# # Copyright (c) 2001 - 2019 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # TODO: # * supported arch for versions: for old versions of batch file without # argument, giving bogus argument cannot be detected, so we have to hardcode # this here # * print warning when msvc version specified but not found # * find out why warning do not print # * test on 64 bits XP + VS 2005 (and VS 6 if possible) # * SDK # * Assembly __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Tool/MSCommon/vc.py 103260fce95bf5db1c35fb2371983087d85dd611 2019-07-13 18:25:30 bdbaddog" __doc__ = """Module for Visual C/C++ detection and configuration. """ import SCons.compat import SCons.Util import subprocess import os import platform from string import digits as string_digits import SCons.Warnings from SCons.Tool import find_program_path from . import common debug = common.debug from . import sdk get_installed_sdks = sdk.get_installed_sdks class VisualCException(Exception): pass class UnsupportedVersion(VisualCException): pass class UnsupportedArch(VisualCException): pass class MissingConfiguration(VisualCException): pass class NoVersionFound(VisualCException): pass class BatchFileExecutionError(VisualCException): pass # Dict to 'canonalize' the arch _ARCH_TO_CANONICAL = { "amd64" : "amd64", "emt64" : "amd64", "i386" : "x86", "i486" : "x86", "i586" : "x86", "i686" : "x86", "ia64" : "ia64", # deprecated "itanium" : "ia64", # deprecated "x86" : "x86", "x86_64" : "amd64", "arm" : "arm", "arm64" : "arm64", "aarch64" : "arm64", } # get path to the cl.exe dir for newer VS versions # based off a tuple of (host, target) platforms _HOST_TARGET_TO_CL_DIR_GREATER_THAN_14 = { ("amd64","amd64") : "Hostx64\\x64", ("amd64","x86") : "Hostx64\\x86", ("amd64","arm") : "Hostx64\\arm", ("amd64","arm64") : "Hostx64\\arm64", ("x86","amd64") : "Hostx86\\x64", ("x86","x86") : "Hostx86\\x86", ("x86","arm") : "Hostx86\\arm", ("x86","arm64") : "Hostx86\\arm64", } # get path to the cl.exe dir for older VS versions # based off a tuple of (host, target) platforms _HOST_TARGET_TO_CL_DIR = { ("amd64","amd64") : "amd64", ("amd64","x86") : "amd64_x86", ("amd64","arm") : "amd64_arm", ("amd64","arm64") : "amd64_arm64", ("x86","amd64") : "x86_amd64", ("x86","x86") : "", ("x86","arm") : "x86_arm", ("x86","arm64") : "x86_arm64", } # Given a (host, target) tuple, return the argument for the bat file. # Both host and targets should be canonalized. _HOST_TARGET_ARCH_TO_BAT_ARCH = { ("x86", "x86"): "x86", ("x86", "amd64"): "x86_amd64", ("x86", "x86_amd64"): "x86_amd64", ("amd64", "x86_amd64"): "x86_amd64", # This is present in (at least) VS2012 express ("amd64", "amd64"): "amd64", ("amd64", "x86"): "x86", ("x86", "ia64"): "x86_ia64", # gone since 14.0 ("arm", "arm"): "arm", # since 14.0, maybe gone 14.1? ("x86", "arm"): "x86_arm", # since 14.0 ("x86", "arm64"): "x86_arm64", # since 14.1 ("amd64", "arm"): "amd64_arm", # since 14.0 ("amd64", "arm64"): "amd64_arm64", # since 14.1 } _CL_EXE_NAME = 'cl.exe' def get_msvc_version_numeric(msvc_version): """Get the raw version numbers from a MSVC_VERSION string, so it could be cast to float or other numeric values. For example, '14.0Exp' would get converted to '14.0'. Args: msvc_version: str string representing the version number, could contain non digit characters Returns: str: the value converted to a numeric only string """ return ''.join([x for x in msvc_version if x in string_digits + '.']) def get_host_target(env): debug('vc.py:get_host_target()') host_platform = env.get('HOST_ARCH') if not host_platform: host_platform = platform.machine() # TODO(2.5): the native Python platform.machine() function returns # '' on all Python versions before 2.6, after which it also uses # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE. if not host_platform: host_platform = os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') # Retain user requested TARGET_ARCH req_target_platform = env.get('TARGET_ARCH') debug('vc.py:get_host_target() req_target_platform:%s'%req_target_platform) if req_target_platform: # If user requested a specific platform then only try that one. target_platform = req_target_platform else: target_platform = host_platform try: host = _ARCH_TO_CANONICAL[host_platform.lower()] except KeyError as e: msg = "Unrecognized host architecture %s" raise ValueError(msg % repr(host_platform)) try: target = _ARCH_TO_CANONICAL[target_platform.lower()] except KeyError as e: all_archs = str(list(_ARCH_TO_CANONICAL.keys())) raise ValueError("Unrecognized target architecture %s\n\tValid architectures: %s" % (target_platform, all_archs)) return (host, target,req_target_platform) # If you update this, update SupportedVSList in Tool/MSCommon/vs.py, and the # MSVC_VERSION documentation in Tool/msvc.xml. _VCVER = ["14.1", "14.0", "14.0Exp", "12.0", "12.0Exp", "11.0", "11.0Exp", "10.0", "10.0Exp", "9.0", "9.0Exp","8.0", "8.0Exp","7.1", "7.0", "6.0"] _VCVER_TO_PRODUCT_DIR = { '14.1' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'')], # Visual Studio 2017 doesn't set this registry key anymore '14.0' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir')], '14.0Exp' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\14.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir')], '12.0' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '12.0Exp' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\12.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '11.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '11.0Exp' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\11.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '10.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '10.0Exp' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '9.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Microsoft\DevDiv\VCForPython\9.0\installdir',), (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir',), ], '9.0Exp' : [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '8.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '8.0Exp': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VCExpress\8.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '7.1': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.1\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '7.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Setup\VC\ProductDir'), ], '6.0': [ (SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup\Microsoft Visual C++\ProductDir'), ] } def msvc_version_to_maj_min(msvc_version): msvc_version_numeric = get_msvc_version_numeric(msvc_version) t = msvc_version_numeric.split(".") if not len(t) == 2: raise ValueError("Unrecognized version %s (%s)" % (msvc_version,msvc_version_numeric)) try: maj = int(t[0]) min = int(t[1]) return maj, min except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Unrecognized version %s (%s)" % (msvc_version,msvc_version_numeric)) def is_host_target_supported(host_target, msvc_version): """Check if the given (host, target) tuple is supported for given version. Args: host_target: tuple tuple of (canonalized) host-targets, e.g. ("x86", "amd64") for cross compilation from 32 bit Windows to 64 bits. msvc_version: str msvc version (major.minor, e.g. 10.0) Returns: bool: Note: This only checks whether a given version *may* support the given (host, target), not that the toolchain is actually present on the machine. """ # We assume that any Visual Studio version supports x86 as a target if host_target[1] != "x86": maj, min = msvc_version_to_maj_min(msvc_version) if maj < 8: return False return True def find_vc_pdir_vswhere(msvc_version): """ Find the MSVC product directory using vswhere.exe. Run it asking for specified version and get MSVS install location :param msvc_version: :return: MSVC install dir or None """ # For bug 3333 - support default location of vswhere for both 64 and 32 bit windows # installs. for pf in ['Program Files (x86)', 'Program Files']: vswhere_path = os.path.join( 'C:\\', pf, 'Microsoft Visual Studio', 'Installer', 'vswhere.exe' ) if os.path.exists(vswhere_path): # If we found vswhere, then use it. break vswhere_cmd = [vswhere_path, '-products', '*', '-version', msvc_version, '-property', 'installationPath'] if os.path.exists(vswhere_path): #TODO PY27 cannot use Popen as context manager # try putting it back to the old way for now sp = subprocess.Popen(vswhere_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) vsdir, err = sp.communicate() if vsdir: vsdir = vsdir.decode("mbcs").splitlines() # vswhere could easily return multiple lines # we could define a way to pick the one we prefer, but since # this data is currently only used to make a check for existence, # returning the first hit should be good enough for now. vc_pdir = os.path.join(vsdir[0], 'VC') return vc_pdir else: # No vswhere on system, no install info available return None def find_vc_pdir(msvc_version): """Find the product directory for the given version. Tries to look up the path using a registry key from the table _VCVER_TO_PRODUCT_DIR; if there is no key, calls find_vc_pdir_wshere for help instead. Args: msvc_version: str msvc version (major.minor, e.g. 10.0) Returns: str: Path found in registry, or None Raises: UnsupportedVersion: if the version is not known by this file. MissingConfiguration: found version but the directory is missing. Both exceptions inherit from VisualCException. """ root = 'Software\\' try: hkeys = _VCVER_TO_PRODUCT_DIR[msvc_version] except KeyError: debug("Unknown version of MSVC: %s" % msvc_version) raise UnsupportedVersion("Unknown version %s" % msvc_version) for hkroot, key in hkeys: try: comps = None if not key: comps = find_vc_pdir_vswhere(msvc_version) if not comps: debug('find_vc_pdir_vswhere(): no VC found for version {}'.format(repr(msvc_version))) raise SCons.Util.WinError debug('find_vc_pdir_vswhere(): VC found: {}'.format(repr(msvc_version))) return comps else: if common.is_win64(): try: # ordinally at win64, try Wow6432Node first. comps = common.read_reg(root + 'Wow6432Node\\' + key, hkroot) except SCons.Util.WinError as e: # at Microsoft Visual Studio for Python 2.7, value is not in Wow6432Node pass if not comps: # not Win64, or Microsoft Visual Studio for Python 2.7 comps = common.read_reg(root + key, hkroot) except SCons.Util.WinError as e: debug('find_vc_dir(): no VC registry key {}'.format(repr(key))) else: debug('find_vc_dir(): found VC in registry: {}'.format(comps)) if os.path.exists(comps): return comps else: debug('find_vc_dir(): reg says dir is {}, but it does not exist. (ignoring)'.format(comps)) raise MissingConfiguration("registry dir {} not found on the filesystem".format(comps)) return None def find_batch_file(env,msvc_version,host_arch,target_arch): """ Find the location of the batch script which should set up the compiler for any TARGET_ARCH whose compilers were installed by Visual Studio/VCExpress """ pdir = find_vc_pdir(msvc_version) if pdir is None: raise NoVersionFound("No version of Visual Studio found") debug('vc.py: find_batch_file() in {}'.format(pdir)) # filter out e.g. "Exp" from the version name msvc_ver_numeric = get_msvc_version_numeric(msvc_version) vernum = float(msvc_ver_numeric) if 7 <= vernum < 8: pdir = os.path.join(pdir, os.pardir, "Common7", "Tools") batfilename = os.path.join(pdir, "vsvars32.bat") elif vernum < 7: pdir = os.path.join(pdir, "Bin") batfilename = os.path.join(pdir, "vcvars32.bat") elif 8 <= vernum <= 14: batfilename = os.path.join(pdir, "vcvarsall.bat") else: # vernum >= 14.1 VS2017 and above batfilename = os.path.join(pdir, "Auxiliary", "Build", "vcvarsall.bat") if not os.path.exists(batfilename): debug("Not found: %s" % batfilename) batfilename = None installed_sdks=get_installed_sdks() for _sdk in installed_sdks: sdk_bat_file = _sdk.get_sdk_vc_script(host_arch,target_arch) if not sdk_bat_file: debug("vc.py:find_batch_file() not found:%s"%_sdk) else: sdk_bat_file_path = os.path.join(pdir,sdk_bat_file) if os.path.exists(sdk_bat_file_path): debug('vc.py:find_batch_file() sdk_bat_file_path:%s'%sdk_bat_file_path) return (batfilename,sdk_bat_file_path) return (batfilename,None) __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN = None def _check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(env, vc_dir, msvc_version): """Find the cl.exe on the filesystem in the vc_dir depending on TARGET_ARCH, HOST_ARCH and the msvc version. TARGET_ARCH and HOST_ARCH can be extracted from the passed env, unless its None, which then the native platform is assumed the host and target. Args: env: Environment a construction environment, usually if this is passed its because there is a desired TARGET_ARCH to be used when