#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 ### USA import os import gtk import time, datetime import multiprocessing, logging logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() import pyexiv2 import paths from gettext import gettext as _ import config import metadataphoto import metadatavideo import metadataexiftool import problemnotification as pn import thumbnail as tn RAW_EXTENSIONS = ['arw', 'dcr', 'cr2', 'crw', 'dng', 'mos', 'mef', 'mrw', 'nef', 'orf', 'pef', 'raf', 'raw', 'rw2', 'sr2', 'srw'] JPEG_EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'jpe', 'jpeg'] NON_RAW_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = JPEG_EXTENSIONS + ['tif', 'tiff'] PHOTO_EXTENSIONS = RAW_EXTENSIONS + NON_RAW_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS if metadatavideo.DOWNLOAD_VIDEO: # some distros do not include the necessary libraries that Rapid Photo Downloader # needs to be able to download videos VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ['3gp', 'avi', 'm2t', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg','mpg', 'mod', 'tod'] if metadataexiftool.EXIFTOOL_VERSION is not None: VIDEO_EXTENSIONS += ['mts'] VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSIONS = ['thm'] else: VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = [] VIDEO_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSIONS = [] FILE_TYPE_PHOTO = 0 FILE_TYPE_VIDEO = 1 def file_type(file_extension): """ Uses file extentsion to determine the type of file - photo or video. Returns True if yes, else False. """ if file_extension in PHOTO_EXTENSIONS: return FILE_TYPE_PHOTO elif file_extension in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: return FILE_TYPE_VIDEO return None def get_rpdfile(extension, name, display_name, path, size, file_system_modification_time, thm_full_name, scan_pid, file_id, file_type): if file_type == FILE_TYPE_VIDEO: return Video(name, display_name, path, size, file_system_modification_time, thm_full_name, scan_pid, file_id) else: # assume it's a photo - no check for performance reasons (this will be # called many times) return Photo(name, display_name, path, size, file_system_modification_time, thm_full_name, scan_pid, file_id) class FileTypeCounter: def __init__(self): self._counter = dict() def add(self, file_type): self._counter[file_type] = self._counter.setdefault(file_type, 0) + 1 def no_videos(self): """Returns the number of videos""" return self._counter.setdefault(FILE_TYPE_VIDEO, 0) def no_photos(self): """Returns the number of photos""" return self._counter.setdefault(FILE_TYPE_PHOTO, 0) def file_types_present(self): """ returns a string to be displayed to the user that can be used to show if a value refers to photos or videos or both, or just one of each """ no_videos = self.no_videos() no_images = self.no_photos() if (no_videos > 0) and (no_images > 0): v = _('photos and videos') elif (no_videos == 0) and (no_images == 0): v = _('photos or videos') elif no_videos > 0: if no_videos > 1: v = _('videos') else: v = _('video') else: if no_images > 1: v = _('photos') else: v = _('photo') return v def count_files(self): i = 0 for key in self._counter: i += self._counter[key] return i def summarize_file_count(self): """ Summarizes the total number of photos and/or videos that can be downloaded. Displayed after a scan is finished. """ #Number of files, e.g. "433 photos and videos" or "23 videos". #Displayed in the progress bar at the top of the main application #window. file_types_present = self.file_types_present() file_count_summary = _("%(number)s %(filetypes)s") % \ {'number':self.count_files(), 'filetypes': file_types_present} return (file_count_summary, file_types_present) def running_file_count(self): """ Displays raw numbers of photos and videos. Displayed as a scan is occurring. """ return _("scanning (found %(photos)s photos and %(videos)s videos)...") % ({'photos': self.no_photos(), 'videos': self.no_videos()}) class RPDFile: """ Base class for photo or video file, with metadata """ def __init__(self, name, display_name, path, size, file_system_modification_time, thm_full_name, scan_pid, file_id): self.path = path self.name = name self.display_name = display_name