import os.path import re from SCons.Script import Builder, Action, Scanner def soelim(target, source, env): """ Interpolate files included in [gnt]roff source files using the .so directive. This behaves somewhat like the soelim(1) wrapper around groff, but makes us independent of whether the actual underlying implementation includes an soelim() command or the corresponding command-line option to groff(1). The key behavioral difference is that this doesn't recursively include .so files from the include file. Not yet, anyway. """ t = str(target[0]) s = str(source[0]) dir, f = os.path.split(s) tfp = open(t, 'w') sfp = open(s, 'r') for line in sfp.readlines(): if line[:4] in ['.so ', "'so "]: sofile = os.path.join(dir, line[4:-1]) tfp.write(open(sofile, 'r').read()) else: tfp.write(line) sfp.close() tfp.close() def soscan(node, env, path): c = node.get_text_contents() return re.compile(r"^[\.']so\s+(\S+)", re.M).findall(c) soelimbuilder = Builder(action = Action(soelim), source_scanner = Scanner(soscan))