#!/usr/bin/env python # # Process a list of Python and/or XML files containing SCons documentation. # # This script creates formatted lists of the Builders, functions, Tools # or construction variables documented in the specified XML files. # # Dependening on the options, the lists are output in either # DocBook-formatted generated XML files containing the summary text # and/or .mod files contining the ENTITY definitions for each item, # or in man-page-formatted output. # import getopt import os import re import string import sys import xml.sax try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: # No 'io' module or no StringIO in io exec('from cStringIO import StringIO') import SConsDoc base_sys_path = [os.getcwd() + '/build/test-tar-gz/lib/scons'] + sys.path helpstr = """\ Usage: scons-proc.py [--man|--xml] [-b file(s)] [-f file(s)] [-t file(s)] [-v file(s)] [infile ...] Options: -b file(s) dump builder information to the specified file(s) -f file(s) dump function information to the specified file(s) -t file(s) dump tool information to the specified file(s) -v file(s) dump variable information to the specified file(s) --man print info in man page format, each -[btv] argument is a single file name --xml (default) print info in SML format, each -[btv] argument is a pair of comma-separated .gen,.mod file names """ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "b:f:ht:v:", ['builders=', 'help', 'man', 'xml', 'tools=', 'variables=']) buildersfiles = None functionsfiles = None output_type = '--xml' toolsfiles = None variablesfiles = None for o, a in opts: if o in ['-b', '--builders']: buildersfiles = a elif o in ['-f', '--functions']: functionsfiles = a elif o in ['-h', '--help']: sys.stdout.write(helpstr) sys.exit(0) elif o in ['--man', '--xml']: output_type = o elif o in ['-t', '--tools']: toolsfiles = a elif o in ['-v', '--variables']: variablesfiles = a h = SConsDoc.SConsDocHandler() saxparser = xml.sax.make_parser() saxparser.setContentHandler(h) saxparser.setErrorHandler(h) xml_preamble = """\ """ xml_postamble = """\ """ for f in args: _, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext == '.py': dir, _ = os.path.split(f) if dir: sys.path = [dir] + base_sys_path module = SConsDoc.importfile(f) h.set_file_info(f, len(xml_preamble.split('\n'))) try: content = module.__scons_doc__ except AttributeError: content = None else: del module.__scons_doc__ else: h.set_file_info(f, len(xml_preamble.split('\n'))) content = open(f).read() if content: content = content.replace('&', '&') # Strip newlines after comments so they don't turn into # spurious paragraph separators. content = content.replace('-->\n', '-->') input = xml_preamble + content + xml_postamble try: saxparser.parse(StringIO(input)) except: sys.stderr.write("error in %s\n" % f) raise Warning = """\ """ Regular_Entities_Header = """\ """ Link_Entities_Header = """\ """ class SCons_XML(object): def __init__(self, entries, **kw): self.values = entries for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def fopen(self, name): if name == '-': return sys.stdout return open(name, 'w') class SCons_XML_to_XML(SCons_XML): def write(self, files): gen, mod = files.split(',') g.write_gen(gen) g.write_mod(mod) def write_gen(self, filename): if not filename: return f = self.fopen(filename) for v in self.values: f.write('\n\n' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc())) f.write('%s\n' % v.xml_term()) f.write('\n') for chunk in v.summary.body: f.write(str(chunk)) if v.sets: s = ['&cv-link-%s;' % x for x in v.sets] f.write('\n') f.write('Sets: ' + ', '.join(s) + '.\n') f.write('\n') if v.uses: u = ['&cv-link-%s;' % x for x in v.uses] f.write('\n') f.write('Uses: ' + ', '.join(u) + '.\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') def write_mod(self, filename): description = self.values[0].description if not filename: return f = self.fopen(filename) f.write(Warning) f.write('\n') f.write(Regular_Entities_Header % description) f.write('\n') for v in self.values: f.write('%s">\n' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag)) if self.env_signatures: f.write('\n') for v in self.values: f.write('env.%s">\n' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag)) f.write('\n') f.write(Warning) f.write('\n') f.write(Link_Entities_Header % description) f.write('\n') for v in self.values: f.write('<%s>%s\'>\n' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag)) if self.env_signatures: f.write('\n') for v in self.values: f.write('<%s>env.