Set construction variables for the &b-Textfile; and &b-Substfile; builders. LINESEPARATOR SUBSTFILEPREFIX SUBSTFILESUFFIX TEXTFILEPREFIX TEXTFILESUFFIX SUBST_DICT The &b-Textfile; builder generates a single text file. The source strings constitute the lines; nested lists of sources are flattened. &cv-LINESEPARATOR; is used to separate the strings. If present, the &cv-SUBST_DICT; construction variable is used to modify the strings before they are written; see the &b-Substfile; description for details. The prefix and suffix specified by the &cv-TEXTFILEPREFIX; and &cv-TEXTFILESUFFIX; construction variables (the null string and .txt by default, respectively) are automatically added to the target if they are not already present. Examples: # builds/writes foo.txt env.Textfile(target = 'foo.txt', source = ['Goethe', 42, 'Schiller']) # builds/writes bar.txt env.Textfile(target = 'bar', source = ['lalala', 'tanteratei'], LINESEPARATOR='|*') # nested lists are flattened automatically env.Textfile(target = 'blob', source = ['lalala', ['Goethe', 42 'Schiller'], 'tanteratei']) # files may be used as input by wraping them in File() env.Textfile(target = 'concat', # concatenate files with a marker between source = [File('concat1'), File('concat2')], LINESEPARATOR = '====================\n') Results are: foo.txt ....8<---- Goethe 42 Schiller ....8<---- (no linefeed at the end) bar.txt: ....8<---- lalala|*tanteratei ....8<---- (no linefeed at the end) blob.txt ....8<---- lalala Goethe 42 Schiller tanteratei ....8<---- (no linefeed at the end) The &b-Substfile; builder generates a single text file by concatenating the source files. Nested lists of sources are flattened. &cv-LINESEPARATOR; is used to separate the source files; see the description of &b-Textfile; for details. If a single source file is present with an .in suffix, the suffix is stripped and the remainder is used as the default target name. The prefix and suffix specified by the &cv-SUBSTFILEPREFIX; and &cv-SUBSTFILESUFFIX; construction variables (the null string by default in both cases) are automatically added to the target if they are not already present. If a construction variable named &cv-SUBST_DICT; is present, it may be either a Python dictionary or a sequence of (key,value) tuples. If the former, the dictionary is converted into a list of tuples in an arbitrary order, so if one key is a prefix of another key or if one substitution could be further expanded by another subsitition, it is unpredictible whether the expansion will occur. Any occurences in the source of a key are replaced by the corresponding value, which may be a Python callable function or a string. If a value is a function, it is first called (with no arguments) to produce a string. The string is subst-expanded and the result replaces the key. env = Environment(tools = ['default', 'textfile']) env['prefix'] = '/usr/bin' script_dict = {'@prefix@': '/bin', @exec_prefix@: '$prefix'} env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = script_dict) conf_dict = {'%VERSION%': '1.2.3', '%BASE%': 'MyProg'} env.Substfile('', conf_dict, SUBST_DICT = conf_dict) # UNPREDICTABLE - one key is a prefix of another bad_foo = {'$foo': '$foo', '$foobar': '$foobar'} env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = bad_foo) # PREDICTABLE - keys are applied longest first good_foo = [('$foobar', '$foobar'), ('$foo', '$foo')] env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = good_foo) # UNPREDICTABLE - one substitution could be futher expanded bad_bar = {'@bar@': '@soap@', '@soap@': 'lye'} env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = bad_bar) # PREDICTABLE - substitutions are expanded in order good_bar = (('@bar@', '@soap@'), ('@soap@', 'lye')) env.Substfile('', SUBST_DICT = good_bar) # the SUBST_DICT may be in common (and not an override) substutions = {} subst = Environment(tools = ['textfile', SUBST_DICT = substitutions) substitutions['@foo@'] = 'foo' subst['SUBST_DICT']['@bar@'] = 'bar' subst.Substfile('pgm1.c', [Value('#include "@foo@.h"'), Value('#include "@bar@.h"'), "", "" ]) subst.Substfile('pgm2.c', [Value('#include "@foo@.h"'), Value('#include "@bar@.h"'), "", "" ]) The separator used by the &b-Substfile; and &b-Textfile; builders. This value is used between sources when constructing the target. It defaults to the current system line separator. The dictionary used by the &b-Substfile; or &b-Textfile; builders for substitution values. It can be anything acceptable to the dict() constructor, so in addition to a dictionary, lists of tuples are also acceptable. The prefix used for &b-Substfile; file names, the null string by default. The suffix used for &b-Substfile; file names, the null string by default. The prefix used for &b-Textfile; file names, the null string by default. The suffix used for &b-Textfile; file names; .txt by default.