#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 ### USA """ Generates names for files and folders. Runs as a daemon process. """ import os, datetime, collections import shutil import errno import gio import multiprocessing import logging logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() import rpdfile import rpdmultiprocessing as rpdmp import generatename as gn import problemnotification as pn import prefsrapid import config from gettext import gettext as _ class SyncRawJpeg: def __init__(self): self.photos = {} def add_download(self, name, extension, date_time, sub_seconds, sequence_number_used): if name not in self.photos: self.photos[name] = ([extension], date_time, sub_seconds, sequence_number_used) else: if extension not in self.photos[name][0]: self.photos[name][0].append(extension) def matching_pair(self, name, extension, date_time, sub_seconds): """Checks to see if the image matches an image that has already been downloaded. Image name (minus extension), exif date time, and exif subseconds are checked. Returns -1 and a sequence number if the name, extension, and exif values match (i.e. it has already been downloaded) Returns 0 and a sequence number if name and exif values match, but the extension is different (i.e. a matching RAW + JPG image) Returns -99 and a sequence number of None if photos detected with the same filenames, but taken at different times Returns 1 and a sequence number of None if no match""" if name in self.photos: if self.photos[name][1] == date_time and self.photos[name][2] == sub_seconds: if extension in self.photos[name][0]: return (-1, self.photos[name][3]) else: return (0, self.photos[name][3]) else: return (-99, None) return (1, None) def ext_exif_date_time(self, name): """Returns first extension, exif date time and subseconds data for the already downloaded photo""" return (self.photos[name][0][0], self.photos[name][1], self.photos[name][2]) def time_subseconds_human_readable(date, subseconds): return _("%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s:%(subsecond)s") % \ {'hour':date.strftime("%H"), 'minute':date.strftime("%M"), 'second':date.strftime("%S"), 'subsecond': subseconds} def load_metadata(rpd_file, temp_file=True): """ Loads the metadata for the file. Returns True if operation succeeded, false otherwise If temp_file is true, the the metadata from the temporary file rather than the original source file is used. This is important, because the metadata can be modified by the filemodify process. """ if rpd_file.metadata is None: if not rpd_file.load_metadata(temp_file): # Error in reading metadata rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.CANNOT_DOWNLOAD_BAD_METADATA, {'filetype': rpd_file.title_capitalized}) return False return True def _generate_name(generator, rpd_file): do_generation = True if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: do_generation = load_metadata(rpd_file) else: if rpd_file.metadata is None: rpd_file.load_metadata() if do_generation: value = generator.generate_name(rpd_file) if value is None: value = '' else: value = '' return value def generate_subfolder(rpd_file): if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: generator = gn.PhotoSubfolder(rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list) else: generator = gn.VideoSubfolder(rpd_file.subfolder_pref_list) rpd_file.download_subfolder = _generate_name(generator, rpd_file) return rpd_file def generate_name(rpd_file): do_generation = True if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: generator = gn.PhotoName(rpd_file.name_pref_list) else: generator = gn.VideoName(rpd_file.name_pref_list) rpd_file.download_name = _generate_name(generator, rpd_file) return rpd_file class SubfolderFile(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, results_pipe, sequence_values): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.results_pipe = results_pipe self.downloads_today = sequence_values[0] self.downloads_today_date = sequence_values[1] self.day_start = sequence_values[2] self.refresh_downloads_today = sequence_values[3] self.stored_sequence_no = sequence_values[4] self.uses_stored_sequence_no = sequence_values[5] self.uses_session_sequece_no = sequence_values[6] self.uses_sequence_letter = sequence_values[7] # As of Ubuntu 12.10 / Fedora 18, the file move/rename command is running agonisingly slowly # A hackish workaround is to replace it with the standard python function self.use_gnome_file_operations = False