#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2011 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import tempfile import dbus import dbus.bus import dbus.service from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) from optparse import OptionParser import gtk import gtk.gdk as gdk import webbrowser import sys, time, types, os, datetime import gobject, pango, cairo, array, pangocairo, gio import pynotify from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, Queue, Event, Value, Array, current_process, log_to_stderr from ctypes import c_int, c_bool, c_char import logging logger = log_to_stderr() # Rapid Photo Downloader modules import rpdfile import problemnotification as pn import thumbnail as tn import rpdmultiprocessing as rpdmp import preferencesdialog import prefsrapid import tableplusminus as tpm import generatename as gn import downloadtracker from metadatavideo import DOWNLOAD_VIDEO import metadataphoto import metadatavideo import scan as scan_process import copyfiles import subfolderfile import backupfile from backupfile import PHOTO_BACKUP, VIDEO_BACKUP, PHOTO_VIDEO_BACKUP import errorlog import device as dv import utilities import config __version__ = config.version import paths import gettext gettext.bindtextdomain(config.APP_NAME) gettext.textdomain(config.APP_NAME) _ = gettext.gettext from utilities import format_size_for_user from utilities import register_iconsets from config import STATUS_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD, STATUS_DOWNLOADED, \ STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING, \ STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, \ STATUS_DOWNLOAD_PENDING, \ STATUS_BACKUP_PROBLEM, \ STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED, \ STATUS_DOWNLOAD_AND_BACKUP_FAILED, \ STATUS_WARNING DOWNLOADED = [STATUS_DOWNLOADED, STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING, STATUS_BACKUP_PROBLEM] #Translators: if neccessary, for guidance in how to translate this program, you may see http://damonlynch.net/translate.html PROGRAM_NAME = _('Rapid Photo Downloader') __version__ = config.version def date_time_human_readable(date, with_line_break=True): if with_line_break: return _("%(date)s\n%(time)s") % {'date':date.strftime("%x"), 'time':date.strftime("%X")} else: return _("%(date)s %(time)s") % {'date':date.strftime("%x"), 'time':date.strftime("%X")} def date_time_subseconds_human_readable(date, subseconds): return _("%(date)s %(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s:%(subsecond)s") % \ {'date':date.strftime("%x"), 'hour':date.strftime("%H"), 'minute':date.strftime("%M"), 'second':date.strftime("%S"), 'subsecond': subseconds} class DeviceCollection(gtk.TreeView): """ TreeView display of devices and how many files have been copied, shown immediately under the menu in the main application window. """ def __init__(self, parent_app): self.parent_app = parent_app # device icon & name, size of images on the device (human readable), # copy progress (%), copy text, eject button (None if irrelevant), # process id self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, float, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, int) self.map_process_to_row = {} self.devices_by_scan_pid = {} gtk.TreeView.__init__(self, self.liststore) self.props.enable_search = False # make it impossible to select a row selection = self.get_selection() selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) # Device refers to a thing like a camera, memory card in its reader, # external hard drive, Portable Storage Device, etc. column0 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Device")) pixbuf_renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() text_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() text_renderer.props.ellipsize = pango.ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE text_renderer.set_fixed_size(160, -1) eject_renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column0.pack_start(pixbuf_renderer, expand=False) column0.pack_start(text_renderer, expand=True) column0.pack_end(eject_renderer, expand=False) column0.add_attribute(pixbuf_renderer, 'pixbuf', 0) column0.add_attribute(text_renderer, 'text', 1) column0.add_attribute(eject_renderer, 'pixbuf', 5) self.append_column(column0) # Size refers to the total size of images on the device, typically in # MB or GB column1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Size"), gtk.CellRendererText(), text=2) self.append_column(column1) column2 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Download Progress"), gtk.CellRendererProgress(), value=3, text=4) self.append_column(column2) self.show_all() icontheme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() try: self.eject_pixbuf = icontheme.load_icon('media-eject', 16, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN) except: self.eject_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( paths.share_dir('glade3/media-eject.png')) self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.connect('button-press-event', self.button_clicked) def add_device(self, process_id, device, progress_bar_text = ''): # add the row, and get a temporary pointer to the row size_files = '' progress = 0.0 if device.mount is None: eject = None else: eject = self.eject_pixbuf self.devices_by_scan_pid[process_id] = device iter = self.liststore.append((device.get_icon(), device.get_name(), size_files, progress, progress_bar_text, eject, process_id)) self._set_process_map(process_id, iter) # adjust scrolled window height, based on row height and number of ready to start downloads # please note, at program startup, self.row_height() will be less than it will be when already running # e.g. when starting with 3 cards, it could be 18, but when adding 2 cards to the already running program # (with one card at startup), it could be 21 # must account for header row at the top row_height = self.get_background_area(0, self.get_column(0))[3] + 1 height = (len(self.map_process_to_row) + 1) * row_height self.parent_app.device_collection_scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, height) def update_device(self, process_id, total_size_files): """ Updates the size of the photos and videos on the device, displayed to the user """ if process_id in self.map_process_to_row: iter = self._get_process_map(process_id) self.liststore.set_value(iter, 2, total_size_files) else: logger.critical("This device is unknown") def get_device(self, process_id): return self.devices_by_scan_pid.get(process_id) def remove_device(self, process_id): if process_id in self.map_process_to_row: iter = self._get_process_map(process_id) self.liststore.remove(iter) del self.map_process_to_row[process_id] del self.devices_by_scan_pid[process_id] def get_all_displayed_processes(self): """ returns a list of the processes currently being displayed to the user """ return self.map_process_to_row.keys() def _set_process_map(self, process_id, iter): """ convert the temporary iter into a tree reference, which is permanent """ path = self.liststore.get_path(iter) treerowref = gtk.TreeRowReference(self.liststore, path) self.map_process_to_row[process_id] = treerowref def _get_process_map(self, process_id): """ return the tree iter for this process """ if process_id in self.map_process_to_row: treerowref = self.map_process_to_row[process_id] path = treerowref.get_path() iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) return iter else: return None def update_progress(self, scan_pid, percent_complete, progress_bar_text, bytes_downloaded): iter = self._get_process_map(scan_pid) if iter: if percent_complete: self.liststore.set_value(iter, 3, percent_complete) if progress_bar_text: self.liststore.set_value(iter, 4, progress_bar_text) if percent_complete or bytes_downloaded: pass #~ logger.info("Implement update overall progress") def button_clicked(self, widget, event): """ Look for left single click on eject button """ if event.button == 1: if len (self.liststore): x = int(event.x) y = int(event.y) path, column, cell_x, cell_y = self.get_path_at_pos(x, y) if path is not None: if column == self.get_column(0): if cell_x >= column.get_width() - self.eject_pixbuf.get_width(): iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) if self.liststore.get_value(iter, 5) is not None: self.unmount(process_id = self.liststore.get_value(iter, 6)) def unmount(self, process_id): device = self.devices_by_scan_pid[process_id] if device.mount is not None: logger.debug("Unmounting device with scan pid %s", process_id) device.mount.unmount(self.unmount_callback) def unmount_callback(self, mount, result): name = mount.get_name() try: mount.unmount_finish(result) logger.debug("%s successfully unmounted" % name) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("%s did not unmount: %s", name, inst) title = _("%(device)s did not unmount") % {'device': name} message = '%s' % inst n = pynotify.Notification(title, message) n.set_icon_from_pixbuf(self.parent_app.application_icon) n.show() def create_cairo_image_surface(pil_image, image_width, image_height): imgd = pil_image.tostring("raw","BGRA", 0, 1) data = array.array('B',imgd) stride = image_width * 4 image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, image_width, image_height, stride) return image class ThumbnailCellRenderer(gtk.CellRenderer): __gproperties__ = { "image": (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "Image", "Image", gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), "filename": (gobject.TYPE_STRING, "Filename", "Filename", '', gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), "status": (gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, "Status", "Status", gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def __init__(self, checkbutton_height): gtk.CellRenderer.__init__(self) self.image = None self.image_area_size = 100 self.text_area_size = 30 self.padding = 6 self.checkbutton_height = checkbutton_height self.icon_width = 20 def do_set_property(self, pspec, value): setattr(self, pspec.name, value) def do_get_property(self, pspec): return getattr(self, pspec.name) def do_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): cairo_context = window.cairo_create() x = cell_area.x y = cell_area.y + self.checkbutton_height - 8 w = cell_area.width h = cell_area.height #constrain operations to cell area, allowing for a 1 pixel border #either side #~ cairo_context.rectangle(x-1, y-1, w+2, h+2) #~ cairo_context.clip() #fill in the background with dark grey #this ensures that a selected cell's fill does not make #the text impossible to read #~ cairo_context.rectangle(x, y, w, h) #~ cairo_context.set_source_rgb(0.267, 0.267, 0.267) #~ cairo_context.fill() #image width and height image_w = self.image.size[0] image_h = self.image.size[1] #center the image horizontally #bottom align vertically #top left and right corners for the image: image_x = x + ((w - image_w) / 2) image_y = y + self.image_area_size - image_h #convert PIL image to format suitable for cairo image = create_cairo_image_surface(self.image, image_w, image_h) # draw a light grey border of 1px around the image cairo_context.set_source_rgb(0.66, 0.66, 0.66) #light grey, #a9a9a9 cairo_context.set_line_width(1) cairo_context.rectangle(image_x-.5, image_y-.5, image_w+1, image_h+1) cairo_context.stroke() # draw a thin border around each cell #~ cairo_context.set_source_rgb(0.33,0.33,0.33) #~ cairo_context.rectangle(x, y, w, h) #~ cairo_context.stroke() #place the image cairo_context.set_source_surface(image, image_x, image_y) cairo_context.paint() #text context = pangocairo.CairoContext(cairo_context) text_y = y + self.image_area_size + 10 text_w = w - self.icon_width text_x = x + self.icon_width #~ context.rectangle(text_x, text_y, text_w, 15) #~ context.clip() layout = context.create_layout() width = text_w * pango.SCALE layout.set_width(width) layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_CENTER) layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) #font color and size fg_color = pango.AttrForeground(65535, 65535, 65535, 0, -1) font_size = pango.AttrSize(8192, 0, -1) # 8 * 1024 = 8192 font_family = pango.AttrFamily('sans', 0, -1) attr = pango.AttrList() attr.insert(fg_color) attr.insert(font_size) attr.insert(font_family) layout.set_attributes(attr) layout.set_text(self.filename) context.move_to(text_x, text_y) context.show_layout(layout) #status cairo_context.set_source_pixbuf(self.status, x, y + self.image_area_size + 10) cairo_context.paint() def do_get_size(self, widget, cell_area): return (0, 0, self.image_area_size, self.image_area_size + self.text_area_size - self.checkbutton_height + 4) gobject.type_register(ThumbnailCellRenderer) class ThumbnailDisplay(gtk.IconView): def __init__(self, parent_app): gtk.IconView.__init__(self) self.set_spacing(0) self.set_row_spacing(5) self.set_margin(25) self.set_selection_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) self.connect('selection-changed', self.on_selection_changed) self._selected_items = [] self.rapid_app = parent_app self.batch_size = 10 self.thumbnail_manager = ThumbnailManager(self.thumbnail_results, self.batch_size) self.preview_manager = PreviewManager(self.preview_results) self.treerow_index = {} self.process_index = {} self.rpd_files = {} self.total_thumbs_to_generate = 0 self.thumbnails_generated = 0 # dict of scan_pids that are having thumbnails generated # value is the thumbnail process id # this is needed when terminating thumbnailing early such as when # user clicks download before the thumbnailing is finished self.generating_thumbnails = {} self.thumbnails = {} self.previews = {} self.previews_being_fetched = set() self.stock_photo_thumbnails = tn.PhotoIcons() self.stock_video_thumbnails = tn.VideoIcons() self.SELECTED_COL = 1 self.UNIQUE_ID_COL = 2 self.TIMESTAMP_COL = 4 self.FILETYPE_COL = 5 self.CHECKBUTTON_VISIBLE_COL = 6 self.DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COL = 7 self.STATUS_ICON_COL = 8 self.liststore = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, # 0 PIL thumbnail gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, # 1 selected or not str, # 2 unique id str, # 3 file name int, # 4 timestamp for sorting, converted float int, # 5 file type i.e. photo or video gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, # 6 visibility of checkbutton int, # 7 status of download gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, # 8 status icon ) self.clear() self.set_model(self.liststore) checkbutton = gtk.CellRendererToggle() checkbutton.set_radio(False) checkbutton.props.activatable = True checkbutton.props.xalign = 0.0 checkbutton.connect('toggled', self.on_checkbutton_toggled) self.pack_end(checkbutton, expand=False) self.add_attribute(checkbutton, "active", 1) self.add_attribute(checkbutton, "visible", 6) checkbutton_size = checkbutton.get_size(self, None) checkbutton_height = checkbutton_size[3] checkbutton_width = checkbutton_size[2] image = ThumbnailCellRenderer(checkbutton_height) self.pack_start(image, expand=True) self.add_attribute(image, "image", 0) self.add_attribute(image, "filename", 3) self.add_attribute(image, "status", 8) #set the background color to a darkish grey self.