return: filename, including path, if found, else returns None """ if self.download_from_camera: return self._get_associate_file_from_camera( base_name, self._camera_xmp_files, camera_file ) else: return self._get_associate_file(base_name, ['XMP']) def _get_associate_file(self, base_name: str, extensions_to_check: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: full_file_name_no_ext = os.path.join(self.dir_name, base_name) for e in extensions_to_check: possible_file = '{}.{}'.format(full_file_name_no_ext, e) if os.path.exists(possible_file): return possible_file possible_file = '{}.{}'.format(full_file_name_no_ext, e.upper()) if os.path.exists(possible_file): return possible_file return None def cleanup_pre_stop(self): if self.camera is not None: self.camera.free_camera() self.send_problems() @property def camera_details(self) -> Optional[CameraDetails]: return self._camera_details @camera_details.setter def camera_details(self, index: Optional[int]) -> None: """ :param index: index into the storage details, for cameras with more than one storage """ if not self.camera_storage_descriptions: self.camera_storage_descriptions = self.camera.get_storage_descriptions() if not self.camera_storage_descriptions: # Problem: there are no descriptions for the storage self._camera_details = CameraDetails( model=self.camera_model, port=self.camera_port, display_name=self.camera_display_name, is_mtp=self.is_mtp_device, storage_desc=[] ) return index = index or 0 self._camera_details = CameraDetails( model=self.camera_model, port=self.camera_port, display_name=self.camera_display_name, is_mtp=self.is_mtp_device, storage_desc=self.camera_storage_descriptions[index] ) def trace_lines(frame, event, arg): if event != 'line': return co = frame.f_code func_name = co.co_name line_no = frame.f_lineno print('%s >>>>>>>>>>>>> At %s line %s' % (datetime.now().ctime(), func_name, line_no)) def trace_calls(frame, event, arg): if event != 'call': return co = frame.f_code func_name = co.co_name if func_name in ('write', '__getattribute__'): return func_line_no = frame.f_lineno func_filename = co.co_filename caller = frame.f_back if caller is not None: caller_line_no = caller.f_lineno caller_filename = caller.f_code.co_filename else: caller_line_no = caller_filename = '' print('% s Call to %s on line %s of %s from line %s of %s' % (datetime.now().ctime(), func_name, func_line_no, func_filename, caller_line_no, caller_filename)) for f in ('distingish_non_camera_device_timestamp','determine_device_timestamp_tz'): if func_name.find(f) >= 0: # Trace into this function return trace_lines if __name__ == "__main__": if os.getenv('RPD_SCAN_DEBUG') is not None: sys.settrace(trace_calls) scan = ScanWorker()