path: root/doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl
diff options
authorLuca Falavigna <>2014-04-26 15:11:58 +0200
committerLuca Falavigna <>2014-04-26 15:11:58 +0200
commit140d836e9cd54fb67b969fd82ef7ed19ba574d40 (patch)
tree0df3e32ee39603d43f9b90fd2f2e1f7cce4249d4 /doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl
parentcb3425abe0bc2d05caf401ca24b82a25a81f009d (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.3.1upstream/2.3.1
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl')
1 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl b/doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0683f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/editor_configs/serna/scons/docbook-xsl-serna/common.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
+ xmlns:doc=""
+ xmlns:fo=""
+ xmlns:dtm=""
+ exclude-result-prefixes="doc"
+ extension-element-prefixes="dtm"
+ version='1.0'>
+ <!-- Counts the depth of the sections/refsections/sectN when
+ "title" is a context node -->
+ <dtm:doc dtm:idref="section.level"/>
+ <xsl:template name="section.level" dtm:id="section.level">
+ <xsl:param name="parent" select="parent::*"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="title.parent" select="name($parent)"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$title.parent='section'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor::section)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$title.parent='refsection'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor::refsection)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:variable
+ name="nmbr"
+ select="translate($title.parent, 'sectionrfmpl', '')"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number($nmbr) = 'NaN'">1</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$nmbr"/></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="get.type"/>
+<xsl:template name="get.type" dtm:id="get.type">
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$node[self::appendix or self::article
+ or self::chapter or self::preface
+ or self::bibliography or self::glossary
+ or self::index]">component</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$node[self::book or self::part or
+ self::set or self::reference]">division</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="is.component"/>
+<xsl:template name="is.component" dtm:id="is.component">
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$node[self::appendix or self::article or
+ self::chapter or self::preface or
+ self::bibliography or self::glossary or
+ self::index]">1</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="copyright.years"/>
+<xsl:template name="copyright.years" dtm:id="copyright.years">
+ <xsl:param name="years"/>
+ <xsl:param name="print.ranges" select="1"/>
+ <xsl:param name="single.year.ranges" select="0"/>
+ <xsl:param name="firstyear" select="0"/>
+ <xsl:param name="nextyear" select="0"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="num.years" select="count($years)"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$print.ranges = 0">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$num.years = 0"/>
+ <xsl:when test="$num.years = 1">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$years[1]" mode="titlepage.mode"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$years[1]" mode="titlepage.mode"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:call-template name="copyright.years">
+ <xsl:with-param name="years"
+ select="$years[position() &gt; 1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="print.ranges" select="$print.ranges"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="single.year.ranges"
+ select="$single.year.ranges"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$num.years = 0">
+ <xsl:variable name="lastyear" select="$nextyear - 1"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$firstyear = 0">
+ <!-- there weren't any years at all -->
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$firstyear = $lastyear">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$single.year.ranges = 0
+ and $lastyear = $firstyear + 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$lastyear"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:text>-</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$lastyear"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$firstyear = 0">
+ <xsl:call-template name="copyright.years">
+ <xsl:with-param name="years"
+ select="$years[position() &gt; 1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="firstyear" select="$years[1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="nextyear" select="$years[1] + 1"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="print.ranges" select="$print.ranges"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="single.year.ranges"
+ select="$single.year.ranges"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$nextyear = $years[1]">
+ <xsl:call-template name="copyright.years">
+ <xsl:with-param name="years"
+ select="$years[position() &gt; 1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="firstyear" select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="nextyear" select="$nextyear + 1"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="print.ranges" select="$print.ranges"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="single.year.ranges"
+ select="$single.year.ranges"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <!-- we have years left, but they aren't in the current range -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$nextyear = $firstyear + 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$single.year.ranges = 0
+ and $nextyear = $firstyear + 2">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$nextyear - 1"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$firstyear"/>
+ <xsl:text>-</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$nextyear - 1"/>
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:call-template name="copyright.years">
+ <xsl:with-param name="years"
+ select="$years[position() &gt; 1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="firstyear" select="$years[1]"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="nextyear" select="$years[1] + 1"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="print.ranges" select="$print.ranges"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="single.year.ranges"
+ select="$single.year.ranges"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="lookup.key"/>
+<xsl:template name="lookup.key" dtm:id="lookup.key">
+ <xsl:param name="key" select="''"/>
+ <xsl:param name="table" select="''"/>
+ <xsl:if test="contains($table, ' ')">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="substring-before($table, ' ') = $key">
+ <xsl:variable name="rest" select="substring-after($table, ' ')"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="contains($rest, ' ')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($rest, ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$rest"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="lookup.key">
+ <xsl:with-param name="key" select="$key"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="table" select="substring-after(substring-after($table,' '), ' ')"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="copy-string"/>
+<xsl:template name="copy-string" dtm:id="copy-string">
+ <!-- returns 'count' copies of 'string' -->
+ <xsl:param name="string"/>
+ <xsl:param name="count" select="0"/>
+ <xsl:param name="result"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$count&gt;0">
+ <xsl:call-template name="copy-string">
+ <xsl:with-param name="string" select="$string"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count - 1"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="result">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$result"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$string"/>