searching for a cl.exe vc_dir: str the path to the VC dir in the MSVC installation msvc_version: str msvc version (major.minor, e.g. 10.0) Returns: bool: """ # determine if there is a specific target platform we want to build for and # use that to find a list of valid VCs, default is host platform == target platform # and same for if no env is specified to extract target platform from if env: (host_platform, target_platform, req_target_platform) = get_host_target(env) else: host_platform = platform.machine().lower() target_platform = host_platform host_platform = _ARCH_TO_CANONICAL[host_platform] target_platform = _ARCH_TO_CANONICAL[target_platform] debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): host platform %s, target platform %s' % (host_platform, target_platform)) ver_num = float(get_msvc_version_numeric(msvc_version)) # make sure the cl.exe exists meaning the tool is installed if ver_num > 14: # 2017 and newer allowed multiple versions of the VC toolset to be installed at the same time. # Just get the default tool version for now #TODO: support setting a specific minor VC version default_toolset_file = os.path.join(vc_dir, r'Auxiliary\Build\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt') try: with open(default_toolset_file) as f: vc_specific_version = f.readlines()[0].strip() except IOError: debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): failed to read ' + default_toolset_file) return False except IndexError: debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): failed to find MSVC version in ' + default_toolset_file) return False host_trgt_dir = _HOST_TARGET_TO_CL_DIR_GREATER_THAN_14.get((host_platform, target_platform), None) if not host_trgt_dir: debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): unsupported host/target platform combo') return False cl_path = os.path.join(vc_dir, r'Tools\MSVC', vc_specific_version, 'bin', host_trgt_dir, _CL_EXE_NAME) debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): checking for ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + ' at ' + cl_path) if os.path.exists(cl_path): debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): found ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + '!') return True elif ver_num <= 14 and ver_num >= 8: host_trgt_dir = _HOST_TARGET_TO_CL_DIR.get((host_platform, target_platform), None) if not host_trgt_dir: debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): unsupported host/target platform combo') return False cl_path = os.path.join(vc_dir, 'bin', host_trgt_dir, _CL_EXE_NAME) debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): checking for ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + ' at ' + cl_path) cl_path_exists = os.path.exists(cl_path) if not cl_path_exists and host_platform == 'amd64': # older versions of visual studio only had x86 binaries, # so if the host platform is amd64, we need to check cross # compile options (x86 binary compiles some other target on a 64 bit os) host_trgt_dir = _HOST_TARGET_TO_CL_DIR.get(('x86', target_platform), None) if not host_trgt_dir: return False cl_path = os.path.join(vc_dir, 'bin', host_trgt_dir, _CL_EXE_NAME) debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): checking for ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + ' at ' + cl_path) cl_path_exists = os.path.exists(cl_path) if cl_path_exists: debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): found ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + '!') return True elif ver_num < 8 and ver_num >= 6: # not sure about these versions so if a walk the VC dir (could be slow) for root, _, files in os.walk(vc_dir): if _CL_EXE_NAME in files: debug('get_installed_vcs ' + _CL_EXE_NAME + ' found %s' % os.path.join(root, _CL_EXE_NAME)) return True return False else: # version not support return false debug('_check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(): unsupported MSVC version: ' + str(ver_num)) return False def cached_get_installed_vcs(env=None): global __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN if __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN is None: ret = get_installed_vcs(env) __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN = ret return __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN def get_installed_vcs(env=None): installed_versions = [] for ver in _VCVER: debug('trying to find VC %s' % ver) try: VC_DIR = find_vc_pdir(ver) if VC_DIR: debug('found VC %s' % ver) if _check_cl_exists_in_vc_dir(env, VC_DIR, ver): installed_versions.append(ver) else: debug('find_vc_pdir no compiler found %s' % ver) else: debug('find_vc_pdir return None for ver %s' % ver) except VisualCException as e: debug('did not find VC %s: caught exception %s' % (ver, str(e))) return installed_versions def reset_installed_vcs(): """Make it try again to find VC. This is just for the tests.""" __INSTALLED_VCS_RUN = None # Running these batch files isn't cheap: most of the time spent in # msvs.generate() is due to vcvars*.bat. In a build that uses "tools='msvs'" # in multiple environments, for example: # env1 = Environment(tools='msvs') # env2 = Environment(tools='msvs') # we can greatly improve the speed of the second and subsequent Environment # (or Clone) calls by memoizing the environment variables set by vcvars*.bat. script_env_stdout_cache = {} def script_env(script, args=None): cache_key = (script, args) stdout = script_env_stdout_cache.get(cache_key, None) if stdout is None: stdout = common.get_output(script, args) script_env_stdout_cache[cache_key] = stdout # Stupid batch files do not set return code: we take a look at the # beginning of the output for an error message instead olines = stdout.splitlines() if olines[0].startswith("The specified configuration type is missing"): raise BatchFileExecutionError("\n".join(olines[:2])) return common.parse_output(stdout) def get_default_version(env): debug('get_default_version()') msvc_version = env.get('MSVC_VERSION') msvs_version = env.get('MSVS_VERSION') debug('get_default_version(): msvc_version:%s msvs_version:%s'%(msvc_version,msvs_version)) if msvs_version and not msvc_version: SCons.Warnings.warn( SCons.Warnings.DeprecatedWarning, "MSVS_VERSION is deprecated: please use MSVC_VERSION instead ") return msvs_version elif msvc_version and msvs_version: if not msvc_version == msvs_version: SCons.Warnings.warn( SCons.Warnings.VisualVersionMismatch, "Requested msvc version (%s) and msvs version (%s) do " \ "not match: please use MSVC_VERSION only to request a " \ "visual studio version, MSVS_VERSION is deprecated" \ % (msvc_version, msvs_version)) return msvs_version if not msvc_version: installed_vcs = cached_get_installed_vcs(env) debug('installed_vcs:%s' % installed_vcs) if not installed_vcs: #msg = 'No installed VCs' #debug('msv %s\n' % repr(msg)) #SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, msg) debug('msvc_setup_env: No installed VCs') return None msvc_version = installed_vcs[0] debug('msvc_setup_env: using default installed MSVC version %s\n' % repr(msvc_version)) return msvc_version def msvc_setup_env_once(env): try: has_run = env["MSVC_SETUP_RUN"] except KeyError: has_run = False if not has_run: msvc_setup_env(env) env["MSVC_SETUP_RUN"] = True def msvc_find_valid_batch_script(env,version): debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script()') # Find the host platform, target platform, and if present the requested # target platform platforms = get_host_target(env) debug("vc.py: msvs_find_valid_batch_script(): host_platform %s, target_platform %s req_target_platform:%s" % platforms) host_platform, target_platform, req_target_platform = platforms try_target_archs = [target_platform] # VS2012 has a "cross compile" environment to build 64 bit # with x86_amd64 as the argument to the batch setup script if req_target_platform in ('amd64', 'x86_64'): try_target_archs.append('x86_amd64') elif not req_target_platform and target_platform in ['amd64', 'x86_64']: # There may not be "native" amd64, but maybe "cross" x86_amd64 tools try_target_archs.append('x86_amd64') # If the user hasn't specifically requested a TARGET_ARCH, and # The TARGET_ARCH is amd64 then also try 32 bits if there are no viable # 64 bit tools installed try_target_archs.append('x86') debug("msvs_find_valid_batch_script(): host_platform: %s try_target_archs:%s"%(host_platform, try_target_archs)) d = None for tp in try_target_archs: # Set to current arch. env['TARGET_ARCH']=tp debug("vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() trying target_platform:%s"%tp) host_target = (host_platform, tp) if not is_host_target_supported(host_target, version): warn_msg = "host, target = %s not supported for MSVC version %s" % \ (host_target, version) SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, warn_msg) arg = _HOST_TARGET_ARCH_TO_BAT_ARCH[host_target] # Get just version numbers maj, min = msvc_version_to_maj_min(version) # VS2015+ if maj >= 14: if env.get('MSVC_UWP_APP') == '1': # Initialize environment variables with store/universal paths arg += ' store' # Try to locate a batch file for this host/target platform combo try: (vc_script,sdk_script) = find_batch_file(env,version,host_platform,tp) debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() vc_script:%s sdk_script:%s'%(vc_script,sdk_script)) except VisualCException as e: msg = str(e) debug('Caught exception while looking for batch file (%s)' % msg) warn_msg = "VC version %s not installed. " + \ "C/C++ compilers are most likely not set correctly.\n" + \ " Installed versions are: %s" warn_msg = warn_msg % (version, cached_get_installed_vcs(env)) SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, warn_msg) continue # Try to use the located batch file for this host/target platform combo debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() use_script 2 %s, args:%s\n' % (repr(vc_script), arg)) found = None if vc_script: try: d = script_env(vc_script, args=arg) found = vc_script except BatchFileExecutionError as e: debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() use_script 3: failed running VC script %s: %s: Error:%s'%(repr(vc_script),arg,e)) vc_script=None continue if not vc_script and sdk_script: debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() use_script 4: trying sdk script: %s'%(sdk_script)) try: d = script_env(sdk_script) found = sdk_script except BatchFileExecutionError as e: debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() use_script 5: failed running SDK script %s: Error:%s'%(repr(sdk_script),e)) continue elif not vc_script and not sdk_script: debug('vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() use_script 6: Neither VC script nor SDK script found') continue debug("vc.py:msvc_find_valid_batch_script() Found a working script/target: %s/%s"%(repr(found),arg)) break # We've found a working target_platform, so stop looking # If we cannot find a viable installed compiler, reset the TARGET_ARCH # To it's initial value if not d: env['TARGET_ARCH']=req_target_platform return d def msvc_setup_env(env): debug('msvc_setup_env()') version = get_default_version(env) if version is None: warn_msg = "No version of Visual Studio compiler found - C/C++ " \ "compilers most likely not set correctly" SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, warn_msg) return None debug('msvc_setup_env: using specified MSVC version %s\n' % repr(version)) # XXX: we set-up both MSVS version for backward # compatibility with the msvs tool env['MSVC_VERSION'] = version env['MSVS_VERSION'] = version env['MSVS'] = {} use_script = env.get('MSVC_USE_SCRIPT', True) if SCons.Util.is_String(use_script): debug('vc.py:msvc_setup_env() use_script 1 %s\n' % repr(use_script)) d = script_env(use_script) elif use_script: d = msvc_find_valid_batch_script(env,version) debug('vc.py:msvc_setup_env() use_script 2 %s\n' % d) if not d: return d else: debug('MSVC_USE_SCRIPT set to False') warn_msg = "MSVC_USE_SCRIPT set to False, assuming environment " \ "set correctly." SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, warn_msg) return None for k, v in d.items(): debug('vc.py:msvc_setup_env() env:%s -> %s'%(k,v)) env.PrependENVPath(k, v, delete_existing=True) # final check to issue a warning if the compiler is not present msvc_cl = find_program_path(env, 'cl') if not msvc_cl: SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.VisualCMissingWarning, "Could not find MSVC compiler 'cl', it may need to be installed separately with Visual Studio") def msvc_exists(env=None, version=None): vcs = cached_get_installed_vcs(env) if version is None: return len(vcs) > 0 return version in vcs