#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Define and test preferences for use in PlusMinus tables. These are displayed to the user as a series of rows in the user preferences dialog window. Preferences for subfolders and image renaming are defined below in dictionaries and lists. This makes it easier for checking validity and creating combo boxes. There are 3 levels: 0, 1 and 2, which specify the depth of the pref value. Level 0 is the topmost level, and corresponds to the first entry in the row of preferences the user sees in the preferences dialog window. Custom exceptions are defined to handle invalid preferences. The user's actual preferences, on the other hand, are stored in flat lists. Each list has members which are a multiple of 3 in length. Each group of 3 members is equal to one line of preferences in the plus minus table. """ #needed for python 2.5, unneeded for python 2.6 from __future__ import with_statement import string import os import re import sys import gtk.gdk as gdk try: import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") except: pass try: import gtk except: sys.exit(1) from common import Configi18n global _ _ = Configi18n._ import datetime import ValidatedEntry import config from common import pythonifyVersion # Special key in each dictionary which specifies the order of elements. # It is very important to have a consistent and rational order when displaying # these prefs to the user, and dictionaries are unsorted. ORDER_KEY = "__order__" # PLEASE NOTE: these values are duplicated in a dummy class whose function # is to have them put into the translation template. If you change the values below # then change the value in class i18TranslateMeThanks as well!! Thanks!! # *** Level 0 DATE_TIME = 'Date time' TEXT = 'Text' FILENAME = 'Filename' METADATA = 'Metadata' SEQUENCES = 'Sequences' SEPARATOR = os.sep # *** Level 1 # Date time IMAGE_DATE = 'Image date' TODAY = 'Today' YESTERDAY = 'Yesterday' # File name NAME_EXTENSION = 'Name + extension' NAME = 'Name' EXTENSION = 'Extension' IMAGE_NUMBER = 'Image number' # Metadata APERTURE = 'Aperture' ISO = 'ISO' EXPOSURE_TIME = 'Exposure time' FOCAL_LENGTH = 'Focal length' CAMERA_MAKE = 'Camera make' CAMERA_MODEL = 'Camera model' SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL = 'Short camera model' SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL_HYPHEN = 'Hyphenated short camera model' SERIAL_NUMBER = 'Serial number' SHUTTER_COUNT = 'Shutter count' OWNER_NAME = 'Owner name' #Image sequences DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER = 'Downloads today' SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER = 'Session number' SUBFOLDER_SEQ_NUMBER = 'Subfolder number' STORED_SEQ_NUMBER = 'Stored number' SEQUENCE_LETTER = 'Sequence letter' # *** Level 2 # Image number IMAGE_NUMBER_ALL = 'All digits' IMAGE_NUMBER_1 = 'Last digit' IMAGE_NUMBER_2 = 'Last 2 digits' IMAGE_NUMBER_3 = 'Last 3 digits' IMAGE_NUMBER_4 = 'Last 4 digits' # Case ORIGINAL_CASE = "Original Case" UPPERCASE = "UPPERCASE" LOWERCASE = "lowercase" # Sequence number SEQUENCE_NUMBER_1 = "One digit" SEQUENCE_NUMBER_2 = "Two digits" SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3 = "Three digits" SEQUENCE_NUMBER_4 = "Four digits" SEQUENCE_NUMBER_5 = "Five digits" SEQUENCE_NUMBER_6 = "Six digits" # Now, define dictionaries and lists of valid combinations of preferences. # Level 2 # Date SUBSECONDS = 'Subseconds' # ****** note if changing LIST_DATE_TIME_L2, update the default subfolder preference below :D ***** LIST_DATE_TIME_L2 = ['YYYYMMDD', 'YYYY-MM-DD','YYMMDD', 'YY-MM-DD', 'MMDDYYYY', 'MMDDYY', 'MMDD', 'DDMMYYYY', 'DDMMYY', 'YYYY', 'YY', 'MM', 'DD', 'HHMMSS', 'HHMM'] LIST_IMAGE_DATE_TIME_L2 = LIST_DATE_TIME_L2 + [SUBSECONDS] DEFAULT_SUBFOLDER_PREFS = [DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, LIST_DATE_TIME_L2[9], '/', '', '', DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, LIST_DATE_TIME_L2[0]] class i18TranslateMeThanks: """ this class is never used in actual running code It's purpose is to have these values inserted into the program's i18n template file """ def __init__(self): _('Date time') _('Text') _('Filename') _('Metadata') _('Sequences') _('Image date') _('Today') _('Yesterday') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Name + extension') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Name') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Extension') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Image number') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Aperture') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('ISO') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Exposure time') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Focal length') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Camera make') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Camera model') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Short camera model') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Hyphenated short camera model') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Serial number') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Shutter count') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamemetadata _('Owner name') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#sequencenumbers _('Downloads today') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#sequencenumbers _('Session number') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#sequencenumbers _('Subfolder number') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#sequencenumbers _('Stored number') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#sequenceletters _('Sequence letter') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('All digits') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Last digit') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Last 2 digits') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Last 3 digits') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamefilename _('Last 4 digits') # Translators: please not the capitalization of this text, and keep it the same if your language features capitalization _("Original Case") # Translators: please not the capitalization of this text, and keep it the same if your language features capitalization _("UPPERCASE") # Translators: please not the capitalization of this text, and keep it the same if your language features capitalization _("lowercase") _("One digit") _("Two digits") _("Three digits") _("Four digits") _("Five digits") _("Six digits") # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('Subseconds') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YYYYMMDD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YYYY-MM-DD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YYMMDD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YY-MM-DD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('MMDDYYYY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('MMDDYY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('MMDD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('DDMMYYYY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('DDMMYY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YYYY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('YY') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('MM') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('DD') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('HHMMSS') # Translators: for an explanation of what this means, see http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/index.html#renamedateandtime _('HHMM') # Convenience values for python datetime conversion using values in # LIST_DATE_TIME_L2. Obviously the two must remain synchronized. DATE_TIME_CONVERT = ['%Y%m%d', '%Y-%m-%d','%y%m%d', '%y-%m-%d', '%m%d%Y', '%m%d%y', '%m%d', '%d%m%Y', '%d%m%y', '%Y', '%y', '%m', '%d', '%H%M%S', '%H%M'] LIST_IMAGE_NUMBER_L2 = [IMAGE_NUMBER_ALL, IMAGE_NUMBER_1, IMAGE_NUMBER_2, IMAGE_NUMBER_3, IMAGE_NUMBER_4] LIST_CASE_L2 = [ORIGINAL_CASE, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE] LIST_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L2 = [ UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE ] LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L2 = [ SEQUENCE_NUMBER_1, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_2, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_4, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_5, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_6, ] LIST_SHUTTER_COUNT_L2 = [ SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_4, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_5, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_6, ] # Level 1 LIST_DATE_TIME_L1 = [IMAGE_DATE, TODAY, YESTERDAY] DICT_DATE_TIME_L1 = { IMAGE_DATE: LIST_IMAGE_DATE_TIME_L2, TODAY: LIST_DATE_TIME_L2, YESTERDAY: LIST_DATE_TIME_L2, ORDER_KEY: LIST_DATE_TIME_L1 } LIST_FILENAME_L1 = [NAME_EXTENSION, NAME, EXTENSION, IMAGE_NUMBER] DICT_FILENAME_L1 = { NAME_EXTENSION: LIST_CASE_L2, NAME: LIST_CASE_L2, EXTENSION: LIST_CASE_L2, IMAGE_NUMBER: LIST_IMAGE_NUMBER_L2, ORDER_KEY: LIST_FILENAME_L1 } LIST_SUBFOLDER_FILENAME_L1 = [EXTENSION] DICT_SUBFOLDER_FILENAME_L1 = { EXTENSION: LIST_CASE_L2, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SUBFOLDER_FILENAME_L1 } LIST_METADATA_L1 = [APERTURE, ISO, EXPOSURE_TIME, FOCAL_LENGTH, CAMERA_MAKE, CAMERA_MODEL, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL_HYPHEN, SERIAL_NUMBER, SHUTTER_COUNT, OWNER_NAME] DICT_METADATA_L1 = { APERTURE: None, ISO: None, EXPOSURE_TIME: None, FOCAL_LENGTH: None, CAMERA_MAKE: LIST_CASE_L2, CAMERA_MODEL: LIST_CASE_L2, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL: LIST_CASE_L2, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL_HYPHEN: LIST_CASE_L2, SERIAL_NUMBER: None, SHUTTER_COUNT: LIST_SHUTTER_COUNT_L2, OWNER_NAME: LIST_CASE_L2, ORDER_KEY: LIST_METADATA_L1 } LIST_SEQUENCE_L1 = [ DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER, STORED_SEQ_NUMBER, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER, SEQUENCE_LETTER ] DICT_SEQUENCE_L1 = { DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER: LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L2, STORED_SEQ_NUMBER: LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L2, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER: LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L2, SEQUENCE_LETTER: LIST_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L2, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SEQUENCE_L1 } # Level 0 LIST_IMAGE_RENAME_L0 = [DATE_TIME, TEXT, FILENAME, METADATA, SEQUENCES] DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0 = { DATE_TIME: DICT_DATE_TIME_L1, TEXT: None, FILENAME: DICT_FILENAME_L1, METADATA: DICT_METADATA_L1, SEQUENCES: DICT_SEQUENCE_L1, ORDER_KEY: LIST_IMAGE_RENAME_L0 } LIST_SUBFOLDER_L0 = [DATE_TIME, TEXT, FILENAME, METADATA, SEPARATOR] DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0 = { DATE_TIME: DICT_DATE_TIME_L1, TEXT: None, FILENAME: DICT_SUBFOLDER_FILENAME_L1, METADATA: DICT_METADATA_L1, SEPARATOR: None, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SUBFOLDER_L0 } # preference elements that require metadata # note there is no need to specify lower level elements if a higher level # element is necessary for them to be present to begin with METADATA_ELEMENTS = [METADATA, IMAGE_DATE] # preference elements that are sequence numbers or letters SEQUENCE_ELEMENTS = [ DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER, SUBFOLDER_SEQ_NUMBER, STORED_SEQ_NUMBER, SEQUENCE_LETTER] # preference elements that do not require metadata and are not fixed # as above, there is no need to specify lower level elements if a higher level # element is necessary for them to be present to begin with DYNAMIC_NON_METADATA_ELEMENTS = [ TODAY, YESTERDAY, FILENAME] + SEQUENCE_ELEMENTS #the following is what the preferences looked in older versions of the program #they are here for reference, and for checking the validity of preferences USER_INPUT = 'User' DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7 = 'Downloads today' SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7 = 'Session sequence number' SUBFOLDER_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7 = 'Subfolder sequence number' STORED_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7 = 'Stored sequence number' SEQUENCE_LETTER_V_0_0_8_B7 = 'Sequence letter' LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L1_L2_V_0_0_8_B7 = [ SEQUENCE_NUMBER_1, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_2, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_4, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_5, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_6, ] DICT_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L1_L2_V_0_0_8_B7 = { SEQUENCE_NUMBER_1: None, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_2: None, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3: None, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_4: None, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_5: None, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_6: None, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L1_L2_V_0_0_8_B7 } LIST_SEQUENCE_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 = [USER_INPUT] DICT_SEQUENCE_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 = { USER_INPUT: DICT_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L1_L2_V_0_0_8_B7, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SEQUENCE_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 } LIST_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L1_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 = [ UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE ] DICT_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 = { UPPERCASE: None, LOWERCASE: None, ORDER_KEY: LIST_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L1_L1_V_0_0_8_B7 } LIST_IMAGE_RENAME_L0_V_0_0_8_B7 = [DATE_TIME, TEXT, FILENAME, METADATA, DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7, SEQUENCE_LETTER_V_0_0_8_B7] DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0_V_0_0_8_B7 = { DATE_TIME: DICT_DATE_TIME_L1, TEXT: None, FILENAME: DICT_FILENAME_L1, METADATA: DICT_METADATA_L1, DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7: None, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7: None, SEQUENCE_LETTER_V_0_0_8_B7: DICT_SEQUENCE_LETTER_L1_V_0_0_8_B7, ORDER_KEY: LIST_IMAGE_RENAME_L0_V_0_0_8_B7 } PREVIOUS_IMAGE_RENAME= { '0.0.8~b7': DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0_V_0_0_8_B7, } # Functions to work with above data def _getPrevPrefs(oldDefs, currentDefs, previousVersion): k = oldDefs.keys() # if there were other defns, we'd need to figure out which one # but currently, there are no others # there will be in future, and this code wil be updated then version_change = pythonifyVersion(k[0]) if pythonifyVersion(previousVersion) <= version_change: return oldDefs[k[0]] else: return currentDefs def _upgradePreferencesToCurrent(prefs, previousVersion): """ checks to see if preferences should be upgraded returns True if they were upgraded, and the new prefs VERY IMPORTANT: the new prefs will be a new list, not an