/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Pixware. * * This file is part of the XMLmind XML Editor project. * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying legal.txt file. * * Displays the structure (a little more than a TOC) of a DocBook document. * Titles inside *info (e.g. sectioninfo) elements are not displayed. */ *, *:comment, *:processing-instruction { display: none; } title { display: block; } title > * { display: inline; } set, book, part, reference, refentry, preface, chapter, article, appendix, section, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5 { display: block; margin-left: 9ex; } set:before, book:before, part:before, reference:before, refentry:before, preface:before, chapter:before, article:before, appendix:before, section:before, sect1:before, sect2:before, sect3:before, sect4:before, sect5:before { display: marker; marker-offset: fill; content: element-name(); font-size: small; color: gray; } part > title:before { content: simple-counter(n-, upper-roman) " "; } chapter > title:before { content: simple-counter(n-, decimal) " "; } appendix > title:before { content: simple-counter(n-, upper-alpha) " "; } refentry { content: xpath("join(.//refname, ', ')"); color: gray; } section > title:before, sect1 > title:before { content: simple-counter(n-) " "; } section section > title:before, sect2 > title:before { content: simple-counter(nn-) " "; } section section section > title:before, sect3 > title:before { content: simple-counter(nnn-) " "; } section section section section > title:before, sect4 > title:before { content: simple-counter(nnnn-) " "; } section section section section section > title:before, sect5 > title:before { content: simple-counter(nnnnn-) " "; } section section section section * section > title:before { content: ""; } setinfo, setindex, bookinfo, dedication, toc, lot, glossary, bibliography, index, colophon, partinfo, partintro, referenceinfo, prefaceinfo, chapterinfo, tocchap, articleinfo, appendixinfo, sectioninfo, sect1info, sect2info, sect3info, sect4info, sect5info { display: block; content: element-name(); font-size: small; color: gray; }