#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2011 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import time import multiprocessing import logging logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() from rpdfile import FILE_TYPE_PHOTO, FILE_TYPE_VIDEO from config import STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING, \ STATUS_DOWNLOAD_AND_BACKUP_FAILED, STATUS_BACKUP_PROBLEM from gettext import gettext as _ class DownloadTracker: """ Track file downloads - their size, number, and any problems """ def __init__(self): self.file_types_present_by_scan_pid = dict() self._refresh_values() def _refresh_values(self): """ these values are reset when a download is completed""" self.size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid = dict() self.raw_size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid = dict() self.total_bytes_copied_by_scan_pid = dict() self.total_bytes_backed_up_by_scan_pid = dict() self.no_files_in_download_by_scan_pid = dict() # 'Download count' tracks the index of the file being downloaded # into the list of files that need to be downloaded -- much like # a counter in a for loop, e.g. 'for i in list', where i is the counter self.download_count_for_file_by_unique_id = dict() self.download_count_by_scan_pid = dict() self.rename_chunk = dict() self.files_downloaded = dict() self.photos_downloaded = dict() self.videos_downloaded = dict() self.photo_failures = dict() self.video_failures = dict() self.warnings = dict() self.total_photos_downloaded = 0 self.total_photo_failures = 0 self.total_videos_downloaded = 0 self.total_video_failures = 0 self.total_warnings = 0 self.total_bytes_to_download = 0 self.backups_performed_by_unique_id = dict() self.auto_delete = dict() def set_no_backup_devices(self, no_backup_devices): self.no_backup_devices = no_backup_devices def init_stats(self, scan_pid, bytes, no_files): self.no_files_in_download_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = no_files self.rename_chunk[scan_pid] = bytes / 10 / no_files self.size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = bytes + self.rename_chunk[scan_pid] * no_files self.raw_size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = bytes self.total_bytes_to_download += self.size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] self.files_downloaded[scan_pid] = 0 self.photos_downloaded[scan_pid] = 0 self.videos_downloaded[scan_pid] = 0 self.photo_failures[scan_pid] = 0 self.video_failures[scan_pid] = 0 self.warnings[scan_pid] = 0 self.total_bytes_backed_up_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = 0 def get_no_files_in_download(self, scan_pid): return self.no_files_in_download_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] def get_no_files_downloaded(self, scan_pid, file_type): if file_type == FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: return self.photos_downloaded.get(scan_pid, 0) else: return self.videos_downloaded.get(scan_pid, 0) def get_no_files_failed(self, scan_pid, file_type): if file_type == FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: return self.photo_failures.get(scan_pid, 0) else: return self.video_failures.get(scan_pid, 0) def get_no_warnings(self, scan_pid): return self.warnings.get(scan_pid, 0) def add_to_auto_delete(self, rpd_file): if rpd_file.scan_pid in self.auto_delete: self.auto_delete[rpd_file.scan_pid].append(rpd_file.full_file_name) else: self.auto_delete[rpd_file.scan_pid] = [rpd_file.full_file_name,] def get_files_to_auto_delete(self, scan_pid): return self.auto_delete[scan_pid] def clear_auto_delete(self, scan_pid): if scan_pid in self.auto_delete: del self.auto_delete[scan_pid] def file_backed_up(self, unique_id): self.backups_performed_by_unique_id[unique_id] = \ self.backups_performed_by_unique_id.get(unique_id, 0) + 1 def all_files_backed_up(self, unique_id): if unique_id in self.backups_performed_by_unique_id: return self.backups_performed_by_unique_id[unique_id] == self.no_backup_devices else: logger.critical("Unexpected unique_id in self.backups_performed_by_unique_id") return True def file_downloaded_increment(self, scan_pid, file_type, status): self.files_downloaded[scan_pid] += 1 if status <> STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED and status <> STATUS_DOWNLOAD_AND_BACKUP_FAILED: if file_type == FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: self.photos_downloaded[scan_pid] += 1 self.total_photos_downloaded += 1 else: self.videos_downloaded[scan_pid] += 1 self.total_videos_downloaded += 1 if status == STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING or status == STATUS_BACKUP_PROBLEM: self.warnings[scan_pid] += 1 self.total_warnings += 1 else: if file_type == FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: self.photo_failures[scan_pid] += 1 self.total_photo_failures += 1 else: self.video_failures[scan_pid] += 1 self.total_video_failures += 1 def get_percent_complete(self, scan_pid): """ Returns a float representing how much of the download has been completed """ # three components: copy (download), rename, and backup percent_complete = (((float( self.total_bytes_copied_by_scan_pid[scan_pid]) + self.rename_chunk[scan_pid] * self.files_downloaded[scan_pid]) + self.total_bytes_backed_up_by_scan_pid[scan_pid]) / (self.size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] + self.raw_size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] * self.no_backup_devices)) * 100 return percent_complete def get_overall_percent_complete(self): total = 0 for scan_pid in self.total_bytes_copied_by_scan_pid: total += (self.total_bytes_copied_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] + (self.rename_chunk[scan_pid] * self.files_downloaded[scan_pid])) percent_complete = float(total) / self.total_bytes_to_download return percent_complete def set_total_bytes_copied(self, scan_pid, total_bytes): self.total_bytes_copied_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = total_bytes def increment_bytes_backed_up(self, scan_pid, chunk_downloaded): self.total_bytes_backed_up_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] += chunk_downloaded def set_download_count_for_file(self, unique_id, download_count): self.download_count_for_file_by_unique_id[unique_id] = download_count def get_download_count_for_file(self, unique_id): return self.download_count_for_file_by_unique_id[unique_id] def set_download_count(self, scan_pid, download_count): self.download_count_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = download_count def get_file_types_present(self, scan_pid): return self.file_types_present_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] def set_file_types_present(self, scan_pid, file_types_present): self.file_types_present_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = file_types_present def no_errors_or_warnings(self): """ Return True if there were no errors or warnings in the download else return False """ return (self.total_warnings == 0 and self.total_photo_failures == 0 and self.total_video_failures == 0) def purge(self, scan_pid): del self.no_files_in_download_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] del self.size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] del self.raw_size_of_download_in_bytes_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] del self.photos_downloaded[scan_pid] del self.videos_downloaded[scan_pid] del self.files_downloaded[scan_pid] del self.photo_failures[scan_pid] del self.video_failures[scan_pid] del self.warnings[scan_pid] def purge_all(self): self._refresh_values() class TimeCheck: """ Record times downloads commmence and pause - used in calculating time remaining. Also tracks and reports download speed. Note: This is completely independent of the file / subfolder naming preference "download start time" """ def __init__(self): # set the number of seconds gap with which to measure download time remaing self.download_time_gap = 3 self.reset() def reset(self): self.mark_set = False self.total_downloaded_so_far = 0 self.total_download_size = 0 self.size_mark = 0 def increment(self, bytes_downloaded): self.total_downloaded_so_far += bytes_downloaded def set_download_mark(self): if not self.mark_set: self.mark_set = True self.time_mark = time.time() def pause(self): self.mark_set = False def check_for_update(self): now = time.time() update = now > (self.download_time_gap + self.time_mark) if update: amt_time = now - self.time_mark self.time_mark = now amt_downloaded = self.total_downloaded_so_far - self.size_mark self.size_mark = self.total_downloaded_so_far download_speed = "%1.1f" % (amt_downloaded / 1048576 / amt_time) +_("MB/s") else: download_speed = None return (update, download_speed) class TimeForDownload: # used to store variables, see below pass class TimeRemaining: """ Calculate how much time is remaining to finish a download """ gap = 3 def __init__(self): self.clear() def set(self, scan_pid, size): t = TimeForDownload() t.time_remaining = None t.size = size t.downloaded = 0 t.size_mark = 0 t.time_mark = time.time() self.times[scan_pid] = t def update(self, scan_pid, bytes_downloaded): if scan_pid in self.times: self.times[scan_pid].downloaded += bytes_downloaded now = time.time() tm = self.times[scan_pid].time_mark amt_time = now - tm if amt_time > self.gap: self.times[scan_pid].time_mark = now amt_downloaded = self.times[scan_pid].downloaded - self.times[scan_pid].size_mark self.times[scan_pid].size_mark = self.times[scan_pid].downloaded timefraction = amt_downloaded / float(amt_time) amt_to_download = float(self.times[scan_pid].size) - self.times[scan_pid].downloaded if timefraction: self.times[scan_pid].time_remaining = amt_to_download / timefraction def _time_estimates(self): for t in self.times: yield self.times[t].time_remaining def time_remaining(self): return max(self._time_estimates()) def set_time_mark(self, scan_pid): if scan_pid in self.times: self.times[scan_pid].time_mark = time.time() def clear(self): self.times = {} def remove(self, scan_pid): if scan_pid in self.times: del self.times[scan_pid]