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color('#444444')) self.show_all() self._setup_icons() self.connect('item-activated', self.on_item_activated) def _setup_icons(self): # icons to be displayed in status column size = 16 # standard icons failed = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.download_failed_icon = failed.scale_simple(size, size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER) error = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.error_icon = error.scale_simple(size, size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER) warning = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self.warning_icon = warning.scale_simple(size, size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER) # Rapid Photo Downloader specific icons self.downloaded_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader-downloaded.svg'), size, size) self.download_pending_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader-download-pending.png'), size, size) self.downloaded_with_warning_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader-downloaded-with-warning.svg'), size, size) self.downloaded_with_error_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader-downloaded-with-error.svg'), size, size) # make the not yet downloaded icon a transparent square self.not_downloaded_icon = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, 16, 16) self.not_downloaded_icon.fill(0xffffffff) self.not_downloaded_icon = self.not_downloaded_icon.add_alpha(True, chr(255), chr(255), chr(255)) def get_status_icon(self, status): """ Returns the correct icon, based on the status """ if status == STATUS_WARNING: status_icon = self.warning_icon elif status == STATUS_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD: status_icon = self.error_icon elif status == STATUS_DOWNLOADED: status_icon = self.downloaded_icon elif status == STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED: status_icon = self.not_downloaded_icon elif status in [STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING, STATUS_BACKUP_PROBLEM]: status_icon = self.downloaded_with_warning_icon elif status in [STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, STATUS_DOWNLOAD_AND_BACKUP_FAILED]: status_icon = self.downloaded_with_error_icon elif status == STATUS_DOWNLOAD_PENDING: status_icon = self.download_pending_icon else: logger.critical("FIXME: unknown status: %s", status) status_icon = self.not_downloaded_icon return status_icon def sort_by_timestamp(self): self.liststore.set_sort_column_id(self.TIMESTAMP_COL, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) def on_selection_changed(self, iconview): self._selected_items = self.get_selected_items() def on_checkbutton_toggled(self, cellrenderertoggle, path): paths = [p[0] for p in self._selected_items] if int(path) not in paths: self._selected_items = [path,] for path in self._selected_items: iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) status = self.liststore.get_value(iter, self.DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COL) if status == STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED: self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.SELECTED_COL, not cellrenderertoggle.get_active()) self.select_path(path) self.rapid_app.set_download_action_sensitivity() def set_selected(self, unique_id, value): iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.SELECTED_COL, value) def add_file(self, rpd_file, generate_thumbnail): thumbnail_icon = self.get_stock_icon(rpd_file.file_type) unique_id = rpd_file.unique_id scan_pid = rpd_file.scan_pid timestamp = int(rpd_file.modification_time) iter = self.liststore.append((thumbnail_icon, True, unique_id, rpd_file.display_name, timestamp, rpd_file.file_type, True, STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED, self.not_downloaded_icon )) path = self.liststore.get_path(iter) treerowref = gtk.TreeRowReference(self.liststore, path) if scan_pid in self.process_index: self.process_index[scan_pid].append(unique_id) else: self.process_index[scan_pid] = [unique_id,] self.treerow_index[unique_id] = treerowref self.rpd_files[unique_id] = rpd_file if generate_thumbnail: self.total_thumbs_to_generate += 1 def get_sample_file(self, file_type): """Returns an rpd_file for of a given file type, or None if it does not exist""" for unique_id, rpd_file in self.rpd_files.iteritems(): if rpd_file.file_type == file_type: if rpd_file.status <> STATUS_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD: return rpd_file return None def get_unique_id_from_iter(self, iter): return self.liststore.get_value(iter, 2) def get_iter_from_unique_id(self, unique_id): treerowref = self.treerow_index[unique_id] path = treerowref.get_path() return self.liststore.get_iter(path) def on_item_activated(self, iconview, path): """ """ iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) self.show_preview(iter=iter) self.advance_get_preview_image(iter) def _get_preview(self, unique_id, rpd_file): if unique_id not in self.previews_being_fetched: #check if preview should be from a downloaded file, or the source if rpd_file.status in DOWNLOADED: file_location = rpd_file.download_full_file_name else: file_location = rpd_file.full_file_name self.preview_manager.get_preview(unique_id, file_location, rpd_file.file_type, size_max=None,) self.previews_being_fetched.add(unique_id) def show_preview(self, unique_id=None, iter=None): if unique_id is not None: iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) elif iter is not None: unique_id = self.get_unique_id_from_iter(iter) else: # neither an iter or a unique_id were passed # use iter from first selected file # if none is selected, choose the first file selected = self.get_selected_items() if selected: path = selected[0] else: path = 0 iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) unique_id = self.get_unique_id_from_iter(iter) rpd_file = self.rpd_files[unique_id] if unique_id in self.previews: preview_image = self.previews[unique_id] else: # request daemon process to get a full size thumbnail self._get_preview(unique_id, rpd_file) if unique_id in self.thumbnails: preview_image = self.thumbnails[unique_id] else: preview_image = self.get_stock_icon(rpd_file.file_type) checked = self.liststore.get_value(iter, self.SELECTED_COL) include_checkbutton_visible = rpd_file.status == STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED self.rapid_app.show_preview_image(unique_id, preview_image, include_checkbutton_visible, checked) def _get_next_iter(self, iter): iter = self.liststore.iter_next(iter) if iter is None: iter = self.liststore.get_iter_first() return iter def _get_prev_iter(self, iter): row = self.liststore.get_path(iter)[0] if row == 0: row = len(self.liststore)-1 else: row -= 1 iter = self.liststore.get_iter(row) return iter def show_next_image(self, unique_id): iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) iter = self._get_next_iter(iter) if iter is not None: self.show_preview(iter=iter) # cache next image self.advance_get_preview_image(iter, prev=False, next=True) def show_prev_image(self, unique_id): iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) iter = self._get_prev_iter(iter) if iter is not None: self.show_preview(iter=iter) # cache next image self.advance_get_preview_image(iter, prev=True, next=False) def advance_get_preview_image(self, iter, prev=True, next=True): unique_ids = [] if next: next_iter = self._get_next_iter(iter) unique_ids.append(self.get_unique_id_from_iter(next_iter)) if prev: prev_iter = self._get_prev_iter(iter) unique_ids.append(self.get_unique_id_from_iter(prev_iter)) for unique_id in unique_ids: if not unique_id in self.previews: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[unique_id] self._get_preview(unique_id, rpd_file) def check_all(self, check_all, file_type=None): for row in self.liststore: if row[self.CHECKBUTTON_VISIBLE_COL]: if file_type is not None: if row[self.FILETYPE_COL] == file_type: row[self.SELECTED_COL] = check_all else: row[self.SELECTED_COL] = check_all self.rapid_app.set_download_action_sensitivity() def files_are_checked_to_download(self): """ Returns True if there is any file that the user has indicated they intend to download, else returns False. """ for row in self.liststore: if row[self.SELECTED_COL]: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[row[self.UNIQUE_ID_COL]] if rpd_file.status not in DOWNLOADED: return True return False def get_files_checked_for_download(self, scan_pid): """ Returns a dict of scan ids and associated files the user has indicated they want to download If scan_pid is not None, then returns only those files from that scan_pid """ files = dict() if scan_pid is None: for row in self.liststore: if row[self.SELECTED_COL]: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[row[self.UNIQUE_ID_COL]] if rpd_file.status not in DOWNLOADED: scan_pid = rpd_file.scan_pid if scan_pid in files: files[scan_pid].append(rpd_file) else: files[scan_pid] = [rpd_file,] else: files[scan_pid] = [] for unique_id in self.process_index[scan_pid]: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[unique_id] if rpd_file.status not in DOWNLOADED: iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) if self.liststore.get_value(iter, self.SELECTED_COL): files[scan_pid].append(rpd_file) return files def get_no_files_remaining(self, scan_pid): """ Returns the number of files that have not yet been downloaded for the scan_pid """ i = 0 for unique_id in self.process_index[scan_pid]: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[unique_id] if rpd_file.status == STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED: i += 1 return i def files_remain_to_download(self): """ Returns True if any files remain that are not downloaded, else returns False """ for row in self.liststore: if row[self.DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COL] == STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED: return True return False def mark_download_pending(self, files_by_scan_pid): """ Sets status to download pending and updates thumbnails display """ for scan_pid in files_by_scan_pid: for rpd_file in files_by_scan_pid[scan_pid]: unique_id = rpd_file.unique_id self.rpd_files[unique_id].status = STATUS_DOWNLOAD_PENDING iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) if not self.rapid_app.auto_start_is_on: # don't make the checkbox invisible immediately when on auto start # otherwise the box can be rendred at the wrong size, as it is # realized after the checkbox has already been made invisible self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.CHECKBUTTON_VISIBLE_COL, False) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.SELECTED_COL, False) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COL, STATUS_DOWNLOAD_PENDING) icon = self.get_status_icon(STATUS_DOWNLOAD_PENDING) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.STATUS_ICON_COL, icon) def select_image(self, unique_id): iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(unique_id) path = self.liststore.get_path(iter) self.select_path(path) self.scroll_to_path(path, use_align=False, row_align=0.5, col_align=0.5) def get_stock_icon(self, file_type): if file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: return self.stock_photo_thumbnails.stock_thumbnail_image_icon else: return self.stock_video_thumbnails.stock_thumbnail_image_icon def update_status_post_download(self, rpd_file): iter = self.get_iter_from_unique_id(rpd_file.unique_id) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COL, rpd_file.status) icon = self.get_status_icon(rpd_file.status) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.STATUS_ICON_COL, icon) self.liststore.set_value(iter, self.CHECKBUTTON_VISIBLE_COL, False) self.rpd_files[rpd_file.unique_id] = rpd_file def generate_thumbnails(self, scan_pid): """Initiate thumbnail generation for files scanned in one process """ if scan_pid in self.process_index: rpd_files = [self.rpd_files[unique_id] for unique_id in self.process_index[scan_pid]] thumbnail_pid = self.thumbnail_manager.add_task((scan_pid, rpd_files)) self.generating_thumbnails[scan_pid] = thumbnail_pid def _set_thumbnail(self, unique_id, icon): treerowref = self.treerow_index[unique_id] path = treerowref.get_path() iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) self.liststore.set(iter, 0, icon) def update_thumbnail(self, thumbnail_data): """ Takes the generated thumbnail and updates the display If the thumbnail_data includes a second image, that is used to update the thumbnail list using the unique_id """ unique_id = thumbnail_data[0] thumbnail_icon = thumbnail_data[1] if thumbnail_icon is not None: # get the thumbnail icon in PIL format thumbnail_icon = thumbnail_icon.get_image() if thumbnail_icon: self._set_thumbnail(unique_id, thumbnail_icon) if len(thumbnail_data) > 2: # get the 2nd image in PIL format