Sets construction variables for file
and directory installation.
Installs one or more source files or directories
in the specified target,
which must be a directory.
The names of the specified source files or directories
remain the same within the destination directory. The
sources may be given as a string or as a node returned by
a builder.
env.Install('/usr/local/bin', source = ['foo', 'bar'])
Installs one or more source files or directories
to specific names,
allowing changing a file or directory name
as part of the installation.
It is an error if the
arguments list different numbers of files or directories.
Installs a versioned shared library. The &cv-link-SHLIBVERSION;
construction variable should be defined in the environment
to confirm the version number in the library name.
The symlinks appropriate to the architecture will be generated.
env.InstallAs(target = '/usr/local/bin/foo',
source = 'foo_debug')
env.InstallAs(target = ['../lib/libfoo.a', '../lib/libbar.a'],
source = ['libFOO.a', 'libBAR.a'])