+ </xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$result"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="decorations"/>
+<xsl:template name="decorations" dtm:id="decorations">
+ <xsl:param name="key" select="local-name(.)"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="lookup.key">
+ <xsl:with-param name="key" select="$key"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="table" select="$generate.toc"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref="dingbat"/>
+<xsl:template name="dingbat" dtm:id="dingbat">
+ <xsl:param name="dingbat">bullet</xsl:param>
+ <xsl:variable name="symbol">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='bullet'">o</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='copyright'">&#x00A9;</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='trademark'">&#x2122;</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='trade'">&#x2122;</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='registered'">&#x00AE;</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='service'">(SM)</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='ldquo'">"</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='rdquo'">"</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='lsquo'">'</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='rsquo'">'</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='em-dash'">--</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$dingbat='en-dash'">-</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>o</xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$ = ''">
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$symbol"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <fo:inline font-family="{$}">
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$symbol"/>
+ </fo:inline>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref=""/>
+<xsl:template name="" dtm:id="">
+ <!-- Formats a personal name. Handles corpauthor as a special case. -->
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <xsl:variable name="style">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$node/@role">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$node/@role"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text></xsl:text> <!-- TODO: move to a param -->
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- the personname element is a specialcase -->
+ <xsl:when test="$node/personname">
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$node/personname"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- handle corpauthor as a special case...-->
+ <xsl:when test="name($node)='corpauthor'">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$style = 'family-given'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$node"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$style = 'last-first'">
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$node"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$node"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref=""/>
+<xsl:template name="" dtm:id="">
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <!-- The family-given style applies a convention for identifying given -->
+ <!-- and family names in locales where it may be ambiguous -->
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/surname[1]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/surname and $node/firstname">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/firstname[1]"/>
+ <xsl:text> [FAMILY Given]</xsl:text>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref=""/>
+<xsl:template name="" dtm:id="">
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/surname[1]"/>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/surname and $node/firstname">
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/firstname[1]"/>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref=""/>
+<xsl:template name="" dtm:id="">
+ <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/honorific">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/honorific[1]"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$punct.honorific"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/firstname">
+ <xsl:if test="$node/honorific">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/firstname[1]"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/othername and $ != 0">
+ <xsl:if test="$node/honorific or $node/firstname">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/othername[1]"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/surname">
+ <xsl:if test="$node/honorific or $node/firstname
+ or ($node/othername and $ != 0)">
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/surname[1]"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="$node/lineage">
+ <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="$node/lineage[1]"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+<dtm:doc dtm:idref=""/>
+<xsl:template name="" dtm:id="">
+ <!-- Return a formatted string representation of the contents of
+ the current element. The current element must contain one or
+ John Doe
+ or
+ John Doe and Jane Doe
+ or
+ John Doe, Jane Doe, and A. Nonymous
+ -->
+ <xsl:param name="person.list"
+ select="author|corpauthor|othercredit|editor"/>
+ <xsl:param name="person.count" select="count($person.list)"/>
+ <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$count &gt; $person.count"></xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$person.list[position()=$count]"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$person.count = 2 and $count = 1">
+ <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
+ <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'authorgroup'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'sep2'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$person.count &gt; 2 and $count+1 = $person.count">
+ <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
+ <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'authorgroup'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'seplast'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="$count &lt; $person.count">
+ <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
+ <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'authorgroup'"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'sep'"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:call-template name="">
+ <xsl:with-param name="person.list" select="$person.list"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="person.count" select="$person.count"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count+1"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+</xsl:template><!-- -->
+<xsl:variable name="">[</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.choice.opt.close.str">]</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="">{</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.choice.req.close.str">}</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name=""><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.choice.plain.close.str"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="">[</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.choice.def.close.str">]</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.rep.repeat.str">...</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.rep.norepeat.str"></xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.rep.def.str"></xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="arg.or.sep"> | </xsl:variable>
+<xsl:variable name="cmdsynopsis.hanging.indent">4pi</xsl:variable>
+<xsl:param name="use-serna-extensions"
+ select="contains(system-property('xsl:vendor'), 'Syntext')"/>