#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin1 -*- ### Copyright (C) 2007 - 2011 Damon Lynch ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import gio import gtk from PIL import Image import distutils.version def get_full_path(path): """ make path relative to home directory if not an absolute path """ if os.path.isabs(path): return path else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), path) def is_directory(path): # for some very strange reason, doing it the GIO way fails with # unknown type, even for directories! return os.path.isdir(path) if False: d = gio.File(path) if d.query_exists(): file_info = d.query_filesystem_info(attributes="standard::type") file_type = file_info.get_file_type() if file_type == gio.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return True return False def format_size_for_user(bytes, zero_string="", with_decimals=True, kb_only=False): """Format an int containing the number of bytes into a string suitable for printing out to the user. zero_string is the string to use if bytes == 0. source: https://develop.participatoryculture.org/trac/democracy/browser/trunk/tv/portable/util.py?rev=3993 """ if bytes > (1 << 30) and not kb_only: value = (bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)) if with_decimals: format = "%1.1fGB" else: format = "%dGB" elif bytes > (1 << 20) and not kb_only: value = (bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) if with_decimals: format = "%1.1fMB" else: format = "%dMB" elif bytes > (1 << 10): value = (bytes / 1024.0) if with_decimals: format = "%1.1fKB" else: format = "%dKB" elif bytes > 1: value = bytes if with_decimals: format = "%1.1fB" else: format = "%dB" else: return zero_string return format % value def register_iconsets(icon_info): """ Register icons in the icon set if they're not already used From http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?req=show&file=faq08.012.htp """ icon_factory = gtk.IconFactory() stock_ids = gtk.stock_list_ids() for stock_id, file in icon_info: # only load image files when our stock_id is not present if stock_id not in stock_ids: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(file) iconset = gtk.IconSet(pixbuf) icon_factory.add(stock_id, iconset) icon_factory.add_default() def escape(s): """ Replace special characters by SGML entities. """ entities = ("&&", "<<", ">>") for e in entities: s = s.replace(e[0], e[1:]) return s def image_to_pixbuf(image): # convert PIL image to pixbuf # this one handles transparency, unlike the default example in the pygtk FAQ # this is also from the pygtk FAQ IS_RGBA = image.mode=='RGBA' return gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data( image.tostring(), # data gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, # color mode IS_RGBA, # has alpha 8, # bits image.size[0], # width image.size[1], # height (IS_RGBA and 4 or 3) * image.size[0] # rowstride ) def pixbuf_to_image(pb): assert(pb.get_colorspace() == gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB) dimensions = pb.get_width(), pb.get_height() stride = pb.get_rowstride() pixels = pb.get_pixels() mode = pb.get_has_alpha() and "RGBA" or "RGB" image = Image.frombuffer(mode, dimensions, pixels, "raw", mode, stride, 1) if mode == "RGB": # convert to having an alpha value, so that the image can # act as a mask in the drop shadow paste image = image.convert("RGBA") return image def pythonify_version(v): """ makes version number a version number in distutils sense""" return distutils.version.StrictVersion(v.replace( '~','')) def human_readable_version(v): """ returns a version in human readable form""" v = v.replace('~a', ' alpha ') v = v.replace('~b', ' beta ') v = v.replace('~rc', ' RC ') return v