inplace modification of the existing preferences! Otherwise, the check on assignment in the prefs.py __setattr__ will not work as expected!! """ upgraded = False # code to upgrade from <= 0.0.8~b7 to >= 0.0.8~b8 p = [] for i in range(0, len(prefs), 3): if prefs[i] in [SEQUENCE_LETTER_V_0_0_8_B7, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER_V_0_0_8_B7]: upgraded = True p.append(SEQUENCES) if prefs[i] == SEQUENCE_LETTER_V_0_0_8_B7: p.append(SEQUENCE_LETTER) p.append(prefs[i+1]) else: p.append(SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER) p.append(prefs[i+2]) else: p += prefs[i:i+3] assert(len(prefs)==len(p)) return (upgraded, p) def upgradePreferencesToCurrent(imageRenamePrefs, subfolderPrefs, previousVersion): """Upgrades user preferences to current version returns True if the preferences were upgraded""" # only check image rename, for now.... upgraded, imageRenamePrefs = _upgradePreferencesToCurrent(imageRenamePrefs, previousVersion) return (upgraded, imageRenamePrefs , subfolderPrefs) def checkPreferencesForValidity(imageRenamePrefs, subfolderPrefs, version=config.version): """Returns true if the passed in preferences are valid""" if version == config.version: try: checkPreferenceValid(DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0, subfolderPrefs) checkPreferenceValid(DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0, imageRenamePrefs) except: return False return True else: defn = _getPrevPrefs(PREVIOUS_IMAGE_RENAME, DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0, version) try: checkPreferenceValid(defn, imageRenamePrefs) checkPreferenceValid(DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0, subfolderPrefs) except: return False return True def checkPreferenceValid(prefDefinition, prefs, modulo=3): """ Checks to see if prefs are valid according to definition. prefs is a list of preferences. prefDefinition is a Dict specifying what is valid. modulo is how many list elements are equivalent to one line of preferences. Returns True if prefs match with prefDefinition, else raises appropriate error. """ if (len(prefs) % modulo <> 0) or not prefs: raise PrefLengthError(prefs) else: for i in range(0, len(prefs), modulo): _checkPreferenceValid(prefDefinition, prefs[i:i+modulo]) return True def _checkPreferenceValid(prefDefinition, prefs): key = prefs[0] value = prefs[1] if prefDefinition.has_key(key): nextPrefDefinition = prefDefinition[key] if value == None: # value should never be None, at any time raise PrefValueInvalidError((None, nextPrefDefinition)) if nextPrefDefinition and not value: raise PrefValueInvalidError((value, nextPrefDefinition)) if type(nextPrefDefinition) == type({}): return _checkPreferenceValid(nextPrefDefinition, prefs[1:]) else: if type(nextPrefDefinition) == type([]): result = value in nextPrefDefinition if not result: raise PrefValueInvalidError((value, nextPrefDefinition)) return True elif not nextPrefDefinition: return True else: result = nextPrefDefinition == value if not result: raise PrefKeyValue((value, nextPrefDefinition)) return True else: raise PrefKeyError((key, prefDefinition[ORDER_KEY])) def filterSubfolderPreferences(prefList): """ Filters out extraneous preference choices """ prefs_changed = False continueCheck = True while continueCheck and prefList: continueCheck = False if prefList[0] == SEPARATOR: # Subfolder preferences should not start with a / prefList = prefList[3:] prefs_changed = True continueCheck = True elif prefList[-3] == SEPARATOR: # Subfolder preferences should not end with a / prefList = prefList[:-3] continueCheck = True prefs_changed = True else: for i in range(0, len(prefList) - 3, 3): if prefList[i] == SEPARATOR and prefList[i+3] == SEPARATOR: # Subfolder preferences should not contain two /s side by side continueCheck = True prefs_changed = True # note we are messing with the contents of the pref list, # must exit loop and try again prefList = prefList[:i] + prefList[i+3:] break return (prefs_changed, prefList) class PrefError(Exception): """ base class """ def unpackList(self, l): s = '' for i in l: if i <> ORDER_KEY: s += "'" + i + "', " return s[:-2] def __str__(self): return self.msg class PrefKeyError(PrefError): def __init__(self, error): value = error[0] expectedValues = self.unpackList(error[1]) self.msg = _("Preference key '%(key)s' is invalid.\nExpected one of %(value)s") % { 'key': value, 'value': expectedValues} class PrefValueInvalidError(PrefKeyError): def __init__(self, error): value = error[0] self.msg = _("Preference value '%(value)s' is invalid") % {'value': value} class PrefLengthError(PrefError): def __init__(self, error): self.msg = _("These preferences are not well formed:") % self.unpackList(error) + "\n %s" class PrefValueKeyComboError(PrefError): def __init__(self, error): self.msg = error def convertDateForStrftime(dateTimeUserChoice): try: return DATE_TIME_CONVERT[LIST_DATE_TIME_L2.index(dateTimeUserChoice)] except: raise PrefValueInvalidError(dateTimeUserChoice) class Comboi18n(gtk.ComboBox): """ very simple i18n version of the venerable combo box with one column displayed to the user. This combo box has two columns: 1. the first contains the actual value and is invisible 2. the second contains the translation of the first column, and this is what the users sees """ def __init__(self): liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) gtk.ComboBox.