%s\'>\n' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.prefix, v.idfunc(), v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag)) f.write('\n') f.write(Warning) class SCons_XML_to_man(SCons_XML): def write(self, filename): """ Converts the contents of the specified filename from DocBook XML to man page macros. This does not do an intelligent job. In particular, it doesn't actually use the structured nature of XML to handle arbitrary input. Instead, we're using text replacement and regular expression substitutions to convert observed patterns into the macros we want. To the extent that we're relatively consistent with our input .xml, this works, but could easily break if handed input that doesn't match these specific expectations. """ if not filename: return f = self.fopen(filename) chunks = [] for v in self.values: chunks.extend(v.man_separator()) chunks.extend(v.initial_man_chunks()) chunks.extend(list(map(str, v.summary.body))) body = ''.join(chunks) # Simple transformation of examples into our defined macros for those. body = body.replace('', '.ES') body = body.replace('', '.EE') # Replace groupings of tags and surrounding newlines # with single blank lines. body = body.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n') body = body.replace('\n', '') body = body.replace('', '\n') body = body.replace('\n', '') # Convert and its child tags. body = body.replace('\n', '.RS 10\n') # Handling needs to be rationalized and made # consistent. Right now, the values map to arbitrary, # ad-hoc idioms in the current man page. body = re.compile(r'\n([^<]*)\n\n').sub(r'.TP 6\n.B \1\n', body) body = re.compile(r'\n([^<]*)\n\n').sub(r'.IP \1\n', body) body = re.compile(r'\n([^<]*)\n\n').sub(r'.HP 6\n.B \1\n', body) body = body.replace('\n', '') body = body.replace('\n', '') body = body.replace('\n', '.RE\n') # Get rid of unnecessary .IP macros, and unnecessary blank lines # in front of .IP macros. body = re.sub(r'\.EE\n\n+(?!\.IP)', '.EE\n.IP\n', body) body = body.replace('\n.EE\n.IP\n.ES\n', '\n.EE\n\n.ES\n') body = body.replace('\n.IP\n\'\\"', '\n\n\'\\"') # Convert various named entities and tagged names to nroff # in-line font conversions (\fB, \fI, \fP). body = re.sub('&(scons|SConstruct|SConscript|Dir|jar|Make|lambda);', r'\\fB\1\\fP', body) body = re.sub('&(TARGET|TARGETS|SOURCE|SOURCES);', r'\\fB$\1\\fP', body) body = re.sub('&(target|source);', r'\\fI\1\\fP', body) body = re.sub('&b(-link)?-([^;]*);', r'\\fB\2\\fP()', body) body = re.sub('&cv(-link)?-([^;]*);', r'\\fB$\2\\fP', body) body = re.sub('&f(-link)?-env-([^;]*);', r'\\fBenv.\2\\fP()', body) body = re.sub('&f(-link)?-([^;]*);', r'\\fB\2\\fP()', body) body = re.sub(r'<(application|command|envar|filename|function|literal|option)>([^<]*)', r'\\fB\2\\fP', body) body = re.sub(r'<(classname|emphasis|varname)>([^<]*)', r'\\fI\2\\fP', body) # Convert groupings of font conversions (\fB, \fI, \fP) to # man page .B, .BR, .I, .IR, .R, .RB and .RI macros. body = re.compile(r'^\\f([BI])([^\\]* [^\\]*)\\fP\s*$', re.M).sub(r'.\1 "\2"', body) body = re.compile(r'^\\f([BI])(.*)\\fP\s*$', re.M).sub(r'.\1 \2', body) body = re.compile(r'^\\f([BI])(.*)\\fP(\S+)$', re.M).sub(r'.\1R \2 \3', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\.B)( .*)\\fP(.*)\\fB(.*)$', re.M).sub(r'\1R\2 \3 \4', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\.B)R?( .*)\\fP(.*)\\fI(.*)$', re.M).sub(r'\1I\2\3 \4', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\.I)( .*)\\fP\\fB(.*)\\fP\\fI(.*)$', re.M).sub(r'\1R\2 \3 \4', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\\f([BI])(.*)\\fP$', re.M).sub(r'.R\2 \1 \3', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\\f([BI])(.*)\\fP([^\s\\]+)$', re.M).sub(r'.R\2 \1 \3 \4', body) body = re.compile(r'^(\.R[BI].*[\S])\s+$;', re.M).sub(r'\1', body) # Convert < and > entities to literal < and > characters. body = body.replace('<', '<') body = body.replace('>', '>') # Backslashes. Oh joy. body = re.sub(r'\\(?=[^f])', r'\\\\', body) body = re.compile("^'\\\\\\\\", re.M).sub("'\\\\", body) body = re.compile(r'^\.([BI]R?) ([^"]\S*\\\\\S+[^"])$', re.M).sub(r'.\1 "\2"', body) # Put backslashes in front of various hyphens that need # to be long em-dashes. body = re.compile(r'^\.([BI]R?) --', re.M).sub(r'.\1 \-\-', body) body = re.compile(r'^\.([BI]R?) -', re.M).sub(r'.\1 \-', body) body = re.compile(r'\\f([BI])-', re.M).sub(r'\\f\1\-', body) f.write(body) class Proxy(object): def __init__(self, subject): """Wrap an object as a Proxy object""" self.