#!/usr/bin/env python # # Searches through the whole source tree and validates all # documentation files against our own XSD in docs/xsd. # import sys,os import SConsDoc if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv)>1: if SConsDoc.validate_all_xml((sys.argv[1],)): print "OK" else: print "Validation failed! Please correct the errors above and try again." else: if SConsDoc.validate_all_xml(['src', os.path.join('doc','design'), os.path.join('doc','developer'), os.path.join('doc','man'), os.path.join('doc','python10'), os.path.join('doc','reference'), os.path.join('doc','user') ]): print "OK" else: print "Validation failed! Please correct the errors above and try again."