Sets construction variables for the &rmic; utility. RMIC RMICFLAGS RMICCOM JAVACLASSSUFFIX RMICCOMSTR Builds stub and skeleton class files for remote objects from Java .class files. The target is a directory relative to which the stub and skeleton class files will be written. The source can be the names of .class files, or the objects return from the &b-Java; builder method. If the construction variable &cv-link-JAVACLASSDIR; is set, either in the environment or in the call to the &b-RMIC; builder method itself, then the value of the variable will be stripped from the beginning of any .class file names. classes = env.Java(target = 'classdir', source = 'src') env.RMIC(target = 'outdir1', source = classes) env.RMIC(target = 'outdir2', source = ['package/foo.class', 'package/bar.class']) env.RMIC(target = 'outdir3', source = ['classes/foo.class', 'classes/bar.class'], JAVACLASSDIR = 'classes') The Java RMI stub compiler. The command line used to compile stub and skeleton class files from Java classes that contain RMI implementations. Any options specified in the &cv-link-RMICFLAGS; construction variable are included on this command line. The string displayed when compiling stub and skeleton class files from Java classes that contain RMI implementations. If this is not set, then &cv-link-RMICCOM; (the command line) is displayed. env = Environment(RMICCOMSTR = "Generating stub/skeleton class files $TARGETS from $SOURCES") General options passed to the Java RMI stub compiler.