First, many thanks to the great group of developers who dove in right
from the beginning and have contributed the code and ideas to make
&SCons; a success: Chad Austin, Charles Crain, Steve Leblanc, and
Anthony Roach. Thanks also to those on the scons-devel mailing list
who have contributed greatly to the discussion, notably including
David Abrahams, Trent Mick, and Steven Shaw.
&SCons; would not exist today without the pioneering work of Bob
Sidebotham on the original &Cons; tool, and without Greg Wilson's
having started the Software Carpentry contest.
Thanks also to Peter Miller for: Aegis; the testing discipline that it
enforces, without which creating a stable but flexible tool would be
impossible; the "Recursive Make Considered Harmful" paper which led me
to experiment with &Cons; in the first place.