logger.debug("Start of day is set to %s", self.day_start.value) def progress_callback_no_update(self, amount_downloaded, total): pass #~ if debug_progress: #~ logger.debug("%.1f", amount_downloaded / float(total)) def file_exists(self, rpd_file, identifier=None): """ Notify user that the download file already exists """ # get information on when the existing file was last modified try: modification_time = os.path.getmtime(rpd_file.download_full_file_name) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modification_time) date = dt.strftime("%x") time = dt.strftime("%X") except: logger.warning("Could not determine the file modification time of %s", rpd_file.download_full_file_name) date = time = '' if not identifier: rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_NO_DOWNLOAD, {'filetype':rpd_file.title_capitalized}) rpd_file.add_extra_detail(pn.EXISTING_FILE, {'filetype': rpd_file.title, 'date': date, 'time': time}) rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED rpd_file.error_extra_detail = pn.extra_detail_definitions[pn.EXISTING_FILE] % \ {'date':date, 'time':time, 'filetype': rpd_file.title} else: rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_ADDED, {'filetype':rpd_file.title_capitalized}) rpd_file.add_extra_detail(pn.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, {'identifier': identifier, 'filetype': rpd_file.title, 'date': date, 'time': time}) rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING rpd_file.error_extra_detail = pn.extra_detail_definitions[pn.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER] % \ {'identifier': identifier, 'filetype': rpd_file.title, 'date': date, 'time': time} rpd_file.error_title = rpd_file.problem.get_title() rpd_file.error_msg = _("Source: %(source)s\nDestination: %(destination)s") \ % {'source': rpd_file.full_file_name, 'destination': rpd_file.download_full_file_name} return rpd_file def download_failure_file_error(self, rpd_file, inst): """ Handle cases where file failed to download """ rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.DOWNLOAD_COPYING_ERROR, {'filetype': rpd_file.title}) rpd_file.add_extra_detail(pn.DOWNLOAD_COPYING_ERROR_DETAIL, inst) rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED logger.error("Failed to create file %s: %s", rpd_file.download_full_file_name, inst) rpd_file.error_title = rpd_file.problem.get_title() rpd_file.error_msg = _("%(problem)s\nFile: %(file)s") % \ {'problem': rpd_file.problem.get_problems(), 'file': rpd_file.full_file_name} return rpd_file def download_file_exists(self, rpd_file): """ Check how to handle a download file already existing """ if (rpd_file.download_conflict_resolution == config.ADD_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER): add_unique_identifier = True logger.debug("Will add unique identifier to avoid duplicate filename") else: rpd_file = self.file_exists(rpd_file) add_unique_identifier = False return (rpd_file, add_unique_identifier) def added_unique_identifier(self, rpd_file): """ Track fact that a unique identifier was added to a file name """ move_succeeded = True suffix_already_used = False rpd_file = self.file_exists(rpd_file, identifier) logger.error("%s: %s - %s", rpd_file.full_file_name, rpd_file.problem.get_title(), rpd_file.problem.get_problems()) return (rpd_file, move_succeeded, suffix_already_used) def same_name_different_exif(self, sync_photo_name, rpd_file): """Notify the user that a file was already downloaded with the same name, but the exif information was different""" i1_ext, i1_date_time, i1_subseconds = self.sync_raw_jpeg.ext_exif_date_time(sync_photo_name) detail = {'image1': "%s%s" % (sync_photo_name, i1_ext), 'image1_date': i1_date_time.strftime("%x"), 'image1_time': time_subseconds_human_readable(i1_date_time, i1_subseconds), 'image2': rpd_file.name, 'image2_date': rpd_file.metadata.date_time().strftime("%x"), 'image2_time': time_subseconds_human_readable( rpd_file.metadata.date_time(), rpd_file.metadata.sub_seconds())} rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.SAME_FILE_DIFFERENT_EXIF, detail) rpd_file.error_title = _('Photos detected with the same filenames, but taken at different times') rpd_file.error_msg = pn.problem_definitions[pn.SAME_FILE_DIFFERENT_EXIF][1] % detail rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING return rpd_file def run(self): """ Get subfolder and name. Attempt to move the file from it's temporary directory. Move video THM file if there is one. If