self.full_file_name = os.path.join(path, name) self.extension = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:].lower() self.size = size # type int self.modification_time = file_system_modification_time #full path and name of thumbnail file that is associated with some videos self.thm_full_name = thm_full_name self.status = config.STATUS_NOT_DOWNLOADED self.problem = None # class Problem in problemnotifcation.py self._assign_file_type() self.scan_pid = scan_pid self.file_id = file_id self.unique_id = str(scan_pid) + ":" + file_id self.problem = None self.job_code = None # indicates whether to generate a thumbnail during the copy # files process self.generate_thumbnail = False # generated values self.temp_full_file_name = '' self.temp_thm_full_name = '' self.temp_xmp_full_name = '' self.download_start_time = None self.download_subfolder = '' self.download_path = '' self.download_name = '' self.download_full_file_name = '' #file name with path self.download_full_base_name = '' #file name with path but no extension self.download_thm_full_name = '' #name of THM (thumbnail) file with path self.download_xmp_full_name = '' #name of XMP sidecar with path self.metadata = None # Values that will be inserted in download process -- # (commented out because they're not needed until then) #self.sequences = None #self.download_folder #self.subfolder_pref_list = [] #self.name_pref_list = [] #strip_characters = False #self.thm_extension = '' #self.xmp_extension = '' #these values are set only if they were written to an xmp sidecar #in the filemodify process #self.new_aperture = '' #self.new_focal_length = '' def _assign_file_type(self): self.file_type = None def _load_file_for_metadata(self, temp_file): if temp_file: return self.temp_full_file_name else: return self.full_file_name def initialize_problem(self): self.problem = pn.Problem() # these next values are used to display in the error log window # the information in them can vary from other forms of display of errors self.error_title = self.error_msg = self.error_extra_detail = '' def has_problem(self): if self.problem is None: return False else: return self.problem.has_problem() def add_problem(self, component, problem_definition, *args): if self.problem is None: self.initialize_problem() self.problem.add_problem(component, problem_definition, *args) def add_extra_detail(self, extra_detail, *args): self.problem.add_extra_detail(extra_detail, *args) class Photo(RPDFile): title = _("photo") title_capitalized = _("Photo") def _assign_file_type(self): self.file_type = FILE_TYPE_PHOTO def load_metadata(self, temp_file=False): self.metadata = metadataphoto.MetaData(self._load_file_for_metadata(temp_file)) try: self.metadata.read() except: logger.warning("Could not read metadata from %s" % self.full_file_name) return False else: return True class Video(RPDFile): title = _("video") title_capitalized = _("Video") def _assign_file_type(self): self.file_type = FILE_TYPE_VIDEO def load_metadata(self, temp_file=False): if self.extension == 'mts' or not metadatavideo.HAVE_HACHOIR: if metadatavideo.HAVE_HACHOIR: logger.debug("Using ExifTool parser") self.metadata = metadataexiftool.ExifToolMetaData(self._load_file_for_metadata(temp_file)) else: self.metadata = metadatavideo.VideoMetaData(self._load_file_for_metadata(temp_file)) return True class SamplePhoto(Photo): def __init__(self, sample_name='IMG_0524.CR2', sequences=None): Photo.__init__(self, name=sample_name, display_name=sample_name, path='/media/EOS_DIGITAL/DCIM/100EOS5D', size=23516764, file_system_modification_time=time.time(), scan_pid=2033, file_id='9873afe', thm_full_name=None) self.sequences = sequences self.metadata = metadataphoto.DummyMetaData() self.download_start_time = datetime.datetime.now() class SampleVideo(Video): def __init__(self, sample_name='MVI_1379.MOV', sequences=None): Video.__init__(self, name=sample_name, display_name=sample_name, path='/media/EOS_DIGITAL/DCIM/100EOS5D', size=823513764, file_system_modification_time=time.time(), scan_pid=2033, file_id='9873qrsfe', thm_full_name=None) self.sequences = sequences self.metadata = metadatavideo.DummyMetaData(filename=sample_name) self.download_start_time = datetime.datetime.now()