The &variant_dir; keyword argument of
the &SConscript; function provides everything
we need to show how easy it is to create
variant builds using &SCons;.
Suppose, for example, that we want to
build a program for both Windows and Linux platforms,
but that we want to build it in a shared directory
with separate side-by-side build directories
for the Windows and Linux versions of the program.
platform = ARGUMENTS.get('OS', Platform())
include = "#export/$PLATFORM/include"
lib = "#export/$PLATFORM/lib"
bin = "#export/$PLATFORM/bin"
env = Environment(PLATFORM = platform,
BINDIR = bin,
INCDIR = include,
LIBDIR = lib,
CPPPATH = [include],
LIBPATH = [lib],
LIBS = 'world')
env.SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='build/$PLATFORM')
This SConstruct file,
when run on a Linux system, yields:
% scons -Q OS=linux
Install file: "build/linux/world/world.h" as "export/linux/include/world.h"
cc -o build/linux/hello/hello.o -c -Iexport/linux/include build/linux/hello/hello.c
cc -o build/linux/world/world.o -c -Iexport/linux/include build/linux/world/world.c
ar rc build/linux/world/libworld.a build/linux/world/world.o
ranlib build/linux/world/libworld.a
Install file: "build/linux/world/libworld.a" as "export/linux/lib/libworld.a"
cc -o build/linux/hello/hello build/linux/hello/hello.o -Lexport/linux/lib -lworld
Install file: "build/linux/hello/hello" as "export/linux/bin/hello"
The same SConstruct file on Windows would build:
C:\>scons -Q OS=windows
scons: warning: No installed VCs
File "<stdin>", line 67, in __call__
scons: warning: No version of Visual Studio compiler found - C/C++ compilers most likely not set correctly
File "<stdin>", line 67, in __call__
scons: warning: No installed VCs
File "<stdin>", line 67, in __call__
scons: warning: No version of Visual Studio compiler found - C/C++ compilers most likely not set correctly
File "<stdin>", line 67, in __call__
Install file: "build/windows/world/world.h" as "export/windows/include/world.h"
cl /Fobuild\windows\hello\hello.obj /c build\windows\hello\hello.c /nologo /Iexport\windows\include
cl /Fobuild\windows\world\world.obj /c build\windows\world\world.c /nologo /Iexport\windows\include
lib /nologo /OUT:build\windows\world\world.lib build\windows\world\world.obj
Install file: "build/windows/world/world.lib" as "export/windows/lib/world.lib"
link /nologo /OUT:build\windows\hello\hello.exe /LIBPATH:export\windows\lib world.lib build\windows\hello\hello.obj
Install file: "build/windows/hello/hello.exe" as "export/windows/bin/hello.exe"