(targets) This specifies a list of default targets, which will be built by &scons; if no explicit targets are given on the command line. Multiple calls to &f-Default; are legal, and add to the list of default targets. Multiple targets should be specified as separate arguments to the &f-Default; method, or as a list. &f-Default; will also accept the Node returned by any of a construction environment's builder methods. Examples: Default('foo', 'bar', 'baz') env.Default(['a', 'b', 'c']) hello = env.Program('hello', 'hello.c') env.Default(hello) An argument to &f-Default; of None will clear all default targets. Later calls to &f-Default; will add to the (now empty) default-target list like normal. The current list of targets added using the &f-Default; function or method is available in the DEFAULT_TARGETS list; see below. (major, minor) Ensure that the Python version is at least major.minor. This function will print out an error message and exit SCons with a non-zero exit code if the actual Python version is not late enough. Example: EnsurePythonVersion(2,2) (major, minor, [revision]) Ensure that the SCons version is at least major.minor, or major.minor.revision. if revision is specified. This function will print out an error message and exit SCons with a non-zero exit code if the actual SCons version is not late enough. Examples: EnsureSConsVersion(0,14) EnsureSConsVersion(0,96,90) ([value]) This tells &scons; to exit immediately with the specified value. A default exit value of 0 (zero) is used if no value is specified. (vars) This tells &scons; to export a list of variables from the current SConscript file to all other SConscript files. The exported variables are kept in a global collection, so subsequent calls to &f-Export; will over-write previous exports that have the same name. Multiple variable names can be passed to &f-Export; as separate arguments or as a list. Keyword arguments can be used to provide names and their values. A dictionary can be used to map variables to a different name when exported. Both local variables and global variables can be exported. Examples: env = Environment() # Make env available for all SConscript files to Import(). Export("env") package = 'my_name' # Make env and package available for all SConscript files:. Export("env", "package") # Make env and package available for all SConscript files: Export(["env", "package"]) # Make env available using the name debug: Export(debug = env) # Make env available using the name debug: Export({"debug":env}) Note that the &f-SConscript; function supports an exports argument that makes it easier to to export a variable or set of variables to a single SConscript file. See the description of the &f-SConscript; function, below. () Returns the absolute path name of the directory from which &scons; was initially invoked. This can be useful when using the , or options, which internally change to the directory in which the &SConstruct; file is found. (text) This specifies help text to be printed if the argument is given to &scons;. If &f-Help; is called multiple times, the text is appended together in the order that &f-Help; is called. (vars) This tells &scons; to import a list of variables into the current SConscript file. This will import variables that were exported with &f-Export; or in the exports argument to &f-link-SConscript;. Variables exported by &f-SConscript; have precedence. Multiple variable names can be passed to &f-Import; as separate arguments or as a list. The variable "*" can be used to import all variables. Examples: Import("env") Import("env", "variable") Import(["env", "variable"]) Import("*") ([vars..., stop=]) By default, this stops processing the current SConscript file and returns to the calling SConscript file the values of the variables named in the vars string arguments. Multiple strings contaning variable names may be passed to &f-Return;. Any strings that contain white space The optional stop= keyword argument may be set to a false value to continue processing the rest of the SConscript file after the &f-Return; call. This was the default behavior prior to SCons 0.98. However, the values returned are still the values of the variables in the named vars at the point &f-Return; is called. Examples: # Returns without returning a value. Return() # Returns the value of the 'foo' Python variable. Return("foo") # Returns the values of the Python variables 'foo' and 'bar'. Return("foo", "bar") # Returns the values of Python variables 'val1' and 'val2'. Return('val1 val2') (scripts, [exports, variant_dir, duplicate]) (dirs=subdirs, [name=script, exports, variant_dir, duplicate]) This tells &scons; to execute one or more subsidiary SConscript (configuration) files. Any variables returned by a called script using &f-link-Return; will be returned by the call to &f-SConscript;. There are two ways to call the &f-SConscript; function. The first way you can call &f-SConscript; is to explicitly specify one or more scripts as the first argument. A single script may be specified as a string; multiple scripts must be specified as a list (either explicitly or as created by a function like &f-Split;). Examples: SConscript('SConscript') # run SConscript in the current directory SConscript('src/SConscript') # run SConscript in the src directory SConscript(['src/SConscript', 'doc/SConscript']) config = SConscript('MyConfig.py') The second way you can call &f-SConscript; is to specify a list of (sub)directory names as a dirs=subdirs keyword argument. In this case, &scons; will, by default, execute a subsidiary configuration file named &SConscript; in each of the specified directories. You may specify a name other than &SConscript; by supplying an optional name=script keyword argument. The first three examples below have the same effect as the first three examples above: SConscript(dirs='.') # run SConscript in the current directory SConscript(dirs='src') # run SConscript in the src directory SConscript(dirs=['src', 'doc']) SConscript(dirs=['sub1', 'sub2'], name='MySConscript') The optional exports argument provides a list of variable names or a dictionary of named values to export to the script(s). These variables are locally exported only to the specified script(s), and do not affect the global pool of variables used by the &f-Export; function. The subsidiary script(s) must use the &f-link-Import; function to import the variables. Examples: foo = SConscript('sub/SConscript', exports='env') SConscript('dir/SConscript', exports=['env', 'variable']) SConscript(dirs='subdir', exports='env variable') SConscript(dirs=['one', 'two', 'three'], exports='shared_info') If the optional variant_dir argument is present, it causes an effect equivalent to the &f-link-VariantDir; method described below. (If variant_dir is not present, the duplicate argument is ignored.) The variant_dir argument is interpreted relative to the directory of the calling &SConscript; file. See the description of the &f-VariantDir; function below for additional details and restrictions. If variant_dir is present, the source directory is the directory in which the &SConscript; file resides and the &SConscript; file is evaluated as if it were in the variant_dir directory: SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir = 'build') is equivalent to VariantDir('build', 'src') SConscript('build/SConscript') This later paradigm is often used when the sources are in the same directory as the &SConstruct;: SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir = 'build') is equivalent to VariantDir('build', '.') SConscript('build/SConscript') Here are some composite examples: # collect the configuration information and use it to build src and doc shared_info = SConscript('MyConfig.py') SConscript('src/SConscript', exports='shared_info') SConscript('doc/SConscript', exports='shared_info') # build debugging and production versions. SConscript # can use Dir('.').path to determine variant. SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir='debug', duplicate=0) SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir='prod', duplicate=0) # build debugging and production versions. SConscript # is passed flags to use. opts = { 'CPPDEFINES' : ['DEBUG'], 'CCFLAGS' : '-pgdb' } SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir='debug', duplicate=0, exports=opts) opts = { 'CPPDEFINES' : ['NODEBUG'], 'CCFLAGS' : '-O' } SConscript('SConscript', variant_dir='prod', duplicate=0, exports=opts) # build common documentation and compile for different architectures SConscript('doc/SConscript', variant_dir='build/doc', duplicate=0) SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='build/x86', duplicate=0) SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='build/ppc', duplicate=0)