successful, increment sequence values. Report any success or failure. """ i = 0 download_count = 0 duplicate_files = {} # Track downloads today, using a class whose purpose is to # take the value in the user prefs, increment, and then be used # to update the prefs (which can only happen via the main process) self.downloads_today_tracker = prefsrapid.DownloadsTodayTracker( day_start = self.day_start.value, downloads_today = self.downloads_today.value, downloads_today_date = self.downloads_today_date.value) # Track sequences using shared downloads today and stored sequence number # (shared with main process) self.sequences = gn.Sequences(self.downloads_today_tracker, self.stored_sequence_no.value) self.sync_raw_jpeg = SyncRawJpeg() while True: if download_count: logger.debug("Finished %s. Getting next task.", download_count) # rename file and move to generated subfolder download_succeeded, download_count, rpd_file = self.results_pipe.recv() move_succeeded = False if download_succeeded: if self.use_gnome_file_operations: temp_file = gio.File(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) synchronize_raw_jpg_failed = False if not (rpd_file.synchronize_raw_jpg and rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO): synchronize_raw_jpg = False sequence_to_use = None else: synchronize_raw_jpg = True sync_photo_name, sync_photo_ext = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.name) if not load_metadata(rpd_file): synchronize_raw_jpg_failed = True else: j, sequence_to_use = self.sync_raw_jpeg.matching_pair( name=sync_photo_name, extension=sync_photo_ext, date_time=rpd_file.metadata.date_time(), sub_seconds=rpd_file.metadata.sub_seconds()) if j == -1: # this exact file has already been downloaded (same extension, same filename, and same exif date time subsecond info) if (rpd_file.download_conflict_resolution <> config.ADD_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER): rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.FILE_ALREADY_DOWNLOADED, {'filetype': rpd_file.title_capitalized}) rpd_file.error_title = _('Photo has already been downloaded') rpd_file.error_msg = _("Source: %(source)s") % {'source': rpd_file.full_file_name} rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED synchronize_raw_jpg_failed = True else: self.sequences.set_matched_sequence_value(sequence_to_use) if j == -99: rpd_file = self.same_name_different_exif(sync_photo_name, rpd_file) if synchronize_raw_jpg_failed: generation_succeeded = False else: # Generate subfolder name and new file name generation_succeeded = True if rpd_file.file_type == rpdfile.FILE_TYPE_PHOTO: if hasattr(rpd_file, 'new_focal_length'): # A RAW file has had its focal length and aperture adjusted. # These have been written out to an XMP sidecar, but they won't # be picked up by pyexiv2. So temporarily change the values inplace here, # without saving them. if load_metadata(rpd_file): rpd_file.metadata["Exif.Photo.FocalLength"] = rpd_file.new_focal_length rpd_file.metadata["Exif.Photo.FNumber"] = rpd_file.new_aperture rpd_file = generate_subfolder(rpd_file) if rpd_file.download_subfolder: logger.debug("Generated subfolder name %s for file %s", rpd_file.download_subfolder, rpd_file.name) if self.refresh_downloads_today.value: # overwrite downloads today value tracked here, # as user has modified their preferences self.downloads_today_tracker.set_raw_downloads_today_from_int(self.downloads_today.value) self.downloads_today_tracker.set_raw_downloads_today_date(self.downloads_today_date.value) self.downloads_today_tracker.day_start = self.day_start.value self.refresh_downloads_today.value = False # update whatever the stored value is self.sequences.stored_sequence_no = self.stored_sequence_no.value rpd_file.sequences = self.sequences # generate the file name rpd_file = generate_name(rpd_file) if rpd_file.has_problem(): logger.debug("Encountered a problem generating file name for file %s", rpd_file.name) rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING rpd_file.error_title = rpd_file.problem.get_title() rpd_file.error_msg = _("%(problem)s\nFile: %(file)s") % \ {'problem': rpd_file.problem.get_problems(), 'file': rpd_file.full_file_name} else: logger.debug("Generated file name %s for file %s", rpd_file.download_name, rpd_file.name) else: logger.debug("Failed to generate subfolder name for file: %s", rpd_file.name) # Check for any errors if not rpd_file.download_subfolder or not rpd_file.download_name: if not rpd_file.download_subfolder