Rapid Photo Downloader requires the following software: * Python 2.7 * Pyexiv2 0.3.0 or higher * python-gnome2 2.28 or higher * python-gtk2 2.17 or higher * python-gconf 2.28 or higher * python-notify 0.1.1 or higher * python-imaging 1.1.7 or higher * librsvg2-common 2.26 or higher * exiftool * exiftran To run Rapid Photo Downloader you will need all the software mentioned above. If you want to download videos, you should install: - python-hachoir-metadata - python-kaa-metadata - ffmpegthumbnailer hachoir metadata is required to download videos. kaa metadata is used to extract additional metadata from videos. ffmpegthumbnailer is used only to display thumbnail images before the download occurs. This is a useful feature, and if you can install it, it is strongly recommended. hachoir metadata, kaa metadata and ffmpegthumbnailer are optional. The program will run without them. To start from a fairly basic system, I suggest the following: 1. Install the required gnome packages from your Linux distribution's package repositories. On a recent Linux distribution, expect all to be available for easy download and installation. If you already use gnome, most of the packages will already be installed. Do confirm that python-gconf, python-glade2, and gnome-python are installed, because they may not be quite so common in a base system. 2. Install pyexiv2. You can probably do that using your distributions's package repositories (look for python-pyexiv2). But if not, there are instructions here: http://tilloy.net/dev/pyexiv2/download.html 3. Install this application from the tarball. You probably need to be the super user (root) to be able to do this: sudo python setup.py install If you get an error saying 'Error while running msgfmt', you will need to install the gettext package on your system, which contains the msgfmt program.