#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2007 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import re import datetime import sys import config try: import pyexiv2 except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("You need to install pyexiv2, the python binding for exiv2, to run this program.\n" ) sys.exit(1) #only pyexiv2 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 use the "Rational" class #is there a superior way to find which version of pyexiv2 is being used? if 'Rational' in dir(pyexiv2): usesRational = True else: usesRational = False class MetaData(pyexiv2.Image): """ Class providing human readable access to image metadata """ def aperture(self, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the floating point value of the image's aperture. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. """ try: if usesRational: a = self["Exif.Photo.FNumber"] a0, a1 = str(a).split('/') else: a0, a1 = self["Exif.Photo.FNumber"] a = float(a0) / float(a1) return "%.1f" % a except: return missing def iso(self, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the integer value of the image's ISO. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. """ try: return "%s" % (self["Exif.Photo.ISOSpeedRatings"]) except: return missing def exposureTime(self, alternativeFormat=False, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the exposure time of the image. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. alternativeFormat is useful if the value is going to be used in a purpose where / is an invalid character, e.g. file system names. alternativeFormat is False: For exposures less than one second, the result is formatted as a fraction e.g. 1/125 For exposures greater than or equal to one second, the value is formatted as an integer e.g. 30 alternativeFormat is True: For exposures less than one second, the result is formatted as an integer e.g. 125 For exposures less than one second but more than or equal to one tenth of a second, the result is formatted as an integer e.g. 3 representing 3/10 of a second For exposures greater than or equal to one second, the value is formatted as an integer with a trailing s e.g. 30s """ try: if usesRational: e = str(self["Exif.Photo.ExposureTime"]) e0, e1 = e.split('/') e0 = int(e0) e1 = int(e1) else: e0, e1 = self["Exif.Photo.ExposureTime"] if e1 > e0: if alternativeFormat: if e0 == 1: return str(e1) else: return str(e0) else: return e elif e0 > e1: e = float(e0) / e1 if alternativeFormat: return "%.0fs" % e else: return "%.0f" % e else: return "1s" except: return missing def focalLength(self, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the focal length of the lens used to record the image. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. """ try: if usesRational: f = str(self["Exif.Photo.FocalLength"]) f0, f1 = f.split('/') else: f0, f1 = self["Exif.Photo.FocalLength"] f0 = float(f0) if not f1: f1 = 1.0 else: f1 = float(f1) return "%.0f" % (f0 / f1) except: return missing def cameraMake(self, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the camera make (manufacturer) used to record the image. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. """ try: return self["Exif.Image.Make"].strip() except: return missing def cameraModel(self, missing=''): """ Returns in string format the camera model used to record the image. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. """ try: return self["Exif.Image.Model"].strip() except: return missing def cameraSerial(self, missing=''): try: keys = self.exifKeys() if 'Exif.Canon.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Canon.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.Nikon3.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Nikon3.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.OlympusEq.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.OlympusEq.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.Olympus.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Olympus.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.Olympus.SerialNumber2' in keys: v = self['Exif.Olympus.SerialNumber2'] elif 'Exif.Panasonic.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Panasonic.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.Fujifilm.SerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Fujifilm.SerialNumber'] elif 'Exif.Image.CameraSerialNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Image.CameraSerialNumber'] else: return missing return str(v) except: return missing def shutterCount(self, missing=''): try: keys = self.exifKeys() if 'Exif.Nikon3.ShutterCount' in keys: v = self['Exif.Nikon3.ShutterCount'] elif 'Exif.Canon.ImageNumber' in keys: v = self['Exif.Canon.ImageNumber'] else: return missing return str(v) except: return missing def ownerName(self, missing=''): """ returns camera name recorded by select Canon cameras""" try: return self['Exif.Canon.OwnerName'].strip() except: return missing def shortCameraModel(self, includeCharacters = '', missing=''): """ Returns in shorterned string format the camera model used to record the image. Returns missing if the metadata value is not present. The short format is determined by the first occurence of a digit in the camera model, including all alphaNumeric characters before and after that digit up till a non-alphanumeric character. Canon "Mark" designations are shortened prior to conversion. Examples: Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL -> 300D Canon EOS 5D -> 5D Canon EOS 5D Mark II -> 5DMkII NIKON D2X -> D2X NIKON D70 -> D70 X100,D540Z,C310Z -> X100 The optional includeCharacters allows additional characters to appear before and after the digits. Note: special includeCharacters MUST be escaped as per syntax of a regular expressions (see documentation for module re) Examples: includeCharacters = '': DSC-P92 -> P92 includeCharacters = '\-': DSC-P92 -> DSC-P92 If a digit is not found in the camera model, the full length camera model is returned. Note: assume exif values are in ENGLISH, regardless of current platform """ m = self.cameraModel() m = m.replace(' Mark ', 'Mk') if m: s = r"(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9%s]?)(?P[a-zA-Z0-9%s]*\d+[a-zA-Z0-9%s]*)"\ % (includeCharacters, includeCharacters, includeCharacters) r = re.search(s, m) if r: return r.group("model") else: return m.strip() else: return missing def dateTime(self, missing=''): """ Returns in python datetime format the date and time the image was recorded. Trys to get value from exif key "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal". If that does not exist, trys key "Exif.Image.DateTime" Returns missing either metadata value is not present. """ keys = self.exifKeys() try: if "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal" in keys: return self["Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"] else: return self["Exif.Image.DateTime"] except: return missing def subSeconds(self, missing='00'): """ returns the subsecond the image was taken, as recorded by the camera""" try: return str(self["Exif.Photo.SubSecTimeOriginal"]) except: return missing def orientation(self, missing=''): """ Returns the orientation of the image, as recorded by the camera """ try: return self['Exif.Image.Orientation'] except: return missing class DummyMetaData(MetaData): """ Class which gives metadata values for an imaginary image. Useful for displaying in preference examples etc. when no image is ready to be downloaded. See MetaData class for documentation of class methods. """ def __init__(self): pass def readMetadata(self): pass def aperture(self, missing=''): return "2.0" def iso(self, missing=''): return "100" def exposureTime(self, alternativeFormat=False, missing=''): if alternativeFormat: return "4000" else: return "1/4000" def focalLength(self, missing=''): return "135" def cameraMake(self, missing=''): return "Canon" def cameraModel(self, missing=''): return "Canon EOS 5D" def shortCameraModel(self, includeCharacters = '', missing=''): return "5D" def cameraSerial(self, missing=''): return '730402168' def shutterCount(self, missing=''): return '387' def ownerName(self, missing=''): return 'Photographer Name' def dateTime(self, missing=''): return datetime.datetime.now() def subSeconds(self, missing='00'): return '57' def orientation(self, missing=''): return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' path/to/photo/containing/metadata' m = DummyMetaData() else: m = MetaData(sys.argv[1]) m.readMetadata() # for i in m.exifKeys(): # print i print "f"+ m.aperture('missing ') print "ISO " + m.iso('missing ') print m.exposureTime(missing='missing ') + " sec" print m.exposureTime(alternativeFormat=True, missing='missing ') print m.focalLength('missing ') + "mm" print m.cameraMake() print m.cameraModel() print m.shortCameraModel() print m.shortCameraModel(includeCharacters = "\-") print m.dateTime() print m.orientation() print 'Serial number:', m.cameraSerial() print 'Shutter count:', m.shutterCount() print 'Subseconds:', m.subSeconds()