self.thumbnails[unique_id] = thumbnail_data[2].get_image() def terminate_thumbnail_generation(self, scan_pid): """ Terminates thumbnail generation if thumbnails are currently being generated for this scan_pid """ if scan_pid in self.generating_thumbnails: terminated = True self.thumbnail_manager.terminate_process( self.generating_thumbnails[scan_pid]) del self.generating_thumbnails[scan_pid] if len(self.generating_thumbnails) == 0: self._reset_thumbnail_tracking_and_display() else: terminated = False return terminated def mark_thumbnails_needed(self, rpd_files): for rpd_file in rpd_files: if rpd_file.unique_id not in self.thumbnails: rpd_file.generate_thumbnail = True def _reset_thumbnail_tracking_and_display(self): self.rapid_app.download_progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) self.rapid_app.download_progressbar.set_text('') self.thumbnails_generated = 0 self.total_thumbs_to_generate = 0 def thumbnail_results(self, source, condition): connection = self.thumbnail_manager.get_pipe(source) conn_type, data = connection.recv() if conn_type == rpdmp.CONN_COMPLETE: scan_pid = data del self.generating_thumbnails[scan_pid] connection.close() return False else: for thumbnail_data in data: self.update_thumbnail(thumbnail_data) self.thumbnails_generated += len(data) # clear progress bar information if all thumbnails have been # extracted if self.thumbnails_generated == self.total_thumbs_to_generate: self._reset_thumbnail_tracking_and_display() else: if self.total_thumbs_to_generate: self.rapid_app.download_progressbar.set_fraction( float(self.thumbnails_generated) / self.total_thumbs_to_generate) return True def preview_results(self, unique_id, preview_full_size, preview_small): """ Receive a full size preview image and update """ self.previews_being_fetched.remove(unique_id) if preview_full_size: preview_image = preview_full_size.get_image() self.previews[unique_id] = preview_image self.rapid_app.update_preview_image(unique_id, preview_image) # user can turn off option for thumbnail generation after a scan if unique_id not in self.thumbnails and preview_small is not None: self._set_thumbnail(unique_id, preview_small.get_image()) def clear_all(self, scan_pid=None, keep_downloaded_files=False): """ Removes files from display and internal tracking. If scan_pid is not None, then only files matching that scan_pid will be removed. Otherwise, everything will be removed. If keep_downloaded_files is True, files will not be removed if they have been downloaded. """ if scan_pid is None and not keep_downloaded_files: self.liststore.clear() self.treerow_index = {} self.process_index = {} self.rpd_files = {} else: if scan_pid in self.process_index: for unique_id in self.process_index[scan_pid]: rpd_file = self.rpd_files[unique_id] if not keep_downloaded_files or not rpd_file.status in DOWNLOADED: treerowref = self.treerow_index[rpd_file.unique_id] path = treerowref.get_path() iter = self.liststore.get_iter(path) self.liststore.remove(iter) del self.treerow_index[rpd_file.unique_id] del self.rpd_files[rpd_file.unique_id] if not keep_downloaded_files or not len(self.process_index[scan_pid]): del self.process_index[scan_pid] class TaskManager: def __init__(self, results_callback, batch_size): self.results_callback = results_callback # List of actual process, it's terminate_queue, and it's run_event self._processes = [] self._pipes = {} self.batch_size = batch_size self.paused = False self.no_tasks = 0 def add_task(self, task): pid = self._setup_task(task) logger.debug("TaskManager PID: %s", pid) self.no_tasks += 1 return pid def _setup_task(self, task): task_results_conn, task_process_conn = self._setup_pipe() source = task_results_conn.fileno() self._pipes[source] = task_results_conn gobject.io_add_watch(source, gobject.IO_IN, self.results_callback) terminate_queue = Queue() run_event = Event() run_event.set() return self._initiate_task(task, task_results_conn, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event) def _setup_pipe(self): return Pipe(duplex=False) def _initiate_task(self, task, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event): logger.error("Implement child class method!") def processes(self): for i in range(len(self._processes)): yield self._processes[i] def start(self): self.paused = False for scan in self.processes(): run_event = scan[2] if not run_event.is_set(): run_event.set() def pause(self): self.paused = True for scan in self.processes(): run_event = scan[2] if run_event.is_set(): run_event.clear() def _terminate_process(self, p): self._send_termination_msg(p) # The process might be paused: let it run run_event = p[2] if not run_event.is_set(): run_event.set() def _send_termination_msg(self, p): p[1].put(None) def terminate_process(self, process_id): """ Send a signal to process with matching process_id that it should immediately terminate """ for p in self.processes(): if p[0].pid == process_id: if p[0].is_alive(): self._terminate_process(p) def request_termination(self): """ Send a signal to processes that they should immediately terminate """ requested = False for p in self.processes(): if p[0].is_alive(): requested = True self._terminate_process(p) return requested def terminate_forcefully(self): """ Forcefully terminates any running processes. Use with great caution. No cleanup action is performed. As python essential reference (4th edition) says, if the process 'holds a lock or is involved with interprocess communication, terminating it might cause a deadlock or corrupted I/O.' """ for p in self.processes(): if p[0].is_alive(): logger.info("Forcefully terminating %s in %s" , p[0].name, self.__class__.__name__) p[0].terminate() def get_pipe(self, source): return self._pipes[source] def get_no_active_processes(self): """ Returns how many processes are currently active, i.e. running """ i = 0 for p in self.processes(): if p[0].is_alive(): i += 1 return i class ScanManager(TaskManager): def __init__(self, results_callback, batch_size, add_device_function): TaskManager.__init__(self, results_callback, batch_size) self.add_device_function = add_device_function def _initiate_task(self, task, task_results_conn, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event): device = task[0] ignored_paths = task[1] use_re_ignored_paths = task[2] scan = scan_process.Scan(device.get_path(), ignored_paths, use_re_ignored_paths, self.batch_size, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event) scan.start() self._processes.append((scan, terminate_queue, run_event)) self.add_device_function(scan.pid, device, # This refers to when a device like a hard drive is having its contents scanned, # looking for photos or videos. It is visible initially in the progress bar for each device # (which normally holds "x photos and videos"). # It maybe displayed only briefly if the contents of the device being scanned is small. progress_bar_text=_('scanning...')) return scan.pid class CopyFilesManager(TaskManager): def _initiate_task(self, task, task_results_conn, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event): photo_download_folder = task[0] video_download_folder = task[1] scan_pid = task[2] files = task[3] copy_files = copyfiles.CopyFiles(photo_download_folder, video_download_folder, files, scan_pid, self.batch_size, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event) copy_files.start() self._processes.append((copy_files, terminate_queue, run_event)) return copy_files.pid class ThumbnailManager(TaskManager): def _initiate_task(self, task, task_results_conn, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event): scan_pid = task[0] files = task[1] generator = tn.GenerateThumbnails(scan_pid, files, self.batch_size, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event) generator.start() self._processes.append((generator, terminate_queue, run_event)) return generator.pid class BackupFilesManager(TaskManager): """ Handles backup processes. This is a little different from other Task Manager classes in that its pipe is Duplex, and the work done by it is not pre-assigned when the process is started. """ def __init__(self, results_callback, batch_size): TaskManager.__init__(self, results_callback, batch_size) self.backup_devices_by_path = {} def _setup_pipe(self): return Pipe(duplex=True) def _send_termination_msg(self, p): p[1].put(None) p[3].send((None, None, None, None)) def _initiate_task(self, task, task_results_conn, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event): path = task[0] name = task[1] backup_type = task[2] backup_files = backupfile.BackupFiles(path, name, self.batch_size, task_process_conn, terminate_queue, run_event) backup_files.start() self._processes.append((backup_files, terminate_queue, run_event, task_results_conn)) self.backup_devices_by_path[path] = (task_results_conn, backup_files.pid, backup_type) return backup_files.pid def backup_file(self, move_succeeded, rpd_file, path_suffix, backup_duplicate_overwrite): if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: logger.debug("Backing up photo %s", rpd_file.download_name) else: logger.debug("Backing up video %s", rpd_file.download_name) for path in self.backup_devices_by_path: backup_type = self.backup_devices_by_path[path][2] if ((backup_type == PHOTO_VIDEO_BACKUP) or (rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO and backup_type == PHOTO_BACKUP) or (rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO and backup_type == VIDEO_BACKUP)): logger.debug("Backing up to %s", path) task_results_conn = self.backup_devices_by_path[path][0] task_results_conn.send((move_succeeded, rpd_file, path_suffix, backup_duplicate_overwrite)) else: logger.debug("Not backing up to %s", path) def add_device(self, path, name, backup_type): """ Convenience function to setup adding a backup device """ return self.add_task((path, name, backup_type)) def remove_device(self, path): pid = self.backup_devices_by_path[path][1] self.terminate_process(pid) del self.backup_devices_by_path[path] class SingleInstanceTaskManager: """ Base class to manage single instance processes. Examples are daemon processes, but also a non-daemon process that has one simple task. Core (infrastructure) functionality is implemented in this class. Derived classes should implemented functionality to actually implement specific tasks. """ def __init__(self, results_callback): self.results_callback = results_callback self.task_results_conn, self.task_process_conn = Pipe(duplex=True) source = self.task_results_conn.fileno() gobject.io_add_watch(source, gobject.IO_IN, self.task_results) class PreviewManager(SingleInstanceTaskManager): def __init__(self, results_callback): SingleInstanceTaskManager.__init__(self, results_callback) self._get_preview = tn.GetPreviewImage(self.task_process_conn) self._get_preview.start() def get_preview(self, unique_id, full_file_name, file_type, size_max): self.task_results_conn.send((unique_id, full_file_name, file_type, size_max)) def task_results(self, source, condition): unique_id, preview_full_size, preview_small = self.task_results_conn.recv() self.results_callback(unique_id, preview_full_size, preview_small) return True class SubfolderFileManager(SingleInstanceTaskManager): """ Manages the daemon process that renames files and creates subfolders """ def __init__(self, results_callback, sequence_values, focal_length): SingleInstanceTaskManager.__init__(self, results_callback) self._subfolder_file = subfolderfile.SubfolderFile(self.task_process_conn, sequence_values, focal_length) self._subfolder_file.start() logger.debug("SubfolderFile PID: %s", self._subfolder_file.pid) def rename_file_and_move_to_subfolder(self, download_succeeded, download_count, rpd_file): self.task_results_conn.send((download_succeeded, download_count, rpd_file)) logger.debug("Download count: %s.", download_count) def task_results(self, source, condition): move_succeeded, rpd_file = self.task_results_conn.recv() self.results_callback(move_succeeded, rpd_file) return True class ResizblePilImage(gtk.DrawingArea): def __init__(self, bg_color=None): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.base_image = None self.bg_color = bg_color self.connect('expose_event', self.expose) def set_image(self, image): self.base_image = image #set up sizes and ratio used for drawing the derived image self.base_image_w = self.base_image.size[0] self.base_image_h = self.base_image.size[1] self.base_image_aspect = float(self.base_image_w) / self.base_image_h self.queue_draw() def expose(self, widget, event): cairo_context = self.window.cairo_create() x = event.area.x y = event.area.y w = event.area.width h = event.area.height #constrain operations to event area cairo_context.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cairo_context.clip_preserve() #set background color, if needed if self.bg_color: cairo_context.set_source_rgb(*self.bg_color) cairo_context.fill_preserve() if not self.base_image: return False frame_aspect = float(w) / h if frame_aspect > self.base_image_aspect: # Frame is wider than image height = h width = int(height * self.base_image_aspect) else: # Frame is taller than image width = w height = int(width / self.base_image_aspect) #resize image pil_image = self.base_image.copy() if self.base_image_w < width or self.base_image_h < height: logger.debug("Upsizing image") pil_image = tn.upsize_pil(pil_image, (width, height)) else: logger.debug("Downsizing image") tn.downsize_pil(pil_image, (width, height)) #image width and height image_w = pil_image.size[0] image_h = pil_image.size[1] #center the image horizontally and vertically #top left and right corners for the image: image_x = x + ((w - image_w) / 2) image_y = y + ((h - image_h) / 2) image = create_cairo_image_surface(pil_image, image_w, image_h) cairo_context.set_source_surface(image, image_x, image_y) cairo_context.paint() return False class PreviewImage: def __init__(self, parent_app, builder): #set background color to equivalent of '#444444 self.preview_image = ResizblePilImage(bg_color=(0.267, 0.267, 0.267)) self.preview_image_eventbox = builder.get_object("preview_eventbox") self.preview_image_eventbox.add(self.preview_image) self.preview_image.show() self.download_this_checkbutton = builder.get_object("download_this_checkbutton") self.rapid_app = parent_app self.base_preview_image = None # large size image used to scale down from self.current_preview_size = (0,0) self.preview_image_size_limit = (0,0) self.unique_id = None def set_preview_image(self, unique_id, pil_image, include_checkbutton_visible=None, checked=None): """ """ self.preview_image.set_image(pil_image) self.unique_id = unique_id if checked is not None: self.download_this_checkbutton.set_active(checked) self.download_this_checkbutton.grab_focus() if include_checkbutton_visible is not None: self.download_this_checkbutton.props.visible = include_checkbutton_visible def update_preview_image(self, unique_id, pil_image): if unique_id == self.unique_id: self.set_preview_image(unique_id, pil_image) class RapidApp(dbus.service.Object): """ The main Rapid Photo Downloader application class. Contains functionality for main program window, and directs all other processes. """ def __init__(self, bus, path, name, taskserver=None, focal_length=None): dbus.service.Object.