import os def SCons_revision(target, source, env): """Interpolate specific values from the environment into a file. This is used to copy files into a tree that gets packaged up into the source file package. """ t = str(target[0]) s = source[0].rstr() try: with open(s, 'r') as fp: contents = # Note: We construct the __*__ substitution strings here # so that they don't get replaced when this file gets # copied into the tree for packaging. contents = contents.replace('__BUILD' + '__', env['BUILD']) contents = contents.replace('__BUILDSYS' + '__', env['BUILDSYS']) contents = contents.replace('__COPYRIGHT' + '__', env['COPYRIGHT']) contents = contents.replace('__DATE' + '__', env['DATE']) contents = contents.replace('__DEB_DATE' + '__', env['DEB_DATE']) contents = contents.replace('__DEVELOPER' + '__', env['DEVELOPER']) contents = contents.replace('__FILE' + '__', str(source[0]).replace('\\', '/')) contents = contents.replace('__MONTH_YEAR'+ '__', env['MONTH_YEAR']) contents = contents.replace('__REVISION' + '__', env['REVISION']) contents = contents.replace('__VERSION' + '__', env['VERSION']) contents = contents.replace('__NULL' + '__', '') open(t, 'w').write(contents) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print("Error decoding file:%s just copying no revision edit") with open(s, 'rb') as fp: contents = open(t, 'wb').write(contents) os.chmod(t, os.stat(s)[0])