__init__(self, liststore) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() self.pack_start(cell, True) self.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1) def append_text(self, text): model = self.get_model() model.append((text, _(text))) def get_active_text(self): model = self.get_model() active = self.get_active() if active < 0: return None return model[active][0] class ImageRenamePreferences: def __init__(self, prefList, parent, fileSequenceLock=None, sequences=None): """ Exception raised if preferences are invalid. This should be caught by calling class.""" self.parent = parent self.prefList = prefList # use variables for determining sequence numbers # there are two possibilities: # 1. this code is being called while being run from within a copy photos process # 2. it's being called from within the preferences dialog window self.fileSequenceLock = fileSequenceLock self.sequences = sequences # derived classes will have their own definitions, do not overwrite if not hasattr(self, "prefsDefnL0"): self.prefsDefnL0 = DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0 self.defaultPrefs = [FILENAME, NAME_EXTENSION, ORIGINAL_CASE] self.defaultRow = self.defaultPrefs self.stripForwardSlash = True def checkPrefsForValidity(self): """ Checks image preferences validity """ return checkPreferenceValid(self.prefsDefnL0, self.prefList) def formatPreferencesForPrettyPrint(self): """ returns a string useful for printing the preferences""" v = '' for i in range(0, len(self.prefList), 3): s = "%s: " % self.prefList[i] if self.prefList[i+1]: s = "%s%s" % (s, self.prefList[i+1]) if self.prefList[i+2]: s = "%s (%s)" % (s, self.prefList[i+2]) v += s + "\n" return v def _getDateComponent(self): """ Returns portion of new image / subfolder name based on date time """ problem = None if self.L1 == IMAGE_DATE: if self.L2 == SUBSECONDS: d = self.photo.subSeconds() problem = _("Subsecond metadata not present in image") else: d = self.photo.dateTime(missing=None) problem = _("%s metadata is not present in image") % self.L1.lower() elif self.L1 == TODAY: d = datetime.datetime.now() elif self.L1 == YESTERDAY: delta = datetime.timedelta(days = 1) d = datetime.datetime.now() - delta else: raise("Date options invalid") if d: if self.L2 <> SUBSECONDS: try: return (d.strftime(convertDateForStrftime(self.L2)), None) except: v = '' problem = _('Error in date time component. Value %s appears invalid') % d return (v, problem) else: return (d, None) else: return ('', problem) def _getFilenameComponent(self): """ Returns portion of new image / subfolder name based on the file name """ name, extension = os.path.splitext(self.existingFilename) problem = None if self.L1 == NAME_EXTENSION: filename = self.existingFilename elif self.L1 == NAME: filename = name elif self.L1 == EXTENSION: if extension: if not self.stripInitialPeriodFromExtension: # keep the period / dot of the extension, so the user does not # need to manually specify it filename = extension else: # having the period when this is used as a part of a subfolder name # is a bad idea! filename = extension[1:] else: filename = "" problem = _("extension was specified but image name has no extension") elif self.L1 == IMAGE_NUMBER: n = re.search("(?P[0-9]+$)", name) if not n: problem = _("image number was specified but image filename has no number") else: image_number = n.group("image_number") if self.L2 == IMAGE_NUMBER_ALL: filename = image_number elif self.L2 == IMAGE_NUMBER_1: filename = image_number[-1] elif self.L2 == IMAGE_NUMBER_2: filename = image_number[-2:] elif self.L2 == IMAGE_NUMBER_3: filename = image_number[-3:] elif self.L2 == IMAGE_NUMBER_4: filename = image_number[-4:] else: raise TypeError("Incorrect filename option") if self.L2 == UPPERCASE: filename = filename.upper() elif self.L2 == LOWERCASE: filename = filename.lower() return (filename, problem) def _getMetadataComponent(self): """ Returns portion of new image / subfolder name based on the metadata Note: date time metadata found in _getDateComponent() """ problem = None if self.L1 == APERTURE: v = self.photo.aperture() elif self.L1 == ISO: v = self.photo.iso() elif self.L1 == EXPOSURE_TIME: v = self.photo.exposureTime(alternativeFormat=True) elif self.L1 == FOCAL_LENGTH: v = self.photo.focalLength() elif self.L1 == CAMERA_MAKE: v = self.photo.cameraMake() elif self.L1 == CAMERA_MODEL: v = self.photo.cameraModel() elif self.L1 == SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL: v = self.photo.shortCameraModel() elif self.L1 == SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL_HYPHEN: v = self.photo.shortCameraModel(includeCharacters = "\-") elif self.L1 == SERIAL_NUMBER: v = self.photo.cameraSerial() elif self.L1 == SHUTTER_COUNT: v = self.photo.shutterCount() if v: v = int(v) padding = LIST_SHUTTER_COUNT_L2.index(self.L2) + 3 formatter = '%0' + str(padding) + "i" v = formatter % v elif self.L1 == OWNER_NAME: v = self.photo.ownerName() else: raise TypeError("Invalid metadata option specified") if self.L1 in [CAMERA_MAKE, CAMERA_MODEL, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL, SHORT_CAMERA_MODEL_HYPHEN, OWNER_NAME]: if self.L2 == UPPERCASE: v = v.upper() elif self.L2 == LOWERCASE: v = v.lower() if not v: if self.L1 <> ISO: md = self.L1.lower() else: md = ISO problem = _("%s metadata is not present in image") % md return (v, problem) def _formatSequenceNo(self, value, amountToPad): padding = LIST_SEQUENCE_NUMBERS_L2.index(amountToPad) + 1 formatter = '%0' + str(padding) + "i" return formatter % value def _calculateLetterSequence(self, sequence): def _letters(x): """ Adapted from algorithm at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexavigesimal """ v = '' while x > 25: r = x % 26 x= x / 26 - 1 v = string.lowercase[r] + v v = string.lowercase[x] + v return v v = _letters(sequence) if self.L2 == UPPERCASE: v = v.upper() return v def _getSubfolderSequenceNo(self): """ Add a sequence number to the filename * Sequence numbering is per subfolder * Assume the user might actually have a (perhaps odd) reason to have more than one subfolder sequence number in the same file name """ problem = None self.subfolderSeqNoInstanceInFilename += 1 if self.downloadSubfolder: subfolder = self.downloadSubfolder + str(self.subfolderSeqNoInstanceInFilename) else: subfolder = "__subfolder__" + str(self.subfolderSeqNoInstanceInFilename) if self.fileSequenceLock: with self.fileSequenceLock: v = self.sequenceNos.calculate(subfolder) v = self.formatSequenceNo(v, self.L1) else: v = self.sequenceNos.calculate(subfolder) v = self.formatSequenceNo(v, self.L1) return (v, problem) def _getSessionSequenceNo(self): problem = None v = self._formatSequenceNo(self.sequences.getSessionSequenceNoUsingCounter(self.sequenceCounter), self.L2) return (v, problem) def _getDownloadsTodaySequenceNo(self): problem = None v = self._formatSequenceNo(self.sequences.getDownloadsTodayUsingCounter(self.sequenceCounter), self.L2) return (v, problem) def _getStoredSequenceNo(self): problem = None v = self._formatSequenceNo(self.sequences.getStoredSequenceNoUsingCounter(self.sequenceCounter), self.L2) return (v, problem) def _getSequenceLetter(self): problem = None v = self._calculateLetterSequence(self.sequences.getSequenceLetterUsingCounter(self.sequenceCounter)) return (v, problem) def _getSequencesComponent(self): problem = None if self.L1 == DOWNLOAD_SEQ_NUMBER: return self._getDownloadsTodaySequenceNo() elif self.L1 == SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER: return self._getSessionSequenceNo() elif self.L1 == SUBFOLDER_SEQ_NUMBER: return self._getSubfolderSequenceNo() elif self.L1 == STORED_SEQ_NUMBER: return self._getStoredSequenceNo() elif self.L1 == SEQUENCE_LETTER: return self._getSequenceLetter() def _getComponent(self): try: if self.L0 == DATE_TIME: return self._getDateComponent() elif self.L0 == TEXT: return (self.L1, None) elif self.L0 == FILENAME: return self._getFilenameComponent() elif self.L0 == METADATA: return self._getMetadataComponent() elif self.L0 == SEQUENCES: return self._getSequencesComponent() elif self.L0 == SEPARATOR: return (os.sep, None) except: v = "" problem = _("error generating name with component %s") % self.L2 return (v, problem) def _getValuesFromList(self): for i in range(0, len(self.prefList), 3): yield (self.prefList[i], self.prefList[i+1], self.prefList[i+2]) def _generateName(self, photo, existingFilename, stripCharacters, subfolder, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension, sequence): self.photo = photo self.existingFilename = existingFilename self.stripInitialPeriodFromExtension = stripInitialPeriodFromExtension name = '' problem = '' #the subfolder in which the image will be downloaded to self.downloadSubfolder = subfolder self.sequenceCounter = sequence for self.L0, self.L1, self.L2 in self._getValuesFromList(): v, p = self._getComponent() if v: name += v if p: problem += p + "; " if problem: # remove final semicolon and space problem = problem[:-2] + '.' if stripCharacters: for c in r'\:*?"<>|': name = name.replace(c, '') if self.stripForwardSlash: name = name.replace('/', '') return (name, problem) def generateNameUsingPreferences(self, photo, existingFilename=None, stripCharacters = False, subfolder=None, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension=False, sequencesPreliminary = True): """ Generate a filename for the photo in string format based on user prefs. Returns a tuple of two strings: - the name - any problems generating the name. If blank, there were no problems """ if self.sequences: if sequencesPreliminary: sequence = self.sequences.getPrelimSequence() else: sequence = self.sequences.getFinalSequence() else: sequence = 0 return self._generateName(photo, existingFilename, stripCharacters, subfolder, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension, sequence) def generateNameSequencePossibilities(self, photo, existingFilename, stripCharacters=False, subfolder=None, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension=False): """ Generates the possible image names using the sequence numbers / letter possibilities""" for sequence in self.sequences.getSequencePossibilities(): yield self._generateName(photo, existingFilename, stripCharacters , subfolder, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension, sequence) def filterPreferences(self): """ Filters out extraneous preference choices Expected to be implemented in derived classes when needed """ pass def needImageMetaDataToCreateUniqueName(self): """ Returns True if an image's metadata is essential to properly generate a unique image name Image names should be unique. Some images may not have metadata. If only non-dynamic components make up the rest of an image name (e.g. text specified by the user), then relying on metadata will likely produce duplicate names. File extensions are not considered dynamic. This is NOT a general test to see if unique filenames can be generated. It is a test to see if an image's metadata is needed. """ hasMD = hasDynamic = False for e in METADATA_ELEMENTS: if e in self.prefList: hasMD = True break if hasMD: for e in DYNAMIC_NON_METADATA_ELEMENTS: if e in self.prefList: if e == FILENAME and (NAME_EXTENSION in self.prefList or NAME in self.prefList or IMAGE_NUMBER in self.prefList): hasDynamic = True break if hasMD and not hasDynamic: return True else: return False def usesSequenceElements(self): """ Returns true if any sequence numbers or letters are used to generate the filename """ for e in SEQUENCE_ELEMENTS: if e in self.prefList: return True return False def usesTheSequenceElement(self, e): """ Returns true if a stored sequence number is used to generate the filename """ return e in self.prefList def _createCombo(self, choices): combobox = Comboi18n() for text in choices: combobox.append_text(text) return combobox def getDefaultRow(self): """ returns a list of default widgets """ return self.getWidgetsBasedOnUserSelection(self.defaultRow) def _getPreferenceWidgets(self, prefDefinition, prefs, widgets): key = prefs[0] value = prefs[1] # supply a default value if the user has not yet chosen a value! if not key: key = prefDefinition[ORDER_KEY][0] if not key in prefDefinition: raise PrefKeyError((key, prefDefinition.keys())) list0 = prefDefinition[ORDER_KEY] # the first widget will always be a combo box widget0 = self._createCombo(list0) widget0.set_active(list0.index(key)) widgets.append(widget0) if key == TEXT: widget1 = gtk.Entry() widget1.set_text(value) widgets.append(widget1) widgets.append(None) return elif key == SEPARATOR: widgets.append(None) widgets.append(None) return else: nextPrefDefinition = prefDefinition[key] if type(nextPrefDefinition) == type({}): return self._getPreferenceWidgets(nextPrefDefinition, prefs[1:], widgets) else: if type(nextPrefDefinition) == type([]): widget1 = self._createCombo(nextPrefDefinition) if not value: value = nextPrefDefinition[0] try: widget1.set_active(nextPrefDefinition.index(value)) except: raise PrefValueInvalidError((value, nextPrefDefinition)) widgets.append(widget1) else: widgets.append(None) def getWidgetsBasedOnPreferences(self): """ Yields a list of widgets and their callbacks based on the users preferences. This list is equivalent to one row of preferences when presented to the user in the Plus Minus Table. """ for L0, L1, L2 in self._getValuesFromList(): prefs = [L0, L1, L2] widgets = [] self._getPreferenceWidgets(self.prefsDefnL0, prefs, widgets) yield widgets def getWidgetsBasedOnUserSelection(self, selection): """ Returns a list of widgets and their callbacks based on what the user has selected. Selection is the values the user has chosen thus far in comboboxes. It determines the contents of the widgets returned. It should be a list of three values, with None for values not chosen. For values which are None, the first value in the preferences definition is chosen. """ widgets = [] self._getPreferenceWidgets(self.prefsDefnL0, selection, widgets) return widgets class SubfolderPreferences(ImageRenamePreferences): def __init__(self, prefList, parent): self.prefsDefnL0 = DICT_SUBFOLDER_L0 self.defaultPrefs = DEFAULT_SUBFOLDER_PREFS self.defaultRow = [DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, LIST_DATE_TIME_L2[0]] self.stripForwardSlash = False ImageRenamePreferences.__init__(self, prefList, parent) def generateNameUsingPreferences(self, photo, existingFilename=None, stripCharacters = False): """ Generate a filename for the photo in string format based on user prefs. Returns a tuple of two strings: - the name - any problems generating the name. If blank, there were no problems """ subfolders, problem = ImageRenamePreferences.generateNameUsingPreferences( self, photo, existingFilename, stripCharacters, stripInitialPeriodFromExtension=True) # subfolder value must never start with a separator, or else any # os.path.join function call will fail to join a subfolder to its # parent folder if subfolders: if subfolders[0] == os.sep: subfolders = subfolders[1:] return (subfolders, problem) def filterPreferences(self): filtered, prefList = filterSubfolderPreferences(self.prefList) if