Rapid Photo Downloader depends on the following software: - GNOME 2.18 - GTK+ 2.10 - Python 2.5 - pygtk 2.10 - python-gconf 2.18 - python-glade2 2.10 - gnome-python 2.10 - libexiv2 0.15 - pyexiv2 0.1.1 To run Rapid Photo Downloader you will need all the software mentioned above. To start from a fairly basic system, I suggest the following: 1. Install the required gnome packages from your linux distribution's package repositories. On a recent linux distribution, expect all to be available for easy download and installation. If you already use gnome, most of the packages will already be installed. Do confirm that python-gconf, python-glade2, and gnome-python are installed, because they may not be quite so common in a base system. 2. Install pyexiv2. You can probably do that using your distributions's package repositories (look for python-pyexiv2). But if not, there are instructions here: http://tilloy.net/dev/pyexiv2/developers.htm 3. Install this application from the tarball. You probably need to be the super user (root) to be able to do this: sudo python setup.py install If you get an error saying 'Error while running msgfmt', you will need to install the gettext package on your system, which contains the msgfmt program.