2019-08-24 This text summarizes some points to pay attention to when a new release of sane-backends is planned. Timetable (approximate periods): Day 0: Announcement of upcoming release on sane-devel including timetable and pointer to the GitLab milestone Day 14: Feature freeze (only bugfixes + documentation updates) Day 28: Code freeze (only fixes for bugs that can destroy hardware, can cause compilation problems or render a backend completely unusable, and documentation updates are allowed) Day 35: Release Before the release: * set :new :yes on any new backend .desc files, by looking for added files: version=1.0.27 git ls-files -- backend | while read f; do git log --follow --diff-filter=A --find-renames=40% \ --format="%ai $f" $version..HEAD -- "$f" done | cat * NEWS: update and enter date of release, etc Get list of heavily change backends via: git diff --stat $version..HEAD Get list of details from: git log $version..HEAD * git commit -a * git push origin master Making the release: * temporarily set a PRIVATE_TOKEN variable in the GitLab CI/CD variables. You have to create one in your own Settings > Access Tokens. Set it to expire the next day to avoid abuse. Better yet, remove it from the CI/CD variables when the job is finished. * git tag -a -s 1.0.28 -m Release * git push --tags origin master * trigger the manual 'release' stage of the build via the web UI when this becomes possible. This requires a valid PRIVATE_TOKEN. Updating the website and announcing the release: * checkout the sane/website.git module and: * copy sane-backends.html to sane-backends-"old-version".html * update sane-supported-devices.html with link to above "old" file * rebuild sane-backends.html and sane-mfgs.html (make -C doc html-pages) * [TBD] use man2html from http://hydra.nac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/man2html.html to rebuild html man pages (make -C doc html-man) (no other version works) * update announcement to index.html * git commit -a && git push * check that website's pipeline succeeded * announce release on sane-announce mailing list (and Cc: sane-devel). Ping the sane-announce list's moderator (m. allan noah) to get your post approved ASAP. After the release: * remove the ':new' tag from all doc/descriptions*/*.desc files * git add new and changed files and commit * git push