%scons; ]>
SCons Design and Implementation Steven Knight 2001 2002 Steven Knight 2002 4-7 February 2002 The Tenth International Python Conference
Alexandria, Virginia
0.2 16 December 2001 Internal re-review. 0.1 8 October 2001 Submitted for Python10 conference.
Introduction &intro;
Architecture &design;
Installation &install;
Development Process &process;
Future Directions &future;
Summary This paper has introduced &SCons;, a next-generation build tool with a modular, embeddable architecture and a direct Python interface. &SCons; has a global view of the dependencies in a source tree, uses MD5 signatures to decide if derived files are out of date, and automatically scans files for dependencies, all of which make &SCons; builds exceptionally reliable. The &SCons; development methodology has been described, notable for its emphasis on automated regression testing to ensure a robust and reliable tool from day one. Several future directions for &SCons; have also been discussed.
Acknowledgements &acks;
References 1 Stuart I.Feldman Aug 1978 Bell Laboratories Make - A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs 2 PeterMiller 1997 Peter Miller Recursive Make Considered Harmful 3 AndrewOram SteveTalbott 1986 1991 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Managing Projects with Make, 2nd Ed. 4 Richard M.Stallman RolandMcGrath 1988 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU Make A Program for Directing Recompilation