filtered: self.prefList = prefList def needMetaDataToCreateUniqueName(self): """ Returns True if metadata is essential to properly generate subfolders This will be the case if the only components are metadata and separators """ for e in self.prefList: if (not e) and ((e not in METADATA_ELEMENTS) or (e <> SEPARATOR)): return True return False def checkPrefsForValidity(self): """ Checks subfolder preferences validity above and beyond image name checks. See parent method for full description. Subfolders have additional requirments to that of image names. """ v = ImageRenamePreferences.checkPrefsForValidity(self) if v: # peform additional checks: # 1. do not start with a separator # 2. do not end with a separator # 3. do not have two separators in a row # these three rules will ensure something else other than a # separator is specified L1s = [] for i in range(0, len(self.prefList), 3): L1s.append(self.prefList[i]) if L1s[0] == SEPARATOR: raise PrefValueKeyComboError(_("Subfolder preferences should not start with a %s") % os.sep) elif L1s[-1] == SEPARATOR: raise PrefValueKeyComboError(_("Subfolder preferences should not end with a %s") % os.sep) else: for i in range(len(L1s) - 1): if L1s[i] == SEPARATOR and L1s[i+1] == SEPARATOR: raise PrefValueKeyComboError(_("Subfolder preferences should not contain two %s one after the other") % os.sep) return v class Sequences: """ Holds sequence numbers and letters used in generating filenames""" def __init__(self, downloadsToday, storedSequenceNo): self.subfolderSequenceNo = {} self.sessionSequenceNo = 1 self.sequenceLetter = 0 self.setUseOfSequenceElements(False, False) self.assignedSequenceCounter = 1 self.reset(downloadsToday, storedSequenceNo) def setUseOfSequenceElements(self, usesSessionSequenceNo, usesSequenceLetter): self.usesSessionSequenceNo = usesSessionSequenceNo self.usesSequenceLetter = usesSequenceLetter def reset(self, downloadsToday, storedSequenceNo): self.downloadsToday = downloadsToday self.downloadsTodayOffset = 0 self.storedSequenceNo = storedSequenceNo if self.usesSessionSequenceNo: self.sessionSequenceNo = self.sessionSequenceNo + self.assignedSequenceCounter - 1 if self.usesSequenceLetter: self.sequenceLetter = self.sequenceLetter + self.assignedSequenceCounter - 1 self.doNotAddToPool = False self.pool = [] self.poolSequenceCounter = 0 self.assignedSequenceCounter = 1 def getPrelimSequence(self): if self.doNotAddToPool: self.doNotAddToPool = False else: # increment pool sequence number self.poolSequenceCounter += 1 self.pool.append(self.poolSequenceCounter) return self.poolSequenceCounter def getFinalSequence(self): # get oldest queue value # remove from queue or flag it should be removed return self.assignedSequenceCounter def getSequencePossibilities(self): for i in self.pool: yield i def getSessionSequenceNo(self): return self.sessionSequenceNo + self.assignedSequenceCounter - 1 def getSessionSequenceNoUsingCounter(self, counter): return self.sessionSequenceNo + counter - 1 def setSessionSequenceNo(self, value): self.sessionSequenceNo = value def setStoredSequenceNo(self, value): self.storedSequenceNo = value def getDownloadsTodayUsingCounter(self, counter): return self.downloadsToday + counter - self.downloadsTodayOffset def setDownloadsToday(self, value): self.downloadsToday = value self.downloadsTodayOffset = self.assignedSequenceCounter - 1 def getStoredSequenceNoUsingCounter(self, counter): return self.storedSequenceNo + counter def getSequenceLetterUsingCounter(self, counter): return self.sequenceLetter + counter - 1 def imageCopyFailed(self): self.doNotAddToPool = True def imageCopySucceeded(self): self.increment() def increment(self, subfolder=None): assert(self.assignedSequenceCounter == self.pool[0]) self.assignedSequenceCounter += 1 self.pool = self.pool[1:] if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import os.path from metadata import MetaData if False: if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' path/to/photo/containing/metadata' sys.exit(1) else: p0 = [FILENAME, NAME_EXTENSION, ORIGINAL_CASE] p1 = [FILENAME, NAME_EXTENSION, LOWERCASE] p2 = [METADATA, APERTURE, None] p3 = [FILENAME, IMAGE_NUMBER, IMAGE_NUMBER_ALL] p4 = [METADATA, CAMERA_MODEL, ORIGINAL_CASE] p5 = [TEXT, '-', None] p6 = [TEXT, 'Job', None] p = [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4] p = [p6 + p5 + p2 + p5 + p3] d0 = [DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, 'YYYYMMDD'] d1 = [DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, 'HHMMSS'] d2 = [DATE_TIME, IMAGE_DATE, SUBSECONDS] d = [d0 + d1 + d2] fullpath = sys.argv[1] path, filename = os.path.split(fullpath) m = MetaData(fullpath) m.readMetadata() for pref in p: i = ImageRenamePreferences(pref, None) print i.generateNameUsingPreferences(m, filename) for pref in d: i = ImageRenamePreferences(pref, None) print i.generateNameUsingPreferences(m, filename) else: prefs = [SEQUENCES, SESSION_SEQ_NUMBER, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_3] # prefs = ['Filename2', NAME_EXTENSION, UPPERCASE] print checkPreferenceValid(DICT_IMAGE_RENAME_L0, prefs)