__init__ (self, bus, path, name) self.running = False self.taskserver = taskserver self.focal_length = focal_length # Setup program preferences, and set callback for when they change self._init_prefs() # Initialize widgets in the main window, and variables that point to them self._init_widgets() self._init_pynotify() # Initialize job code handling self._init_job_code() # Remember the window size from the last time the program was run, or # set a default size self._set_window_size() # Setup various widgets self._setup_buttons() self._setup_error_icons() self._setup_icons() # Show the main window self.rapidapp.show() # Check program preferences - don't allow auto start if there is a problem prefs_valid, msg = prefsrapid.check_prefs_for_validity(self.prefs) if not prefs_valid: self.notify_prefs_are_invalid(details=msg) # Initialize variables with which to track important downloads results self._init_download_tracking() # Set up process managers. # A task such as scanning a device or copying files is handled in its # own process. self._start_process_managers() # Setup devices from which to download from and backup to self.setup_devices(on_startup=True, on_preference_change=False, block_auto_start=not prefs_valid) # Ensure the device collection scrolled window is not too small self._set_device_collection_size() def on_rapidapp_destroy(self, widget, data=None): self._terminate_processes(terminate_file_copies = True) # save window and component sizes self.prefs.vpaned_pos = self.main_vpaned.get_position() x, y, width, height = self.rapidapp.get_allocation() self.prefs.main_window_size_x = width self.prefs.main_window_size_y = height self.prefs.set_downloads_today_from_tracker(self.downloads_today_tracker) gtk.main_quit() def _terminate_processes(self, terminate_file_copies=False): if terminate_file_copies: logger.info("Terminating all processes...") scan_termination_requested = self.scan_manager.request_termination() thumbnails_termination_requested = self.thumbnails.thumbnail_manager.request_termination() backup_termination_requested = self.backup_manager.request_termination() if terminate_file_copies: copy_files_termination_requested = self.copy_files_manager.request_termination() else: copy_files_termination_requested = False if (scan_termination_requested or thumbnails_termination_requested or backup_termination_requested): time.sleep(1) if (self.scan_manager.get_no_active_processes() > 0 or self.thumbnails.thumbnail_manager.get_no_active_processes() > 0 or self.backup_manager.get_no_active_processes() > 0): time.sleep(1) # must try again, just in case a new scan has meanwhile started! self.scan_manager.request_termination() self.thumbnails.thumbnail_manager.terminate_forcefully() self.scan_manager.terminate_forcefully() self.backup_manager.terminate_forcefully() if terminate_file_copies and copy_files_termination_requested: time.sleep(1) self.copy_files_manager.terminate_forcefully() if terminate_file_copies: self._clean_all_temp_dirs() # # # # Events and tasks related to displaying preview images and thumbnails # # # def on_download_this_checkbutton_toggled(self, checkbutton): value = checkbutton.get_active() self.thumbnails.set_selected(self.preview_image.unique_id, value) self.set_download_action_sensitivity() def on_preview_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: self.show_thumbnails() def on_show_thumbnails_action_activate(self, action): logger.debug("on_show_thumbnails_action_activate") self.show_thumbnails() def on_show_image_action_activate(self, action): logger.debug("on_show_image_action_activate") self.thumbnails.show_preview() def on_check_all_action_activate(self, action): self.thumbnails.check_all(check_all=True) def on_uncheck_all_action_activate(self, action): self.thumbnails.check_all(check_all=False) def on_check_all_photos_action_activate(self, action): self.thumbnails.check_all(check_all=True, file_type=rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO) def on_check_all_videos_action_activate(self, action): self.thumbnails.check_all(check_all=True, file_type=rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO) def on_quit_action_activate(self, action): self.on_rapidapp_destroy(widget=self.rapidapp, data=None) def on_refresh_action_activate(self, action): self.setup_devices(on_startup=False, on_preference_change=False, block_auto_start=True) def on_get_help_action_activate(self, action): webbrowser.open("http://www.damonlynch.net/rapid/help.html") def on_about_action_activate(self, action): self.about.set_property("name", PROGRAM_NAME) self.about.set_property("version", utilities.human_readable_version( __version__)) self.about.run() self.about.destroy() def on_report_problem_action_activate(self, action): webbrowser.open("https://bugs.launchpad.net/rapid") def on_translate_action_activate(self, action): webbrowser.open("http://www.damonlynch.net/rapid/translate.html") def on_donate_action_activate(self, action): webbrowser.open("http://www.damonlynch.net/rapid/donate.html") def show_preview_image(self, unique_id, image, include_checkbutton_visible, checked): if self.main_notebook.get_current_page() == 0: # thumbnails logger.debug("Switching to preview image display") self.main_notebook.set_current_page(1) self.preview_image.set_preview_image(unique_id, image, include_checkbutton_visible, checked) self.next_image_action.set_sensitive(True) self.prev_image_action.set_sensitive(True) def update_preview_image(self, unique_id, image): self.preview_image.update_preview_image(unique_id, image) def show_thumbnails(self): logger.debug("Switching to thumbnails display") self.main_notebook.set_current_page(0) self.thumbnails.select_image(self.preview_image.unique_id) self.next_image_action.set_sensitive(False) self.prev_image_action.set_sensitive(False) def on_next_image_action_activate(self, action): if self.preview_image.unique_id is not None: self.thumbnails.show_next_image(self.preview_image.unique_id) def on_prev_image_action_activate(self, action): if self.preview_image.unique_id is not None: self.thumbnails.show_prev_image(self.preview_image.unique_id) def set_thumbnail_sort(self): """ If all the scans are complete, sets the sort order """ if self.scan_manager.no_tasks == 0: self.thumbnails.sort_by_timestamp() # # # # Volume management # # # def start_volume_monitor(self): if not self.vmonitor: self.vmonitor = gio.volume_monitor_get() self.vmonitor.connect("mount-added", self.on_mount_added) self.vmonitor.connect("mount-removed", self.on_mount_removed) def _backup_device_name(self, path): if self.backup_devices[path][0] is None: name = path else: name = self.backup_devices[path][0].get_name() return name def start_device_scan(self, device): """ Commences the scanning of a device using the preference values for any paths to ignore while scanning """ return self.scan_manager.add_task([device, self.prefs.ignored_paths, self.prefs.use_re_ignored_paths]) def setup_devices(self, on_startup, on_preference_change, block_auto_start): """ Setup devices from which to download from and backup to Sets up volumes for downloading from and backing up to on_startup should be True if the program is still starting, i.e. this is being called from the program's initialization. on_preference_change should be True if this is being called as the result of a preference being changed block_auto_start should be True if automation options to automatically start a download should be ignored Removes any image media that are currently not downloaded, or finished downloading """ if self.using_volume_monitor(): self.start_volume_monitor() self.clear_non_running_downloads() mounts = [] self.backup_devices = {} if self.using_volume_monitor(): # either using automatically detected backup devices # or download devices for mount in self.vmonitor.get_mounts(): if not mount.is_shadowed(): path = mount.get_root().get_path() if path: if (path in self.prefs.device_blacklist and self.search_for_PSD()): logger.info("%s ignored", mount.get_name()) else: logger.info("Detected %s", mount.get_name()) is_backup_mount, backup_file_type = self.check_if_backup_mount(path) if is_backup_mount: self.backup_devices[path] = (mount, backup_file_type) elif (self.prefs.device_autodetection and (dv.is_DCIM_device(path) or self.search_for_PSD())): logger.debug("Appending %s", mount.get_name()) mounts.append((path, mount)) else: logger.debug("Ignoring %s", mount.get_name()) if not self.prefs.device_autodetection: # user manually specified the path from which to download path = self.prefs.device_location if path: logger.info("Using manually specified path %s", path) if utilities.is_directory(path): mounts.append((path, None)) else: logger.error("Download path does not exist: %s", path) if self.prefs.backup_images: if not self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection: self._setup_manual_backup() self._add_backup_devices() self.update_no_backup_devices() # Display amount of free space in a status bar message self.display_free_space() if block_auto_start: self.auto_start_is_on = False else: self.auto_start_is_on = ((not on_preference_change) and ((self.prefs.auto_download_at_startup and on_startup) or (self.prefs.auto_download_upon_device_insertion and not on_startup))) for m in mounts: path, mount = m device = dv.Device(path=path, mount=mount) if (self.search_for_PSD() and path not in self.prefs.device_whitelist): # prompt user to see if device should be used or not self.get_use_device(device) else: scan_pid = self.start_device_scan(device) if mount is not None: self.mounts_by_path[path] = scan_pid if not mounts: self.set_download_action_sensitivity() def _setup_manual_backup(self): """ Setup backup devices that the user has manually specified. Depending on the folder the user has chosen, the paths for photo and video backup will either be the same or they will differ. """ # user manually specified backup locations # will backup to these paths, but don't need any volume info # associated with them self.backup_devices[self.prefs.backup_location] = (None, PHOTO_BACKUP) if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: if self.prefs.backup_location <> self.prefs.backup_video_location: self.backup_devices[self.prefs.backup_video_location] = (None, VIDEO_BACKUP) logger.info("Backing up photos to %s", self.prefs.backup_location) logger.info("Backing up videos to %s", self.prefs.backup_video_location) else: # videos and photos are being backed up to the same location self.backup_devices[self.prefs.backup_location] = (None, PHOTO_VIDEO_BACKUP) logger.info("Backing up photos and videos to %s", self.prefs.backup_location) else: logger.info("Backing up photos to %s", self.prefs.backup_location) def _add_backup_devices(self): """ Add each backup devices / path to backup manager """ for path in self.backup_devices: name = self._backup_device_name(path) backup_type = self.backup_devices[path][1] self.backup_manager.add_device(path, name, backup_type) def get_use_device(self, device): """ Prompt user whether or not to download from this device """ logger.info("Prompting whether to use %s", device.get_name()) d = dv.UseDeviceDialog(self.rapidapp, device, self.got_use_device) def got_use_device(self, dialog, user_selected, permanent_choice, device): """ User has chosen whether or not to use a device to download from """ dialog.destroy() path = device.get_path() if user_selected: if permanent_choice and path not in self.prefs.device_whitelist: # do NOT do a list append operation here without the assignment, # or the actual preferences will not be updated!! if len(self.prefs.device_whitelist): self.prefs.device_whitelist = self.prefs.device_whitelist + [path] else: self.prefs.device_whitelist = [path] scan_pid = self.start_device_scan(device) self.mounts_by_path[path] = scan_pid elif permanent_choice and path not in self.prefs.device_blacklist: # do not do a list append operation here without the assignment, or the preferences will not be updated! if len(self.prefs.device_blacklist): self.prefs.device_blacklist = self.prefs.device_blacklist + [path] else: self.prefs.device_blacklist = [path] def search_for_PSD(self): """ Check to see if user preferences are to automatically search for Portable Storage Devices or not """ return self.prefs.device_autodetection_psd and self.prefs.device_autodetection def check_if_backup_mount(self, path): """ Checks to see if backups are enabled and path represents a valid backup location. It must be writeable. Checks against user preferences. Returns a tuple: (True, (one of PHOTO_VIDEO_BACKUP, PHOTO_BACKUP, or VIDEO_BACKUP)) or (False, None) """ if self.prefs.backup_images: if self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection: # Determine if the auto-detected backup device is # to be used to backup only photos, or videos, or both. # Use the presence of a corresponding directory to # determine this. # The directory must be writable. photo_path = os.path.join(path, self.prefs.backup_identifier) p_backup = os.path.isdir(photo_path) and os.access(photo_path, os.W_OK) if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: video_path = os.path.join(path, self.prefs.video_backup_identifier) v_backup = os.path.isdir(video_path) and os.access(video_path, os.W_OK) else: v_backup = False if p_backup and v_backup: logger.info("Photos and videos will be backed up to %s", path) return (True, PHOTO_VIDEO_BACKUP) elif p_backup: logger.info("Photos will be backed up to %s", path) return (True, PHOTO_BACKUP) elif v_backup: logger.info("Videos will be backed up to %s", path) return (True, VIDEO_BACKUP) elif path == self.prefs.backup_location: # user manually specified the path if os.access(self.prefs.backup_location, os.W_OK): return (True, PHOTO_BACKUP) elif path == self.prefs.backup_video_location: # user manually specified the path if os.access(self.prefs.backup_video_location, os.W_OK): return (True, VIDEO_BACKUP) return (False, None) def update_no_backup_devices(self): self.no_photo_backup_devices = 0 self.no_video_backup_devices = 0 for path, value in self.backup_devices.iteritems(): backup_type = value[1] if backup_type == PHOTO_BACKUP: self.no_photo_backup_devices += 1 elif backup_type == VIDEO_BACKUP: self.no_video_backup_devices += 1 else: #both videos and photos are backed up to this device / path self.no_photo_backup_devices += 1 self.no_video_backup_devices += 1 logger.info("# photo backup devices: %s; # video backup devices: %s", self.no_photo_backup_devices, self.no_video_backup_devices) self.download_tracker.set_no_backup_devices(self.no_photo_backup_devices, self.no_video_backup_devices) def refresh_backup_media(self): """ Setup the backup media Assumptions: this is being called after the user has changed their preferences AND download media has already been setup """ # terminate any running backup processes self.backup_manager.request_termination() self.backup_devices = {} if self.prefs.backup_images: if not self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection: self._setup_manual_backup() else: for mount in self.vmonitor.get_mounts(): if not mount.is_shadowed(): path = mount.get_root().get_path() if path: is_backup_mount, backup_file_type = self.check_if_backup_mount(path) if is_backup_mount: # is a backup volume if path not in self.backup_devices: self.backup_devices[path] = (mount, backup_file_type) self._add_backup_devices() self.update_no_backup_devices() self.display_free_space() def using_volume_monitor(self): """ Returns True if programs needs to use gio volume monitor """ return (self.prefs.device_autodetection or (self.prefs.backup_images and self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection )) def on_mount_added(self, vmonitor, mount): """ callback run when gio indicates a new volume has been mounted """ if mount.is_shadowed(): # ignore this type of mount return path = mount.get_root().get_path() if path is not None: if path in self.prefs.device_blacklist and self.search_for_PSD(): logger.info("Device %(device)s (%(path)s) ignored" % { 'device': mount.get_name(), 'path': path}) else: is_backup_mount, backup_file_type = self.check_if_backup_mount(path) if is_backup_mount: if path not in self.backup_devices: self.backup_devices[path] = mount name = self._backup_device_name(path) self.backup_manager.add_device(path, name, backup_file_type) self.update_no_backup_devices() self.display_free_space() elif self.prefs.device_autodetection and (dv.is_DCIM_device(path) or self.search_for_PSD()): self.auto_start_is_on = self.prefs.auto_download_upon_device_insertion device = dv.Device(path=path, mount=mount) if self.search_for_PSD() and path not in self.prefs.device_whitelist: # prompt user if device should be used or not self.get_use_device(device) else: scan_pid = self.start_device_scan(device) self.mounts_by_path[path] = scan_pid def on_mount_removed(self, vmonitor, mount): """ callback run when gio indicates a new volume has been mounted """ path = mount.get_root().get_path() # three scenarios - # the mount has been scanned but downloading has not yet started # files are being downloaded from mount (it must be a messy unmount) # files have finished downloading from mount if path in self.mounts_by_path: scan_pid = self.mounts_by_path[path] del self.mounts_by_path[path] # temp directory should be cleaned by finishing of process self.thumbnails.clear_all(scan_pid = scan_pid, keep_downloaded_files = True) self.device_collection.remove_device(scan_pid) # remove backup volumes elif path in self.backup_devices: del self.backup_devices[path] self.display_free_space() self.backup_manager.remove_device(path) self.update_no_backup_devices() # may need to disable download button and menu self.set_download_action_sensitivity() def clear_non_running_downloads(self): """ Clears the display of downloads that are currently not running """ # Stop any processes currently scanning or creating thumbnails self._terminate_processes(terminate_file_copies=False) # Remove them from the user interface for scan_pid in self.device_collection.get_all_displayed_processes(): if scan_pid not in self.download_active_by_scan_pid: self.device_collection.remove_device(scan_pid) self.thumbnails.clear_all(scan_pid=scan_pid) # # # # Download and help buttons, and menu items # # # def on_download_action_activate(self, action): """ Called when a download is activated """ if self.copy_files_manager.paused: logger.debug("Download resumed") self.resume_download() else: logger.debug("Download activated") if self.download_action_is_download: if self.need_job_code_for_naming and not self.prompting_for_job_code: self.get_job_code() else: self.start_download() else: self.pause_download() def on_help_action_activate(self, action): webbrowser.open("http://www.damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation") def on_preferences_action_activate(self, action): preferencesdialog.PreferencesDialog(self) def set_download_action_sensitivity(self): """ Sets sensitivity of Download action to enable or disable it Affects download button and menu item """ if not self.download_is_occurring(): sensitivity = False if self.scan_manager.no_tasks == 0: if self.thumbnails.files_are_checked_to_download(): sensitivity = True self.download_action.set_sensitive(sensitivity) def set_download_action_label(self, is_download): """ Toggles label betwen pause and download """ if is_download: self.download_action.set_label(_("Download")) self.download_action_is_download = True else: self.download_action.set_label(_("Pause")) self.download_action_is_download = False # # # # Job codes # # # def _init_job_code(self): self.job_code = self.last_chosen_job_code = '' self.need_job_code_for_naming = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_job_code() self.prompting_for_job_code = False def assign_job_code(self, code): """ assign job code (which may be empty) to member variable and update user preferences Update preferences only if code is not empty. Do not duplicate job code. """ self.job_code = code if code: #add this value to job codes preferences #delete any existing value which is the same #(this way it comes to the front, which is where it should be) #never modify self.prefs.job_codes in place! (or prefs become screwed up) jcs = self.prefs.job_codes while code in jcs: jcs.remove(code) self.prefs.job_codes = [code] + jcs def _get_job_code(self, post_job_code_entry_callback): """ prompt for a job code """ if not self.prompting_for_job_code: logger.debug("Prompting for Job Code") self.prompting_for_job_code = True j = preferencesdialog.JobCodeDialog(parent_window = self.rapidapp, job_codes = self.prefs.job_codes, default_job_code = self.last_chosen_job_code, post_job_code_entry_callback=post_job_code_entry_callback, entry_only = False) else: logger.debug("Already prompting for Job Code, do not prompt again") def get_job_code(self): self._get_job_code(self.got_job_code) def got_job_code(self, dialog, user_chose_code, code): dialog.destroy() self.prompting_for_job_code = False if user_chose_code: if code is None: code = '' self.assign_job_code(code) self.last_chosen_job_code = code logger.debug("Job Code %s entered", self.job_code) self.start_download() else: # user cancelled logger.debug("No Job Code entered") self.job_code = '' self.auto_start_is_on = False # # # # Download # # # def _init_download_tracking(self): """ Initialize variables to track downloads """ # Track download sizes and other values for each device. # (Scan id acts as an index to each device. A device could be scanned # more than once). self.download_tracker = downloadtracker.DownloadTracker() # Track which temporary directories are created when downloading files self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid = dict() # Track which downloads are running self.download_active_by_scan_pid = [] def start_download(self, scan_pid=None): """ Start download, renaming and backup of files. If scan_pid is specified, only files matching it will be downloaded """ files_by_scan_pid = self.thumbnails.get_files_checked_for_download(scan_pid) folders_valid, invalid_dirs = self.check_download_folder_validity(files_by_scan_pid) if not folders_valid: if len(invalid_dirs) > 1: msg = _("These download folders are invalid:\n%(folder1)s\n%(folder2)s") % { 'folder1': invalid_dirs[0], 'folder2': invalid_dirs[1]} else: msg = _("This download folder is invalid:\n%s") % invalid_dirs[0] self.log_error(config.CRITICAL_ERROR, _("Download cannot proceed"), msg) else: # set time download is starting if it is not already set # it is unset when all downloads are completed if self.download_start_time is None: self.download_start_time = datetime.datetime.now() # Set status to download pending self.thumbnails.mark_download_pending(files_by_scan_pid) # disable refresh and preferences change while download is occurring self.enable_prefs_and_refresh(enabled=False) for scan_pid in files_by_scan_pid: files = files_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] # if generating thumbnails for this scan_pid, stop it if self.thumbnails.terminate_thumbnail_generation(scan_pid): self.thumbnails.mark_thumbnails_needed(files) self.download_files(files, scan_pid) self.set_download_action_label(is_download = False) def pause_download(self): self.copy_files_manager.pause() # set action to display Download if not self.download_action_is_download: self.set_download_action_label(is_download = True) self.time_check.pause() def resume_download(self): for scan_pid in self.download_active_by_scan_pid: self.time_remaining.set_time_mark(scan_pid) self.time_check.set_download_mark() self.copy_files_manager.start() def download_files(self, files, scan_pid): """ Initiate downloading and renaming of files """ # Check which file types will be downloaded for this particular process no_photos_to_download = self.files_of_type_present(files, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO, return_file_count=True) if no_photos_to_download: photo_download_folder = self.prefs.download_folder else: photo_download_folder = None if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: no_videos_to_download = self.files_of_type_present(files, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO, return_file_count=True) if no_videos_to_download: video_download_folder = self.prefs.video_download_folder else: video_download_folder = None else: video_download_folder = None no_videos_to_download = 0 photo_download_size, video_download_size = self.size_files_to_be_downloaded(files) self.download_tracker.init_stats(scan_pid=scan_pid, photo_size_in_bytes=photo_download_size, video_size_in_bytes=video_download_size, no_photos_to_download=no_photos_to_download, no_videos_to_download=no_videos_to_download) download_size = photo_download_size + video_download_size if self.prefs.backup_images: download_size = download_size + ((self.no_photo_backup_devices * photo_download_size) + (self.no_video_backup_devices * video_download_size)) self.time_remaining.set(scan_pid, download_size) self.time_check.set_download_mark() self.download_active_by_scan_pid.append(scan_pid) if len(self.download_active_by_scan_pid) > 1: self.display_summary_notification = True if self.auto_start_is_on and self.prefs.generate_thumbnails: for rpd_file in files: rpd_file.generate_thumbnail = True # Initiate copy files process self.copy_files_manager.add_task((photo_download_folder, video_download_folder, scan_pid, files)) def copy_files_results(self, source, condition): """ Handle results from copy files process """ #FIXME: must handle early termination / pause of copy files process connection = self.copy_files_manager.get_pipe(source) conn_type, msg_data = connection.recv() if conn_type == rpdmp.CONN_PARTIAL: msg_type, data = msg_data if msg_type == rpdmp.MSG_TEMP_DIRS: scan_pid, photo_temp_dir, video_temp_dir = data self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] = (photo_temp_dir, video_temp_dir) elif msg_type == rpdmp.MSG_BYTES: scan_pid, total_downloaded, chunk_downloaded = data self.download_tracker.set_total_bytes_copied(scan_pid, total_downloaded) self.time_check.increment(bytes_downloaded=chunk_downloaded) percent_complete = self.download_tracker.get_percent_complete(scan_pid) self.device_collection.update_progress(scan_pid, percent_complete, None, None) self.time_remaining.update(scan_pid, bytes_downloaded=chunk_downloaded) elif msg_type == rpdmp.MSG_FILE: download_succeeded, rpd_file, download_count, temp_full_file_name, thumbnail_icon, thumbnail = data if thumbnail is not None or thumbnail_icon is not None: self.thumbnails.update_thumbnail((rpd_file.unique_id, thumbnail_icon, thumbnail)) self.download_tracker.set_download_count_for_file( rpd_file.unique_id, download_count) self.download_tracker.set_download_count( rpd_file.scan_pid, download_count) rpd_file.download_start_time = self.download_start_time if download_succeeded: # Insert preference values needed for name generation rpd_file = prefsrapid.insert_pref_lists(self.prefs, rpd_file) rpd_file.strip_characters = self.prefs.strip_characters rpd_file.download_folder = self.prefs.get_download_folder_for_file_type(rpd_file.file_type) rpd_file.download_conflict_resolution = self.prefs.download_conflict_resolution rpd_file.synchronize_raw_jpg = self.prefs.must_synchronize_raw_jpg() rpd_file.job_code = self.job_code self.subfolder_file_manager.rename_file_and_move_to_subfolder( download_succeeded, download_count, rpd_file ) return True else: # Process is complete, i.e. conn_type == rpdmp.CONN_COMPLETE connection.close() return False def download_is_occurring(self): """Returns True if a file is currently being downloaded, renamed or backed up """ return not len(self.download_active_by_scan_pid) == 0 # # # # Create folder and file names for downloaded files # # # def subfolder_file_results(self, move_succeeded, rpd_file): """ Handle results of subfolder creation and file renaming """ scan_pid = rpd_file.scan_pid unique_id = rpd_file.unique_id if rpd_file.status == config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING: self.log_error(config.WARNING, rpd_file.error_title, rpd_file.error_msg, rpd_file.error_extra_detail) if self.prefs.backup_images and len(self.backup_devices): if self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection: if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: path_suffix = self.prefs.backup_identifier else: path_suffix = self.prefs.video_backup_identifier else: path_suffix = None self.backup_manager.backup_file(move_succeeded, rpd_file, path_suffix, self.prefs.backup_duplicate_overwrite) else: self.file_download_finished(move_succeeded, rpd_file) def multiple_backup_devices(self, file_type): """Returns true if more than one backup device is being used for that file type """ return ((file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO and self.no_photo_backup_devices > 1) or (file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO and self.no_video_backup_devices > 1)) def backup_results(self, source, condition): """ Handle results sent from backup processes """ connection = self.backup_manager.get_pipe(source) conn_type, msg_data = connection.recv() if conn_type == rpdmp.CONN_PARTIAL: msg_type, data = msg_data if msg_type == rpdmp.MSG_BYTES: scan_pid, backup_pid, total_downloaded, chunk_downloaded = data self.download_tracker.increment_bytes_backed_up(scan_pid, chunk_downloaded) self.time_check.increment(bytes_downloaded=chunk_downloaded) percent_complete = self.download_tracker.get_percent_complete(scan_pid) self.device_collection.update_progress(scan_pid, percent_complete, None, None) self.time_remaining.update(scan_pid, bytes_downloaded=chunk_downloaded) elif msg_type == rpdmp.MSG_FILE: backup_succeeded, rpd_file = data # Only show an error message if there is more than one device # backing up files of this type - if that is the case, # do not want to reply on showing an error message in the # function file_download_finished, as it is only called once, # when all files have been backed up if not backup_succeeded and self.multiple_backup_devices(rpd_file.file_type): self.log_error(config.SERIOUS_ERROR, rpd_file.error_title, rpd_file.error_msg, rpd_file.error_extra_detail) self.download_tracker.file_backed_up(rpd_file.unique_id) if self.download_tracker.all_files_backed_up(rpd_file.unique_id, rpd_file.file_type): self.file_download_finished(backup_succeeded, rpd_file) return True else: return False def file_download_finished(self, succeeded, rpd_file): """ Called when a file has been downloaded i.e. copied, renamed, and backed up """ scan_pid = rpd_file.scan_pid unique_id = rpd_file.unique_id # Update error log window if neccessary if not succeeded and not self.multiple_backup_devices(rpd_file.file_type): self.log_error(config.SERIOUS_ERROR, rpd_file.error_title, rpd_file.error_msg, rpd_file.error_extra_detail) elif self.prefs.auto_delete: # record which files to automatically delete when download # completes self.download_tracker.add_to_auto_delete(rpd_file) self.thumbnails.update_status_post_download(rpd_file) self.download_tracker.file_downloaded_increment(scan_pid, rpd_file.file_type, rpd_file.status) completed, files_remaining = self._update_file_download_device_progress(scan_pid, unique_id, rpd_file.file_type) if self.download_is_occurring(): self.update_time_remaining() if completed: # Last file for this scan pid has been downloaded, so clean temp directory logger.debug("Purging temp directories") self._clean_temp_dirs_for_scan_pid(scan_pid) if self.prefs.auto_delete: logger.debug("Auto deleting files") self.auto_delete(scan_pid) self.download_tracker.clear_auto_delete(scan_pid) self.download_active_by_scan_pid.remove(scan_pid) self.time_remaining.remove(scan_pid) self.notify_downloaded_from_device(scan_pid) if files_remaining == 0 and self.prefs.auto_unmount: self.device_collection.unmount(scan_pid) if not self.download_is_occurring(): logger.debug("Download completed") self.enable_prefs_and_refresh(enabled=True) self.notify_download_complete() self.download_progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) self.prefs.stored_sequence_no = self.stored_sequence_value.value self.downloads_today_tracker.set_raw_downloads_today_from_int(self.downloads_today_value.value) self.downloads_today_tracker.set_raw_downloads_today_date(self.downloads_today_date_value.value) self.prefs.set_downloads_today_from_tracker(self.downloads_today_tracker) if ((self.prefs.auto_exit and self.download_tracker.no_errors_or_warnings()) or self.prefs.auto_exit_force): if not self.thumbnails.files_remain_to_download(): self._terminate_processes() gtk.main_quit() self.download_tracker.purge_all() self.speed_label.set_label(" ") self.display_free_space() self.set_download_action_label(is_download=True) self.set_download_action_sensitivity() self.job_code = '' self.download_start_time = None def update_time_remaining(self): update, download_speed = self.time_check.check_for_update() if update: self.speed_label.set_text(download_speed) time_remaining = self.time_remaining.time_remaining() if time_remaining: secs = int(time_remaining) if secs == 0: message = "" elif secs == 1: message = _("About 1 second remaining") elif secs < 60: message = _("About %i seconds remaining") % secs elif secs == 60: message = _("About 1 minute remaining") else: # Translators: in the text '%(minutes)i:%(seconds)02i', only the : should be translated, if needed. # '%(minutes)i' and '%(seconds)02i' should not be modified or left out. They are used to format and display the amount # of time the download has remainging, e.g. 'About 5:36 minutes remaining' message = _("About %(minutes)i:%(seconds)02i minutes remaining") % {'minutes': secs / 60, 'seconds': secs % 60} self.rapid_statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context_id) self.rapid_statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context_id, message) def auto_delete(self, scan_pid): """Delete files from download device at completion of download""" for file in self.download_tracker.get_files_to_auto_delete(scan_pid): f = gio.File(file) try: f.delete(cancellable=None) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Failure deleting file %s", file) logger.error(inst) def file_types_by_number(self, no_photos, no_videos): """ returns a string to be displayed to the user that can be used to show if a value refers to photos or videos or both, or just one of each """ if (no_videos > 0) and (no_photos > 0): v = _('photos and videos') elif (no_videos == 0) and (no_photos == 0): v = _('photos or videos') elif no_videos > 0: if no_videos > 1: v = _('videos') else: v = _('video') else: if no_photos > 1: v = _('photos') else: v = _('photo') return v def notify_downloaded_from_device(self, scan_pid): device = self.device_collection.get_device(scan_pid) if device.mount is None: notification_name = PROGRAM_NAME icon = self.application_icon else: notification_name = device.get_name() icon = device.get_icon(self.notification_icon_size) no_photos_downloaded = self.download_tracker.get_no_files_downloaded( scan_pid, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO) no_videos_downloaded = self.download_tracker.get_no_files_downloaded( scan_pid, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO) no_photos_failed = self.download_tracker.get_no_files_failed( scan_pid, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO) no_videos_failed = self.download_tracker.get_no_files_failed( scan_pid, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO) no_files_downloaded = no_photos_downloaded + no_videos_downloaded no_files_failed = no_photos_failed + no_videos_failed no_warnings = self.download_tracker.get_no_warnings(scan_pid) file_types = self.file_types_by_number(no_photos_downloaded, no_videos_downloaded) file_types_failed = self.file_types_by_number(no_photos_failed, no_videos_failed) message = _("%(noFiles)s %(filetypes)s downloaded") % \ {'noFiles':no_files_downloaded, 'filetypes': file_types} if no_files_failed: message += "\n" + _("%(noFiles)s %(filetypes)s failed to download") % {'noFiles':no_files_failed, 'filetypes':file_types_failed} if no_warnings: message = "%s\n%s " % (message, no_warnings) + _("warnings") n = pynotify.Notification(notification_name, message) n.set_icon_from_pixbuf(icon) n.show() def notify_download_complete(self): if self.display_summary_notification: message = _("All downloads complete") # photo downloads photo_downloads = self.download_tracker.total_photos_downloaded if photo_downloads: filetype = self.file_types_by_number(photo_downloads, 0) message += "\n" + _("%(number)s %(numberdownloaded)s") % \ {'number': photo_downloads, 'numberdownloaded': _("%(filetype)s downloaded") % \ {'filetype': filetype}} # photo failures photo_failures = self.download_tracker.total_photo_failures if photo_failures: filetype = self.file_types_by_number(photo_failures, 0) message += "\n" + _("%(number)s %(numberdownloaded)s") % \ {'number': photo_failures, 'numberdownloaded': _("%(filetype)s failed to download") % \ {'filetype': filetype}} # video downloads video_downloads = self.download_tracker.total_videos_downloaded if video_downloads: filetype = self.file_types_by_number(0, video_downloads) message += "\n" + _("%(number)s %(numberdownloaded)s") % \ {'number': video_downloads, 'numberdownloaded': _("%(filetype)s downloaded") % \ {'filetype': filetype}} # video failures video_failures = self.download_tracker.total_video_failures if video_failures: filetype = self.file_types_by_number(0, video_failures) message += "\n" + _("%(number)s %(numberdownloaded)s") % \ {'number': video_failures, 'numberdownloaded': _("%(filetype)s failed to download") % \ {'filetype': filetype}} # warnings warnings = self.download_tracker.total_warnings if warnings: message += "\n" + _("%(number)s %(numberdownloaded)s") % \ {'number': warnings, 'numberdownloaded': _("warnings")} n = pynotify.Notification(PROGRAM_NAME, message) n.set_icon_from_pixbuf(self.application_icon) n.show() self.display_summary_notification = False # don't show it again unless needed def _update_file_download_device_progress(self, scan_pid, unique_id, file_type): """ Increments the progress bar for an individual device Returns if the download is completed for that scan_pid It also returns the number of files remaining for the scan_pid, BUT this value is valid ONLY if the download is completed """ files_downloaded = self.download_tracker.get_download_count_for_file(unique_id) files_to_download = self.download_tracker.get_no_files_in_download(scan_pid) file_types = self.download_tracker.get_file_types_present(scan_pid) completed = files_downloaded == files_to_download if completed and (self.prefs.backup_images and len(self.backup_devices)): completed = self.download_tracker.all_files_backed_up(unique_id, file_type) if completed: files_remaining = self.thumbnails.get_no_files_remaining(scan_pid) else: files_remaining = 0 if completed and files_remaining: # e.g.: 3 of 205 photos and videos (202 remaining) progress_bar_text = _("%(number)s of %(total)s %(filetypes)s (%(remaining)s remaining)") % { 'number': files_downloaded, 'total': files_to_download, 'filetypes': file_types, 'remaining': files_remaining} else: # e.g.: 205 of 205 photos and videos progress_bar_text = _("%(number)s of %(total)s %(filetypes)s") % \ {'number': files_downloaded, 'total': files_to_download, 'filetypes': file_types} percent_complete = self.download_tracker.get_percent_complete(scan_pid) self.device_collection.update_progress(scan_pid=scan_pid, percent_complete=percent_complete, progress_bar_text=progress_bar_text, bytes_downloaded=None) percent_complete = self.download_tracker.get_overall_percent_complete() self.download_progressbar.set_fraction(percent_complete) return (completed, files_remaining) def _clean_all_temp_dirs(self): """ Cleans all temp dirs if they exist """ for scan_pid in self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid: for temp_dir in self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid[scan_pid]: self._purge_dir(temp_dir) self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid = {} def _clean_temp_dirs_for_scan_pid(self, scan_pid): """ Deletes temp files and folders used in download """ for temp_dir in self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid[scan_pid]: self._purge_dir(temp_dir) del self.temp_dirs_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] def _purge_dir(self, directory): """ Deletes all files in the directory, and the directory itself. Does not recursively traverse any subfolders in the directory. """ if directory: try: path = gio.File(directory) # first delete any files in the temp directory # assume there are no directories in the temp directory file_attributes = "standard::name,standard::type" children = path.enumerate_children(file_attributes) for child in children: f = path.get_child(child.get_name()) f.delete(cancellable=None) path.delete(cancellable=None) logger.debug("Deleted directory %s", directory) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Failure deleting temporary folder %s", directory) logger.error(inst) # # # # Preferences # # # def _init_prefs(self): self.prefs = prefsrapid.RapidPreferences() self.prefs.notify_add(self.on_preference_changed) # flag to indicate whether the user changed some preferences that # indicate the image and backup devices should be setup again self.rerun_setup_available_image_and_video_media = False self.rerun_setup_available_backup_media = False # flag to indicate that the preferences dialog window is being # displayed to the user self.preferences_dialog_displayed = False # flag to indicate that the user has modified the download today # related values in the preferences dialog window self.refresh_downloads_today = False # these values are used to track the number of backup devices / # locations for each file type self.no_photo_backup_devices = 0 self.no_video_backup_devices = 0 self.downloads_today_tracker = self.prefs.get_downloads_today_tracker() downloads_today = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_and_maybe_reset_downloads_today() if downloads_today > 0: logger.info("Downloads that have occurred so far today: %s", downloads_today) else: logger.info("No downloads have occurred so far today") self.downloads_today_value = Value(c_int, self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today()) self.downloads_today_date_value = Array(c_char, self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today_date()) self.day_start_value = Array(c_char, self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_day_start()) self.refresh_downloads_today_value = Value(c_bool, False) self.stored_sequence_value = Value(c_int, self.prefs.stored_sequence_no) self.uses_stored_sequence_no_value = Value(c_bool, self.prefs.any_pref_uses_stored_sequence_no()) self.uses_session_sequece_no_value = Value(c_bool, self.prefs.any_pref_uses_session_sequece_no()) self.uses_sequence_letter_value = Value(c_bool, self.prefs.any_pref_uses_sequence_letter_value()) self.check_prefs_upgrade(__version__) self.prefs.program_version = __version__ def _check_for_sequence_value_use(self): self.uses_stored_sequence_no_value.value = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_stored_sequence_no() self.uses_session_sequece_no_value.value = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_session_sequece_no() self.uses_sequence_letter_value.value = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_sequence_letter_value() def check_prefs_upgrade(self, running_version): """ Checks if the running version of the program is different from the version recorded in the preferences. If the version is different, the preferences are checked to see whether they should be upgraded or not. """ previous_version = self.prefs.program_version if len(previous_version) > 0: # the program has been run previously for this user pv = utilities.pythonify_version(previous_version) rv = utilities.pythonify_version(running_version) if pv <> rv: # 0.4.1 and below had only one manual backup location # 0.4.2 introduced a distinct video back up location that can be manually set # Therefore must duplicate the previous photo & video manual backup location into the # new video field, unless it has already been changed already. if pv < utilities.pythonify_version('0.4.2'): if self.prefs.backup_video_location == os.path.expanduser('~'): self.prefs.backup_video_location = self.prefs.backup_location logger.info("Migrated manual backup location preference to videos: %s", self.prefs.backup_video_location) def on_preference_changed(self, key, value): """ Called when user changes the program's preferences """ logger.debug("Preference change detected: %s", key) if key == 'show_log_dialog': self.menu_log_window.set_active(value) elif key in ['device_autodetection', 'device_autodetection_psd', 'device_location', 'ignored_paths', 'use_re_ignored_paths', 'device_blacklist']: self.rerun_setup_available_image_and_video_media = True if not self.preferences_dialog_displayed: self.post_preference_change() elif key in ['backup_images', 'backup_device_autodetection', 'backup_location', 'backup_video_location', 'backup_identifier', 'video_backup_identifier']: self.rerun_setup_available_backup_media = True if not self.preferences_dialog_displayed: self.post_preference_change() # Downloads today and stored sequence numbers are kept in shared memory, # so that the subfolderfile daemon process can access and modify them # Note, totally ignore any changes in downloads today, as it # is modified in a special manner via a tracking class elif key == 'stored_sequence_no': if type(value) <> types.IntType: logger.critical("Stored sequence number value is malformed") else: self.stored_sequence_value.value = value elif key in ['image_rename', 'subfolder', 'video_rename', 'video_subfolder']: self.need_job_code_for_naming = self.prefs.any_pref_uses_job_code() # Check if stored sequence no is being used self._check_for_sequence_value_use() elif key in ['download_folder', 'video_download_folder']: self.display_free_space() def post_preference_change(self): if self.rerun_setup_available_image_and_video_media: logger.info("Download device settings preferences were changed.") self.thumbnails.clear_all() self.setup_devices(on_startup = False, on_preference_change = True, block_auto_start = True) self._set_device_collection_size() if self.main_notebook.get_current_page() == 1: # preview of file self.main_notebook.set_current_page(0) self.rerun_setup_available_image_and_video_media = False if self.rerun_setup_available_backup_media: if self.using_volume_monitor(): self.start_volume_monitor() logger.info("Backup preferences were changed.") self.refresh_backup_media() self.rerun_setup_available_backup_media = False if self.refresh_downloads_today: self.downloads_today_value.value = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today() self.downloads_today_date_value.value = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today_date() self.day_start_value.value = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_day_start() self.refresh_downloads_today_value.value = True self.prefs.set_downloads_today_from_tracker(self.downloads_today_tracker) # # # # Main app window management and setup # # # def _init_pynotify(self): """ Initialize system notification messages """ if not pynotify.init("TestCaps"): logger.warning("There might be problems using pynotify.") #~ sys.exit(1) do_not_size_icon = False self.notification_icon_size = 48 try: info = pynotify.get_server_info() except: logger.warning("Desktop environment notification server is incorrectly configured.") else: try: if info["name"] == 'notify-osd': do_not_size_icon = True except: pass if do_not_size_icon: self.application_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader.svg')) else: self.application_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( paths.share_dir('glade3/rapid-photo-downloader.svg'), self.notification_icon_size, self.notification_icon_size) def _init_widgets(self): """ Initialize widgets in the main window, and variables that point to them """ builder = gtk.Builder() builder.set_translation_domain(config.APP_NAME) self.builder = builder builder.add_from_file(paths.share_dir("glade3/rapid.ui")) self.rapidapp = builder.get_object("rapidapp") self.main_vpaned = builder.get_object("main_vpaned") self.main_notebook = builder.get_object("main_notebook") self.download_action = builder.get_object("download_action") self.download_progressbar = builder.get_object("download_progressbar") self.rapid_statusbar = builder.get_object("rapid_statusbar") self.statusbar_context_id = self.rapid_statusbar.get_context_id("progress") self.device_collection_scrolledwindow = builder.get_object("device_collection_scrolledwindow") self.next_image_action = builder.get_object("next_image_action") self.prev_image_action = builder.get_object("prev_image_action") self.menu_log_window = builder.get_object("menu_log_window") self.speed_label = builder.get_object("speed_label") self.refresh_action = builder.get_object("refresh_action") self.preferences_action = builder.get_object("preferences_action") # Only enable this action when actually displaying a preview self.next_image_action.set_sensitive(False) self.prev_image_action.set_sensitive(False) # About dialog builder.add_from_file(paths.share_dir("glade3/about.ui")) self.about = builder.get_object("about") builder.connect_signals(self) self.preview_image = PreviewImage(self, builder) thumbnails_scrolledwindow = builder.get_object('thumbnails_scrolledwindow') self.thumbnails = ThumbnailDisplay(self) thumbnails_scrolledwindow.add(self.thumbnails) #collection of devices from which to download self.device_collection_viewport = builder.get_object("device_collection_viewport") self.device_collection = DeviceCollection(self) self.device_collection_viewport.add(self.device_collection) #error log window self.error_log = errorlog.ErrorLog(self) # monitor to handle mounts and dismounts self.vmonitor = None # track scan ids for mount paths - very useful when a device is unmounted self.mounts_by_path = {} # Download action state self.download_action_is_download = True # Track the time a download commences self.download_start_time = None # Whether a system wide notifcation message should be shown # after a download has occurred in parallel self.display_summary_notification = False # Values used to display how much longer a download will take self.time_remaining = downloadtracker.TimeRemaining() self.time_check = downloadtracker.TimeCheck() def _set_window_size(self): """ Remember the window size from the last time the program was run, or set a default size """ if self.prefs.main_window_maximized: self.rapidapp.maximize() self.rapidapp.set_default_size(config.DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH, config.DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT) elif self.prefs.main_window_size_x > 0: self.rapidapp.set_default_size(self.prefs.main_window_size_x, self.prefs.main_window_size_y) else: # set a default size self.rapidapp.set_default_size(config.DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH, config.DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT) def _set_device_collection_size(self): """ Set the size of the device collection scrolled window widget """ if self.device_collection.map_process_to_row: height = self.device_collection_viewport.size_request()[1] self.device_collection_scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, height) self.main_vpaned.set_position(height) else: # don't allow the media collection to be absolutely empty self.device_collection_scrolledwindow.set_size_request(-1, 47) def on_rapidapp_window_state_event(self, widget, event): """ Records the window maximization state in the preferences.""" if event.changed_mask & gdk.WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED: self.prefs.main_window_maximized = event.new_window_state & gdk.WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED def _setup_buttons(self): thumbnails_button = self.builder.get_object("thumbnails_button") image = gtk.image_new_from_file(paths.share_dir('glade3/thumbnails_icon.png')) thumbnails_button.set_image(image) preview_button = self.builder.get_object("preview_button") image = gtk.image_new_from_file(paths.share_dir('glade3/photo_icon.png')) preview_button.set_image(image) next_image_button = self.builder.get_object("next_image_button") image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) next_image_button.set_image(image) prev_image_button = self.builder.get_object("prev_image_button") image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) prev_image_button.set_image(image) def _setup_icons(self): icons = ['rapid-photo-downloader-jobcode',] icon_list = [(icon, paths.share_dir('glade3/%s.svg' % icon)) for icon in icons] register_iconsets(icon_list) def _setup_error_icons(self): """ hide display of warning and error symbols in the taskbar until they are needed """ self.error_image = self.builder.get_object("error_image") self.warning_image = self.builder.get_object("warning_image") self.warning_vseparator = self.builder.get_object("warning_vseparator") self.error_image.hide() self.warning_image.hide() self.warning_vseparator.hide() def enable_prefs_and_refresh(self, enabled): """ If enable is true, then the user is able to activate the preferences or refresh command. The intention is to be able to disable this during a download """ self.refresh_action.set_sensitive(enabled) self.preferences_action.set_sensitive(enabled) def statusbar_message(self, msg): self.rapid_statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context_id, msg) def statusbar_message_remove(self): self.rapid_statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context_id) def display_backup_mounts(self): """ Create a message to be displayed to the user showing which backup mounts will be used """ message = '' paths = self.backup_devices.keys() i = 0 v = len(paths) prefix = '' for b in paths: if v > 1: if i < (v -1) and i > 0: prefix = ', ' elif i == (v - 1) : prefix = " " + _("and") + " " i += 1 message = "%s%s'%s'" % (message, prefix, self.backup_devices[b][0].get_name()) if v > 1: message = _("Using backup devices") + " %s" % message elif v == 1: message = _("Using backup device") + " %s" % message else: message = _("No backup devices detected") return message def display_free_space(self): """ Displays the amount of space free on the filesystem the files will be downloaded to. Also displays backup volumes / path being used. """ photo_dir = self.is_valid_download_dir(path=self.prefs.download_folder, is_photo_dir=True, show_error_in_log=True) video_dir = self.is_valid_download_dir(path=self.prefs.video_download_folder, is_photo_dir=False, show_error_in_log=True) if photo_dir and video_dir: same_file_system = self.same_file_system(self.prefs.download_folder, self.prefs.video_download_folder) else: same_file_system = False dirs = [] if photo_dir: dirs.append((self.prefs.download_folder, _("photos"))) if video_dir and not same_file_system: dirs.append((self.prefs.video_download_folder, _("videos"))) msg = '' if len(dirs) > 1: msg = ' ' + _('Free space:') + ' ' for i in range(len(dirs)): dir_info = dirs[i] folder = gio.File(dir_info[0]) file_info = folder.query_filesystem_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_FREE) size = file_info.get_attribute_uint64(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_FREE) free = format_size_for_user(bytes=size) if len(dirs) > 1: #(videos) or (photos) will be appended to the free space message displayed to the #user in the status bar. #you should only translate this if your language does not use parantheses file_type = _("(%(file_type)s)") % {'file_type': dir_info[1]} #Freespace available on the filesystem for downloading to #Displayed in status bar message on main window msg += _("%(free)s %(file_type)s") % {'free': free, 'file_type': file_type} if i == 0: #Inserted in the middle of the statusbar message concerning the amount of freespace #Used to differentiate between two different file systems #e.g. Free space: 21.3GB (photos); 14.7GB (videos). msg += _("; ") elif not self.prefs.backup_images: #Inserted at the end of the statusbar message concerning the amount of freespace #Used to differentiate between two different file systems #e.g. Free space: 21.3GB (photos); 14.7GB (videos). msg += _(".") else: #Freespace available on the filesystem for downloading to #Displayed in status bar message on main window #e.g. 14.7GB available msg = " " + _("%(free)s free") % {'free': free} if self.prefs.backup_images: if not self.prefs.backup_device_autodetection: if self.prefs.backup_location == self.prefs.backup_video_location: if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: # user manually specified the same location for photos and video backups msg2 = _('Backing up photos and videos to %(path)s') % {'path':self.prefs.backup_location} else: # user manually specified backup location msg2 = _('Backing up to %(path)s') % {'path':self.prefs.backup_location} else: # user manually specified different locations for photo and video backups msg2 = _('Backing up photos to %(path)s and videos to %(path2)s') % { 'path':self.prefs.backup_location, 'path2': self.prefs.backup_video_location} else: msg2 = self.display_backup_mounts() if msg: msg = _("%(freespace)s. %(backuppaths)s.") % {'freespace': msg, 'backuppaths': msg2} else: msg = msg2 msg = msg.rstrip() self.statusbar_message(msg) def log_error(self, severity, problem, details, extra_detail=None): """ Display error and warning messages to user in log window """ self.error_log.add_message(severity, problem, details, extra_detail) def on_error_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): self.prefs.show_log_dialog = True self.error_log.widget.show() def on_menu_log_window_toggled(self, widget): active = widget.get_active() self.prefs.show_log_dialog = active if active: self.error_log.widget.show() else: self.error_log.widget.hide() def notify_prefs_are_invalid(self, details): title = _("Program preferences are invalid") logger.critical(title) self.log_error(severity=config.CRITICAL_ERROR, problem=title, details=details) # # # # Utility functions # # # def files_of_type_present(self, files, file_type, return_file_count=False): """ Returns true if there is at least one instance of the file_type in the list of files to be copied If return_file_count is True, then the number of files of that type will be counted and returned instead of True or False """ i = 0 for rpd_file in files: if rpd_file.file_type == file_type: if return_file_count: i += 1 else: return True if not return_file_count: return False else: return i def size_files_to_be_downloaded(self, files): """ Returns the total sizes of the photos and videos to be downloaded in bytes """ photo_size = 0 video_size = 0 for rpd_file in files: if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: photo_size += rpd_file.size else: video_size += rpd_file.size return (photo_size, video_size) def check_download_folder_validity(self, files_by_scan_pid): """ Checks validity of download folders based on the file types the user is attempting to download. If valid, returns a tuple of True and an empty list. If invalid, returns a tuple of False and a list of the invalid directores. """ valid = True invalid_dirs = [] # first, check what needs to be downloaded - photos and / or videos need_photo_folder = False need_video_folder = False while not need_photo_folder and not need_video_folder: for scan_pid in files_by_scan_pid: files = files_by_scan_pid[scan_pid] if not need_photo_folder: if self.files_of_type_present(files, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO): need_photo_folder = True if not need_video_folder: if self.files_of_type_present(files, rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_VIDEO): need_video_folder = True # second, check validity if need_photo_folder: if not self.is_valid_download_dir(self.prefs.download_folder, is_photo_dir=True): valid = False invalid_dirs.append(self.prefs.download_folder) if need_video_folder: if not self.is_valid_download_dir(self.prefs.video_download_folder, is_photo_dir=False): valid = False invalid_dirs.append(self.prefs.video_download_folder) return (valid, invalid_dirs) def same_file_system(self, file1, file2): """Returns True if the files / diretories are on the same file system """ f1 = gio.File(file1) f2 = gio.File(file2) f1_info = f1.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILESYSTEM) f1_id = f1_info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILESYSTEM) f2_info = f2.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILESYSTEM) f2_id = f2_info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILESYSTEM) return f1_id == f2_id def same_file(self, file1, file2): """Returns True if the files / directories are the same """ f1 = gio.File(file1) f2 = gio.File(file2) file_attributes = "id::file" f1_info = f1.query_filesystem_info(file_attributes) f1_id = f1_info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE) f2_info = f2.query_filesystem_info(file_attributes) f2_id = f2_info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE) return f1_id == f2_id def is_valid_download_dir(self, path, is_photo_dir, show_error_in_log=False): """ Checks the following conditions: Does the directory exist? Is it writable? if show_error_in_log is True, then display warning in log window, using is_photo_dir, which if true means the download directory is for photos, if false, for Videos """ valid = False if is_photo_dir: download_folder_type = _("Photo") else: download_folder_type = _("Video") try: d = gio.File(path) if not d.query_exists(cancellable=None): logger.error("%s download folder does not exist: %s", download_folder_type, path) if show_error_in_log: severity = config.WARNING problem = _("%(file_type)s download folder does not exist") % { 'file_type': download_folder_type} details = _("Folder: %s") % path self.log_error(severity, problem, details) else: file_attributes = "standard::type,access::can-read,access::can-write" file_info = d.query_filesystem_info(file_attributes) file_type = file_info.get_file_type() if file_type != gio.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY and file_type != gio.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: logger.error("%s download folder is invalid: %s", download_folder_type, path) if show_error_in_log: severity = config.WARNING problem = _("%(file_type)s download folder is invalid") % { 'file_type': download_folder_type} details = _("Folder: %s") % path self.log_error(severity, problem, details) else: # is the directory writable? try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="rpd-tmp", dir=path) valid = True except: logger.error("%s is not writable", path) if show_error_in_log: severity = config.WARNING problem = _("%(file_type)s download folder is not writable") % { 'file_type': download_folder_type} details = _("Folder: %s") % path self.log_error(severity, problem, details) else: f = gio.File(temp_dir) f.delete(cancellable=None) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Error checking download directory %s", path) logger.error(inst) return valid # # # # Process results and management # # # def _start_process_managers(self): """ Set up process managers. A task such as scanning a device or copying files is handled in its own process. """ self.batch_size = 10 self.batch_size_MB = 2 sequence_values = (self.downloads_today_value, self.downloads_today_date_value, self.day_start_value, self.refresh_downloads_today_value, self.stored_sequence_value, self.uses_stored_sequence_no_value, self.uses_session_sequece_no_value, self.uses_sequence_letter_value) self.subfolder_file_manager = SubfolderFileManager( self.subfolder_file_results, sequence_values, self.focal_length) self.scan_manager = ScanManager(self.scan_results, self.batch_size, self.device_collection.add_device) self.copy_files_manager = CopyFilesManager(self.copy_files_results, self.batch_size_MB) self.backup_manager = BackupFilesManager(self.backup_results, self.batch_size_MB) def scan_results(self, source, condition): """ Receive results from scan processes """ connection = self.scan_manager.get_pipe(source) conn_type, data = connection.recv() if conn_type == rpdmp.CONN_COMPLETE: connection.close() self.scan_manager.no_tasks -= 1 size, file_type_counter, scan_pid = data size = format_size_for_user(bytes=size) results_summary, file_types_present = file_type_counter.summarize_file_count() self.download_tracker.set_file_types_present(scan_pid, file_types_present) logger.info('Found %s' % results_summary) logger.info('Files total %s' % size) self.device_collection.update_device(scan_pid, size) self.device_collection.update_progress(scan_pid, 0.0, results_summary, 0) self.set_download_action_sensitivity() if (not self.auto_start_is_on and self.prefs.generate_thumbnails): self.download_progressbar.set_text(_("Thumbnails")) self.thumbnails.generate_thumbnails(scan_pid) elif self.auto_start_is_on: if self.need_job_code_for_naming and not self.job_code: self.get_job_code() else: self.start_download(scan_pid=scan_pid) self.set_thumbnail_sort() # signal that no more data is coming, finishing io watch for this pipe return False else: if len(data) > self.batch_size: logger.critical("incoming pipe length is unexpectedly long: %s" % len(data)) else: for rpd_file in data: self.thumbnails.add_file(rpd_file=rpd_file, generate_thumbnail = not self.auto_start_is_on) # must return True for this method to be called again return True @dbus.service.method (config.DBUS_NAME, in_signature='', out_signature='b') def is_running (self): return self.running @dbus.service.method (config.DBUS_NAME, in_signature='', out_signature='') def start (self): if self.is_running(): self.rapidapp.present() else: self.running = True gtk.main() def start(): is_beta = config.version.find('~') > 0 parser = OptionParser(version= "%%prog %s" % utilities.human_readable_version(config.version)) parser.set_defaults(verbose=is_beta, extensions=False) # Translators: this text is displayed to the user when they request information on the command line options. # The text %default should not be modified or left out. parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help=_("display program information on the command line as the program runs (default: %default)")) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help=_('display debugging information when run from the command line')) parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", help=_("only output errors to the command line")) # image file extensions are recognized RAW files plus TIFF and JPG parser.add_option("-e", "--extensions", action="store_true", dest="extensions", help=_("list photo and video file extensions the program recognizes and exit")) parser.add_option("--focal-length", type=int, dest="focal_length", help="If an aperture value of 0.0 is encountered, for file renaming purposes the metadata for that photo will temporarily have its focal length set to the number passed, and its aperture to f8") parser.add_option("--reset-settings", action="store_true", dest="reset", help=_("reset all program settings and preferences and exit")) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: logging_level = logging.DEBUG elif options.verbose: logging_level = logging.INFO else: logging_level = logging.ERROR logger.setLevel(logging_level) if options.extensions: extensions = ((rpdfile.RAW_FILE_EXTENSIONS + rpdfile.NON_RAW_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, _("Photos:")), (rpdfile.VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSIONS, _("Videos:"))) for exts, file_type in extensions: v = '' for e in exts[:-1]: v += '%s, ' % e.upper() v = file_type + " " + v[:-1] + ' '+ (_('and %s') % exts[-1].upper()) print v sys.exit(0) if options.reset: prefs = prefsrapid.RapidPreferences() prefs.reset() print _("All settings and preferences have been reset") sys.exit(0) if options.focal_length: focal_length = options.focal_length else: focal_length = None logger.info("Rapid Photo Downloader %s", utilities.human_readable_version(config.version)) logger.info("Using pyexiv2 %s", metadataphoto.pyexiv2_version_info()) logger.info("Using exiv2 %s", metadataphoto.exiv2_version_info()) if focal_length: logger.info("Focal length of %s will be used when an aperture of 0.0 is encountered", focal_length) if DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: logger.info("Using hachoir %s", metadatavideo.version_info()) else: logger.info(_("Video downloading functionality disabled.\nTo download videos, please install the hachoir metadata and kaa metadata packages for python.")) bus = dbus.SessionBus () request = bus.request_name (config.DBUS_NAME, dbus.bus.NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE) if request != dbus.bus.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS: app = RapidApp(bus, '/', config.DBUS_NAME, focal_length=focal_length) else: # this application is already running print "Rapid Photo Downloader is already running" object = bus.get_object (config.DBUS_NAME, "/") app = dbus.Interface (object, config.DBUS_NAME) app.start() if __name__ == "__main__": start()