/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Pixware. * * This file is part of the XMLmind XML Editor project. * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying legal.txt file. * * Styles for refentry elements. */ /* ===================================== Refentry structure ===================================== */ refentry { display: block; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: silver transparent silver transparent; margin: 3ex 0; } refnamediv, refsynopsisdiv { display: block; margin: 1ex 0; } refnamediv:before, refsynopsisdiv:before { display: block; font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; color: #004080; margin: 1ex 0; } refnamediv:before { content: "Name"; } refnamediv > *:before { content: " "; } refnamediv > *:first-child:before { content: ""; } refdescriptor, refname, refpurpose, refclass { display: inline; } refpurpose:before, refclass:before { content: " -- "; color: gray; } refsynopsisdiv:before { content: "Synopsis"; } refsynopsisdiv:contains-element(title):before, refsynopsisdiv:contains-element(info):before { content: ""; } refsynopsisdiv > title { font-size: 1.3em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1ex; } refsection, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3 { display: block; } refsection > title, refsect1 > title { font-size: 1.3em; margin: 1ex 0; } refsection refsection > title { font-size: 1em; margin: 1.33ex 0; } /* ===================================== Synopsis environments ===================================== */ /* ------------------------------------- cmdsynopsis ------------------------------------- */ cmdsynopsis { display: block; font-family: monospace; margin: 1.33ex 0; } synopfragment { display: block; font-family: monospace; margin-left: 4ex; } arg, group { display: inline; } arg:before, group:before { /* also works for choice=opt */ content: " ["; color: gray; } group > arg:before, group > group:before { content: " | ["; } arg:first-child:before, group:first-child:before { content: "["; } arg:after, group:after { content: "]"; color: gray; } arg[rep=repeat]:after, group[rep=repeat]:after { content: "]..."; color: gray; } arg[choice=req]:before, group[choice=req]:before { content: " {"; } group > arg[choice=req]:before, group > group[choice=req]:before { content: " | {"; } arg[choice=req]:first-child:before, group[choice=req]:first-child:before { content: "{"; } arg[choice=req]:after, group[choice=req]:after { content: "}"; } arg[choice=req][rep=repeat]:after, group[choice=req][rep=repeat]:after { content: "}..."; } arg[choice=plain]:before, group[choice=plain]:before { content: " "; } group > arg[choice=plain]:before, group > group[choice=plain]:before { content: " | "; } arg[choice=plain]:first-child:before, group[choice=plain]:first-child:before { content: ""; } arg[choice=plain]:after, group[choice=plain]:after { content: ""; } arg[choice=plain][rep=repeat]:after, group[choice=plain][rep=repeat]:after { content: "..."; } synopfragmentref { display: inline; color: navy; text-decoration: underline; } synopfragmentref:after { content: icon(left-link) attr(linkend); vertical-align: text-top; /* for the icon */ } /* ------------------------------------- funcsynopsis ------------------------------------- */ funcsynopsis { display: block; font-family: monospace; margin: 1.33ex 0; } funcsynopsisinfo { display: block; white-space: pre; margin: 1.33ex 0; } funcprototype { display: block; } funcprototype > *:before { content: " "; } funcprototype > *:first-child:before { content: ""; } funcprototype:after { content: ";"; color: gray; } funcdef { display: inline; } void { display: inline; content: "void"; color: gray; } funcprototype > void { content: "(void)"; } varargs { display: inline; content: "(...)"; color: gray; } paramdef + varargs { content: ", ...)"; } paramdef { display: inline; } paramdef > parameter { font-style: italic; } paramdef:before { content: ", "; color: gray; } paramdef:first-of-type:before { content: " ("; } paramdef:last-of-type:after { content: ")"; color: gray; } funcparams { display: inline; } paramdef > funcparams:before { content: "("; color: gray; } paramdef > funcparams:after { content: ")"; color: gray; } /* ------------------------------------- classsynopsis ------------------------------------- */ classsynopsis { display: block; font-family: monospace; margin-top: 1.33ex; } ooclass + classsynopsisinfo:before, oointerface + classsynopsisinfo:before, ooexception + classsynopsisinfo:before, ooclass + fieldsynopsis:before, oointerface + fieldsynopsis:before, ooexception + fieldsynopsis:before, ooclass + constructorsynopsis:before, oointerface + constructorsynopsis:before, ooexception + constructorsynopsis:before, ooclass + destructorsynopsis:before, oointerface + destructorsynopsis:before, ooexception + destructorsynopsis:before, ooclass + methodsynopsis:before, oointerface + methodsynopsis:before, ooexception + methodsynopsis:before { display: block; content: "{"; color: gray; } classsynopsis:after { display: block; content: "}"; color: gray; margin-bottom: 1.33ex; } classsynopsisinfo { display: block; white-space: pre; margin-left: 4ex; margin-top: 1.33ex; margin-bottom: 1.33ex; } ooclass, oointerface, ooexception { display: inline; font-family: monospace; } classsynopsis > ooclass:after, classsynopsis > oointerface:after, classsynopsis > ooexception:after { content: " "; } ooclass > *:before, oointerface > *:before, ooexception > *:before { content: " "; } ooclass > classname:before { content: " class "; color: gray; } oointerface > interfacename:before { content: " interface "; color: gray; } ooexception > exceptionname:before { content: " exception "; color: gray; } ooclass > *:first-child:before, oointerface > *:first-child:before, ooexception > *:first-child:before { content: ""; } ooclass > classname:first-child:before { content: "class "; color: gray; } oointerface > interfacename:first-child:before { content: "interface "; color: gray; } ooexception > exceptionname:first-child:before { content: "exception "; color: gray; } fieldsynopsis, constructorsynopsis, destructorsynopsis, methodsynopsis { display: block; font-family: monospace; margin: 1.33ex 0; } classsynopsis > fieldsynopsis, classsynopsis > constructorsynopsis, classsynopsis > destructorsynopsis, classsynopsis > methodsynopsis { margin-left: 4ex; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } fieldsynopsis:after, constructorsynopsis:after, destructorsynopsis:after, methodsynopsis:after { content: ";"; color: gray; } fieldsynopsis > *:before, constructorsynopsis > *:before, destructorsynopsis > *:before, methodsynopsis > *:before { content: " "; } fieldsynopsis > *:first-child:before, constructorsynopsis > *:first-child:before, destructorsynopsis > *:first-child:before, methodsynopsis > *:first-child:before { content: ""; } constructorsynopsis > exceptionname:before, destructorsynopsis > exceptionname:before, methodsynopsis > exceptionname:before { /*In practice, cannot be first child*/ content: " throws "; color: gray; } methodname + void { content: "(void)"; } methodparam { display: inline; /* rep and choice attributes not visualized */ } methodparam:before { content: ", "; color: gray; } methodparam:first-of-type:before { content: " ("; } methodparam:last-of-type:after{ content: ")"; color: gray; } methodparam > parameter { font-style: italic; } methodparam > *:before { content: " "; } methodparam > *:first-child:before { content: ""; } modifier { display: inline; font-family: monospace; } initializer { display: inline; font-family: monospace; } initializer:before { /* Cannot be first child */ content: " = "; color: gray; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inlined elements other than those belonging to modules Note that default display is inline, so there is no need to specify it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------- General ------------------------------------- */ citerefentry { display: inline; font-style: italic; } citerefentry > manvolnum:before { content: "("; color: gray; } citerefentry > manvolnum:after { content: ")"; color: gray; } refentrytitle, manvolnum, refmiscinfo { /* also found in refmeta */ display: inline; }