#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2007-11 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA HAVE_HACHOIR = True DOWNLOAD_VIDEO = True import os import datetime import time import subprocess import multiprocessing import logging logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() import gtk import paths import rpdfile import metadataexiftool from gettext import gettext as _ try: from hachoir_core.cmd_line import unicodeFilename from hachoir_parser import createParser from hachoir_metadata import extractMetadata except ImportError: HAVE_HACHOIR = False if not HAVE_HACHOIR: v = metadataexiftool.version_info() if v is None: DOWNLOAD_VIDEO = False def file_types_to_download(): """Returns a string with the types of file to download, to display to the user""" if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: return _("photos and videos") else: return _("photos") if HAVE_HACHOIR: def version_info(): from hachoir_metadata.version import VERSION return VERSION def get_video_THM_file(full_filename): """ Checks to see if a thumbnail file (THM) is in the same directory as the file. Expects a full path to be part of the file name. Returns the filename, including path, if found, else returns None. """ f = None name, ext = os.path.splitext(full_filename) for e in rpdfile.VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_FILE_EXTENSIONS: if os.path.exists(name + '.' + e): f = name + '.' + e break if os.path.exists(name + '.' + e.upper()): f = name + '.' + e.upper() break return f class VideoMetaData(): def __init__(self, filename): """ Initialize by loading metadata using hachoir """ self.filename = filename self.u_filename = unicodeFilename(filename) self.metadata = None def _kaa_get(self, key, missing, stream=None): if not hasattr(self, 'info'): try: from kaa.metadata import parse except ImportError: msg = """The package Kaa metadata does not exist. It is needed to access FPS and codec video file metadata.""" logger.error(msg) self.info = None else: self.info = parse(self.filename) if self.info: if stream != None: v = self.info['video'][stream][key] else: v = self.info[key] else: v = None if v: return str(v) else: return missing def _load_hachoir_metadata_parser(self): self.parser = createParser(self.u_filename, self.filename) self.metadata = extractMetadata(self.parser) def _get(self, key, missing): if self.metadata is None: self._load_hachoir_metadata_parser() try: v = self.metadata.get(key) except: v = missing return v def date_time(self, missing=''): return self._get('creation_date', missing) def time_stamp(self, missing=''): """ Returns a float value representing the time stamp, if it exists """ dt = self.date_time(missing=None) if dt: # convert it to a time stamp (not optimal, but better than nothing!) v = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) else: v = missing return v def codec(self, stream=0, missing=''): return self._kaa_get('codec', missing, stream) def length(self, missing=''): """ return the duration (length) of the video, rounded to the nearest second, in string format """ delta = self.metadata.get('duration') l = '%.0f' % (86400 * delta.days + delta.seconds + float('.%s' % delta.microseconds)) return l def width(self, missing=''): v = self._get('width', missing) if v != None: return str(v) else: return None def height(self, missing=''): v = self._get('height', missing) if v != None: return str(v) else: return None def frames_per_second(self, stream=0, missing=''): fps = self._kaa_get('fps', missing, stream) try: fps = '%.0f' % float(fps) except: pass return fps def fourcc(self, stream=0, missing=''): return self._kaa_get('fourcc', missing, stream) class DummyMetaData(): """ Class which gives metadata values for an imaginary video. Useful for displaying in preference examples etc. when no video is ready to be downloaded. See VideoMetaData class for documentation of class methods. """ def __init__(self, filename): pass def date_time(self, missing=''): return datetime.datetime.now() def codec(self, stream=0, missing=''): return 'H.264 AVC' def length(self, missing=''): return '57' def width(self, stream=0, missing=''): return '1920' def height(self, stream=0, missing=''): return '1080' def frames_per_second(self, stream=0, missing=''): return '24' def fourcc(self, stream=0, missing=''): return 'AVC1' if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' path/to/video/containing/metadata' sys.exit(0) else: m = VideoMetaData(sys.argv[1]) dt = m.date_time() if dt: print dt.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S') print "codec: %s" % m.codec() print "%s seconds" % m.length() print "%sx%s" % (m.width(), m.height()) print "%s fps" % m.frames_per_second() print "Fourcc: %s" % (m.fourcc())