and not rpd_file.download_name: area = _("subfolder and filename") elif not rpd_file.download_name: area = _("filename") else: area = _("subfolder") rpd_file.add_problem(None, pn.ERROR_IN_NAME_GENERATION, {'filetype': rpd_file.title_capitalized, 'area': area}) rpd_file.add_extra_detail(pn.NO_DATA_TO_NAME, {'filetype': area}) generation_succeeded = False rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED rpd_file.error_title = rpd_file.problem.get_title() rpd_file.error_msg = _("%(problem)s\nFile: %(file)s") % \ {'problem': rpd_file.problem.get_problems(), 'file': rpd_file.full_file_name} if generation_succeeded: rpd_file.download_path = os.path.join(rpd_file.download_folder, rpd_file.download_subfolder) rpd_file.download_full_file_name = os.path.join(rpd_file.download_path, rpd_file.download_name) rpd_file.download_full_base_name = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.download_full_file_name)[0] subfolder = gio.File(path=rpd_file.download_path) # Create subfolder if it does not exist. # It is possible to skip the query step, and just try to create # the directories and ignore the error of it already existing - # but it takes twice as long to fail with an error than just # run the straight query logger.debug("Probing to see if subfolder already exists...") if not subfolder.query_exists(cancellable=None): if self.use_gnome_file_operations: try: logger.debug("...subfolder doesn't exist: creating it using gnome...") subfolder.make_directory_with_parents(cancellable=gio.Cancellable()) logger.debug("...subfolder created") except gio.Error, inst: # The directory may have been created by another process # between the time it takes to query and the time it takes # to create a new directory. Ignore such errors. if inst.code <> gio.ERROR_EXISTS: logger.error("Failed to create download subfolder: %s", rpd_file.download_path) logger.error(inst) rpd_file.error_title = _("Failed to create download subfolder") rpd_file.error_msg = _("Path: %s") % rpd_file.download_path else: try: logger.debug("...subfolder doesn't exist: creating it using python...") os.makedirs(rpd_file.download_path) logger.debug("...subfolder created") except IOError as inst: if inst.errno <> errno.EEXIST: logger.error("Failed to create download subfolder: %s", rpd_file.download_path) logger.error(inst) rpd_file.error_title = _("Failed to create download subfolder") rpd_file.error_msg = _("Path: %s") % rpd_file.download_path else: logger.debug("...subfolder already exists") # Move temp file to subfolder add_unique_identifier = False if self.use_gnome_file_operations: download_file = gio.File(rpd_file.download_full_file_name) try: logger.debug("Attempting to use Gnome to rename file %s to %s .....", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) temp_file.move(download_file, self.progress_callback_no_update, cancellable=None) logger.debug("....successfully renamed file") move_succeeded = True if rpd_file.status <> config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING: rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED except gio.Error as inst: if inst.code == gio.ERROR_EXISTS: rpd_file, add_unique_identifier = download_file_exists(rpd_file) else: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) else: # Use python library functions to rename file # Sadly this code basically duplicates the logic of the previous block try: if os.path.exists(rpd_file.download_full_file_name): raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, "File exists: %s" % rpd_file.download_full_file_name) logger.debug("Attempting to use python to rename file %s to %s .....", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) shutil.move(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) logger.debug("....successfully renamed file") move_succeeded = True if rpd_file.status <> config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED_WITH_WARNING: rpd_file.status = config.STATUS_DOWNLOADED except IOError as inst: if inst.errno == errno.EEXIST: rpd_file, add_unique_identifier = self.download_file_exists(rpd_file) else: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst.strerror) except: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst.strerror) if add_unique_identifier: name = os.path.splitext(rpd_file.download_name) full_name = rpd_file.download_full_file_name suffix_already_used = True while suffix_already_used: duplicate_files[full_name] = duplicate_files.get( full_name, 0) + 1 identifier = '_%s' % duplicate_files[full_name] rpd_file.download_name = name[0] + identifier + name[1] rpd_file.download_full_file_name = os.path.join( rpd_file.download_path, rpd_file.download_name) if self.use_gnome_file_operations: download_file = gio.File( rpd_file.download_full_file_name) try: temp_file.move(download_file, self.progress_callback_no_update, cancellable=None) rpd_file, move_succeeded, suffix_already_used = self.added_unique_identifier(rpd_file) except gio.Error, inst: if inst.code <> gio.ERROR_EXISTS: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) else: try: if os.path.exists(rpd_file.download_full_file_name): raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, "File exists: %s" % rpd_file.download_full_file_name) shutil.move(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name, rpd_file.download_full_file_name) rpd_file, move_succeeded, suffix_already_used = self.added_unique_identifier(rpd_file) except IOError as inst: if inst.errno <> errno.EEXIST: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) break except: rpd_file = self.download_failure_file_error(rpd_file, inst) break logger.debug("Finish processing file: %s", download_count) if move_succeeded: if synchronize_raw_jpg: if sequence_to_use is None: sequence = self.sequences.create_matched_sequences() else: sequence = sequence_to_use self.sync_raw_jpeg.add_download(name=sync_photo_name, extension=sync_photo_ext, date_time=rpd_file.metadata.date_time(), sub_seconds=rpd_file.metadata.sub_seconds(), sequence_number_used=sequence) if sequence_to_use is None: if self.uses_session_sequece_no.value or self.uses_sequence_letter.value: self.sequences.increment( self.uses_session_sequece_no.value, self.uses_sequence_letter.value) if self.uses_stored_sequence_no.value: self.stored_sequence_no.value += 1 self.downloads_today_tracker.increment_downloads_today() self.downloads_today.value = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today() self.downloads_today_date.value = self.downloads_today_tracker.get_raw_downloads_today_date() if rpd_file.temp_thm_full_name: ext = None if hasattr(rpd_file, 'thm_extension'): if rpd_file.thm_extension: ext = rpd_file.thm_extension if ext is None: ext = '.THM' download_thm_full_name = rpd_file.download_full_base_name + ext # copy and rename THM video file if self.use_gnome_file_operations: source = gio.File(path=rpd_file.temp_thm_full_name) dest = gio.File(path=download_thm_full_name) try: source.move(dest, self.progress_callback_no_update, cancellable=None) rpd_file.download_thm_full_name = download_thm_full_name except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Failed to move video THM file %s", download_thm_full_name) else: try: # don't check to see if it already exists shutil.move(rpd_file.temp_thm_full_name, download_thm_full_name) rpd_file.download_thm_full_name = download_thm_full_name except: logger.error("Failed to move video THM file %s", download_thm_full_name) if rpd_file.temp_xmp_full_name: # copy and rename XMP sidecar file # generate_name() has generated xmp extension with correct capitalization download_xmp_full_name = rpd_file.download_full_base_name + rpd_file.xmp_extension if self.use_gnome_file_operations: source = gio.File(path=rpd_file.temp_xmp_full_name) dest = gio.File(path=download_xmp_full_name) try: source.move(dest, self.progress_callback_no_update, cancellable=None) rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name = download_xmp_full_name except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Failed to move XMP sidecar file %s", download_xmp_full_name) else: try: shutil.move(rpd_file.temp_xmp_full_name, download_xmp_full_name) rpd_file.download_xmp_full_name = download_xmp_full_name except: logger.error("Failed to move XMP sidecar file %s", download_xmp_full_name) if not move_succeeded: logger.error("%s: %s - %s", rpd_file.full_file_name, rpd_file.problem.get_title(), rpd_file.problem.get_problems()) if self.use_gnome_file_operations: try: temp_file.delete(cancellable=None) except gio.Error, inst: logger.error("Failed to delete temporary file %s", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) logger.error(inst) else: try: os.remove(rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) except: logger.error("Failed to delete temporary file %s", rpd_file.temp_full_file_name) rpd_file.metadata = None #purge metadata, as it cannot be pickled rpd_file.sequences = None self.results_pipe.send((move_succeeded, rpd_file, download_count)) i += 1