# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Damon Lynch # This file is part of Rapid Photo Downloader. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rapid Photo Downloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rapid Photo Downloader. If not, # see . __author__ = 'Damon Lynch' __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015-2016, Damon Lynch" import pickle from typing import Optional import logging import zmq from PyQt5.QtCore import (QThread, QTimer, pyqtSignal, pyqtBoundSignal, pyqtSlot, QObject) from PyQt5.QtGui import (QPixmap, QImage) from raphodo.interprocess import (LoadBalancerManager, PublishPullPipelineManager, GenerateThumbnailsArguments, GenerateThumbnailsResults, ThreadNames, create_inproc_msg) from raphodo.rpdfile import RPDFile from raphodo.utilities import CacheDirs class ThumbnailManagerPara(PublishPullPipelineManager): """ Manages thumbnailing using processes that run in parallel, one for each device. Not to be confused with ThumbnailDaemonManager, which manages the daemon process that extracts thumbnails after the file has already been downloaded and that writes FreeDesktop.org thumbnails. """ message = pyqtSignal(RPDFile, QPixmap) cacheDirs = pyqtSignal(int, CacheDirs) def __init__(self, logging_port: int, thread_name: str) -> None: super().__init__(logging_port=logging_port, thread_name=thread_name) self._process_name = 'Thumbnail Manager' self._process_to_run = 'thumbnailpara.py' self._worker_id = 0 def process_sink_data(self) -> None: data = pickle.loads(self.content) # type: GenerateThumbnailsResults if data.rpd_file is not None: if data.thumbnail_bytes is None: thumbnail = QPixmap() else: thumbnail = QImage.fromData(data.thumbnail_bytes) if thumbnail.isNull(): thumbnail = QPixmap() else: thumbnail = QPixmap.fromImage(thumbnail) self.message.emit(data.rpd_file, thumbnail) else: assert data.cache_dirs is not None self.cacheDirs.emit(data.scan_id, data.cache_dirs) class ThumbnailLoadBalancerManager(LoadBalancerManager): def __init__(self, context: zmq.Context, no_workers: int, sink_port: int, logging_port: int) -> None: super().__init__(context, no_workers, sink_port, logging_port, ThreadNames.load_balancer) self._process_name = 'Thumbnail Load Balancer Manager' self._process_to_run = 'thumbloadbalancer.py' class Thumbnailer(QObject): """ Extracts, caches and retrieves thumbnails for a set of files. For each set of files, a process runs to extract the files from their source. Each file is then processed, if necessary using worker processes fronted by a load balancer. """ frontend_port = pyqtSignal(int) # See also the four other signals below def __init__(self, parent, no_workers: int, logging_port: int, log_gphoto2: bool) -> None: """ :param parent: Qt parent window :param no_workers: how many thumbnail extractor processes to use :param logging_port: 0MQ port to use for logging control :param log_gphoto2: if True, log libgphoto2 logging message """ super().__init__(parent) self.context = zmq.Context.instance() self.log_gphoto2 = log_gphoto2 self._frontend_port = None # type: int self.no_workers = no_workers self.logging_port = logging_port inproc = "inproc://{}" self.thumbnailer_controller = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.thumbnailer_controller.bind(inproc.format(ThreadNames.thumbnailer)) self.load_balancer_controller = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.load_balancer_controller.bind(inproc.format(ThreadNames.load_balancer)) self.setupThumbnailManager() def generateThumbnails(self, scan_id: int, rpd_files: list, name: str, proximity_seconds: int, cache_dirs: CacheDirs, need_video_cache_dir: bool, camera_model: Optional[str]==None, camera_port: Optional[str]=None) -> None: """ Initiates thumbnail generation. :param scan_id: worker id of the scan :param rpd_files: list of rpd_files, all of which should be from the same source :param name: name of the device :param proximity_seconds: the time elapsed between consecutive shots that is used to prioritize the order of thumbnail generation :param cache_dirs: the location where the cache directories should be created :param need_video_cache_dir: if True, must use cache dir to extract video thumbnail :param camera_model: If the thumbnails are being downloaded from a camera, this is the name of the camera, else None :param camera_port: If the thumbnails are being downloaded from a camera, this is the port of the camera, else None """ self.thumbnailer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'START_WORKER', worker_id=scan_id, data=GenerateThumbnailsArguments( scan_id=scan_id, rpd_files=rpd_files, name=name, proximity_seconds=proximity_seconds, cache_dirs=cache_dirs, need_video_cache_dir=need_video_cache_dir, frontend_port=self._frontend_port, log_gphoto2=self.log_gphoto2, camera=camera_model, port=camera_port))) @property def thumbnailReceived(self) -> pyqtBoundSignal: return self.thumbnail_manager.message @property def cacheDirs(self) -> pyqtBoundSignal: return self.thumbnail_manager.cacheDirs # Signal emitted when the worker has been forcefully stopped, rather than # merely finished in its work @property def workerStopped(self) -> pyqtSignal: return self.thumbnail_manager.workerStopped @property def workerFinished(self) -> pyqtSignal: return self.thumbnail_manager.workerFinished def setupThumbnailManager(self) -> None: logging.debug("Starting thumbnail model...") self.thumbnail_manager_thread = QThread() self.thumbnail_manager = ThumbnailManagerPara(logging_port=self.logging_port, thread_name=ThreadNames.thumbnailer) self.thumbnail_manager.moveToThread(self.thumbnail_manager_thread) self.thumbnail_manager_thread.started.connect(self.thumbnail_manager.run_sink) self.thumbnail_manager.receiverPortSignal.connect(self.managerReceiverPort) self.thumbnail_manager.sinkStarted.connect(self.thumbnailManagerSinkStarted) QTimer.singleShot(0, self.thumbnail_manager_thread.start) @pyqtSlot(int) def managerReceiverPort(self, port: int) -> None: self.thumbnail_manager_sink_port = port @pyqtSlot() def thumbnailManagerSinkStarted(self) -> None: logging.debug("...thumbnail model started") self.setupLoadBalancer() def setupLoadBalancer(self) -> None: logging.debug("Starting thumbnail load balancer...") self.load_balancer_thread = QThread() self.load_balancer = ThumbnailLoadBalancerManager(self.context, self.no_workers, self.thumbnail_manager_sink_port, self.logging_port) self.load_balancer.moveToThread(self.load_balancer_thread) self.load_balancer_thread.started.connect(self.load_balancer.start_load_balancer) self.load_balancer.load_balancer_started.connect(self.loadBalancerFrontendPort) QTimer.singleShot(0, self.load_balancer_thread.start) @pyqtSlot(int) def loadBalancerFrontendPort(self, frontend_port: int) -> None: logging.debug("...thumbnail load balancer started") self._frontend_port = frontend_port self.frontend_port.emit(frontend_port) def stop(self) -> None: self.thumbnailer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'STOP')) self.load_balancer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'STOP')) self.thumbnail_manager_thread.quit() if not self.thumbnail_manager_thread.wait(1000): self.thumbnailer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'TERMINATE')) self.load_balancer_thread.quit() if not self.load_balancer_thread.wait(1000): self.load_balancer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'TERMINATE')) def stop_worker(self, scan_id: int) -> None: self.thumbnailer_controller.send_multipart(create_inproc_msg(b'STOP_WORKER', worker_id=scan_id))