__subject = subject def __getattr__(self, name): """Retrieve an attribute from the wrapped object. If the named attribute doesn't exist, AttributeError is raised""" return getattr(self.__subject, name) def get(self): """Retrieve the entire wrapped object""" return self.__subject def __cmp__(self, other): if issubclass(other.__class__, self.__subject.__class__): return cmp(self.__subject, other) return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__) class SConsThing(Proxy): def idfunc(self): return self.name def xml_term(self): return '%s' % self.name class Builder(SConsThing): description = 'builder' prefix = 'b-' tag = 'function' def xml_term(self): return ('<%s>%s()\n<%s>env.%s()' % (self.tag, self.name, self.tag, self.tag, self.name, self.tag)) def entityfunc(self): return self.name def man_separator(self): return ['\n', "'\\" + '"'*69 + '\n'] def initial_man_chunks(self): return [ '.IP %s()\n.IP env.%s()\n' % (self.name, self.name) ] class Function(SConsThing): description = 'function' prefix = 'f-' tag = 'function' def args_to_xml(self, arg): s = ''.join(arg.body).strip() result = [] for m in re.findall('([a-zA-Z/_]+=?|[^a-zA-Z/_]+)', s): if m[0] in string.letters: if m[-1] == '=': result.append('%s=' % m[:-1]) else: result.append('%s' % m) else: result.append(m) return ''.join(result) def xml_term(self): try: arguments = self.arguments except AttributeError: arguments = ['()'] result = [''] for arg in arguments: try: signature = arg.signature except AttributeError: signature = "both" s = self.args_to_xml(arg) if signature in ('both', 'global'): result.append('%s%s\n' % (self.name, s)) #
if signature in ('both', 'env'): result.append('env.%s%s' % (self.name, s)) result.append('
') return ''.join(result) def entityfunc(self): return self.name def man_separator(self): return ['\n', "'\\" + '"'*69 + '\n'] def args_to_man(self, arg): """Converts the contents of an tag, which specifies a function's calling signature, into a series of tokens that alternate between literal tokens (to be displayed in roman or bold face) and variable names (to be displayed in italics). This is complicated by the presence of Python "keyword=var" arguments, where "keyword=" should be displayed literally, and "var" should be displayed in italics. We do this by detecting the keyword= var portion and appending it to the previous string, if any. """ s = ''.join(arg.body).strip() result = [] for m in re.findall('([a-zA-Z/_]+=?|[^a-zA-Z/_]+)', s): if m[-1] == '=' and result: if result[-1][-1] == '"': result[-1] = result[-1][:-1] + m + '"' else: result[-1] += m else: if ' ' in m: m = '"%s"' % m result.append(m) return ' '.join(result) def initial_man_chunks(self): try: arguments = self.arguments except AttributeError: arguments = ['()'] result = [] for arg in arguments: try: signature = arg.signature except AttributeError: signature = "both" s = self.args_to_man(arg) if signature in ('both', 'global'): result.append('.TP\n.RI %s%s\n' % (self.name, s)) if signature in ('both', 'env'): result.append('.TP\n.IR env .%s%s\n' % (self.name, s)) return result class Tool(SConsThing): description = 'tool' prefix = 't-' tag = 'literal' def idfunc(self): return self.name.replace('+', 'X') def entityfunc(self): return self.name def man_separator(self): return ['\n'] def initial_man_chunks(self): return ['.IP %s\n' % self.name] class Variable(SConsThing): description = 'construction variable' prefix = 'cv-' tag = 'envar' def entityfunc(self): return '$' + self.name def man_separator(self): return ['\n'] def initial_man_chunks(self): return ['.IP %s\n' % self.name] if output_type == '--man': processor_class = SCons_XML_to_man elif output_type == '--xml': processor_class = SCons_XML_to_XML else: sys.stderr.write("Unknown output type '%s'\n" % output_type) sys.exit(1) if buildersfiles: g = processor_class([ Builder(b) for b in sorted(h.builders.values()) ], env_signatures=True) g.write(buildersfiles) if functionsfiles: g = processor_class([ Function(b) for b in sorted(h.functions.values()) ], env_signatures=True) g.write(functionsfiles) if toolsfiles: g = processor_class([ Tool(t) for t in sorted(h.tools.values()) ], env_signatures=False) g.write(toolsfiles) if variablesfiles: g = processor_class([ Variable(v) for v in sorted(h.cvars.values()) ], env_signatures=False) g.write(variablesfiles) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: