#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2011 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import multiprocessing import gio import gtk import pyexiv2 import rpdmultiprocessing as rpdmp import rpdfile import logging logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() # python whitespace is significant - don't remove the leading whitespace on # the second line file_attributes = "standard::name,standard::display-name,\ standard::type,standard::size,time::modified,access::can-read,id::file" class Scan(multiprocessing.Process): """Scans the given path for files of a specified type. Returns results in batches, finishing with a total of the size of all the files in bytes. """ def __init__(self, path, batch_size, generate_folder, results_pipe, terminate_queue, run_event): """Setup values needed to conduct the scan. 'path' is a string of the path to be scanned, which is passed to gio. 'batch_size' is the number of files that should be sent back to the calling function at one time. 'results_pipe' is a connection on which to send the results. 'terminate_queue' is a queue whose sole purpose is to notify the process that it should terminate and not return any results. 'run_event' is an Event that is used to temporarily halt execution. """ multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.path = path self.results_pipe = results_pipe self.terminate_queue = terminate_queue self.run_event = run_event self.batch_size = batch_size self.generate_folder = generate_folder self.counter = 0 self.files = [] self.file_type_counter = rpdfile.FileTypeCounter() def _gio_scan(self, path, file_size_sum): """recursive function to scan a directory and its subdirectories for photos and possibly videos""" children = path.enumerate_children(file_attributes) for child in children: # pause if instructed by the caller self.run_event.wait() if not self.terminate_queue.empty(): x = self.terminate_queue.get() # terminate immediately print "terminating..." self.files = [] return None # only collect files and scan in directories we can actually read # cannot assume that users will download only from memory cards if child.get_attribute_boolean(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_READ): file_type = child.get_file_type() name = child.get_name() if file_type == gio.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY: file_size_sum = self._gio_scan(path.get_child(name), file_size_sum) if file_size_sum is None: return None elif file_type == gio.FILE_TYPE_REGULAR: ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower()[1:] file_type = rpdfile.file_type(ext) if file_type is not None: # count how many files of each type are included # e.g. photo, video self.file_type_counter.add(file_type) self.counter += 1 display_name = child.get_display_name() size = child.get_size() modification_time = child.get_modification_time() file_id = child.get_attribute_string( gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE) scanned_file = rpdfile.get_rpdfile(ext, name, display_name, path.get_path(), size, modification_time, self.pid, file_id) if self.generate_folder: # this dramatically slows scanning speed, and it # is unlikely this will be called this early in the # workflow scanned_file.read_metadata() self.files.append(scanned_file) if self.counter == self.batch_size: # send batch of results self.results_pipe.send((rpdmp.CONN_PARTIAL, self.files)) self.files = [] self.counter = 0 file_size_sum += size return file_size_sum def run(self): """start the actual scan.""" source = gio.File(self.path) try: size = self._gio_scan(source, 0) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Error while scanning %s: %s", self.path, inst) size = None if size is not None: if self.counter > 0: # send any remaining results self.results_pipe.send((rpdmp.CONN_PARTIAL, self.files)) self.results_pipe.send((rpdmp.CONN_COMPLETE, (size, self.file_type_counter, self.pid))) self.results_pipe.close()