%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Python overview This section will provide a brief overview of the Python programming language. Skip this section if you are already familiar with Python (or you're really intent on diving into &SCons; and just picking up things as you go). Python has a lot of good documentation freely available on-line to help you get started. The standard tutorial is available at XXX. Python is very easy to pick up. Python variables must be assigned to before they can be referenced. Assignment is like most programming languages: x = 1 + 2 z = 3 * x Function calls look like most language function calls: a = f(g) Define functions like so: def func(arg1, arg2): return arg1 * arg 2 The number of parameters Strings can be enclosed in single quotes or double quotes, backslashes are used to escape characters, triple-quote syntax lets you include quotes and newlines, raw strings begin with 'r'. Lists are enclosed in square brackets, list items are separated by commas. List references use square brackets and integer index values, slice notation lets you select, delete or replace a range. Dictionaries (hashes) are enclosed in curly brackets, : separates keys from values, , separates items. Dictionary values are referenced using square brackets. Access class attributes (including methods) using a '.'. if: statements look like elif: statements look like else: statements look like for: statements look like while: statements look like break statements look like continue statements look like pass